248 research outputs found

    Terremoto induce evento de desove masivo en dos especies de pepino de mar en arrecifes de coral en Belice

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    Background Electromagnetic pulses that precede earthquakes, and the ensuing crust deformations and vibrations, have been associated with unusual animal behavior (UAB), most commonly in terrestrial species but also in certain marine species, chiefly in the Chordata phylum (eg fish, cetaceans). Goals . The present study explored the occurrence of earthquake-related UAB in an entirely new marine phylum, the Echinodermata. Methods.   Formal and informal surveys conducted by fishing vessels and pre- and post-earthquake along the southern coast of Belize (Central America) were collated. Results The first cases of post-earthquake UAB in echinoderms were documented. They involved thousands of individuals of the holothuroidsIsostichopus badionotus and Holothuria mexicana spawning on May 29 2009 and January 10 2018, respectively. These rare accounts represent the first direct correlation between an earthquake and spawning activity, which occurred outside the normal spawning season and at an unusual time of day. Conclusion. While a growing number of reports indicate that many terrestrial and a smaller number of marine species can change their behavior before and during an earthquake, post-earthquake effects related to reproduction have apparently never been reported before in the animal kingdom. While underlying mechanisms remain unclear, holothuroid echinoderms may be reacted directly or indirectly to seismic activity, or the pressure change generated by it.Antecedentes. Los pulsos electromagneticos que preceden a los terremotos y las consiguientes deformaciones y vibraciones de la corteza de la tierra han sido asociados con el comportamiento animal inusual (CAI), mas comunmente en especies terrestres sino tambien en ciertas especies marinas, principalmente en el filo Chordata (por ejemplo, peces, cetaceos). Objetivos. El presente estudio exploro la ocurrencia de CAI relacionada con terremotos en un filo marino completamente nuevo, el Echinodermata. Métodos. Se recopilaron encuestas formales e informales realizadas por barcos pesqueros antes y despues del terremoto a lo largo de la costa sur de Belice (America Central). Resultados. Se documentó el primer caso de CAI post-terremoto en equinodermos. El caso involucro a miles de individuos de los holothuroideaIsostichopus badionotus y Holothuria mexicana desovando el 28 de mayo de 2009 y el 10 de enero de 2018, respectivamente. Estas ocurrencias raras representan la primera correlacion directa entre un terremoto y la actividad de desove, que ocurrio fuera de la temporada de desove normal y en un momento del dia inusual. Conclusiones. Mientras que un numero creciente de informes indica que muchas especies terrestres y un numero menor de especies marinas pueden cambiar su comportamiento antes y durante un terremoto, los efectos posteriores al terremoto relacionados con la reproduccion, aparentemente nunca se han reportado antes en el reino animal. Si bien los mecanismos subyacentes siguen sin estar claros, los equinodermos holoturoideos pueden estar reaccionando directa o indirectamente a la actividad sismica, o al cambio de presion generado por ella

    Xist RNA Is a Potent Suppressor of Hematologic Cancer in Mice

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    SummaryX chromosome aneuploidies have long been associated with human cancers, but causality has not been established. In mammals, X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is triggered by Xist RNA to equalize gene expression between the sexes. Here we delete Xist in the blood compartment of mice and demonstrate that mutant females develop a highly aggressive myeloproliferative neoplasm and myelodysplastic syndrome (mixed MPN/MDS) with 100% penetrance. Significant disease components include primary myelofibrosis, leukemia, histiocytic sarcoma, and vasculitis. Xist-deficient hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) show aberrant maturation and age-dependent loss. Reconstitution experiments indicate that MPN/MDS and myelofibrosis are of hematopoietic rather than stromal origin. We propose that Xist loss results in X reactivation and consequent genome-wide changes that lead to cancer, thereby causally linking the X chromosome to cancer in mice. Thus, Xist RNA not only is required to maintain XCI but also suppresses cancer in vivo

    Clinical and translational implications of the caveolin gene family: lessons from mouse models and human genetic disorders.

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    Here we review the clinical and translational implications of the caveolin gene family for understanding the pathogenesis of human diseases, including breast and prostate cancers, pulmonary hypertension, cardiomyopathy, diabetes, and muscular dystrophy. Detailed phenotypic analysis of caveolin knockout mice has served to highlight the crucial role of a caveolin deficiency in the pathogenesis of many human disease processes. Mutations in the human caveolin genes are associated with a number of established genetic disorders (such as breast cancer, lipodystrophy, muscular dystrophy, and cardiomyopathy), making the caveolins important and novel targets for drug development. The implementation of new strategies for caveolin replacement therapy-including caveolin mimetic peptides-is ongoing

