275 research outputs found

    Micro-scale investigation of carbonation process in partially serpentinized peridotites

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    The carbonation of ultramafic rocks is, theoretically, the most efficient reaction to trap CO2 irreversibly in the form of solid carbonates, as predicted by equilibrium thermodynamic calculations. However, the success of industrial or natural carbonation in large ultramafic aquifers or oceanic ultramafic exposures does not only rely on the thermodynamic conditions of chemical reactions, but also on their feedback effects on the reactive surface area and on the local porosity and permeability. In addition, side processes like serpentinization, redox reactions, abiotic catalytic effects, and biological activity, can be expected in such complex natural system. Their occurrence and implications on carbon speciation and carbon transfers during hydrothermal alteration of oceanic peridotites have not been explored yet and requires detailed study of natural and/or experimental carbonation zones. We have combined petrographic and electron microscopy with SIMS, Raman and FTIR microspectroscopy on partially serpentinized peridotites drilled during the IODP leg 304 (30 N, MAR) in order to characterize the mechanisms of peridotite carbonation at the fluid-mineral interface and identify the associated speciation of carbon (inorganic and organic carbon occurrences). We present first results on zones located close to talc-tremolite sheared veins in holes 1309B and D. Associations of carbonates, porous phyllosilicates and oxides are observed in close vicinity of relict olivines that underwent a previous stage of serpentinization. The olivine-carbonate interface is nanoporous which facilitates mass transfer between fluid and mineral. The phyllosilicate identified as saponite results from the metasomatic replacement, during the carbonation stage, of previously formed serpentine. These observations do not favour reaction-induced cracking but rather a transfer-controlled process in an open system. Among the submicrometric dark clusters widely-distributed in saponite and in serpentine, vibrational microspectroscopy reveals the presence of various types of organic compounds that tend to be located close to micrometric sulphides grains. Those results underline the microscale variability of carbon speciation within hydrothermally altered peridotites. The association of reduced carbon phases with the carbonation texture suggests that CO2 conversion may not be limited to solid carbonate formation in natural systems and that biological activity and/or abiotic CO2 reduction, possibly catalyzed by Ni-rich sulphides, can occur contemporaneously. This complex association of reactions has to be unravelled further to determine the respective contribution of abiotic versus biological processes and integrate them in carbon transfers modelling through the oceanic lithosphere

    The abundances and distributions of molluscs in the southern Iberian Peninsula: A comparison of marine and terrestrial systems

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    Molluscs are the second most diverse of all animal phyla, and occur in many habitat types. They are, therefore, a particularly good phylum with which to compare and contrast differences between ecosystems. Mollusc data from a number of sites along the southern coast of the Iberian Peninsula are analysed to study patterns of diversity and distribution using a range of multivariate techniques. Within each site, data are presented from three locations -fully terrestrial, rocky intertidal and soft bottom benthic (10 m and 20 m depths)- all in close proximity. The species are then classified in relation to morphology and size, and analysed at supraspecific levels to elucidate underlying patterns. The observed patterns are briefly discussed, with particular reference to the differential scope and importance of controlling factors in each ecosystem, such as dispersal processes. The results from the systems are compared and discussed in the context of ecological and evolutionary constraints in MolluscaLos moluscos constituyen el segundo filo animal más diverso y se encuentran en muchos tipos de hábitat, por lo que son idóneos para establecer comparaciones entre distintos ecosistemas. Se han analizado los datos de los moluscos obtenidos en una serie de emplazamientos que cubrían el sur de la península Ibérica para determinar, empleando distintas técnicas multivariantes, los patrones de diversidad y distribución de estos organismos. Los datos se tomaron de ejemplares capturados en lugares del medio terrestre próximos a la línea de costa, de la franja intermareal rocosa y de sedimentos de fondos marinos situados a 10 y 20 m de profundidad. Las especies fueron clasificadas atendiendo a la morfología y el tamaño, y se analizaron a nivel supraespecífico para elucidar los patrones generales, que se discuten aquí, brevemente, con especial énfasis en las diferencias según la importancia de los factores que controlan cada ecosistema, como, por ejemplo, los procesos de dispersión. Los resultados de los distintos sistemas se comparan y discuten en el contexto de las tendencias ecológicas y evolutivas de los molusco

