735 research outputs found

    Semantic Heterogeneity Issues on the Web

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    The Semantic Web is an extension of the traditional Web in which meaning of information is well defined, thus allowing a better interaction between people and computers. To accomplish its goals, mechanisms are required to make explicit the semantics of Web resources, to be automatically processed by software agents (this semantics being described by means of online ontologies). Nevertheless, issues arise caused by the semantic heterogeneity that naturally happens on the Web, namely redundancy and ambiguity. For tackling these issues, we present an approach to discover and represent, in a non-redundant way, the intended meaning of words in Web applications, while taking into account the (often unstructured) context in which they appear. To that end, we have developed novel ontology matching, clustering, and disambiguation techniques. Our work is intended to help bridge the gap between syntax and semantics for the Semantic Web construction

    Estudio técnico-económico del uso de diferentes tipos de fertilización en el pasto de corta Maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp)

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Ingeniería Agropecuaria Administrativa) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Agropecuaria Administrativa, 2009.En el año 2009 actual donde los costos de los insumos utilizados en la ganadería crecen cada día, es de suma importancia encontrar métodos que ayuden a reducir estos costos y por ende hacer más rentable la actividad. Es por eso que los productores necesitan encontrar nuevas rutas para un mejor uso de los recursos que la finca pueda darle, esto mediante la utilización de nuevos cultivares que se desarrollen mejor que los ya existentes y de un manejo eficiente para su control y manutención. En el caso de la ganadería estabulada uno de los costos más importantes es el de la alimentación, ya que ésta define el éxito de la ganadería, si la alimentación es deficiente la ganancia de peso seria baja y por ende la eficiencia sería muy baja caso contario de una buena alimentación. La base de la dieta normal de un vacuno es el forraje, por lo cual la calidad de este forraje será determinante a la hora de alimentar a los animales. Para poder obtener un forraje de calidad primero hay que buscar una variedad que se adapte a las condiciones existentes en la finca y además de aportar los elementos esenciales para el animal. Aparte de eso, el manejo que se le dé va ser de suma importancia ya que va a determinar el desarrollo que va a tener la planta. Dentro del manejo que se le pueda dar, el agua y la fertilización juegan un papel muy importante. El agua como medio de transporte y dilución de nutrientes y la fertilización como aporte a la planta de lo que el suelo no puede darle. Acá es donde surge la inquietud de cómo hacer de este forraje un alimento de calidad mediante el uso de diferentes tipos de fertilización y así determinar cuál es la más apta en cuanto a calidad y a costo

    Web-Based Measure of Semantic Relatedness

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    Semantic relatedness measures quantify the degree in which some words or concepts are related, considering not only similarity but any possible semantic relationship among them. Relatedness computation is of great interest in different areas, such as Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, or the Semantic Web. Different methods have been proposed in the past; however, current relatedness measures lack some desirable properties for a new generation of Semantic Web applications: maximum coverage, domain independence, and universality. In this paper, we explore the use of a semantic relatedness measure between words, that uses the Web as knowledge source. This measure exploits the information about frequencies of use provided by existing search engines. Furthermore, taking this measure as basis, we define a new semantic relatedness measure among ontology terms. The proposed measure fulfils the above mentioned desirable properties to be used on the Semantic Web. We have tested extensively this semantic measure to show that it correlates well with human judgment, and helps solving some particular tasks, as word sense disambiguation or ontology matching

    Dealing with Semantic Heterogeneity Issues on the Web

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    The Semantic Web is an extension of the traditional Web in which meaning of information is well defined, thus allowing a better interaction between people and computers. To accomplish its goals, mechanisms are required to make explicit the semantics of Web resources, to be automatically processed by software agents (this semantics being described by means of online ontologies). Nevertheless, issues arise caused by the semantic heterogeneity that naturally happens on the Web, namely redundancy and ambiguity. For tackling these issues, we present an approach to discover and represent, in a non-redundant way, the intended meaning of words in Web applications, while taking into account the (often unstructured) context in which they appear. To that end, we have developed novel ontology matching, clustering, and disambiguation techniques. Our work is intended to help bridge the gap between syntax and semantics for the Semantic Web constructio

