564 research outputs found

    Sistema de Autoridade Aeronáutica

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    O terrorismo é um dos principais motivos de preocupação das entidades internacionais e nacionais relacionadas com a segurança e a defesa. Para combater este fenómeno crescente, as convenções internacionais e as organizações com interesse nesta matéria, têm produzido jurisprudência internacional que é usada posteriormente como orientação para produzir legislação nacional nos diferentes Estados. As organizações internacionais que mais se têm destacado nesta luta contra o terrorismo são, a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), a Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) e ao nível europeu, a União Europeia (UE) através da sua Comissão Europeia (CE). Relativamente às entidades relacionadas com a aviação civil, podemos destacar entre várias, a Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (OACI), a Conferência Europeia da Aviação Civil (CEAC) e a Organização Europeia para a Segurança da Navegação Aérea (EUROCONTROL), e em Portugal, o Instituto Nacional de Aviação Civil (INAC), as Forças de Segurança e a Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP). Este fenómeno do terrorismo ligado à aviação civil tem evoluído com especial destaque para os últimos 30 anos. Se no início eram apenas desvios de aeronaves efectuados pelos “piratas do ar”, hoje em dia, o objectivo é muito diferente. O 11 de Setembro de 2001, foi o culminar desta evolução na aviação civil, quando aeronaves comerciais, foram usadas como armas para atingir um país como os Estados Unidos da América (EUA), num dos seus mais importantes símbolos nacionais. Tendo em consideração esta evolução, importa saber até que ponto estamos preparados para fazer face a estas ameaças. O objectivo deste trabalho é analisar a existência de um sistema de autoridade aeronáutica no normativo português e avaliar da sua adequabilidade para fazer face ao novo ambiente internacional provocado pela ameaça terrorista. Abstract: Nowadays terrorism is one of the main reasons for concern among the international and national organizations related with security and defence. To fight this on going phenomena, international conventions and organizations with interest in this subject, produce rules that lead to an international standard and latter are used as a guide to produce national law in different States. The international organizations more concerned with this battle against terrorism are the United Nations (UN), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and at european level, the European Union (EU) through the European Commission (EC). Concerning the organizations related to civil aviation we can appoint the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and in Portugal, the Instituto Nacional de Aviação Civil (INAC), the Security Forces and the Portuguese Air Force (FAP). This terrorism phenomena related to civil aviation grow up in the last 30 years. In the beginning it was only about take control of the aircraft by the so called “hijackers”, today the objective is quite different. The 11th September 2001, was the peak of this evolution in civil aviation, when commercial aircrafts where used as weapons to attack a country like the United States of America (USA) in one of its most important national symbol. Considering the evolution in security and these phenomena in the civil aviation, it is important to know how we are prepared to face this type of threats. The objective of this work is to evaluate the existence of an aeronautical authority system in the Portuguese law and analyse if it is adequate to deal with the new international environment, produced by the terrorist threat

