125 research outputs found


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    l tronco fiorentino dell’Arno, nella sua evoluzione storica, ha cambiato ripetutamente e profondamente la propria configurazione al mutare delle condizioni al contorno di tipo sociale ed economico. Ciò è avvenuto parallelamente ad una estesa serie di eventi calamitosi per i quali si trova una narrazione e una conseguente analisi tecnica portata a livelli di dettaglio singolarmente elevati. Si riportano alcuni aspetti salienti di questo percorso che ha avuto importanti riflessi negli effetti degli eventi di piena succedutisi nel tempo e nella configurazione della difesa idraulica alla scala locale. In particolare si discutono gli interventi degli ultimi centocinquanta anni, a partire da quelli eseguiti a seguito dell’evento del 1844 e del 1966, che hanno comportato le variazioni più significative in termini di assetto delle sponde, del fondo e della conduttività idraulica. Lo studio non ha pretesa di completezza, né lo spazio a disposizione lo permetterebbe, ma segnala alcune questioni rilevanti al dibattito su questo cinquantesimo anniversario dell’evento del 1966

    Natural risk management for industrial plants and infrastructures: the DaBo system

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    Natural risk management on complex critical infrastructures often requires integration of data coming out from a huge number of sensors. Solutions are sometimes derived by classical supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADAs), usually employed in manufacturing and industrial plants environment. This “control room” approach often proves to be ineffective when the system to be monitored goes beyond the limits of the single plant and it is extended to the surrounding environment including buildings and public infrastructures in a strong interaction with local communities. The paper presents the case study of a hydroelectric plant extended over a territory of a few tens of square kilometers and subject to hydrogeological problems of various kinds, with interactions with buildings and infrastructures. The huge number of sensors installed for production control proved to be far to monitor the safety of the plant in its environmental context. We present here the risk assessment procedure and the proposed actions, also in terms of sensor installation. DaBo platform work as a data integrator. The structural and hydraulic “ordinary state” is continuously generated by means of numerical modeling basing upon real time observed boundary conditions. This state, via a suitable set of state variables, is compared with sensor data allowing a clear synthesis of the safety of the infrastructure and its natural and anthropic context. DaBo poses itself as a systems integrator both from a conceptual and an operational point of view, able to activate direct measures to reduce the risk in case of emergency, involving also local civil protection authorities. The platform integrates information from a wide range of sensors (viz. temperature, water level, strain, water content), weather alerts, weather forecast from high resolution limited area models. The main innovation of DaBo consists in the dashboard designed to provide communication of risk to the end user and to link the warnings to action procedures. It is technically a responsive single page web application that is based on an information storage and management layer by a high capacity relational database, a powerful scalable business logic tier for decision support and early warning system, and a multi profiled responsive user interface. The goal is to ensure the operation of the entire supply chain that connects the various sources of information to the entire user range