    Ontology Matching with CIDER: evaluation report for OAEI 2011

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    CIDER is a schema-based ontology alignment system. Its algorithm compares each pair of ontology terms by, firstly, extracting their ontological contexts up to a certain depth (enriched by using lightweight inference) and, secondly, combining different elementary ontology matching techniques. In its current version, CIDER uses artificial neural networks in order to combine such elementary matchers. In this paper we briefly describe CIDER and comment on its results at the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2011 campaign (OAEI’11). In this new approach, the burden of manual selection of weights has been definitely eliminated, while preserving the performance with respect to CIDER’s previous participation in the benchmark track (at OAEI’08)

    Estudio comparativo de los de signos vitales, en pacientes sanos (ASA I) sometidos a cirugía de exodoncia, con y sin sedación oral con Midazolam.

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    Tesis para optar al Título de Cirujano – DentistaResumen. Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los signos vitales de pacientes sometidos a exodoncia con y sin sedación oral con midazolam. Método: 60 pacientes sanos entre 12 y 65 años de edad con indicación de exodoncia de una o más piezas dentarias, 30 de los cuales tenían indicación de ansiólisis con midazolam vía oral de 7.5 mg y 30 sin indicación de ansiólisis, se sometieron a medición de signos vitales (presión arterial, frecuencia cardiaca y saturación de oxigeno) durante el procedimiento de exodoncia, se registraron los signos vitales en 4 momentos operatorios: preanestesia, postanestesia, intervención y recuperación. Resultados: no se observan diferencias significativas en los signos vitales de los pacientes con ansiólisis y sin ansiólisis con midazolam. Conclusiones: el midazolam utilizado como ansiolítico en cirugía de exodoncias no modifica los signos vitales significativamente y se consideraría seguro para el uso clínico, sin embargo se recomienda evaluar otros parámetros no considerados en este estudio como el estrés pre quirúrgico con el objeto de evaluar las repercusiones sobre los signos vitales.Abstract. Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the vital signs of patients undergoing tooth extraction with and without oral sedation with midazolam. Methods: 60 healthy patients between 12 and 65 years with extraction indication in one or more teeth, 30 of them had the indication to take oral anxiolysis with midazolam of 7.5 mg and 30 without the indication of anxiolysis, the vital signs (arterial pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation) were measured to them during the extraction procedure and registered in 4 operatory moments: anesthesia, preanesthesia, intervention and recovery Results: no significant difference in the vital signs of patients with and without anxiolysis with midazolam. Conclusions: midazolam used as an anxiolytic in surgery extractions not alter vital signs significantly and would be considered safe for clinical use, however it is recommended evaluate other parameters not considered in this study as the pre-surgical stress in order to assess the impact on vital sign

    Classification, characterisation and strategies for improvement of cattle and sheep pasture systems in marginal areas of Southern Chile

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    Pasture-based livestock systems in farms with medium or low size are especially important in less favored areas and are valuable for society. For these systems to survive, it is necessary to obtain an acceptable level of productivity and ensure commercialization of the products. This study was carried out in the district of Rio Ibáñez, General Carrera Province, in the XI (Aysén) Region of Chile. The sample consisted of 28 small-scale livestock farmers with dual-purpose cattle production; 16 of them also produced sheep for meat. The empirical data produced 55 variables which were subjected to multivariate analysis; three main components were obtained which explain 72.1 % of the variance. By cluster analysis it was obtained four groups with characteristics which varied by farm size, age and personal situation of farmers, farm management and farm profitability. The principal problems found are low productivity in the herds and the poor marketing channels of animals produced. In two groups, due to the low size and poor management, the profitability of the farms is very low and this may compromise their future. To improve production systems, the training and advice of farmers should be strengthened, investment should be supported, especially for young people, and the farmer partnership should be promoted. There is also a need to diversify the families' sources of income (sale of other farm products or handicrafts and touristic activities).Ministerio de Economía de Chile Innova-CORFO Project 11 NTEC 1279

