16 research outputs found

    Spirituality Concept by Health Professionals in Iran: A Qualitative Study

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    Background. For years, researchers have sought to provide a clear definition of spirituality and its features and consequences, but the definitions provided of this concept still lack transparency. The present qualitative research was conducted to clarify this concept within the religious-cultural context of Iran. Materials and Methods. The present conventional qualitative content analysis was conducted with an inductive approach. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with 17 spiritual health experts and activists selected through purposive sampling. Results. Three themes emerged from the analysis of the data, including (1) the structure of spirituality, (2) defects in the conceptualization of spirituality, and (3) spirituality in practice, which are explained in this paper with their relevant subthemes and codes. The definition which this study proposes for this concept is that "spirituality is the sublime aspect of human existence bestowed on all humans in order for them to traverse the path of transcendence that is closeness to God (Allah)." Conclusion. The definition provided by this study is similar to the previous definitions of this concept in its main part (transcendence) and in incorporating a God-centered view of spirituality within the context of an Islamic society. This definition has implications for health services' education, research, and practice in similar societies. © 2016 Nadereh Memaryan et al

    Integration of Spirituality in Medical Education in Iran: A Qualitative Exploration of Requirements

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    Background. Healthcare system has needed to provide spiritual services, and one of the reasons for not addressing spirituality in this field is lack of training in this area. This study purpose is to explore and identify main requirements for designing this education, in Iran. Materials and Methods. This is a qualitative study with conventional content analysis method. 18 participants, who were main stakeholders in spirituality, medical education, and curriculum development, were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected using semistructured interviews, which continued until data saturation. Results. Three main themes and their categories were extracted from analysis of data. The themes are (1) educational needs including clinical practice needs; (2) opportunities including rich background and backup, perceived clinical need, and right context of medical education for change; and (3) challenges including challenges in academic planning and barriers to implementation. Conclusion. All stakeholders acknowledged the need for addressing spirituality in formal medical education. It seems that implementation of such programs requires attention to facilitating factors and challenges proposed by those involved. © 2015 Nadereh Memaryan et al

    Spirituality as a sociocultural determinant of health in the context of medical curriculum: A call for action

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    Background: This study aimed to investigate the state of spirituality in the general medicine curricula in Iran. Methods: Reference books for general medicine were reviewed and data were analyzed according to the qualitative content analysis method. Results: After reviewing references, it was found that only 35 paragraphs of the educational reference pages dealt with this subject. Related topics to spirituality had 2 major themes: (a) spirituality and care (assessment, treatment, palliative care, and bereavement); (b) spirituality and professionalism (considering culture and medical ethics). Conclusion: This study showed that despite the importance of the subject and much evidence on spirituality and medicine, medical references have limitations. The authors suggested some strategies to develop a specific course and integrate all educational references with the objectives of the general medical education course in Iran. © Iran University of Medical Sciences

    Spiritual care for cancer patients in Iran

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    Background: Studies have shown that a return to spirituality is a major coping response in cancer patients so that therapists can adopt a holistic approach by addressing spirituality in their patient care. The present study was conducted to develop a guideline in the spiritual field for healthcare providers who serve cancer patients in Iran. Materials and Methods: Relevant statements were extracted from scientific documents that through study questions were reviewed and modified by a consensus panel. Results: The statements were arranged in six areas, including spiritual needs assessment, spiritual care candidates, the main components of spiritual care, spiritual care providers, the settings of spiritual care and the resources and facilities for spiritual care. Conclusions: In addition to the development and preparation of these guidelines, health policy-makers should also seek to motivate and train health service providers to offer these services and facilitate their provision and help with widespread implementation

