18 research outputs found

    Depth-multiplexing spectral domain OCT for full eye length imaging with a single modulation unit

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    Measuring the axial length of the eye is emerging as a crucial approach to measure progression and monitor management of myopia. The high cost of current swept-source OCT devices, the preferred method for such measurements, limits their broad use, especially in lower-income communities.While spectral domain (SD) OCT is a more affordable option, its limited imaging range falls short for full eye length measurement. Existing depth-multiplexing (DM) techniques for SD-OCT provide a workaround by capturing images at multiple depths within the eye. However, these methods typically require multiple light modulation units or detectors for simultaneous imaging across depths, adding complexity and cost. In response, we propose a novel DM-SD-OCT approach that utilizes a single light modulation unit for depth encoding. This innovative method facilitates the capture of images at multiple depths within the eye using a single line scan camera, with subsequent computational demixing. Our implementation of this system successfully enabled simultaneous acquisition and demixing of signals from three distinct depths within the eye. The system's effectiveness was demonstrated using a model eye, confirming its potential as a cost-effective solution for comprehensive eye length measurement in clinical myopia research

    In vivo measurement of afferent activity with axon-specific calcium imaging.

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    In vivo calcium imaging from axons provides direct interrogation of afferent neural activity, informing the neural representations that a local circuit receives. Unlike in somata and dendrites, axonal recording of neural activity-both electrically and optically-has been difficult to achieve, thus preventing comprehensive understanding of neuronal circuit function. Here we developed an active transportation strategy to enrich GCaMP6, a genetically encoded calcium indicator, uniformly in axons with sufficient brightness, signal-to-noise ratio, and photostability to allow robust, structure-specific imaging of presynaptic activity in awake mice. Axon-targeted GCaMP6 enables frame-to-frame correlation for motion correction in axons and permits subcellular-resolution recording of axonal activity in previously inaccessible deep-brain areas. We used axon-targeted GCaMP6 to record layer-specific local afferents without contamination from somata or from intermingled dendrites in the cortex. We expect that axon-targeted GCaMP6 will facilitate new applications in investigating afferent signals relayed by genetically defined neuronal populations within and across specific brain regions

    Ultrafast two-photon fluorescence imaging of cerebral blood circulation in the mouse brain in vivo

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    Characterizing blood flow dynamics in vivo is critical to understand the function of vascular network under physiological and pathological conditions. Existing methods for hemodynamic imaging have insufficient spatial and temporal resolution to monitor blood flow at cellular level in large blood vessels. By employing an ultrafast line-scanning module based on free-space angular chirped enhanced delay (FACED), we achieved two-photon fluorescence imaging of cortical blood flow at 1,000 2D frames and 1,000,000 1D line scans per second in the awake mouse. This orders-of-magnitude increase in temporal resolution allowed us to measure cerebral blood flow up to 49 mm/s and observe pulsatile blood flow at harmonics of heart rate. Directly visualizing red blood cell (RBC) flow through vessels down to >800 µm in depth, we characterized cortical-layer-dependent flow velocity distributions of capillaries, obtained radial velocity profiles and kilohertz 2D velocity mapping of multi-file blood flow, and carried out RBC flux measurements from penetrating blood vessels

    Rapid mesoscale volumetric imaging of neural activity with synaptic resolution.

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    Imaging neurons and neural circuits over large volumes at high speed and subcellular resolution is a difficult task. Incorporating a Bessel focus module into a two-photon fluorescence mesoscope, we achieved rapid volumetric imaging of neural activity over the mesoscale with synaptic resolution. We applied the technology to calcium imaging of entire dendritic spans of neurons as well as neural ensembles within multiple cortical regions over two hemispheres of the awake mouse brain

    Ultrafast two-photon fluorescence imaging of cerebral blood circulation in the mouse brain in vivo.

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    Characterizing blood flow dynamics in vivo is critical to understanding the function of the vascular network under physiological and pathological conditions. Existing methods for hemodynamic imaging have insufficient spatial and temporal resolution to monitor blood flow at the cellular level in large blood vessels. By using an ultrafast line-scanning module based on free-space angular chirped enhanced delay, we achieved two-photon fluorescence imaging of cortical blood flow at 1,000 two-dimensional (2D) frames and 1,000,000 one-dimensional line scans per second in the awake mouse. This orders-of-magnitude increase in temporal resolution allowed us to measure cerebral blood flow at up to 49 mm/s and observe pulsatile blood flow at harmonics of heart rate. Directly visualizing red blood cell (RBC) flow through vessels down to >800 µm in depth, we characterized cortical layer–dependent flow velocity distributions of capillaries, obtained radial velocity profiles and kilohertz 2D velocity mapping of multifile blood flow, and performed RBC flux measurements from penetrating blood vessels