152 research outputs found

    Intentional ethics and hermeneutics in the Libellus de symoniacis: Bruno of Segni as a papal polemicist

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    The Investiture Contest has at regular intervals been considered as a ‘revolution’, largely because it contributed forcefully to the reorganisation of the Church in the centuries to come. But the Contest has also been seen as heralding a new and more critical way of thinking, in which the traditional reliance on authorities was giving way to new approaches to the textual past. These new approaches are best evident in an extensive polemical literature that accompanied the struggle. From the 1030s and until the end of the Contest with the Concordat of Worms in 1122, a number of contending issues were discussed by contemporary churchmen. One issue scrutinised was that of simony and the validity of sacraments of simoniacs. In the following, the Libellus de symoniacis of Bruno of Segni will be analysed in order to address several aspects. First, the Libellus shows a new and more critical approach to the textual past, foreshadowing the juggling with auctoritas of the twelfth century. Second, Bruno's analysis is a witness to the efforts taken to justify papal reform in the last decades of the eleventh century.publishedVersio

    Dealing with the great unknown: A qualitative study on how representatives justify their decision-making

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    Norwegian Journal of History 1945–2020: Between the conservative and the innovative

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    Artikkelen kartlegg og analyserer utviklinga av Historisk tidsskrift frå det første nummeret etter krigen og fram til og med 2020. Dei 782 hovudartiklane i tidsskriftet blir handsama gjennom ei kvantitativ analyse knytt til eit knippe kategoriar: kjønn, historisk periode for undersøkinga, den romlege plasseringa av undersøkinga og saksområde eller tema. Tendensar og vendepunkt blir diskuterte i ljos av den overordna historiografiske utviklinga i etterkrigstida, og dessutan redaksjonelle føreord i tidsskriftet. The article presents and discusses historiographical tendencies in Historisk tidsskrift (Norwegian Journal of History) from the first volume after 1945 up until 2020. The tendencies are presented according to gender, historical period, geographical situation and thematic orientation, and are discussed partly by drawing on historiographical currents and partly by viewing them in relation to editorial statements of intention.publishedVersio

    'The revolt of the medievalists'. Directions in recent research on the twelfth-century renaissance

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    This historiographical article contains two basic parts. First, it discusses recent approaches to the twelfth-century renaissance in the last two decades by focusing on some selected themes. These themes basically derive from Charles Homer Haskins' notion of the renaissance and include individualism, rationality, secularisation, and the question of the emergence of a ‘critical mentality.’ From this point of departure, the article addresses the question of thematic innovation with regard to the twelfth-century renaissance. The second part of the article discusses the effect of the so-called linguistic turn on renaissance studies in general and on the twelfth-century renaissance in particular. In conclusion, some suggestions for further research are singled out.publishedVersio

    Immunoregulatory networks in healthy adult allogeneic stem cell donors : Studies of peripheral hematopoietic stem cell donors and their recipients

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    Final outcome after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) is influenced by the high degrees of variation in disease and comorbidities among recipients, as well as the pre-and post-transplant handling of patients. Recent studies suggest that outcome is also influenced by donor heterogeneity, and the impact of G-CSF–induced immunomodulation on graft composition and post-transplant outcome is still not fully understood. In this exploratory study, we characterized healthy HLA-matched related donors with respect to 27 distinct circulating lymphoid subsets, and systemic levels of 39 soluble mediators and 641 metabolites during hematopoietic stem cell mobilization and collection. A high degree of variation among donors was detected. This heterogeneity was further increased during G-CSF treatment and apheresis through preferential enrichment of certain immune cell subsets, soluble mediators and metabolites both in the donors and the stem cell grafts. Bioinformatics analyses were used to identify donor G-CSF–induced systemic changes and revealed a distinct dichotomy in G-CSF immune cell mobilization response, with potential impacts on recipient outcome. Our findings show that the systemic G-CSF–induced mediator profile predicted stem cell yield, and graft mediator profile was dependent on apheresis device and correlated to graft leukocyte and platelet levels. Our overall results show that healthy stem cell donors are heterogeneous with regard to immunoregulation, and this heterogeneity is increased by G-CSF treatment and stem cell harvesting. Future clinical studies should further investigate how immunological donor characteristics influence outcome after allotransplantation and the possible implications for hematopoietic stem cell mobilization and collection.Doktorgradsavhandlin


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan diberlakukannya Kurikulum 2013 yang menekankan pada dimensi pedagogik modern dalam pembelajaran, yaitu menggunakan pendekatan scientific. Pada pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL), mahasiswa dituntut untuk menggunakan pendekatan scientific. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data mengenai pendapat mahasiswa tentang pendekatan scientific dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif yang berkaitan dengan (1) pengetahuan tentang konsep (2) pemahaman tentang prosedur, dan (3) analisis penerapan pendekatan scientific. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 21 orang mahasiswa. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan mahasiswa berpendapat positif tentang pendekatan scientific dan (1) Tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang konsep pendekatan scientific dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif di SMK berada pada kriteria tinggi. Mahasiswa mengetahui bahwa dalam konsep pendekatan scientific memiliki karakteristik pendekatan scientific, prinsip pembelajaran, dan tujuan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan scientific. (2) Tingkat pemahaman prosedur pendekatan scientific oleh mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif di SMK berada pada kriteria tinggi sekali. Mahasiswa memahami prosedur atau langkah-langkah pembelajaran dengan pendekatan scientific dilaksanakan secara sistematis, mulai dari kegiatan mengamati, menanya, menalar, mencoba, dan mengkomunikasikan. Setiap prosedur pendekatan scientific memiliki maksud dan tujuan masing-masing. (3) Analisis penerapan pendekatan scientific dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif di SMK berada pada kriteria tinggi. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan kegiatan mengamati, menanya, menalar, mecoba, dan mengkomunikasikan dalam pembelajaran. Setiap prosedur atau langkah-langkah pendekatan scientific tersebut sesuai untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif di SMK.----------This research was effected by the enactment of the 2013 Curriculum that emphasizes on the dimensions of modern pedagogy in learning, i.e. using scientific approach. On the implementation of the field experience program, students are required to use a scientific approach. The purpose of this research is to obtain data about student opinion about the scientific approach in learning productive skills related to (1) knowledge of the concept (2) understanding of the procedures, and (3) an analysis of the application of the scientific approach. The research method used is descriptive analytic method. Technique data collection using the questionnaire with the number of respondents as much as 21 students. The findings of the study showed the students had a positive opinion about the scientific approach and (1) the level of knowledge of students about the concepts of scientific approaches in the study of productive skills at vocational high school is at once high criteria. Students learn that in the concept of scientific approach has the characteristics of a scientific approach, principles of learning, and learning objectives with scientific approach. (2) level of understanding of the learning procedures with scientific approach by students in productive skills learning at the vocational high school is at once high criteria. Students understood the procedures or steps scientific approach implemented systematically, from observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking activities. Each procedure has a scientific approach to the goals and purpose of each. (3) an analysis of the application of scientific approaches in the study of productive skills at vocational high school is at once high criteria. Students was able to implement activities to observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking in learning. Any procedures or steps of the scientific approach is appropriate to applied in productive skills learning at the vocational high school


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    ABSTRACT The 18" flowline from the Mikkel template in the North Sea was coated with asphalt enamel for corrosion protection and an external concrete coating for weight. The high internal temperature of 85 o C close to the template can give relative thermal movements between the outer concrete coating and the inner steel pipe. The case is considered to be similar to an adhesive joint between two tubular members. The strength approach is based on the analysis of the shear stress distribution in this "adhesive" joint. The material stiffness (shear modulus) of the asphalt was used to determine the upper temperature limit for the asphalt coating. The hotter part of the flowline had to be coated with polypropylene instead of asphalt

    History, Reading and Enlightenment: Local Historiographical Culture in Norway in the 18th Century

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    Artikkelen drøftar antikvarisk medvit, historiesyn og opplysningstankar i Noreg midt på 1700-talet. Perspektivet er lokalt, sidan kjeldematerialet er norske embetsmenn sine svar på det store dansk-norske kartleggingsprosjektet i 1743. I tillegg til å diskutere den historieforståinga som målber seg i dette materialet, er artikkelen eit bidrag til bokhistorie og lesehistorie – i kraft av ei kartlegging av kva historisk-topografiske verk embetsmennene hadde tilgang til, og korleis denne litteraturen blei lest.publishedVersio

    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor alters the systemic metabolomic profile in healthy donors

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    Introduction: Peripheral blood stem cells mobilized by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) from healthy donors are commonly used for allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The effect of G-CSF administration on global serum metabolite profiles has not been investigated before. Objectives: This study aims to examine the systemic metabolomic profiles prior to and following administration of G-CSF in healthy adults. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 15 healthy stem cell donors prior to and after administration of G-CSF 10 µg/kg/day for 4 days. Using a non-targeted metabolomics approach, metabolite levels in serum were determined using ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Results: Comparison of the metabolite profiles of donors before and after G-CSF treatment revealed 239 metabolites that were significantly altered. The major changes of the metabolite profiles following G-CSF administration included alteration of several fatty acids, including increased levels of several medium and long-chain fatty acids, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids; while there were lower levels of other lipid metabolites such as phospholipids, lysolipids, sphingolipids. Furthermore, there were significantly lower levels of several amino acids and/or their metabolites, including several amino acids with known immunoregulatory functions (methionine, tryptophan, valine). Lastly, the levels of several nucleotides and nucleotide metabolites (guanosine, adenosine, inosine) were also decreased after G-CSF administration, while methylated products were increased. Some of these altered products/metabolites may potentially have angioregulatory effects whereas others may suggest altered intracellular epigenetic regulation. Conclusion: Our results show that G-CSF treatment alters biochemical serum profiles, in particular amino acid, lipid and nucleotide metabolism. Additional studies are needed to further evaluate the relevance of these changes in healthy donors.publishedVersio

    Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends. Sammenhengen mellom skolestress, sosial støtte og psykiske plager ved oppstart av videregående skole.

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    Bakgrunn: Psykiske plager er en av de største folkehelseutfordringene Norge står overfor i dag. Psykiske plager er et komplekst begrep med mange innvirkende faktorer, og etiologien er ikke fullstendig kjent. For ungdom virker imidlertid skolestress å være en viktig bidragsyter til utviklingen av disse plagene. Samtidig, i lys av de vidstrakte positive effektene sosial støtte har på helse, foreslår tidligere forskning at sosial støtte kan bufre effektene stress har på psykiske plager. Hensikt: Studien ønsket å undersøke sammenhengene mellom skolestress, psykiske plager, og sosial støtte fra venner, foreldre og lærere, og hvorvidt noen av formene for støtte kunne moderere forholdet mellom stress og psykiske plager. Metode: Studien brukte data fra COMPLETE, en RCT-studie gjennomført av HEMIL-senteret. Utvalget bestod av 2306 studenter i starten av sitt første år på videregående skole (M = 16 år, 54% gutter). Regresjonsanalyser med interaksjonsvariabler ble gjennomført for å undersøke de potensielt modererende effektene av de ulike kildene til sosial støtte. Resultater: Funnene viste store kjønnsforskjeller i nivåene av skolestress og psykiske plager, hvor jenter rapporterte mer av begge. Skolestress og kjønn var de viktigste prediktorene for psykiske plager, og jenter så ut til å ha større utbytte av sosial støtte enn gutter. Videre viste moderasjonsanalysene at vennestøtte fungerte som en buffer i forholdet mellom skolestress og psykiske plager. Konklusjon: For ungdom er det å ha støttende venner en beskyttende faktor mot skolestress. Funnene fra inneværende studie etterspør videre forskning på sammenhengene mellom ulike kilder til sosial støtte og stress hos ungdom.Background: Psychological complaints are considered a major public health challenge in Norway. Its aetiology is not fully understood. For adolescents, however, school related stress seems to be an important contributor to the development of these complaints. Also, knowing the vast positive effects of social support, previous research suggest that social support can buffer the effects of stress on psychological complaints. Purpose: The study sought to examine the relationships between school related stress, psychological complaints and friend-, parent-, and teacher support, and whether any of these sources worked as buffers on the relationship between stress and psychological complaints. Method: Data from COMPLETE, an RCT-study conducted by the HEMIL-centre, was used. The sample consisted of 2306 students starting their first year of upper secondary school (M = 16 years, 54% boys). Regression analyses with interaction terms were conducted in order to investigate the potential buffering effects. Results: Large gender differences were found in the levels of school related stress and psychological complaints, with girls reporting more of both. School related stress and sex were the strongest predictors of psychological complaints, and social support seemed to be of more importance to girls than to boys. Further, moderation analyses revealed that peer support acted as a buffer in the relationship between school related stress and psychological complaints. Conclusion: For adolescents, having supportive friends is a protective factor in the face of school related stress. These results call for further investigation of the relationships between different sources of social support and stress in adolescents.Masteroppgave i helsefremmende arbeid og helsepsykologiHEFR395MAPS-LOGMAPS-HEF