709 research outputs found

    Juventude, engajamento e participação e os padrões culturais da sociedade em rede

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    Anais das IV Jornadas Internacionais de Problemas Latino-Americanos: Lutas, Experiências e Debates na América Latina - ISBN 978-950-793-223-6 - Orgs. Paulo Renato da Silva ; Mario Ayala ; Fabricio Pereira da Silva ; Fernando José MartinsEste artigo apresenta resultado de pesquisa exploratória que buscou compreender e explicar, nos termos da ação social weberiana, como jovens de países de diferentes culturas usam ferramentas de autocomunicação de massa com o fim de engajamento cívico e participação pública. A pesqui- sa parte dos estudos da Sociedade em Rede, de Manuel Castells, e utiliza novos conceitos de enga- jamento cívico, de participação política e de esfera pública, híbrida de digital e de urbana. Ressalta ainda o papel da juventude nos movimentos sociais em rede. Na pesquisa qualitativa, com o uso de análise de conteúdo, foram avaliados artigos publicados em blogs por brasileiros e americanos da faixa etária de 14 a 25 anos sobre os protestos no Brasil em 2013 e o movimento Occupy Wall Street em 2011. Na pesquisa comparativa, identifiquei que eles usam essas ferramentas expressan- do valores cosmopolitas, multiculturais e de individualismo em rede.PPG – IELA – UNIL

    Fate of Aflatoxin M1 during cheese whey processing

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    Aflatoxins are a group of naturally occurring toxins, which are secondary metabolites of some Aspergillus spp. When lactating animals ingest aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) contaminated feedstuffs, aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) may be excreted to milk. Thus, AFM1 represents a potential hazardous to humans via consumption of milk and milk products. AFM1 is less mutagenic and carcinogenic than AFB1 but it exhibits high genotoxic activity. The maximum admissible level of this mycotoxin in raw milk, heat-treated milk and milk for manufacture of milkbased products was set at 0.05 μg/Kg by the EC. In cheese production, high amount of a by product – cheese whey – products is obtained. Cheese represents about 10 % of the initial mass of milk. This cheese whey may be further processed when whey is to be turned into more valuable products than animal feed or whey powder. One way is the use of ultra filtration, yielding a protein rich fraction (retentate) and a lactose rich fraction (permeate). Since whey proteins have a number of useful nutritional and functional properties, whey proteins can be used in a wide range of commercial products such as food additives or may be fractionated into individual whey proteins. The aim of this work was to study the distribution of aflatoxin M1 through the retentate and permeate when whey ultra filtration is carried out. To perform this study, cheese whey was spiked with AFM1 at a level of 0.1 μg l-1. Under the used experimental conditions it was found that AFM1 has a higher affinity for the rich protein fraction (retentate). These data will be presented and discussed

    Fungi and ochratoxin A detected in healthy grapes for wine production

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    Aims: The mycoflora of healthy grapes (i.e. without visible symptoms of rot) for wine production in Portuguese winemaking regions was assessed and its potential for ochratoxin A (OTA) production evaluated. The OTA content of grapes was also determined. Methods and Results: A total of 386 fungal strains were isolated by plating methods. The most frequent genera found in grapes were non-ochratoxigenic species: Cladosporium (28%), Penicillium (24%), Botrytis (13%) and Aspergillus (9%). Two OTA-producing strains were isolated, belonging to the species Aspergillus carbonarius and Aspergillus ochraceus. OTA was detected in three of four grape samples, up to 116 ng lֿ¹. Conclusions: OTA is being produced in healthy berries by Aspergillus species, namely A. carbonarius, at levels below the maximum recommended limit of 2000 ng lֿ¹ in wine. Significance and Impact of the Study: The OTA concentration detected in healthy Portuguese grapes does not represent a risk to wine regarding the legal limit established.EC, Quality of Life Program (QoL), Key Action 1 (KA1) on Food, Nutrition and Health; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Acute mania induced by hypothyroidism in a male patient after thyroidectomy

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    Hypothyroidism is a common hormone deficiency, associated with multiple causes and presenting with diverse clinical manifestations including neuropsychiatric disease. Hypothyroidism is commonly associated with depressive symptoms, and thyroid hormone screening is indicated in patients with a history of depression. Although other neuropsychiatric disorders could be induced by hypothyroidism, only 14 reports present clinical cases of mania related with this hormone deficiency.1,2 Autoimmune thyroiditis is the most frequent reported cause of hypothyroidism associated with acute mania. Here we present a clinical case of acute mania in a 36-year-old man with hypothyroidism resulting from thyroidectomy in the context of papillary thyroid carcinoma.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ochratoxin A occurrence and formation in Portuguese wine grapes at various stages of maturation

