280 research outputs found

    Assessing factors involved in determining fluctuating asymmetry in four insular populations of the Balearic lizard Podarcis lilfordi

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    Abstract. In animals, developmental stability is frequently assessed by the level of fluctuating asymmetry. Several environmental and genetic stress factors can increase the developmental instability in a population. Anyhow, the use of fluctuating asymmetry as a measurement of developmental instability and its relationship to other measurements of genetic and environmental stress, remain controversial. We studied this subject in the Balearic lizard, Podarcis lilfordi, and examined four populations inhabiting different coastal islets of Minorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). These populations show clear ecological and genetic differences that allowed us to study factors potentially determining the level of fluctuating asymmetry. We examined the following predictions: (1) fluctuating asymmetry will increase on smaller islands; (2) fluctuating asymmetry will increase on islands with a higher lizard density; (3) fluctuating asymmetry will increase on islands with more heavily parasitized lizards; and (4) populations with higher inbreeding levels would be more susceptible to environmental stress. Our results would partially support the fourth prediction of a higher fluctuating asymmetry in populations with lower genetic variability and, consequently, a higher inbreeding level. Probably, other environmental factors modulate this relationship

    Pandora - INIA, Nuevo Cultivar de Trigo Harinero de Primavera Para Chile

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    Pandora - INIA is a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar created by the Wheat Project at Quilamapu Regional Research Center of the National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA), Chill\ue1n, Chile, starting from a cross made in 1989. It is a semi-dwarf wheat with a plant height of 90 - 95 cm. The grain is brown and with an ovate shape. The spike is white and bearded. In trials its grain yield has varied between 7.5 and 10.8 t ha-1. The average bread volume, sedimentation value and grain protein were 722 cm3, 41.6 cm3, and 11.1% respectively, which classified this cultivar for direct use in bread making.Pandora - INIA es un cultivar de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) de primavera creado por el Proyecto Trigo del Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), en el Centro Regional de Investigaci\uf3n Quilamapu, Chill\ue1n, Chile, a partir de un cruzamiento efectuado en 1989. Es un trigo semienano con una altura de planta de 90 - 95 cm. El grano es de color caf\ue9 obscuro y de forma ovada. La espiga es blanca y barbada. En experimentos su rendimiento ha variado entre 7,5 y 10,8 t ha-1. El promedio de volumen de pan, valor de sedimentaci\uf3n y prote\uedna del grano fueron, 722 cm3, 41,6 cm3, y 11,1% respectivamente, lo que clasifica este cultivar como de panificaci\uf3n directa

    Efecto de herbicidas aplicados durante la madurez del grano de trigo en el rendimiento y calidad del grano

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    Seven trials with spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar Domo-INIA were carried out during the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 seasons, to evaluate the effect of diverse herbicides applied during grain ripening on yield and grain quality. A randomized complete block design with five treatments and four replications was used. The difference in the trials was the stage of maturity at the moment the herbicides were sprayed. The used herbicides were: 2,4-D, glyphosate, glyphosate + MCPA, and paraquat, plus a control treatment without herbicide. The evaluated parameters were: grain yield, hectoliter weight, 1000 grain weight, seed germination (%), sedimentation index and wet gluten. The experiments were located in an Andisoil soil at the Santa Rosa Experimental Station (36\ub031' S lat; 71\ub054' W long), Quilamapu Research Center, Chill\ue1n, Chile belonging to the National Agriculture Research Institute. The results indicated that the herbicide 2,4-D can be applied when grains have a milky consistency, as well, results obtained in one season indicated that 2,4-D also could be applied when the grain has a watery consistency. From the stage of semihard grain and on, any of the herbicides used in these trials can be applied , without affecting grain yield and germination, as well as hectoliter weight, sedimentation value and gluten content.Se realizaron siete ensayos en trigo harinero ( Triticum aestivum L.), cultivar de primavera Domo-INIA, durante las temporadas 2001-2002 y 2002-2003, para evaluar el efecto de diversos herbicidas aplicados durante la madurez del grano de trigo sobre el rendimiento y calidad del grano. Se us\uf3 un dise\uf1o de bloques completos al azar con cinco tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. La diferencia entre los ensayos fue el estado de madurez del trigo al momento de aplicar los herbicidas. Los herbicidas usados fueron: 2,4-D, glifosato, glifosato+MCPA, y paraquat, adem\ue1s, se incluy\uf3 un tratamiento testigo sin herbicida. Los par\ue1metros evaluados fueron: rendimiento de grano, peso del hectolitro, peso de 1.000 granos, porcentaje de germinaci\uf3n, \uedndice de sedimentaci\uf3n y gl\ufaten h\ufamedo. Los ensayos se ubicaron en un suelo Andisol del Campo Experimental Santa Rosa (36\ub031' lat. Sur, 71\ub054'long. Oeste), perteneciente al Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), en el Centro Regional de Investigaci\uf3n Quilamapu, Chill\ue1n, Chile. Los resultados indicaron que el 2,4-D puede ser aplicado a una sementera en estado de grano lechoso; adem\ue1s, los efectos obtenidos en un a\uf1o indicaron que el 2,4-D podr\ueda ser aplicado cuando el grano tiene consistencia acuosa. Desde el estado de grano semiduro en adelante, cualquiera de los herbicidas usados en estos experimentos se puede aplicar sin afectar el rendimiento de grano y su germinaci\uf3n, as\ued como peso del hectolitro, el \uedndice de sedimentaci\uf3n y el contenido de gl\ufaten

    Anticuerpos monoclonales que se unen a la hormona del crecimiento humana (hGH)

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    Traducción de Patente Europea E97916700 (fecha de solicitud, 27/03/1997).-- Prioridad: SE199603299601231.-- Titulares: Pharmacia Spain S.A., Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).La invención se refiere a anticuerpos monoclonales capaces de unirse específicamente a la variante de la hormona de crecimiento humana de peso molecular 20kda. Dicho anticuerpo monoclonal no presenta prácticamente unión a la hgh de 22 kda. La invención se refiere asimismo a la utilización de dicho anticuerpo monoclonal para la medición de la hgh de 20 k, especialmente en fluídos corporales. Los anticuerpos descritos se pueden emplear en la detección y cuantificación de hgh de 20k, especialmente en el suero.Peer reviewe

    Cosmology of an Axion-Like Majoron

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    We propose a singlet majoron model that defines an inverse seesaw mechanism in the v sector. The majoron phi has a mass m(phi) approximate to 0.5 eV and a coupling to the tau lepton similar to the one to neutrinos. In the early universe it is initially in thermal equilibrium, then it decouples at T approximate to 500 GeV and contributes with just Delta N-eff = 0.026 during BBN. At T = 26 keV (final stages of BBN) a primordial magnetic field induces resonant gamma phi oscillations that transfer 6% of the photon energy into majorons, implying Delta N-eff = 0.55 and a 4.7% increase in the baryon to photon ratio. At T approximate to m(phi) the majoron enters in thermal contact with the heaviest neutrino and it finally decays into v (v) over bar pairs near recombination, setting Delta N-eff = 0.85. The boost in the expansion rate at later times may relax the Hubble tension (we obtain H-0 = (71.4 +/- 0.5) km/s/Mpc), while the processes v (v) over bar phi suppress the free streaming of these particles and make the model consistent with large scale structure observations. Its lifetime and the fact that it decays into neutrinos instead of photons lets this axion-like majoron avoid the strong bounds that affect other axion-like particles of similar mass and coupling to photons.We would like to thank Mar Bastero, Adrián Carmona, Mikael R. Chala, Miguel Escudero, Javier Olmedo, José Santiago and Samuel Witte for discussions. This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PID2019-107844GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by the Junta de Andalucía (FQM 101, SOMM17/6104/UGR, P18-FR-1962, P18-FR-5057)

    A potential immune escape mechanism by melanoma cells through the activation of chemokine-induced T cell death

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    AbstractThe immune system attempts to prevent or limit tumor growth, yet efforts to induce responses to tumors yield minimal results, rendering tumors virtually invisible to the immune system [1]. Several mechanisms may account for this subversion, including the triggering of tolerance to tumor antigens [2, 3], TGF-α or IL-10 production, downregulation of MHC molecules, or upregulation of FasL expression [4, 5]. Melanoma cells may in some instances use FasL expression to protect themselves against tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) [4, 5]. Here, we show another, chemokine-dependent mechanism by which melanoma tumor cells shield themselves from immune reactions. Melanoma-inducible CCL5 (RANTES) production by infiltrating CD8 cells activates an apoptotic pathway in TIL involving cytochrome c release into the cytosol and activation of caspase-9 and -3. This process, triggered by CCL5 binding to CCR5, is not mediated by TNFα, Fas, or caspase-8. The effect is not unique to CCL5, as other CCR5 ligands such as CCL3 (MIP-1α) and CCL4 (MIP-1β) also trigger TIL cell death, nor is it limited to melanoma cells, as it also operates in activated primary T lymphocytes. The model assigns a role to the CXC chemokine CXCL12 (SDF-1α) in this process, as this melanoma cell-produced chemokine upregulates CCL5 production by TIL, initiating TIL cell death

    The relationship between chlorophyllous spores and mycorrhizal associations in ferns: evidence from an evolutionary approach

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    Premise: Approximately 14% of all fern species have physiologically active chlorophyllous spores that are much more short-lived than the more common and dormant achlorophyllous spores. Most chlorophyllous-spored species (70%) are epiphytes and account for almost 37% of all epiphytic ferns. Chlorophyllous-spored ferns are also overrepresented among fern species in habitats with waterlogged soils, of which nearly 60% have chlorophyllous spores. Ferns in these disparate habitat types also have a low incidence of mycorrhizal associations. We therefore hypothesized that autotrophic chlorophyllous spores represent an adaptation of ferns to habitats with scarce mycorrhizal associations. Methods: We evaluated the coevolution of chlorophyllous spores and mycorrhizal associations in ferns and their relation to habitat type using phylogenetic comparative methods. Results: Although we did not find support for the coevolution of spore type and mycorrhizal associations, we did find that chlorophyllous spores and the absence of mycorrhizal associations have coevolved with epiphytic and waterlogged habitats. Transition rates to epiphytic and waterlogged habitats were significantly higher in species with chlorophyllous spores compared to achlorophyllous lineages. Conclusions: Spore type and mycorrhizal associations appear to play important roles in the radiation of ferns into different habitat types. Future work should focus on clarifying the functional significance of these associations. Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhizae; chlorophyllous spores; correlated evolution; dark septate endophytes; epiphytes; grammitid; green spores; pteridophyte

    Wireless Sensor Networks Formation: Approaches and Techniques

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    Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerge as an active research area in which challenging topics involve energy consumption, routing algorithms, selection of sensors location according to a given premise, robustness, efficiency, and so forth. Despite the open problems in WSNs, there are already a high number of applications available. In all cases for the design of any application, one of the main objectives is to keep the WSN alive and functional as long as possible. A key factor in this is the way the network is formed. This survey presents most recent formation techniques and mechanisms for the WSNs. In this paper, the reviewed works are classified into distributed and centralized techniques. The analysis is focused on whether a single or multiple sinks are employed, nodes are static or mobile, the formation is event detection based or not, and network backbone is formed or not. We focus on recent works and present a discussion of their advantages and drawbacks. Finally, the paper overviews a series of open issues which drive further research in the area