155 research outputs found

    Trends in application of NIR and hyperspectral imaging for food authentication

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    Food fraud can cause damage to consumer health and affect their confidence, destroy brands and generate large economic losses in the industry. Food authenticity allows to identify if food composition, geographical origin, genetic variety and farming system corresponds to what has been declared on the label. Although there are currently standardized methods to identify certain adulterants, the complexity of the food, the complexity of the supply chain and the appearance of new adulterants require the continuous development of analytical techniques to detect food fraud. NIR and Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in tandem with chemometrics are non-destructive, non-invasive and accurate techniques for food authentication. This review focuses on NIR and HIS approaches to food authentication, including adulteration by substitution, geographical origin and farming system. In this context, the advances in NIR and HSI approaches reported since 2014 are discussed regarding their potential use in food authentication. Both techniques have shown to have efficiency, precision and selectivity to detect adulterants and identify geographic origin, genetic variety and farming system. Portability and remote access are shown as the next step for the industrialization of NIR and HSI devices

    In-season training periodization of professional soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to quantify the seasonal perceived respiratory and muscular training loads (i.e., sRPEres-TL and sRPEmus-TL) completed by elite-oriented young professional soccer players. Twenty four players (20.3 +/- 2.0 years) belonging to the same reserve team of a Spanish La Liga club participated in this study. Only the players that were available to train for a whole week with the team and also to play the weekly game were considered: Starters, players that participated in the match for at least 45 min and NonStarters, players that did not participate or played less than 45 minutes in the match. The competitive period was analysed after the division into 5x6-8 week blocks and 35x1 week microcycles. Data were also analysed with respect to number of days before the immediate match. Weekly TL variation across the in-season blocks was trivial-small for both groups except between Block 2 and Block 3 (ES= moderate). Substantial TL differences (ES= small-very likely) were found between training days, the TL pattern being a progressive increase up to MD-3 followed by a decrease until MD-1. Except for the match, sRPEres-/sRPEmus-TL was very similar between Starters and Non-Starters. In summary, perceived TL across the season displayed limited variation. Coaches periodized training contents to attain the highest weekly TL 72 hours before the match to progressively unload the players between MD-3 and the match day. The data revealed that the TL arising from the weekly game was solely responsible for the observed higher weekly TL of Starters in comparison with Non-Starters

    Opportunity To Apply The FRONT END LOADING Methodology In The Expansion Of Gas Pipelines In The Mexican Southeast: An Evaluation

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    Con la finalidad de impulsar el desarrollo de la región sureste de México, la actual administración del gobierno federal se ha propuesto la ampliación de la red nacional de gasoductos hacia esa zona del país, con el fin de suministrar energía a los megaproyectos de la región. No obstante, estas obras presentan actualmente retrasos, evidenciando la necesidad de metodologías de gestión que permitan solucionar este problema de raíz. Una de las metodologías más prometedoras en esta materia es la front-end loading (FEL), ampliamente aplicada en el sector extractivo y energético. El propósito del articulo estriba en evaluar la posibilidad de aplicar la metodología FEL a los proyectos de expansión del Sistema Nacional de Gasoductos en el sureste mexicano.To boost the development of the southeast region of Mexico, the current federal government administration has proposed the expansion of the national gas pipeline network to this area of the country, to supply energy to the region's mega-projects. However, these projects are currently experiencing delays, demonstrating the need for management methodologies to solve this problem at its root. One of the most promising methodologies in this area is front-end loading (FEL), which has been widely applied in the extractive and energy sector. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the possibility of applying the FEL methodology to the expansion projects of the National Gas Pipeline System in the southeastern Mexico

    Microzonificación ecoturístico mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica, distrito de Marco, provincia de Jauja, Junín.

