6 research outputs found

    Integrating maternal, newborn, child health and non-communicable disease care in the sustainable development goal era

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    Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and maternal newborn and child health (MNCH) are two deeply intertwined health areas that have been artificially separated by global health policies, resource allocations and programming. Optimal MNCH care can provide a unique opportunity to screen for, prevent and manage early signs of NCDs developing in both the woman and the neonate. This paper considers how NCDs, NCD modifiable risk factors, and NCD metabolic risk factors impact MNCH. We argue that integrated management is essential, but this faces challenges that manifest across all levels of domestic health systems. Progress toward Sustainable Development targets requires joined-up action

    ICD-11 Revision of Mental Disorders: the Global Standard for Health Data, Clinical Documentation, and Statistical Aggregation

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    Mental health conditions in the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region affect more than 10% of the population, with 140,000 lives lost annually to suicide. Comorbidity with other diseases is high. However, basic mental health care is received by less than a third of patients. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the vulnerability of mental health services to disruptions and underscored the need to integrate mental health into response strategies. One of the flagship initiatives of the WHO European Programme of Work (EPW), 2020–2025: ‘United Action for Better Health in Europe’ is the establishment of a Mental Health Coalition at the European level. In this framework, reporting of health statistics using the International Classification of Diseases 11 th Revision (ICD-11) will begin on 1st January 2022. Clinical utility, scientific rigour and wider cultural applicability were all of prime importance in the development of the ICD-11. The 11th Revision was the end product of the most extensive global, multilingual, multidisciplinary and participative process ever undertaken for this task, involving more than 15,000 experts from 155 countries, representing approximately 80% of the world’s population. With the adoption of the ICD-11 and the priority being given to mental health, new ideas based on the 30 years of research since the approval of the ICD-10 will be widely adopted and applied

    Regional differences in cardiovascular mortality in Kazakhstan: further evidence for the 'Russian mortality paradox'?

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    BACKGROUND: The role of alcohol consumption in patterns of CVD mortality in Central Asia is still largely unexplored. Previous research in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan has found that ethnic Russians have higher adult mortality rates than native ethnic groups, despite their higher socio-economic status. This has been termed the 'Russian mortality paradox'. METHODS: We calculated age-standardized CVD mortality data by gender and region of Kazakhstan, based on mortality data obtained from the Ministry of Health and population data from the State Agency for Statistics. We analysed data on self-reported alcohol consumption from the nationally representative 5th National Behavior Study. RESULTS: We found substantial differences in CVD mortality rates across regions, as well as between males and females. With the exception of Almaty and Astana cities, mortality rates are highest in the country's North-Eastern regions and lowest in South-Western regions, despite the fact that North-Eastern regions have higher income levels. Patterns of self-reported alcohol consumption and alcohol sales follow a similar pattern. One explanation could be related to higher self-reported drinking prevalence among ethnic Russians who live predominantly in the country's North-Eastern regions. CONCLUSIONS: Hazardous alcohol consumption seems to be highest in Kazakhstan's North-Eastern regions, which might be related to different patterns of alcohol consumption among different ethnic groups. However, more detailed analyses are required to corroborate these assumptions. The high overall rates suggest the need for population-based measures, such as increasing taxes on alcohol, in particular spirits such as vodka, and strengthening the capacity of primary health care

    The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in the Russian language - a systematic review of validation efforts and application challenges

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    Abstract The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is one of the most frequently used screening instrument for hazardous and harmful use of alcohol and potential alcohol dependence in primary health care (PHC) and other settings worldwide. It has been translated into many languages and adapted and modified for use in some countries, following formal adaptation procedures and validation studies. In the Russian Federation, the AUDIT has been used in different settings and by different health professionals, including addiction specialists (narcologists). In 2017, it was included as a screening instrument in the national guidelines of routine preventive health checks at the population-level (dispanserization). However, various Russian translations of the AUDIT are known to be in use in different settings and, so far, little is known about the empirical basis and validation of the instrument in Russia—a country, which is known for its distinct drinking patterns and their detrimental impact on health. The present contribution is the summary of two systematic reviews that were carried out to inform a planned national validation study of the AUDIT in Russia. Two systematic searches were carried out to 1) identify all validation efforts of the AUDIT in Russia and to document all reported problems encountered, and 2) identify all globally existing Russian translations of the AUDIT and document their differences and any reported issues in their application. The qualitative narrative synthesis of all studies that met the inclusion criteria of the first search highlighted the absence of any large-scale rigorous validation study of the AUDIT in primary health care in Russia, while a document analysis of all of the 122 Russian translations has revealed 61 unique versions, most of which contained inconsistencies and signaled obvious application challenges of the test. The results clearly signal the need for a validation study of the Russian AUDIT

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