    Interleukin-17 is a negative regulator of established allergic asthma

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    T helper (Th)17 cells producing interleukin (IL)-17 play a role in autoimmune and allergic inflammation. Here, we show that IL-23 induces IL-17 in the lung and IL-17 is required during antigen sensitization to develop allergic asthma, as shown in IL-17R–deficient mice. Since IL-17 expression increased further upon antigen challenge, we addressed its function in the effector phase. Most strikingly, neutralization of IL-17 augmented the allergic response in sensitized mice. Conversely, exogenous IL-17 reduced pulmonary eosinophil recruitment and bronchial hyperreactivity, demonstrating a novel regulatory role of IL-17. Mechanistically, IL-17 down modulated eosinophil-chemokine eotaxin (CCL11) and thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine/CCL17 (TARC) in lungs in vivo and ex vivo upon antigen restimulation. In vitro, IL-17 reduced TARC production in dendritic cells (DCs)—the major source of TARC—and antigen uptake by DCs and IL-5 and IL-13 production in regional lymph nodes. Furthermore, IL-17 is regulated in an IL-4–dependent manner since mice deficient for IL-4Rα signaling showed a marked increase in IL-17 concentration with inhibited eosinophil recruitment. Therefore, endogenous IL-17 is controlled by IL-4 and has a dual role. Although it is essential during antigen sensitization to establish allergic asthma, in sensitized mice IL-17 attenuates the allergic response by inhibiting DCs and chemokine synthesis

    PARP-1 improves leukemia outcomes by inducing parthanatos during chemotherapy.

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    Previous chemotherapy research has focused almost exclusively on apoptosis. Here, a standard frontline drug combination of cytarabine and idarubicin induces distinct features of caspase-independent, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1)-mediated programmed cell death "parthanatos" in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell lines (n = 3/10 tested), peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy human donors (n = 10/10 tested), and primary cell samples from patients with AML (n = 18/39 tested, French-American-British subtypes M4 and M5). A 3-fold improvement in survival rates is observed in the parthanatos-positive versus -negative patient groups (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.28-0.37, p = 0.002-0.046). Manipulation of PARP-1 activity in parthanatos-competent cells reveals higher drug sensitivity in cells that have basal PARP-1 levels as compared with those subjected to PARP-1 overexpression or suppression. The same trends are observed in RNA expression databases and support the conclusion that PARP-1 can have optimal levels for favorable chemotherapeutic responses

    Randomized trial evaluating serial protein C levels in severe sepsis patients treated with variable doses of drotrecogin alfa (activated)

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    Serial alterations in protein C levels appear to correlate with disease severity in patients with severe sepsis, and it may be possible to tailor severe sepsis therapy with the use of this biomarker. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dose and duration of drotrecogin alfa (activated) treatment using serial measurements of protein C compared to standard therapy in patients with severe sepsis.Clinical Trial, Phase IIComparative StudyJournal ArticleMulticenter StudyRandomized Controlled TrialResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Rapid Mobilization Reveals a Highly Engraftable Hematopoietic Stem Cell

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    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a potential curative therapy for malignant and nonmalignant diseases. Improving the efficiency of stem cell collection and the quality of the cells acquired can broaden the donor pool and improve patient outcomes. We developed a rapid stem cell mobilization regimen utilizing a unique CXCR2 agonist, GROβ, and the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100. A single injection of both agents resulted in stem cell mobilization peaking within 15 min that was equivalent in magnitude to a standard multi-day regimen of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). Mechanistic studies determined that rapid mobilization results from synergistic signaling on neutrophils, resulting in enhanced MMP-9 release, and unexpectedly revealed genetic polymorphisms in MMP-9 that alter activity. This mobilization regimen results in preferential trafficking of stem cells that demonstrate a higher engraftment efficiency than those mobilized by G-CSF. Our studies suggest a potential new strategy for the rapid collection of an improved hematopoietic graft

    Assessment of Right Ventricular Function in the Research Setting: Knowledge Gaps and Pathways Forward. An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement

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    BACKGROUND: Right ventricular (RV) adaptation to acute and chronic pulmonary hypertensive syndromes is a significant determinant of short- and long-term outcomes. Although remarkable progress has been made in the understanding of RV function and failure since the meeting of the NIH Working Group on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Right Heart Failure in 2005, significant gaps remain at many levels in the understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms of RV responses to pressure and volume overload, in the validation of diagnostic modalities, and in the development of evidence-based therapies. METHODS: A multidisciplinary working group of 20 international experts from the American Thoracic Society Assemblies on Pulmonary Circulation and Critical Care, as well as external content experts, reviewed the literature, identified important knowledge gaps, and provided recommendations. RESULTS: This document reviews the knowledge in the field of RV failure, identifies and prioritizes the most pertinent research gaps, and provides a prioritized pathway for addressing these preclinical and clinical questions. The group identified knowledge gaps and research opportunities in three major topic areas: 1) optimizing the methodology to assess RV function in acute and chronic conditions in preclinical models, human studies, and clinical trials; 2) analyzing advanced RV hemodynamic parameters at rest and in response to exercise; and 3) deciphering the underlying molecular and pathogenic mechanisms of RV function and failure in diverse pulmonary hypertension syndromes. CONCLUSIONS: This statement provides a roadmap to further advance the state of knowledge, with the ultimate goal of developing RV-targeted therapies for patients with RV failure of any etiology
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