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    The objective of the research is to design and apply the Ecotourism Microzoning model proposed through GIS for the development of ecotourism in the Marco district, which is located in the central and western part of the Yanamarca Valley, in the province of Jauja. The study was carried out from 2019 to April 2021, the elaboration had three fundamental processes: a) Preparation of the process carried out in the city of Lima, generating a frame of reference that would guide the rest of the development of the work; b) A field stage that involved travel, a strong component of consultation with institutions, local populations; and c) A stage of elaboration of the final product. As a result, well-marked areas were determined: Very high level of 0.467 of value, which represents 10% of tourist use, to preserve, maintain the ecosystem and cultural attractions; high level, of 0.265 value, which represents 5% with potential that can reach a very high level. In conclusion, the elaboration of the cartography, allowed the identification of the tourist resources, interrelate the parameters and descriptors that allows at the same time to order the tourist activities. That later a web mapping was designed "Ecotourism Microzoning of the Marco district" that will facilitate the dissemination of the tourist potential of the Marco district, since this will allow to implement the proposals and improve them for the satisfaction of tourists. In addition, it will be a very useful tool in municipal management for the development of orderly and decentralized tourism.La investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar y aplicar el modelo de microzonificación ecoturístico propuesto mediante SIG para el desarrollodel ecoturismo en el distrito de Marco que está ubicado en la parte centraly occidental del Valle de Yanamarca, en la provincia de Jauja. El estudio se realizó desde el año 2019 hasta abril del 2021, la elaboración tuvo tres procesos fundamentales: a) Preparación del proceso llevado a cabo en la ciudad Lima,generando un marco de referencia que guiaría el resto de desarrollo del trabajo; b) Una etapa de campo que involucro viajes, un fuerte componente de consulta con instituciones, poblaciones locales; y c) Una etapa de elaboración del producto final. Como resultado se determinaron zonas bien marcadas: Nivel muy alto de 0.467 de valor, que representa el 10% de uso turístico, depreservar, mantener el ecosistema y los atractivos culturales; nivel alto, de 0.265 valor, que representa el 5% con potencial que puede alcanzar un nivel muy alto. En conclusión, la elaboración de la cartografía, permitió laidentificación de los recursos turísticos, interrelacionar los parámetros y descriptores que permite a la vez ordenar las actividades turísticas. Que posteriormente se diseñó un web mapping “Microzonificación Ecoturísticodel distrito de Marco” que facilitará la difusión del potencial turístico del distrito de Marco, ya que esto permitirá implementar las propuestas y mejorarlas para la satisfacción de los turistas. Además, será una herramientamuy útil en la gestión municipal para el desarrollo de un turismo ordenado y descentralizado

    Monitoring perceived respiratory and muscular exertions and physical fitness in young professional soccer players during a 32-week period

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    The aim of this study was to examine the association of perceived respiratory and muscular exertions and associated training load (TL) for monitoring changes in several aerobic fitness and neuromuscular performance parameters during 32 weeks of soccer training in young professional players. Twenty male soccer players (age=20.6±1.8 years, body height=1.80±.06 m, body mass=73.6±6.7 kg) belonging to the same reserve team of a Spanish La Liga Club participated in this study. Countermovement jump (CMJ), CMJ with arm swing, linear sprint running (over 5 m and 15 m) and an aerobic fitness running test were performed at the start of the pre-season (Test 1) and 32 weeks later (Test 2). During these eight months, after each training session and match, players rated their perceived exertion (sRPE) separately for respiratory (sRPEres) and leg musculature (sRPEmus) effort. Training load was calculated by multiplying the sRPE value by the duration of each training session or match. Accumulated training and match volume (i.e., time) and associated respiratory and muscular training loads were negatively correlated with the changes in aerobic fitness performance after 32 weeks of training (r=-.53/-.62). In addition, accumulated perceived respiratory load was negatively correlated with the changes in 15 m sprint performance (r=-.51/-.53). A high practice volume (time) and associated respiratory and leg muscular TL can impair the long-term improvement of aerobic fitness and sprint performance in professional soccer players

    Impact on in-hospital mortality of ceftaroline versus standard of care in community-acquired pneumonia: a propensity-matched analysis

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    Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the in-hospital mortality of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) treated with ceftaroline in comparison with standard therapy. This was a retrospective observational study in two centers. Hospitalized patients with CAP were grouped according to the empiric regimen (ceftaroline versus standard therapy) and analyzed using a propensity score matching (PSM) method to reduce confounding factors. Out of the 6981 patients enrolled, 5640 met the inclusion criteria, and 89 of these received ceftaroline. After PSM, 78 patients were considered in the ceftaroline group (cases) and 78 in the standard group (controls). Ceftaroline was mainly prescribed in cases with severe pneumonia (67% vs. 56%, p=0.215) with high suspicion of Staphylococcus aureus infection (9% vs. 0%, p=0.026). Cases had a longer length of hospital stay (13 days vs. 10 days, p=0.007), while an increased risk of in-hospital mortality was observed in the control group compared to the case group (13% vs. 21%, HR 0.41; 95% CI 0.18 to 0.62, p=0.003). The empiric use of ceftaroline in hospitalized patients with severe CAP was associated with a decreased risk of in-hospital mortalit

