17 research outputs found


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    The significant burden of cervical cancer in Brazil, mainly associated with persistent infection with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), transmitted sexually. Prevention and early detection strategies, such as vaccination against HPV and the Pap smear, are essential to reduce the incidence and mortality of this neoplasia. Vaccination against HPV, although available through the SUS since 2014, faces challenges in achieving optimal coverage, especially among adolescents and young people, due to problems such as vaccine discontinuation and misinformation. The need to explore and address socioeconomic and structural factors that affect adherence to preventive practices is crucial to developing strategies that promote equity in access to health services and improve health outcomes for all women in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: Report the importance of Health Education in Promoting Pap Smears, highlighting cultural and psychosocial barriers. METHODOLOGY: The study consisted of a Bibliographic Review carried out from December 2023 to June 2024, using the Lilacs database. 16 studies were selected that met the inclusion criteria: articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French, published between 2003 and 2024. RESULTS: The results highlight that, despite prevention efforts, cervical cancer (CC) remains a significant concern in Brazil, with high numbers of new cases and deaths annually. The research identified possible over-tracking among women, starting before the recommended age, which could overwhelm the healthcare system. Furthermore, there are regional disparities in Pap smear testing, with higher coverage in urban areas and among women with a higher level of education. Low adherence to screening is influenced by multiple socioeconomic, cultural and educational factors, highlighting the urgent need for educational strategies and public policies that promote equity in access to preventive health services for all women in the country. CONCLUSION: The persistent disparities in access and adherence to screening among Brazilian women are highlighted, influenced by educational, socioeconomic, geographic factors and previous experiences in the health system. To face these challenges, it is crucial to invest in health education aimed at vulnerable groups, strengthen Primary Health Care and promote policies that guarantee equitable access to preventive services, aiming to reduce inequalities and improve health outcomes for women in Brazil.A significativa carga do câncer do colo do útero no Brasil, associada principalmente à infecção persistente pelo Papilomavírus Humano (HPV), transmitido sexualmente. Estratégias de prevenção e detecção precoce, como a vacinação contra o HPV e o exame de Papanicolaou, são fundamentais para reduzir a incidência e mortalidade dessa neoplasia. A vacinação contra o HPV, embora disponível pelo SUS desde 2014, enfrenta desafios na cobertura ideal, especialmente entre adolescentes e jovens, devido a problemas como a descontinuidade vacinal e desinformação. A necessidade de explorar e abordar fatores socioeconômicos e estruturais que afetam a adesão às práticas preventivas é crucial para desenvolver estratégias que promovam equidade no acesso aos serviços de saúde e melhorem os resultados de saúde para todas as mulheres no Brasil. OBJETIVOS: Relatar a importância da Educação em Saúde na Promoção do Exame Papanicolau, destacando as barreiras culturais e psicossociais. METODOLOGIA: O estudo consistiu em uma Revisão Bibliográfica realizada de dezembro de 2023 a junho de 2024, utilizando a base de dados Lilacs. Foram selecionados 16 estudos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão: artigos nos idiomas Português, Inglês, Espanhol e Francês, publicados entre 2003 e 2024. RESULTADOS: Os resultados destacam que, apesar dos esforços de prevenção, o câncer do colo do útero (CCU) continua sendo uma preocupação significativa no Brasil, com altos números de casos novos e óbitos anuais. A pesquisa identificou um possível super- rastreamento entre mulheres, iniciado antes da idade recomendada, o que pode sobrecarregar o sistema de saúde. Além disso, há disparidades regionais na realização do exame Papanicolau, com coberturas mais altas em áreas urbanas e entre mulheres com maior nível educacional. A baixa adesão ao rastreamento é influenciada por múltiplos fatores socioeconômicos, culturais e educacionais, sublinhando a necessidade urgente de estratégias educacionais e políticas públicas que promovam equidade no acesso aos serviços de saúde preventiva para todas as mulheres no país. CONCLUSÃO: Ressalta-se as disparidades persistentes no acesso e adesão ao rastreamento entre mulheres brasileiras, influenciadas por fatores educacionais, socioeconômicos, geográficos e experiências prévias no sistema de saúde. Para enfrentar esses desafios, é crucial investir em educação em saúde dirigida a grupos vulneráveis, fortalecer a Atenção Primária à Saúde e promover políticas que garantam acesso equitativo aos serviços preventivos, visando reduzir as desigualdades e melhorar os resultados de saúde das mulheres no Brasil