    The abundances and distributions of molluscs in the southern Iberian Peninsula: A comparison of marine and terrestrial systems

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    Molluscs are the second most diverse of all animal phyla, and occur in many habitat types. They are, therefore, a particularly good phylum with which to compare and contrast differences between ecosystems. Mollusc data from a number of sites along the southern coast of the Iberian Peninsula are analysed to study patterns of diversity and distribution using a range of multivariate techniques. Within each site, data are presented from three locations -fully terrestrial, rocky intertidal and soft bottom benthic (10 m and 20 m depths)- all in close proximity. The species are then classified in relation to morphology and size, and analysed at supraspecific levels to elucidate underlying patterns. The observed patterns are briefly discussed, with particular reference to the differential scope and importance of controlling factors in each ecosystem, such as dispersal processes. The results from the systems are compared and discussed in the context of ecological and evolutionary constraints in Mollusca.Los moluscos constituyen el segundo filo animal más diverso y se encuentran en muchos tipos de hábitat, por lo que son idóneos para establecer comparaciones entre distintos ecosistemas. Se han analizado los datos de los moluscos obtenidos en una serie de emplazamientos que cubrían el sur de la península Ibérica para determinar, empleando distintas técnicas multivariantes, los patrones de diversidad y distribución de estos organismos. Los datos se tomaron de ejemplares capturados en lugares del medio terrestre próximos a la línea de costa, de la franja intermareal rocosa y de sedimentos de fondos marinos situados a 10 y 20 m de profundidad. Las especies fueron clasificadas atendiendo a la morfología y el tamaño, y se analizaron a nivel supraespecífico para elucidar los patrones generales, que se discuten aquí, brevemente, con especial énfasis en las diferencias según la importancia de los factores que controlan cada ecosistema, como, por ejemplo, los procesos de dispersión. Los resultados de los distintos sistemas se comparan y discuten en el contexto de las tendencias ecológicas y evolutivas de los moluscos.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    The littoral sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) of Guam re-assessed - a diversity curve that still does not asymptote

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    The Micronesian island of Guam has been an important site for the study of littoral tropical holothuriantaxonomy for almost 200 years. Despite substantial attention by both expeditions and resident taxonomists, new records arestill regularly added to the fauna, demonstrating the challenge of documenting even such large and well-known animals ina small hyper-diverse area. Guam is the type locality of species described by Quoy & Gaimard (1833) and Brandt (1835).A survey of the sea cucumber fauna by Rowe & Doty (1977) led to one of the most used guides for the identification oftropical Pacific sea cucumbers because of the color illustrations of living animals it presented. Focus on echinodermsincluding holothurians continued with numerous new records added in the following decades. Paulay (2003a) summarizedthe fauna last, recording 46-47 species. At this stage the fauna was thought to be well documented. A week-long workshopon holothurian systematics sponsored by the National Science Foundation PEET (Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise inTaxonomy) project in 2010 included a substantial field work component, sampling both during the day and night, withsnorkeling and SCUBA, across a variety of habitats. This survey yielded 40 species, including numerous new records andeven species. Further sampling by Kerr’s lab since the workshop has added additional records. The littoral holothuroidfauna of Guam now comprises 65 species in 17 genera and 7 families. Half of the 19 newly recorded species are the resultof unravelling cryptic species in complexes, the other half are based on new collections. Eleven species are known fromsingle specimens, suggesting that much still remains to be learned about the fauna

    Scanning mutagenesis of omega-atracotoxin-Hv1a reveals a spatially restricted epitope that confers selective activity against insect calcium channels