    Classification, characterisation and strategies for improvement of cattle and sheep pasture systems in marginal areas of Southern Chile

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    Pasture-based livestock systems in farms with medium or low size are especially important in less favored areas and are valuable for society. For these systems to survive, it is necessary to obtain an acceptable level of productivity and ensure commercialization of the products. This study was carried out in the district of Rio Ibáñez, General Carrera Province, in the XI (Aysén) Region of Chile. The sample consisted of 28 small-scale livestock farmers with dual-purpose cattle production; 16 of them also produced sheep for meat. The empirical data produced 55 variables which were subjected to multivariate analysis; three main components were obtained which explain 72.1 % of the variance. By cluster analysis it was obtained four groups with characteristics which varied by farm size, age and personal situation of farmers, farm management and farm profitability. The principal problems found are low productivity in the herds and the poor marketing channels of animals produced. In two groups, due to the low size and poor management, the profitability of the farms is very low and this may compromise their future. To improve production systems, the training and advice of farmers should be strengthened, investment should be supported, especially for young people, and the farmer partnership should be promoted. There is also a need to diversify the families' sources of income (sale of other farm products or handicrafts and touristic activities).Ministerio de Economía de Chile Innova-CORFO Project 11 NTEC 1279

    Handling location uncertainty in probabilistic location-dependent queries

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    Location-based services have motivated intensive research in the field of mobile computing, and particularly on location-dependent queries. Existing approaches usually assume that the location data are expressed at a fine geographic precision (physical coordinates such as GPS). However, many positioning mechanisms are subject to an inherent imprecision (e.g., the cell-id mechanism used in cellular networks can only determine the cell where a certain moving object is located). Moreover, even a GPS location can be subject to an error or be obfuscated for privacy reasons. Thus, moving objects can be considered to be associated not to an exact location, but to an uncertainty area where they can be located. In this paper, we analyze the problem introduced by the imprecision of the location data available in the data sources by modeling them using uncertainty areas. To do so, we propose to use a higher-level representation of locations which includes uncertainty, formalizing the concept of uncertainty location granule. This allows us to consider probabilistic location-dependent queries, among which we will focus on probabilistic inside (range) constraints. The adopted model allows us to develop a systematic and efficient approach for processing this kind of queries. An experimental evaluation shows that these probabilistic queries can be supported efficiently


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    El Informe de tesis en su versión terminada, desarrolla la problemática existente de la etapa de conciliación extrajudicial como mecanismo alternativo de solución en el asunto contencioso de desalojo por ocupante precario, que no estaría cumpliendo con su objetivo, que es la solución del conflicto de intereses en esa instancia evitando que se judicialice la pretensión de desalojo en el Primer Juzgado Civil de Huánuco, 2018, la misma que se encuentra organizada en cinco capítulos: El primer capítulo se relaciona con la descripción del problema si el acta de conciliación tiene incidencia en el proceso de desalojo por ocupante precario, ya que en la etapa de conciliación extrajudicial previa a la demanda, no se soluciona el conflicto en etapa. El segundo capítulo contiene los antecedentes de la investigación a nivel internacional, nacional y local, relacionado con la investigación y sus bases teóricas se desarrollaron en atención a su variable independiente el acta de conciliación extrajudicial y su variable dependiente el proceso de desalojo por ocupante precario. El tercer capítulo refiere sobre la metodología de la investigación advirtiéndose que se empleó la de tipo sustantiva, y como base la descripción en el tiempo sobre los expedientes que se tramitaron en el Primer Juzgado Civil del Distrito Judicial de Huánuco periodo 2018, su muestra está constituida por seis expedientes judiciales sobre desalojo por ocupación precaria, con las características señaladas. En el capítulo cuarto se ha desarrollado los resultados de la investigación, la misma que está compuesta por el procesamiento de datos, contrastación y prueba de hipótesis, y para finalizar en el capítulo quinto la Discusión de Resultados, las conclusiones y recomendaciones, donde se advierte el aporte jurídico de la investigación.Tesi