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    PANC Study (Pancreatitis: A National Cohort Study): national cohort study examining the first 30 days from presentation of acute pancreatitis in the UK

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    Abstract Background Acute pancreatitis is a common, yet complex, emergency surgical presentation. Multiple guidelines exist and management can vary significantly. The aim of this first UK, multicentre, prospective cohort study was to assess the variation in management of acute pancreatitis to guide resource planning and optimize treatment. Methods All patients aged greater than or equal to 18 years presenting with acute pancreatitis, as per the Atlanta criteria, from March to April 2021 were eligible for inclusion and followed up for 30 days. Anonymized data were uploaded to a secure electronic database in line with local governance approvals. Results A total of 113 hospitals contributed data on 2580 patients, with an equal sex distribution and a mean age of 57 years. The aetiology was gallstones in 50.6 per cent, with idiopathic the next most common (22.4 per cent). In addition to the 7.6 per cent with a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, 20.1 per cent of patients had a previous episode of acute pancreatitis. One in 20 patients were classed as having severe pancreatitis, as per the Atlanta criteria. The overall mortality rate was 2.3 per cent at 30 days, but rose to one in three in the severe group. Predictors of death included male sex, increased age, and frailty; previous acute pancreatitis and gallstones as aetiologies were protective. Smoking status and body mass index did not affect death. Conclusion Most patients presenting with acute pancreatitis have a mild, self-limiting disease. Rates of patients with idiopathic pancreatitis are high. Recurrent attacks of pancreatitis are common, but are likely to have reduced risk of death on subsequent admissions. </jats:sec


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    The catarinense plateaus, known as a typical region of farming, is becoming more and more, a forest base region. However, the high demand for land is becoming an impediment for the investors, causing a “scarcity” of this factor of production. Thus, such investors are searching alternative forms for forest planting such as land lease and fomentation. When developing these activities, they look to turn the agriculturist their partner, giving them conditions so that they remains in the field, what contributes in social aspects, as well as in environment aspects. This study had as general objective to shape the profile of the agrarian management in the closed forest in the region of the Santa Catarina’s Plateaus. Questionnaires were applied to 109 producers or proprietors of lands. They were separated in four groups of interest for the study: a) proprietors through foment, b) land lease, c) with proper resources and d) those that did not present interest in reforestation. These groups were related to the 65 independent variables, all of socioeconomic and environmental aspect. According with the final results, it could be concluded that no variable alone has the power to abruptly modify the result of the profile of each studied group. The model 13, with 36 variables, was the one that presented the best set of adjustment for the parameters.O planalto serrano catarinense, conhecido como região de agropecuária, vem se tornando uma região de base florestal. Porém, a alta demanda por terra tem se mostrado um entrave para os investidores, ocasionando uma “escassez” desse fator de produção. Assim, tais investidores estão buscando formas alternativas para plantios florestais, como arrendamento e fomento. Ao desenvolver essas atividades, buscam tornar o agricultor seu parceiro, dando-lhe condições para permanecer no campo, o que contribui para aspectos sociais e ambientais. Este estudo teve por objetivo geral modelar o perfil da gestão fundiária nos maciços florestais na região do planalto serrano catarinense. Foram aplicados 109 questionários aos produtores ou proprietários de terras. Estes foram separados em quatro grupos de interesse para o estudo: a) proprietários de fomento, b) arrendamento, c) com recursos próprios e d) não apresentavam interesse em reflorestamento. Esses grupos foram relacionados a 65 variáveis independentes, todas de cunho socioeconômico e ambiental. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que nenhuma variável sozinha tem o poder de alterar isoladamente o resultado do perfil de cada grupo estudado. O modelo denominado 13, com 36 variáveis, foi o que apresentou o melhor conjunto de parâmetros de ajuste


