950 research outputs found

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    Potentials and Limits to Basin Stability Estimation

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    Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of BMBF, CoNDyNet, FK. 03SF0472A.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Exportkreditgarantien und -bürgschaften in der Diskussion

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    Öffentlich gesicherte Exportgarantien und -bürgschaften bilden die Grundlage der staatlichen Ausfuhrförderung in Deutschland. Wie sind Exportkredite aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht zu bewerten? Welche Risiken werden in der Praxis abgedeckt? Gibt es Anlass, die mittel- und langfristige Exportfinanzierung der Unternehmen zu reformieren? --

    Coronally advanced flap associated with xenogenous collagen matrix graft and/or enamel matrix derivative for treatment of localized recession-type defects   : a randomized clinical trial  

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    Orientador: Enilson Antonio SallumTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O objetivo deste ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado, duplo cego, foi comparar os resultados clínicos do tratamento de recessões gengivais utilizando retalho posicionado coronariamente (RPC) combinado com enxerto de matriz de colágeno de origem suína (MC) e/ou proteínas da matriz do esmalte (EMD). Foram selecionados 68 pacientes com recessões gengivais Classe I ou II de Miller ? 3 mm, em caninos ou pré-molares superiores.. Os defeitos foram aleatoriamente designados para o grupo RPC (n=17); RPC+MC (n=17); RPC+EMD (n=17) ou RPC+MC+EMD (n=17). Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram profundidade de sondagem, nível de inserção clínico, altura da recessão gengival, altura e espessura de tecido queratinizado e estética. As medidas clínicas foram tomadas imediatamente antes da cirurgia, 3 e 6 meses após as cirurgias. O recobrimento médio obtido foi de 68,04 ± 24,11% para RPC; 87,20 ± 15,01% para RPC+MC; 88,77 ± 20,66% para RPC+EMD e 91,59 ± 11,08% para RPC+MC+EMD após 6 meses, com resultados superiores para os biomateriais (p <0,05). Recobrimento completo foi conseguido em 70,59% dos casos tratados com EMD, enquanto apenas 23,53% no RPC; 52,94% no MC e 51,47% para MC+EMD (p <0,05). Ao final do estudo, o ganho na espessura de tecido queratinizado foi maior para os grupos com MC (p<0,05). Todos tratamentos apresentaram melhora na avaliação estética dos profissionais (p<0,05). Dentro dos limites do presente estudo pôde-se concluir que a associação de RPC com MC, EMD ou MC+EMD proporcionou resultados superiores em relação a redução da recessão quando comparados a RPC (p<0,05), mas sem diferença entre os biomateriais. A utilização do EMD obteve maior porcentagem de recobrimento completo e o uso do MC permitiu maior ganho de espessura gengival quando comparado ao baselineAbstract: The aim of this double blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial, was to evaluate the clinical outcomes after the treatment of gingival recession with the coronally advanced flap (CAF) combined to a porcine collagen matrix graft (CM) and/or enamel matrix derivative (EMD). Sixty eight patients with Miller Class I or II gingival recessions ? 3 mm in canines or superior premolars were selected. The defects were randomly assigned to the CAF group (n = 17); CAF + CM (n = 17); CAF + EMD (n = 17) or CAF + CM + EMD (n = 17). The clinical parameters evaluated were probing depth, clinical attachment level, gingival recession height, width and thickness of keratinized tissue and aesthetics. Clinical measurements were taken at baseline, 3 and 6 months after surgery. The mean percentage of root coverage was 68.04 ± 24.11% for CAF; 87.20 ± 15.01% for CAF + CM; 88.77 ± 20.66% for CAF + EMD and 91.59 ± 11.08% for CAF + CM + EMD after 6 months, with superior results for biomaterials (p <0.05). Complete root coverage was achieved in 70.59% of the cases treated with EMD, and only in 23.53% for CAF; 52.94% for CAF+CM and 51.47% for CAF+CM + EMD (p <0.05). At the end of the study, the gain in keratinized tissue thickness was higher for the CM groups (p <0.05). All treatments presented a significant increase in professional aesthetic evaluation (p <0.05). Within the limits of the present study it was concluded that the association of CAF with CM, EMD or CM + EMD provides superior results for recession reduction when compared to CAF alone (p<0,05), but with no difference among biomaterials. The use of EMD obtained higher percentage of complete root coverage, and the use of CM obtained superior gain of gingival thickness when compared to baselineDoutoradoPeriodontiaDoutor em Clínica Odontológica2013/19473-6CAPESFAPES

    Exploring the impact of data breaches and system malfunctions on users’ safety and privacy perceptions in the context of autonomous vehicles

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    Technological advancements allow for increasingly automated driving systems as well as the large-scale availability of fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the future. In this research-in-progress paper, we propose a research concept to further investigate the interplay of users’ perceived privacy risks and trust in AV safety associated with data breaches and system failures. Specifically, we aim to analyze whether system malfunctions impact privacy risk perceptions and whether data breaches impact users’ trust in AV safety by considering the trust in the AV manufacturer. Additionally, we offer first insights into preliminary data and explain our future research intentions. A more detailed understanding of the relationship between privacy and safety trust in the context of AVs could help manufacturers to better direct efforts to compensate for or prevent data breaches and system malfunctions potentially leading to increased user acceptance and technology adoption

    Knochenmorphogenesefaktor 7 (BMP-7) in Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Lunge

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    46 Plattenepithelkarzinome der Lunge (NSCLC) und die entsprechenden Normalgewebeproben wurden auf mRNA-Ebene mittels RT-PCR und auf Proteinebene mittels Immunhistologie auf Faktoren der TGFß-Familie untersucht. In allen untersuchten Tumorproben konnte BMP-7-mRNA nachgewiesen werden, wobei sich die mRNA-Expression in den meisten Fällen stärker zeigte als die des korrespondierenden Normalgewebes. Es zeigten sich eine signifikante Korrelationen mit histopathologischen und klinischen Parametern: Je höher die mRNA-Expression im Tumor im Vergleich mit dem Normalgewebe zu messen war, desto eher galt der Tumor als höher differenziert im histologischen Befund. Plattenepithelkarzinome, die histologisch als verhornend eingestuft worden waren, wiesen signifikant mehr BMP-7-mRNA-Expression auf als nicht-verhornende Karzinome. Auch bei dem pN-Status zeigte sich die Tendenz, daß niedrigere Stadien mit höheren BMP-7-mRNA-Expressionsleveln einhergingen. Immunhistologisch konnte in allen untersuchten Paraffinschnitten in den tumorösen Anteilen BMP-7-Proteine nachgewiesen werden, wobei sich die Normalgewebe als durchweg negativ erwiesen. In den soliden Arealen von Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Lunge kommt es im Zuge der tumorösen Regression zur vermehrten Expression von BMP-7-mRNA und zu einem erhöhten BMP-7-Protein-Gehalt. BMP-7 ist auf mRNA-Ebene mit dem Differenzierungszustand des Tumors assoziiert. Die BMP-7-mRNA-Expression ist mit den günstigen Markern Differenzierungsgrad (p<0,001) und Verhornung (p<0,01) signifikant positiv korreliert