    Methanol mass poisoning in Iran: Role of case finding in outbreak management

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    Background There are no guidelines addressing the public health aspects of methanol poisoning during larger outbreaks. The current study was done to discuss the role of active case finding and a national guideline that organizes all available resources according to a triage strategy in the successful management of a methanol mass poisoning in Rafsanjan, Iran, in May 2013. Methods A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed reviewing the outbreak Emergency Operation Center files. The objectives were to describe the characteristics, management and outcome of a methanol outbreak using Active Case Finding to trace the victims. Results A total of 694 patients presented to emergency departments in Rafsanjan after public announcement of the outbreak between 29th May and 3rd June 2013. The announcement was mainly performed via short message service (SMS) and local radio broadcasting. A total of 361 cases were observed and managed in Rafsanjan and 333 were transferred to other cities. Seventy-five and 100 patients underwent hemodialysis (HD), retrospectively. The main indication for HD was refractory metabolic acidosis. Eight patients expired due to the intoxication. Except for the deceased cases, no serum methanol level was available. Conclusion In developing countries, where diagnostic resources are limited, use of active case finding and developing national guidelines can help in the management of large outbreaks of methanol poisonings. © 2014 The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Faculty of Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]

    Management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A national clinical guideline

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    One of the best approaches for evidence-based care is providing and using the guidelines. Observing these guidelines results in a better quality of health care, decreased unnecessary or harmful interventions, lower health costs, and an increase in patients� satisfaction. Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-1 in children and adolescents is a guideline published after 6 years of research and review of resources in the domain of treatment of ADHD. A research team formed in Iran University of Medical Sciences provided this guideline by addressing reliable references and observing a scientific approach. This guideline is provided with respect to the present resources for the standard treatment of ADHD in our country. To prepare this guideline, this research team considered the most recent and strict version of the writing method in the treatment section of Health, Treatment, and Education Ministry. Although the present guideline has some shortcomings, it is a turning point in the history of the development of health care. It presents a systematic approach in the treatment of such disorder, one of the most prevalent disorders in child psychiatry. The colleagues and treatment centers can help such an issue by applying this guideline. © 2020, Iran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Spirituality and Health Services in Iran

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    Integration of Spiritual Care in Hospital Care System in Iran

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    There is a growing body of evidence on the positive effects of religion and spirituality on recovery from cancer and the ability to cope with it. Most spiritual interventions carried out in Iranian research are based on care and support models that have been developed in the West. With the unique cultural and religious features of the Iranian context, a more refined look at spiritual care in the hospital care system of Iran is called for. This paper examines how to implement the spiritual care of cancer patients in hospitals and oncology wards in Iran. A consensus panel of experts was used to develop guidelines for spiritually integrated care consisting of 18 primary areas, which are described in detail in this report. Health care policy makers and managers of health care in Iran and possibly other areas of the Middle East should consider implementing these guidelines. Using indigenous models and programs specific to the religion and the cultural of a region should be considered when providing spiritual care for cancer patients. © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Spiritual Health as a Predictor of Social and General Health in University Students? A Study in Iran

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    Spiritual health is considered a major asset that is associated with an individual�s perception of their health status. Social health and general health are also two important dimensions of health through which we measure our individual and social performance in the life. The measurement of spiritual and social health in past studies has been done by non-native questionnaires (it means they weren�t developed by Iranian researchers), even though these dimensions are highly dependent on Iranian culture. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of spiritual health to predict the general and social health of students from Iran University of Medical Sciences in the 2017�18 academic year, using two native questionnaires plus an existing questionnaire. The statistical population of this cross-sectional method consisted of students from Iran University of Medical Sciences. For this purpose, 233 students were selected using a stratified random sampling method. To collect the data, questionnaires on spiritual health, social health, and general health were employed. Data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation and regression methods. Findings indicated a significant relationship between spiritual health and social health (P < 0.01), spiritual health and general health (p < 0.05), and social health and general health (P < 0.01). In addition, spiritual health was a significant predictor of social health and general health, although the prediction power was low. Investigating the role of health dimensions in students using native questionnaires is an important subject. Spiritual health appears to be associated with general, mental, and social health. This relationship also allows the prediction of other dimensions of health in students based on spiritual health. © 2018 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Natur