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    Il presente lavoro è relativo ai risultati ottenuti con il primo stato d’avanzamento di una ricerca sullo stato delle Sistemazioni Idraulico-Forestali per assegnate aree di indagine comprese nel bacino del fiume Arno affidata dall’ Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Arno al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria e Forestale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze. Innanzi tutto, è stata condotta un’analisi preventiva, mediante un database, di documentazione relativa alle opere idrauliche già censite in precedenti lavori (prof. Grazi) con identificazione della posizione geografica delle opere stesse con l’ausilio di software GIS. A questa prima fase sono seguiti la predisposizione di una opportuna scheda di rilievo (sia cartacea sia elettronica) e quindi sopralluoghi in campo condotti mediante l’ausilio di un GPS collegato a computer palmare per il supporto cartografico di base. Rilievi di dettaglio sono stati condotti nei torrenti dell’area del Mugello, già oggetto di studi risalenti a una trentina di anni fa per la valutazione delle pendenze di compensazione (Falciai et al.) che sono stati utilizzati spesso in letteratura (Ferro et al., Pica et al., etc.). Con riferimento ad altre zone campione del bacino (es. Casentino e Area Fiorentina), la documentazione storica ed il sopralluogo in campo (su base statistica) ha avuto lo scopo di rintracciare le opere esistenti e verificare l’attendibilità e la confrontabilità dei vari censimenti eseguiti anche da altri Enti preposti. In particolare si è analizzato il dimensionamento delle opere ed il loro stato attuale di conservazione ed efficienza, confrontandolo con quanto riportato in eventuali elaborati progettuali e nei censimenti precedenti. Eventuali danneggiamenti dei manufatti possono essere derivati dalle valutazioni in sede progettuale, da scarsa o inesistente manutenzione o da mutate caratteristiche in alveo e nel bacino. Per avere qualche indicazione in proposito si è valutata la portata di progetto a partire dalle dimensioni delle gavete considerate come stramazzi in parete grossa e se ne è stimato il tempo di ritorno, mediante i modelli AlTo (Regione Toscana) e Idrarno (Autorità di Bacino). Questa fase ha richiesto un lavoro preventivo di queries spaziali che hanno lo scopo di attribuire il codice dell’asta a cui appartengono le opere idrauliche in esame (all’interno del reticolo idrografico del modello AlTo e all’interno del reticolo “Sistema Acque” dell’Autorità di Bacino dell’Arno). Questa operazione consente, inoltre, il collegamento tra il contenuto informativo del geodatabase dell’Autorità di Bacino con il sistema di regionalizzazione delle portate di piena della Regione Toscana. Mediante la misura delle caratteristiche dimensionali dell’opera si sono cercate di ricavare anche indicazioni statistiche riguardo alla pendenza di compensazione dei corsi d’acqua in esame. Le verifiche in campo ha permesso anche una descrizione delle condizioni generali dell’alveo in cui sono situate le opere e dei versanti siti in prossimità delle opere stesse. I dati raccolti sono stati immessi in un geodatabase opportunamente costruito secondo lo standard di quello esistente presso l’Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Arno e quindi elaborati per la ricerca delle relazioni tra le caratteristiche delle opere e la pendenza attuale dell’alveo nonché la stima della necessità, per i corsi d’acqua esaminati, di opere atte a garantire la continuità fluviale per la ittiofauna (Pini Prato e Barneschi)

    Application Of Safety And Security Principles To Flood Event Management In Highly Populated Urban Areas

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    This paper refers to non-structural actions which are to be carried out on the Arno river basin (Italy). In particular the town of Florence is considered where 56 catastrophic flood events have been recorded in the last 1000 years, the latter in 1966 with damages estimated at 10,000 billion euros. A huge system of structural works is presently being carried out planned to the 200-year return period event in the next ten years. To manage the present and future residual risk, specific safety plans have been provided at the scale of single buildings in order to give residents an effective instrument to prevent and protect them from the major flooding risk. This paper illustrates how safety and security principles can be applied to the management of a flood event at the scale of several thousands of square kilometres. A specific Security Plan and, if needed, a Recovery Plan is linked to each building which is potentially subject to flooding. Based on analytical hazard assessment and mapping, techniques to improve or increase the safety-level as well as appropriated information are described. These local scale plans are interfaced with civil protection and disaster management plans at the regional scale by suitable procedures. Keywords: risk assessment, flood event, security plan, recovery plan, signs, procedures, building. 1 Introduction A study for a plan in order to provide the residents of the area of the Arno River basin (and in future perspective all the residents) with one useful instrument t

    Large-scale risk analysis in the Arno river basin (Italy)

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    We present the methodologies adopted and the outcomes obtained in the analysis of landslide risk in the basin of the Arno River (Central Italy) in the framework of a project sponsored by the Basin Authority of the Arno River, started in the year 2002 and completed at the beginning of 2005. A new landslide inventory of the whole area was realized, using conventional (aerialphoto interpretation and field surveys) and non-conventional methods (e.g. remote sensing techniques such as DInSAR and PS-InSAR). The great majority of the mapped mass movements are rotational slides (75%), solifluctions and other shallow slow movements (17%) and flows (5%), while soil slips, and other rapid landslides, seem less frequent everywhere within the basin. The assessment of landslide hazard in terms of probability of occurrence in a given time, based for mapped landslides on direct and indirect observations of the state of activity and recurrence time, has been extended to landslide-free areas through the application of statistical methods implemented in an artificial neural network (ANN). Unique conditions units (UCU) were defined by the map overlay of landslide preparatory factors (lithology, land cover, slope gradient, slope curvature and upslope contributing area) and afterwards used to construct a series of model vectors for the training and test of the ANN. Model validation confirms that prediction results are very good, with an average percentage of correctly recognized mass movements of about 85%. The analysis also revealed the existence of a large number of unmapped mass movements, thus contributing to the completeness of the final inventory. Temporal hazard was estimated via the translation of state of activity in recurrence time and hence probability of occurrence. The definition of position, typology and characteristics of the elements at risk has been carried out with two different methodologies, partially derived from the “Plans d’Exposition au Risque” proposed in France: i) buildings and infrastructures were directly extracted from digital terrain cartography at the 1:10,000 scale, whilst ii) nonurban land use was identified and mapped based on an updated and improved CORINE land cover map at the 1:50,000 scale. The definition of the exposure of the elements at risk relies upon contingent valuation methods and form-based interviews. Landslide intensity, usually defined as proportional to kinetic energy, was obtained considering landslide typology as a proxy for expected velocity. In the case of the Arno River Basin the definition of intensity is influenced by the fact that the large majority of mass movements are deep-seated reactivated slides evolving into flows. Two main cases were so considered: deep-seated rotational slides and shallow flows or planar slides with virtually constant depth. In the latter case, intensity as a function of volume was set proportional to the area of the mapped phenomenon. In the former case, a simple geometric model was used to compute the volume. Intersection of hazard values with vulnerability and exposure figures, obtained by reclassification of digital vector mapping at 1:10,000 scale, lead to the definition of risk values for each terrain unit for different periods of time into the future. Numerical results indicate that in absence of mitigation measures, large economic losses must be expected due to landslide activity in the few next years. The final results of the research are now undergoing a process of integration and implementation within land planning and risk prevention policies and practices at local and national level