    Profiling of real-world web applications

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informátic

    A Novel Approach to Load Balancing in P2P Overlay Networks for Edge Systems

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    Edge computing aims at addressing some limitations of cloud computing by bringing computation towards the edge of the system, i.e., closer to the client. There is a panoply of devices that can be integrated into future edge computing platforms, from local datacenters and ISP points of presence, to 5G towers, and even, multiple user devices like smartphones, laptops, and IoT devices. For all of these devices to communicate fruitfully, we need to build systems that enable the seamless interaction and cooperation among these diverse devices. However, creating and maintaining these systems is not trivial since there are numerous types of devices with different capacities. This resource heterogeneity has to be taken into account so that different types of machines contribute to the management of the distributed infrastructure differently, and the operation of the overall system becomes more efficient. In this work, we addressed the challenges identified above by exploring unstructured overlay networks, that have been shown to be possible to manage efficiently and in a fully decentralized way, while being highly robust to failures. To that end, we devised a solution that adapts the number of neighbors of each device (i.e., how many other devices that device knows) according to the capacity of that device and the distribution of capacities of the other devices in the network, as to ensure that the load is fairly distributed between them and, as a consequence, improve the operation of other services atop the unstructured overlay network, for instance, reducing the latencies experienced when broadcasting information. This solution can be easily integrated into most existing peer-to-peer distributed systems, requiring just a slight adaptation to their membership protocol. To show the correction and benefits of our proposal, we evaluated it by comparing it with state of the art decentralized solutions to manage unstructured overlay networks, combining both simulation (to observe the performance of the solution at large scale) and prototype deployments in realistic distributed infrastructures.A computação de periferia visa abordar algumas limitações da computação em nuvem, trazendo a computação para mais perto do cliente. Há uma enorme variedade de dispositivos que podem ser integrados em futuras plataformas de computação de periferia, de data centers locais e pontos de presença de ISPs a torres 5G e até mesmo dispositivos de cliente, como smartphones, laptops e dispositivos IoT. Para que todos esses dispositivos comuniquem de forma proveitosa entre si, precisamos construir sistemas que possibilitem a interação e cooperação eficaz entre eles. No entanto, criar e manter esses sistemas não é trivial, uma vez que existem vários tipos de dispositivos com diferentes capacidades. Essa heterogeneidade de recursos deve ser levada em consideração para que diferentes tipos de máquinas contribuam para o gerenciamento da infraestrutura distribuída de forma distinta e a operação do sistema se torne mais eficiente. Neste trabalho, enfrentámos os desafios identificados acima explorando redes sobrepostas não estruturadas, que se têm mostrado possíveis de gerenciar de forma eficiente e totalmente descentralizada, sendo altamente resistentes a falhas. Para tal, concebemos uma solução que adapta o número de vizinhos de cada dispositivo (ou seja, quantos outros dispositivos aquele dispositivo conhece) de acordo com a sua capacidade e a capacidade dos demais dispositivos da rede, de forma a garantir que a carga seja proporcionalmente distribuída entre eles e, como consequência, reduzindo as latências experienciadas por esses dispositivos. Esta solução pode ser facilmente integrada num sistema distribuído entre-pares existente, exigindo apenas uma ligeira adaptação ao seu protocolo de filiação. Avaliámos a nossa solução comparando-a com outras soluções descentralizadas de última geração, combinando simulação (para observar o desempenho da soluç

    How job characteristics influence healthcare workers’ happiness: A serial mediation path based on autonomous motivation and adaptive performance

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    Self-determination theory suggests that motivation is multidimensional; as such, there are various dimensions ranging from autonomous (i.e., intrinsic) to more controlled forms (extrinsic) of motivation. While intrinsic motivation appears to be positively related to an individual’s optimal functioning (e.g., happiness and performance), extrinsic motivation appears to be less beneficial. Furthermore, motivation is strongly determined by the context (e.g., job characteristics, such as autonomy). Although the relationship between job characteristics and workers’ motivation has been demonstrated, how it impacts performance and happiness is still to be unpacked. Moreover, it is relevant to analyze such models within healthcare workers; their work is emotionally and psychologically demanding, hence, understanding what drives their intrinsic motivation is of crucial importance. Thereby, the aim of the study was to analyze the mediating role of intrinsic motivation and adaptive performance on the relationship between job characteristics and happiness. Based on the job characteristics model, we proposed a serial path from motivating job characteristics (autonomy, feedback, variety, meaning, and task identity) to healthcare workers’ happiness via intrinsic motivation and adaptive performance, which was justified using the self-determination theory. We also argue that this path would not be significant for extrinsic motivation. We gathered data from 290 healthcare workers from a nursing home. The data were collected at three time points. The results support our hypotheses by demonstrating that all job motivating characteristics (autonomy, feedback, variety, meaning, and task identity) predicted healthcare workers’ happiness by enhancing their intrinsic motivation and leading to better adaptive performances. The results are not significant for extrinsic motivation; that is, the serial mediating path was not significant when extrinsic motivation was analyzed. The findings highlight the need for managers to focus on work design, in a way to promote certain job-motivating characteristics (e.g., autonomy), to improve healthcare workers’ motivation, which leads them to achieve more outstanding performances and, consequently, be happier. The study highlights that when healthcare workers have a job that provides them autonomy and regular feedback, with meaningful and varied tasks to which they feel a sense of identification, they tend to feel intrinsically motivated in their work, promoting higher adaptability to daily challenges, and, as a result, leaves them happier.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Compositional and functional analysis of polycomb target chromatin