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    We constructed a complete panel of alanine mutants of the insect-specific calcium channel blocker omega-atracotoxin-Hv1a. Lethality assays using these mutant toxins identified three spatially contiguous residues, Pro(10), Asn(27), and Arg(35), that are critical for insecticidal activity against flies (Musca domestica) and crickets (Acheta domestica). Competitive binding assays using radiolabeled omega-atracotoxin-Hv1a and neuronal membranes prepared from the heads of American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) confirmed the importance of these three residues for binding of the toxin to target calcium channels presumably expressed in the insect membranes. At concentrations up to 10 muM, omega-atracotoxin-Hv1a had no effect on heterologously expressed rat Ca(v)2.1, Ca(v)2.2, and Ca(v)1.2 calcium channels, consistent with the previously reported insect selectivity of the toxin. 30 muM omega-atracotoxin-Hv1a inhibited rat Ca-v currents by 10-34%, depending on the channel subtype, and this low level of inhibition was essentially unchanged when Asn(27) and Arg(35), which appears to be critical for interaction of the toxin with insect Ca-v channels, were both mutated to alanine. We propose that the spatially contiguous epitope formed by Pro(10), Asn(27), and Arg(35) confers specific binding to insect Ca-v channels and is largely responsible for the remarkable phyletic selectivity of omega-atracotoxin-Hv1a. This epitope provides a structural template for rational design of chemical insecticides that selectively target insect Ca-v channels

    Corrector atmosférico en imágenes Landsat

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    Los efectos atmosféricos en las imágenes satelitales distorsionan la información disponible y originan errores en la estimación de las variables biofísicas provenientes de los datos espectrales. En este trabajo se desarrolló un algoritmo de corrección atmosférica que se basó en la correlación existente entre la reflectancia de la banda 7 (infrarrojo medio, 2.2 μm) y la banda 1 (Azul, 0.485 μm) de la vegetación, para los sensores TM y ETM+. La ordenada al origen de la regresión entre la banda 7 y la banda 1 de imágenes Landsat es un estimador de la reflectancia de trayectoria en la banda 1. Con esta reflectancia de trayectoria y un modelo de atmósfera y aerosol definido, es posible estimar el espesor óptico de los aerosoles centrado en 0.55 μm. El algoritmo se apoyó en el acoplamiento de varios modelos de simulación y bibliotecas de datos espectrales para la representación del sistema óptico suelo–vegetación–atmósfera. La vegetación en una imagen se identifica mediante un clasificador genérico de objetos en cuatro variantes: oscura densa, cobertura alta, media y baja. El algoritmo se probó en dos fases, la primera se basó en un análisis empírico sobre los resultados de la simulación del sistema óptico suelo–vegetación–atmósfera, en el que se tenían condiciones controladas. En la segunda fase se validó el algoritmo con 7 imágenes ETM+ cuyas escenas contenían un sitio de la red robótica de aerosoles (AERONET), la cual mide con gran precisión el espesor óptico de los aerosoles en diferentes intervalos de longitud de onda. El análisis de los resultados mostró que el corrector estima el espesor óptico de la escena con un ajuste: R2 = 0.97, error típico de 0.059 (20.3%) y que representa bien la variabilidad espacial de carga de aerosoles en imágenes Landsat

    The littoral sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) fauna of Guam re-assessed – a diversity curve that still does not asymptote