    Analisi della suscettibilità da frana a scala di bacino (Bacino del Fiume Arno, Toscana-Umbria, Italia)

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    In questa nota vengono presentati i metodi applicati e i risultati ottenuti in una recente analisi della pericolosità da frana, condotta sul territorio del Bacino del Fiume Arno nell’ambito di una convenzione tra l’Autorità di Bacino e il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Firenze (2002-2005). Tutti i dati acquisiti, confluiti in una banca dati GIS, sono stati sintetizzati in carte tematiche e in una carta inventario delle frane. La sovrapposizione dei fattori predisponenti selezionati (pendenza, litologia, uso del suolo, curvatura di profilo e area drenata) ha permesso di definire le unità elementari per il trattamento statistico (Unità Territoriali Omogenee: UTO). La valutazione della pericolosità è stata estesa alle aree prive di movimenti franosi utilizzando metodi statistici multivariati implementati in Reti Neurali Artificiali. L’area di studio è stata suddivisa in cinque Macroaree morfologicamente e geologicamente omogenee: per ogni Macroarea, i predittori neurali sono stati addestrati su un opportuno sottoinsieme di dati, applicando poi i migliori all’intero data-set al fine di generare valori previsti dell’indice di suscettibilità per ogni UTO. Infine, i valori di uscita sono stati riclassificati in differenti livelli di pericolosità in base a criteri di soglia e validati per confronto con l’inventario. Una percentuale di area in frana compresa tra l’81 e il 96% risulta correttamente classificata dalla previsione nelle varie Macroare

    Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy exploiting low-frequency tuning forks as a tool to measure the vibrational relaxation rate in gas species

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    We demonstrated that quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) is an efficient tool to measure the vibrational relaxation rate of gas species, employing quartz tuning forks (QTFs) as sound detectors. Based on the dependence of the QTF resonance frequency on the resonator geometry, a wide range of acoustic frequencies with narrow detection bandwidth was probed. By measuring the QEPAS signal of the target analyte as well as the resonance properties of different QTFs as a function of the gas pressure, the relaxation time can be retrieved. This approach has been tested in the near infrared range by measuring the CH4 (nν4) vibrational relaxation rate in a mixture of 1% CH4, 0.15 % H2O in N2, and the H2O (ν1) relaxation rate in a mixture of 0.5 % H2O in N2. Relaxation times of 3.2 ms Torr and 0.25 ms Torr were estimated for CH4 and H2O, respectively, in excellent agreement with values reported in literature

    Broadband detection of methane and nitrous oxide using a distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser array and quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensing

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    Here we report on the broadband detection of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) mixtures in dry nitrogen by using a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic (QEPAS) sensor exploiting an array of 32 distributed-feedback quantum cascade lasers, within a spectral emission range of 1190−1340 cm−1 as the excitation source. Methane detection down to a minimum detection limit of 200 ppb at 10 s lock-in integration time was achieved. The sensor demonstrated a linear response in the range of 200−1000 ppm. Three different mixtures of N2O and CH4 in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure have been analyzed. The capability of the developed QEPAS sensor to selectively determine the N2O and CH4 concentrations was demonstrated, in spite of significant overlap in their respective absorption spectra in the investigated spectral range