    Effect of Corticosteroids on C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia and High Inflammatory Response: The Effect of Lymphopenia

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    Background: Lymphopenic patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) have shown high mortality rates. Corticosteroids have immunomodulatory properties and regulate cytokine storm in CAP. However, it is not known whether their modulatory effect on cytokine secretion differs in lymphopenic and non-lymphopenic patients with CAP. Therefore, we aimed to test whether the presence of lymphopenia may modify the response to corticosteroids (mainly in C reactive protein (CRP)) in patients with severe CAP and high inflammatory status). Methods: A post hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial (NCT00908713) which evaluated the effect of corticosteroids in patients with severe CAP and high inflammatory response (CRP > 15 mg/dL). Patients were clustered according to the presence of lymphopenia (lymphocyte count below 1000 cell/mm3 ). Results: At day 1, 35 patients (59%) in the placebo group presented with lymphopenia, compared to 44 patients (73%) in the corticosteroid group. The adjusted mean changes from day 1 showed an increase of 1.19 natural logarithm (ln) cell/mm3 in the corticosteroid group and an increase of 0.67 ln cell/mm3 in the placebo group (LS mean difference of the changes in ln (methylprednisolone minus placebo) 0.51, 95% CI (0.02 to 1.01), p = 0.043). A significant effect was also found for the interaction (p = 0.043) between corticosteroids and lymphopenia in CRP values at day 3, with lower values in patients without lymphopenia receiving corticosteroids after adjustments for potential confounders. Conclusion: In this exploratory post hoc analysis from ramdomized controlled trial (RCT) data, the response to corticosteroids, measured by CRP, may differ according to lymphocyte count. Further larger studies are needed to confirm this data

    Identificación del paciente con intoxicación por monóxido de carbono en sala de Emergencia. Estudio de caso clínico

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    Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas produced by the combustion of hydrocarbons, so it can be in the vicinity of homes and workplaces as we can obtain it in wood stoves, domestic fireplaces, combustion engines. And its characteristics allow the individual not to identify the presence of this poison and thus facilitate its entry into the body. Causing tissue hypoxia and direct damage to the cell due to the production of carboxyhemoglobin, since the affinity of carbon monoxide for hemoglobin is 200 to 300 times greater than for oxygen.El monóxido de carbono es un gas incoloro, inodoro, insípido   producido por la combustión de hidrocarburos, por lo que puede estar en las cercanías de las viviendas y lugares de trabajo pues podemos obtenerlo en cocinas de leña, chimeneas domésticas, motores de combustión. Y sus características permiten al individuo no identificar la presencia de este tóxico y así facilitar su ingreso al organismo. Provocando hipoxia hística y daño directo a la célula por la producción de carboxihemoglobina, pues la afinidad del monóxido de carbono por la hemoglobina es de 200 a 300 veces mayor que para el oxígeno

    “Habilidades Directivas en la Gestión Empresarial Estatal, Generando Bienestar Social”

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    La gestión empresarial que realizan los funcionarios públicos es una actividad cuyos resultados se miden con el grado de bienestar social que genera, y está relacionada con la aplicación significativa de habilidades directivas y el control simultáneo, este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar los efectos producidos por las gestiones realizadas por funcionarios en los periodos 2020-2022 en Perú y el control simultáneo en 2022, mostrando si generaron bienestar social y crecimiento económico, ya que constituyen uno de los procesos de mayor impacto en todo país, y qué medidas viene aplicando el órgano de control dentro de su ámbito de aplicación. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo-inductivo, diseño fenomenológico, la muestra estuvo conformada por 5 participantes y se utilizó la entrevista a profundidad con preguntas abiertas. Resultados: Se corroboró que los funcionarios según su perfil y conocimiento de habilidades directivas, generan efectos positivos y negativos en la creación del bienestar social de la población y el órgano de control coadyuva, mediante el control simultáneo al logro de la eficiencia y eficacia de la gestión pública. Conclusión: Es indispensable tener funcionarios con competencias en habilidades directivas, probos, con responsabilidad social y con valores, siempre y cuando las instituciones relacionadas desarrollen acciones planificadas de formación, capacitación constante y también acciones de control para un buen uso de los recursos