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    Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Molecular BiologyIn metazoans, chromatin-mediated gene silencing phenomena fall into three main categories: Heterochromatin-mediated gene silencing, Telomeric gene silencing and Polycomb Group (PcG)-mediated silencing. The function of the Drosophila PcG system is best known at the homeotic gene clusters, where it keeps the transcriptional state of developmental regulators repressed, contributing to the maintenance of cell identity during embryo development. This system is also present at the TAS repeat sequences, which are responsible for Telomeric silencing in Drosophila, although the mechanisms may differ. Here I report on the discoveries from different approaches to study the function of PcG-regulated chromatin at two genomic locations: the bxd Polycomb Response Element, from the Ubx locus, and the TAS repeat sequences. I show that Zeste, one of the PRC1 PcG complex subunits, interacts specifically with the Polyhomeotic protein, likely as a dimer. Using an in vitro system with purified factors I show that the PRC1-mediated chromatin compaction over a bxd sequence is enhanced by Zeste in a dimerization- and DNA binding- dependent way and that other factors known to interact with the PcG machinery also display an enhancement effect. These results are consistent with a targeting function and suggestive of a resilient mechanism for the targeting of PRC1 function.(...)O autor desta tese beneficiou do apoio financeiro da FCT e do FSE no âmbito do Quadro Comunitário de apoio, tendo recebido a bolsa de estudo com a referência nº SFRH/BD/11800/200

    Initial medication adherence in newly diagnosed glaucoma patients: three adherence measures

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    Aim: To determine initial medication adherence in newly diagnosed glaucoma patients treated with anti-glaucoma drugs. Methods: This retrospective and observational study included all patients diagnosed with glaucoma in the Primary Health Care units in Portugal during the years 2012 and 2013, which in consequence received a first prescription for anti-glaucoma drugs. Data were collected from electronic prescribing records of the primary care units and from pharmacy claims records. Initiation of glaucoma treatment and early discontinuation were measured, and the combination of (non)-initiation and early discontinuation accounted for the initial medication (non)-adherence. Results: A total of 3548 new glaucoma patients (40.1% male; 59.9% female) were included. 1133 (31.9%) patients were initially classified as non-users since there was no pharmacy claim found for their first prescription for glaucoma treatment. Additionally, 277 (11.5%) patients early discontinued their treatment, acquiring only their first prescription. Overall, the initial medication non-adherence rate was 39.7% since 1410 patients either didn't initiate treatment or discontinued it early. Conclusion: This study, reveals a major opportunity to improve glaucoma treatment and its control since a large proportion of patients fail to engage with their prescribed therapy, which implies that implementation of individual or group strategies that enable patients with glaucoma to correctly perform their treatment is still needed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El sentido del número en los futuros profesores de Primer Ciclo dos estudios de caso

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    Esta comunicación pretende presentar algunas evidencias del trabajo de investigación que se lleva a cabo en el proyecto SNUMERO, del Núcleo de investigación y Desarrollo en Educación (NIDE) del Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. Se pretende caracterizar el sentido del número en los futuros profesores de 1.er ciclo de enseñanza básica, y percibir la forma en que planifican y llevan a cabo tareas en ese ámbito, en el contexto de la práctica pedagógica. En la construcción de casos se ha empleado una metodología cualitativa de naturaleza interpretativa. Se presentan los casos de dos futuras profesoras pertenecientes al mismo núcleo de práctica. Los resultados permiten apreciar que las futuras profesoras tienen diferentes niveles de desarrollo del sentido del número, aunque ambas planifican tareas muy pertinentes en ese ámbito. La exploración de esas tareas con los alumnos presenta, en los dos casos, características propias

    contributos para a articulação curricular a partir da área do conhecimento do mundo

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    O presente relatório final insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) II do Curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar. A temática da investigação surge no contexto da Prática de Ensino Supervisiona II, em educação préescolar. O tema da investigação visa compreender e identificar de que forma a área do Conhecimento do Mundo se articula com as restantes áreas de conteúdo para favorecer a promoção e aquisição de aprendizagens significativas em crianças da educação pré-escolar. Para o desenvolvimento da investigação utilizámos a metodologia de investigação-ação. No que concerne à técnica de recolha de dados, no contexto de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em educação pré-escolar e no desenvolvimento do projeto de intervenção, foi baseada na realização de observação participante, designadamente através das notas de campo, a recolha de evidências através de fotografias, grelhas de aprendizagens das atividades desenvolvidas e a entrevista à educadora do grupo. A área do Conhecimento do Mundo é uma área que desperta naturalmente o interesse e as curiosidades por parte das crianças, definindo-se esta como uma área bastante experiencial, onde as crianças exploram, questionam e observam o mundo que as rodeia. É uma área fortemente vincada nas curiosidades e interesses das crianças, que de forma abrangente e holística se articula com as restantes áreas de conteúdo, contribuindo para as aprendizagens significativas das crianças