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    A total of 93 Portuguese grape samples destined for wine production were examined for the presence of ochratoxin A (OTA) and the OTA producing fungi Aspergillus carbonarius and A. niger aggregate. Samples came from 11 vineyards from four winemaking regions in the North and South of the Portuguese mainland, during the harvest seasons of 2001, 2002 and 2003. Grapes were examined at 3 maturation stages, from setting to the harvesting period, to evaluate when contamination with OTA producing fungi and OTA synthesis occur. The detection of fungi in grape samples was made by plating methods with and without surface disinfection. OTAwas formed by 14% of the 650 isolates tested. Most of the OTA producing strains (96%) were isolated at harvest time. At this stage, the percentage of grape samples with OTA producing strains detected without surface disinfection was 56%. With surface disinfection, A. carbonarius was isolated from 10% of the samples. OTAwas detected in grapes at the 3 maturation stages. The average OTA concentrations in 60 samples at pea berry (28 samples), early veraison (22 samples) and ripe berry (20 samples) were 263, 149 and 35 ng/kg, respectively. Experiments with an A. carbonarius strain demonstrated that OTA production differs significantly with the composition of the berries at different maturation stages (P<0.001), with a mean value of OTA production at pea berry, early veraison and ripe berry of 3402, 1530 and 22 μg/kg, respectively. The production of OTA by A. carbonarius was correlated positively and negatively with the total acidity of grapes (rs=0.855, P<0.001) and reducing sugars content (rs=−0.835, P<0.001), respectively. Our data demonstrate that OTA synthesis in grapes occurs since early maturation stages.The EC Quality of Life Programme (QoL), Key. Action 1 – Food, Nutrition & Health.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - grant SFRH/BPD/2827/2004

    Entrevista Kathia Castilho

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    Predicados dos mais variados rondam o nome de Kathia Castilho. Gentileza, inteligência, doçura, podem ser alguns dos adjetivos que a espreitam. Mas pioneira é um dos mais representa aquela que ajudou a consolidar a pesquisa acadêmica sobre Moda no Brasil. Socióloga por formação, especialista em Design de Moda pela Academia Koefia de Roma e mestre e doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC/SP, Kathia é também uma das fundadoras da Estação das Letras e Cores e presidente da Associação Brasileira de Estudos e Pesquisas em Moda (ABEPEM).Nem a aridez que rondava a produção de conhecimento sobre Moda, a dificuldade dos primórdios da Internet em território nacional ou as agruras do mercado editorial foram capazes de entravar as ideias ou nublar a execução de tantos projetos inovadores coordenados pela também autora. No país que mais tem faculdades de Moda, Kathia é leitura obrigatória de dez entre dez alunos. E, obviamente, aposta na educação: “precisamos conhecer nossa realidade, nossos interesses, descobrir nossa vocação e apostar, construir pontes e dar sustentação econômica e política e a educação é crucial nisso tudo”.Em uma conversa com a Achiote, ela conta mais sobre uma carreira de desbravamentos e uma área em construção

    Determination of ochratoxin a in wine grapes: comparison of extraction procedures and method validation

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    A method for determination of ochratoxin A (OTA) in wine grapes is described, using extraction with a hydrogen carbonate and polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution (5% NaHCO3 and 1% PEG 8000), followed by immunoaffinity clean-up and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Validation was made with spiked samples, in levels of 0.05 and 1µg kg−1, with average recovery rates of 76% and relative standard deviations in repeatability and intermediate precision conditions of 8 and 12%, respectively. The limit of detection and limit of quantification in grapes were established at 0.004 and 0.007 µg kg−1, respectively. To evaluate further the accuracy and efficiency of this method, naturally contaminated grapes were also analysed by another method that involves extraction with acidified methanol, at levels ranging from 0.05 to 37 µg kg−1, and the results compared. A good correlation (r = 0.9996) was found, with better performances in terms of precision for the new method. A survey was conducted on wine grapes from 11 Portuguese vineyards, during the harvest of 2002, using the proposed method. OTA was detected in three out of the 11 samples, at levels ranging from 0.035 to 0.061 µg kg−1. The new method meets all the criteria of the European Commission directive 2002/26/CE, that lays down the sampling and the analysis methods for the official control of OTA levels in foodstuffs. It is reliable for low levels of contamination (ng kg−1), and avoids the use of organic solvents in the extraction step. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.European Commission - Quality of Life Programme (QoL) Nutrition and Health Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Modernisation, Digital Media Spread, and the Youngs Powerless Political Participation in South America

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio longitudinal sobre las actitudes democráticas y la participación política de los jóvenes sudamericanos a lo largo delproceso de crecimiento del uso de los medios digitales en la región. Se ha probado la asociación entre sus valores democráticos y su comportamientopolítico desde la década de 1980 y el creciente acceso a los medios digitales desde la década de 1990. Se analizaron los cuarenta años de la basede datos de la Encuesta Mundial de Valores (WVS). Identificamos que los jóvenes de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Uruguayno se han vuelto más democráticos y muestran niveles bajos y estables de participación política a lo largo del aumento de los índices de desarrollosocioeconómico y la difusión de los medios digitales en sus países.&nbsp

    Motor cortex stimulation for refractory demyelinating disease-associated trigeminal neuralgia

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    Patients with demyelinating diseases (DDs) such as multiple sclerosis have a 20-fold higher risk of developing trigeminal neuralgia (TN). DD-related TN is more frequently refractory to the usual medical and surgical treatment. We report the case of a 57-year-old man presenting to our neurology outpatient clinic with a 12-year history of medical and surgical refractory TN associated with demyelinating lesions on magnetic resonance imaging. After a new failure of pharmacological treatment with oxcarbazepine, pregabalin, baclofen, and duloxetine, motor cortex stimulation (MCS) was performed, and the patient remained mostly pain-free, without any pharmacological treatment during the 3.5 years of follow-up. MCS may be a useful approach for DD-related refractory TN, and further studies can clarify its role in TN management.publishersversionpublishe


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    The International Conference BBC'22 aims to provide an opportunity for all academic and non-academics to share their personal experiences and projects, presenting their contributions and getting feedback from other attendees.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio