297 research outputs found

    Estrategias competitivas y exportación de cebolla amarilla dulce peruana al mercado de Estados Unidos 2008–2014

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    La presente tesis se titula: Estrategias competitivas y exportación de cebolla amarilla dulce peruana al mercado de estados unidos 2008–2014, en donde el principal objetivo planteado será determinar que las estrategias competitivas de la cebolla amarilla peruana influyen de manera directa en el incremento de las exportaciones al mercado de Estados Unidos durante el periodo 2008-2014. La metodología a utilizar es la observacional, el tipo de estudio es descriptivo – correlacional y el diseño es no experimental. No existirá una población, muestra y muestreo debido a que la investigación se realizará con la técnica ex pos facto. Así mismo la técnica para la presente investigación será el análisis de base de datos. Para lo cual se recabó información veraz y datos específicos, tanto de fuentes bibliográficas, como de fuentes online. Así mismo se implementó el análisis estadístico para poder llegar a resultados claros que permitieron responder los problemas de investigación y corroborar las hipótesis planteadas; para finalmente llegar a la siguiente conclusión: las estrategias competitivas de la cebolla amarilla peruana influyeron con tendencia creciente las exportaciones a Estados Unidos durante el periodo 2008-2014

    Co-Existence of Inoculated Yeast and Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Impact on the Aroma Profile and Sensory Traits of Tempranillo Red Wine

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    This study investigates the effects of simultaneous inoculation of a selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain with two different commercial strains of wine bacteria Oenococcus oeni at the beginning of the alcoholic fermentation on the kinetics of malolactic fermentation (MLF), wine chemical composition, and organoleptic characteristics in comparison with spontaneous MLF in Tempranillo grape must from Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Evolution of MLF was assessed by the periodic analysis of L-malic acid through the enzymatic method, and most common physiochemical parameters and sensory traits were evaluated using a standardized sensory analysis. The samples were analyzed by GC/MS in SCAN mode using a Trace GC gas chromatograph and a DSQII quadrupole mass analyzer. Co-inoculation reduced the overall fermentation time by up to 2 weeks leading to a lower increase in volatile acidity. The fermentation-derived wine volatiles profile was distinct between the co-inoculated wines and spontaneous MLF and was influenced by the selected wine bacteria used in co-inoculation. Co-inoculation allows MLF to develop under reductive conditions and results in wines with very few lactic and buttery flavors, which is related to the impact of specific compounds like 2,3-butanedione. This compound has been also confirmed as being dependent on the wine bacteria use

    The effect of complex dispersion and characteristic impedance on the gain of superconducting traveling-wave kinetic inductance parametric amplifiers

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    Superconducting traveling-wave parametric amplifiers are a promising amplification technology suitable for applications in submillimeter astronomy. Their implementation relies on the use of Floquet transmission lines in order to create strong stopbands to suppress undesired harmonics. In the design process, amplitude equations are used to predict their gain, operation frequency, and bandwidth. However, usual amplitude equations do not take into account the real and imaginary parts of the dispersion and characteristic impedance that results from the use of Floquet lines, hindering reliable design. In order to overcome this limitation, we have used the multiple-scales method to include those effects. We demonstrate that complex dispersion and characteristic impedance have a stark effect on the transmission line's gain, even suppressing it completely in certain cases. The equations presented here can, thus, guide to a better design and understanding of the properties of this kind of amplifiers.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivit

    Diversidad de la ornitofauna en nueve cochas del Parque Nacional del Manu-Madre de Dios

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    El presente estudio, tiene la finalidad de registrar la composición y estructura de la comunidad de aves en las cochas y el análisis de los índices de diversidad, para determinar la relación entre la diversidad de la ornitofauna y las variables abióticas. El método aplicado fue de conteo por puntos, ubicando los puntos cada 200 m siguiendo el transecto por el medio de la cocha, registrando únicamente los individuos que se encontraban haciendo uso directo del hábitat; a la vez, se realizó la caracterización física de la cocha tomando datos de tamaño, profundidad, visibilidad. Como resultado, se determinó que la población de ornitofauna en las nueve cochas del Parque Nacional del Manu está compuesto por 93 especies, distribuidas en 41 familias, siendo las familias con más registros Ardeidae y Psittacidae, las especies con mayor contribución estructural en las cochas son Opisthocomus hoazin presente en 8 de las 9 cochas y Phalacrocorax brasilianus presente en 6 cochas. El modelo de regresión múltiple determinó que la relación de la diversidad de ornitofauna y las variables abióticas (cochas), un valor de p = 0,335 > 0,05, por lo que se acepta la hipótesis nula, es decir que las variables abióticas no influyen en la diversidad de aves, por lo tanto, no presenta relación significativa

    Acoso escolar y sentimiento de soledad en adolescentes de una institución educativa pública de Lima Norte, 2023

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    La presente investigación titulada Acoso escolar y sentimiento de soledad en adolescentes de una institución educativa pública de Lima Norte, 2023, tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre el acoso escolar y sentimiento de soledad en adolescentes de una institución educativa pública de Lima Norte, 2023. El tipo de investigación es básica, con un diseño no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 264 adolescentes. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Autotest Cisneros de Acoso Escolar y la Escala de Soledad de Jong Gierveld. Recabada y procesada la información, los datos fueron procesados a través del programa Jamovi 2.3.28. El resultado mostro que las variables acoso escolar y sentimiento de soledad se correlacionaron de manera directa y estadísticamente significativa (Rho r=.634; p<.001). Se concluye que los estudiantes víctimas de acoso escolar tienden a ser vulnerables a desarrollar sentimiento de soledad

    Deliberación democrática en la Red: Del diálogo al ruido digital

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    This thematic issue, with the title 'Democratic deliberation on the Net: From digital dialogue to digital noise', focused on the tension between noise and deliberation in the digital public sphere. The issue includes both research that addresses progressive experiences and potentially democratizing uses of digital technologies, as well as research that illustrates their risks and the threats they can pose to the quality of public debate and democracy itself.Este monográfico, bajo el título 'Deliberación democrática en la Red: Del diálogo al ruido digital', afronta el reto de pensar las tensiones entre este ruido y la deliberación democrática. En el mismo podemos encontrar tanto investigaciones que abordan experiencias progresistas y usos potencialmente democratizadores de las tecnologías digitales, como fenómenos que ilustran sus riesgos y las amenazas que pueden representar para la calidad del debate público y la propia democracia

    Improving regional ozone modeling through systematic evaluation of errors using the aircraft observations during the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation

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    During the operational phase of the ICARTT field experiment in 2004, the regional air quality model STEM showed a strong positive surface bias and a negative upper troposphere bias (compared to observed DC-8 and WP-3 observations) with respect to ozone. After updating emissions from NEI 1999 to NEI 2001 (with a 2004 large point sources inventory update), and modifying boundary conditions, low-level model bias decreases from 11.21 to 1.45 ppbv for the NASA DC-8 observations and from 8.26 to −0.34 for the NOAA WP-3. Improvements in boundary conditions provided by global models decrease the upper troposphere negative ozone bias, while accounting for biomass burning emissions improved model performance for CO. The covariances of ozone bias were highly correlated to NOz, NOy, and HNO3 biases. Interpolation of bias information through kriging showed that decreasing emissions in SE United States would reduce regional ozone model bias and improve model correlation coefficients. The spatial distribution of forecast errors was analyzed using kriging, which identified distinct features, which when compared to errors in postanalysis simulations, helped document improvements. Changes in dry deposition to crops were shown to reduce substantially high bias in the forecasts in the Midwest, while updated emissions were shown to account for decreases in bias in the eastern United States. Observed and modeled ozone production efficiencies for the DC-8 were calculated and shown to be very similar (7.8) suggesting that recurring ozone bias is due to overestimation of NOx emissions. Sensitivity studies showed that ozone formation in the United States is most sensitive to NOx emissions, followed by VOCs and CO. PAN as a reservoir of NOx can contribute to a significant amount of surface ozone through thermal decomposition

    Assessing regional scale predictions of aerosols, marine stratocumulus, and their interactions during VOCALS-REx using WRF-Chem

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    This study assesses the ability of the recent chemistry version (v3.3) of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-Chem) model to simulate boundary layer structure, aerosols, stratocumulus clouds, and energy fluxes over the Southeast Pacific Ocean. Measurements from the VAMOS Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Study Regional Experiment (VOCALS-REx) and satellite retrievals (i.e., products from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES), and GOES-10) are used for this assessment. The Morrison double-moment microphysics scheme is newly coupled with interactive aerosols in the model. The 31-day (15 October–16 November 2008) WRF-Chem simulation with aerosol-cloud interactions (AERO hereafter) is also compared to a simulation (MET hereafter) with fixed cloud droplet number concentrations in the microphysics scheme and simplified cloud and aerosol treatments in the radiation scheme. The well-simulated aerosol quantities (aerosol number, mass composition and optical properties), and the inclusion of full aerosol-cloud couplings lead to significant improvements in many features of the simulated stratocumulus clouds: cloud optical properties and microphysical properties such as cloud top effective radius, cloud water path, and cloud optical thickness. In addition to accounting for the aerosol direct and semi-direct effects, these improvements feed back to the simulation of boundary-layer characteristics and energy budgets. Particularly, inclusion of interactive aerosols in AERO strengthens the temperature and humidity gradients within the capping inversion layer and lowers the marine boundary layer (MBL) depth by 130 m from that of the MET simulation. These differences are associated with weaker entrainment and stronger mean subsidence at the top of the MBL in AERO. Mean top-of-atmosphere outgoing shortwave fluxes, surface latent heat, and surface downwelling longwave fluxes are in better agreement with observations in AERO, compared to the MET simulation. Nevertheless, biases in some of the simulated meteorological quantities (e.g., MBL temperature and humidity) and aerosol quantities (e.g., underestimations of accumulation mode aerosol number) might affect simulated stratocumulus and energy fluxes over the Southeastern Pacific, and require further investigation. The well-simulated timing and outflow patterns of polluted and clean episodes demonstrate the model's ability to capture daily/synoptic scale variations of aerosol and cloud properties, and suggest that the model is suitable for studying atmospheric processes associated with pollution outflow over the ocean. The overall performance of the regional model in simulating mesoscale clouds and boundary layer properties is encouraging and suggests that reproducing gradients of aerosol and cloud droplet concentrations and coupling cloud-aerosol-radiation processes are important when simulating marine stratocumulus over the Southeast Pacific