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    A valorização da madeira está transformando o planalto catarinense, tradicional área agropecuária, em uma região de base florestal. Porém, a demanda gerada por terra e o conseqüente aumento de valor desse recurso estão se tornando um entrave para os investidores. Uma das saídas para esse impasse é o acesso à terra sem a necessidade de sua posse, adotando-se formas alternativas de plantios florestais, como arrendamento e fomento, entre outras. Essas atividades transformam investidores e agricultores em parceiros, viabilizam a produção e têm repercussão social e ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi traçar o perfil dos proprietários da região, proporcionando aos agentes do mercado florestal meios para tomada de decisões relativas ao recurso terra. Foram aplicados 109 questionários, e, para análise, o conjunto pesquisado foi dividido em 4 grupos de proprietários: os que reflorestaram por meio de fomento, os que reflorestaram por meio de arrendamento, os que reflorestaram com recursos próprios e aqueles que não apresentaram interesse na atividade florestal. O estudo concluiu que predomina o reflorestamento com recursos próprios, e que a maioria dos proprietários tem idade superior a 50 anos, vive em pequena ou média propriedade e não pensa em deixá-la. O êxodo rural de jovens é intenso e gera a perspectiva de uma oferta crescente de terras para arrendamento ou venda.The growing valorization of the log have been converted the Santa Catarina Plateau in a forest base region. However, the generated demand for land and the consequent increase in its value, is becoming an obstacle for the investors. Thus, one of the issues for this problem is the land use without possession, adopting alternatives models for reforestation as leasing, fomentation and others. When developing this activities, they have looked for make the agriculturist a partner in their business, giving conditions to produce with social and environmental repercussion. The objective for this study was of delineate the profile of the landowners, in order to proportionate to forest market agents an expedient for decision making. 109 questionaires were accomplished. In agreement with the results, it can be summarizing that: it’s predominant the forest activity with their own resources; most of the landowners were more than 50 years-old, living in small or medium farms and they have not thought about going away from there. Due to the rural exodus of the youths, the offer of land for leasing is growing in this region

    Histologic chorioamnionitis does not modulate the oxidative stress and antioxidant status in pregnancies complicated by spontaneous preterm delivery

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    Abstract Background Infection induced-inflammation and other risk factors for spontaneous preterm birth (PTB) and preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM) may cause a redox imbalance, increasing the release of free radicals and consuming antioxidant defenses. Oxidative stress, in turn, can initiate intracellular signaling cascades that increase the production of pro-inflammatory mediators. The objective of this study was to evaluate the oxidative damage to proteins and antioxidant capacity profiles in amniochorion membranes from preterm birth (PTB) and preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM) and to determine the role of histologic chorioamnionitis in this scenario. Methods We included 27 pregnant women with PTB, 27 pPROM and 30 at term. Protein oxidative damage was assayed by 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) and carbonyl levels, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and modified dinitrophenylhydrazine assay (DNPH), respectively. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was measured by ELISA. Results Protein oxidative damage determined by carbonyl levels was lower in PTB group than pPROM and term groups (p < 0.001). PTB group presented higher TAC compared with pPROM and term groups (p = 0.002). Histologic chorioamnionitis did not change either protein oxidative damage or TAC regardless of gestational outcome. Conclusion These results corroborates previous reports that pPROM and term birth exhibit similarities in oxidative stress- induced senescence and histologic chorioamnionitis does not modulate oxidative stress or antioxidant status