98 research outputs found

    P_4-Decomposability in Regular Graphs and Multigraphs

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    The main objective of this thesis is to review and expand the study of graph decomposability. An H-decomposition of a graph G=(V,E) is a partitioning of the edge set, EE, into edge-disjoint isomorphic copies of a subgraph H. In particular we focus on the decompositions of graphs into paths. We prove that a 2,4 mutligraph with maximum multiplicity 2 admits a C_2,C_3-free Euler tour (and thus, a decomposition into paths of length 3 if it has size a multiple of 3) if and only if it avoids a set of 15 forbidden structures. We also prove that a 4-regular multigraph with maximum multiplicity 2 admits a decomposition into paths of length three if and only if it has size a multiple of 3 and no three vertices induce more than 4 edges. We go on to outline drafted work reflecting further research into path decomposition problems

    Analysis of regulatory network topology reveals functionally distinct classes of microRNAs

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) negatively regulate the expression of target genes at the post-transcriptional level. Little is known about the crosstalk between miRNAs and transcription factors (TFs). Here we provide data suggesting that the interaction patterns between TFs and miRNAs can influence the biological functions of miRNAs. From this global survey, we find that a regulated feedback loop, in which two TFs regulate each other and one miRNA regulates both of the factors, is the most significantly overrepresented network motif. Mathematical modeling shows that the miRNA in this motif stabilizes the feedback loop to resist environmental perturbation, providing one mechanism to explain the robustness of developmental programs that is contributed by miRNAs. Furthermore, on the basis of a network motif profile analysis, we demonstrate the existence of two classes of miRNAs with distinct network topological properties. The first class of miRNAs is regulated by a large number of TFs, whereas the second is regulated by only a few TFs. The differential expression level of the two classes of miRNAs in embryonic developmental stages versus adult tissues suggests that the two classes may have fundamentally different biological functions. Our results demonstrate that the TFs and miRNAs extensively interact with each other and the biological functions of miRNAs may be wired in the regulatory network topology

    Essential metabolic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumorigenic functions of miR-122 in liver

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    miR-122, an abundant liver-specific microRNA (miRNA), regulates cholesterol metabolism and promotes hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication. Reduced miR-122 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) correlates with metastasis and poor prognosis. Nevertheless, the consequences of sustained loss of function of miR-122 in vivo have not been determined. Here, we demonstrate that deletion of mouse Mir122 resulted in hepatosteatosis, hepatitis, and the development of tumors resembling HCC. These pathologic manifestations were associated with hyperactivity of oncogenic pathways and hepatic infiltration of inflammatory cells that produce pro-tumorigenic cytokines, including IL-6 and TNF. Moreover, delivery of miR-122 to a MYC-driven mouse model of HCC strongly inhibited tumorigenesis, further supporting the tumor suppressor activity of this miRNA. These findings reveal critical functions for miR-122 in the maintenance of liver homeostasis and have important therapeutic implications, including the potential utility of miR-122 delivery for selected patients with HCC and the need for careful monitoring of patients receiving miR-122 inhibition therapy for HCV.This work was supported, in part, by NIH grants CA122694 (to K. Ghoshal), DK088076 (to K. Ghoshal), CA086978 (to K. Ghoshal and S.T. Jacob), Pelotonia Idea Grant (to J. Yu and K. Ghoshal), CA120185 (to J.T. Mendell), CA134292 (to J.T. Mendell), and the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (to J.T. Men- dell). Bo Wang is supported by a Pelotonia graduate fellowship

    An Essential Mesenchymal Function for miR-143/145 in Intestinal Epithelial Regeneration

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    SummaryDownregulation of the miR-143/145 microRNA (miRNA) cluster has been repeatedly reported in colon cancer and other epithelial tumors. In addition, overexpression of these miRNAs inhibits tumorigenesis, leading to broad consensus that they function as cell-autonomous epithelial tumor suppressors. We generated mice with deletion of miR-143/145 to investigate the functions of these miRNAs in intestinal physiology and disease in vivo. Although intestinal development proceeded normally in the absence of these miRNAs, epithelial regeneration after injury was dramatically impaired. Surprisingly, we found that miR-143/145 are expressed and function exclusively within the mesenchymal compartment of intestine. Defective epithelial regeneration in miR-143/145-deficient mice resulted from the dysfunction of smooth muscle and myofibroblasts and was associated with derepression of the miR-143 target Igfbp5, which impaired IGF signaling after epithelial injury. These results provide important insights into the regulation of epithelial wound healing and argue against a cell-autonomous tumor suppressor role for miR-143/145 in colon cancer

    Silencing microRNA by interfering nanoparticles in mice

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small endogenous non-coding RNAs that regulate post-transcriptional gene expression and are important in many biological processes. Disease-associated miRNAs have been shown to become potential targets for therapeutic intervention. Functions of miRNAs can be inhibited by using antisense oligonucleotides, called anti-miRs, complimentary to the miRNA sequences. Here, we show that systemic delivery of a chemically stabilized anti-miR-122 complexed with interfering nanoparticles (iNOPs) effectively silences the liver-expressed miR-122 in mice. Intravenous administration of 2 mg kg−1 chemically modified anti-miR-122 complexed with iNOP-7 resulted in 83.2 ± 3.2% specific silencing of miR-122, which was accompanied by regulating gene expression in liver and lowering of plasma cholesterol. The specific silencing of miR-122 was long lasting and did not induce an immune response. Our results demonstrate that iNOPs can successfully deliver anti-miR to specifically target and silence miRNA in clinically acceptable and therapeutically affordable doses

    Antisense PMO cocktails effectively skip dystrophin exons 45-55 in myotubes transdifferentiated from DMD patient fibroblasts

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    Antisense-mediated exon skipping has made significant progress as a therapeutic platform in recent years, especially in the case of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Despite FDA approval of eteplirsen-the first-ever antisense drug clinically marketed for DMD-exon skipping therapy still faces the significant hurdles of limited applicability and unknown truncated protein function. In-frame exon skipping of dystrophin exons 45-55 represents a significant approach to treating DMD, as a large proportion of patients harbor mutations within this "hotspot" region. Additionally, patients harboring dystrophin exons 45-55 deletion mutations are reported to have exceptionally mild to asymptomatic phenotypes. Here, we demonstrate that a cocktail of phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers can effectively skip dystrophin exons 45-55 in vitro in myotubes transdifferentiated from DMD patient fibroblast cells. This is the first report of substantive exons 45-55 skipping in DMD patient cells. These findings help validate the use of transdifferentiated patient fibroblast cells as a suitable cell model for dystrophin exon skipping assays and further emphasize the feasibility of dystrophin exons 45-55 skipping in patients