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    The Micronesian island of Guam has been an important site for the study of tropical holothuroid taxonomy for almost 200 years. Despite such substantial attention by both expeditions and resident taxonomists, new records are being regularly added to the fauna demonstrating the challenge of documenting the biota of even a small hyper-diverse area. Guam is the type locality of species described by Quoy & Gaimard (1833) and Brandt (1835). A survey of the sea cucumber fauna by Rowe & Doty (1977) led to one of the most used guides for the identification of tropical Pacific sea cucumbers because of the color illustrations of living animals it presented. Focus on echinoderms including holothuroids continued with numerous new records added in the following decades. Paulay (2003) summarized the fauna last, recording 46 species, including 9 new records. At this stage the fauna was thought to be well documented. A week-long workshop on holothuroid systematics sponsered by the NSF PEET project in 2010 included a substantial field work component, sampling both during the day and night, with snorkeling and SCUBA, across a variety of habitats, yielding more than 40 species. 10 of these proved new records for Guam; two proved new to science. Further sampling by Kerr’s lab since the workshop has added two additional species. The holothuroid fauna of Guam thus now comprises 58 species that belong to 17 genera and 7 families. This contribution presents them as an illustrated and briefly annotated checklist

    N-glycans of Human Protein C Inhibitor: Tissue-Specific Expression and Function

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    Protein C inhibitor (PCI) is a serpin type of serine protease inhibitor that is found in many tissues and fluids in human, including blood plasma, seminal plasma and urine. This inhibitor displays an unusually broad protease specificity compared with other serpins. Previous studies have shown that the N-glycan(s) and the NH2-terminus affect some blood-related functions of PCI. In this study, we have for the first time determined the N-glycan profile of seminal plasma PCI, by mass spectrometry. The N-glycan structures differed markedly compared with those of both blood-derived and urinary PCI, providing evidence that the N-glycans of PCI are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. The most abundant structure (m/z 2592.9) had a composition of Fuc3Hex5HexNAc4, consistent with a core fucosylated bi-antennary glycan with terminal Lewisx. A major serine protease in semen, prostate specific antigen (PSA), was used to evaluate the effects of N-glycans and the NH2-terminus on a PCI function related to the reproductive tract. Second-order rate constants for PSA inhibition by PCI were 4.3±0.2 and 4.1±0.5 M−1s−1 for the natural full-length PCI and a form lacking six amino acids at the NH2-terminus, respectively, whereas these constants were 4.8±0.1 and 29±7 M−1s−1 for the corresponding PNGase F-treated forms. The 7–8-fold higher rate constants obtained when both the N-glycans and the NH2-terminus had been removed suggest that these structures jointly affect the rate of PSA inhibition, presumably by together hindering conformational changes of PCI required to bind to the catalytic pocket of PSA

    ICAM-2 Expression Mediates a Membrane-Actin Link, Confers a Nonmetastatic Phenotype and Reflects Favorable Tumor Stage or Histology in Neuroblastoma

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    The actin cytoskeleton is a primary determinant of tumor cell motility and metastatic potential. Motility and metastasis are thought to be regulated, in large part, by the interaction of membrane proteins with cytoplasmic linker proteins and of these linker proteins, in turn, with actin. However, complete membrane-to-actin linkages have been difficult to identify. We used co-immunoprecipitation and competitive peptide assays to show that intercellular adhesion molecule-2 (ICAM-2)/α-actinin/actin may comprise such a linkage in neuroblastoma cells. ICAM-2 expression limited the motility of these cells and redistributed actin fibers in vitro, and suppressed development of disseminated tumors in an in vivo model of metastatic neuroblastoma. Consistent with these observations, immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated ICAM-2 expression in primary neuroblastoma tumors exhibiting features that are associated with limited metastatic disease and more favorable clinical outcome. In neuroblastoma cell lines, ICAM-2 expression did not affect AKT activation, tumorigenic potential or chemosensitivity, as has been reported for some types of transfected cells. The observed ICAM-2-mediated suppression of metastatic phenotype is a novel function for this protein, and the interaction of ICAM-2/α-actinin/actin represents the first complete membrane-linker protein-actin linkage to impact tumor cell motility in vitro and metastatic potential in an in vivo model. Current work focuses on identifying specific protein domains critical to the regulation of neuroblastoma cell motility and metastasis and on determining if these domains represent exploitable therapeutic targets