18 research outputs found
Genetic variants associated with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by defective biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles. Clinical manifestations include a bleeding diathesis due to a platelet delta storage pool deficiency, oculocutaneous albinism, inflammatory bowel disease, neutropenia, and pulmonary fibrosis. Ten genes associated with HPS are identified to date, and each gene encodes a protein subunit of either Biogenesis of Lysosome-related Organelles Complex (BLOC)-1, BLOC-2, BLOC-3, or the Adaptor Protein-3 complex. Several genetic variants and phenotypic heterogeneities are reported in individuals with HPS, who generally exhibit easy bruisability and increased bleeding. Desmopressin, pro-coagulants, or platelet transfusion may be used as prophylaxis or treatment for excessive bleeding in patients with HPS. However, response to desmopressin can be variable. Platelets are effective in preventing or treating bleeding in individuals with HPS, but platelets should be transfused judiciously to limit alloimmunization in patients with HPS who are at risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis and may be potential candidates for lung transplantation. The discovery of new genes associated with HPS in people with excessive bleeding and hypopigmentation of unknown etiology may be facilitated by the use of next-generation sequencing or panel-based genetic testing
Clinical management and outcomes of patients with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome pulmonary fibrosis evaluated for lung transplantation
<div><p>Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive, fatal manifestation of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS). Some patients with advanced HPS pulmonary fibrosis undergo lung transplantation despite their disease-associated bleeding tendency; others die while awaiting donor organs. The objective of this study is to determine the clinical management and outcomes of a cohort with advanced HPS pulmonary fibrosis who were evaluated for lung transplantation. Six patients with HPS-1 pulmonary fibrosis were evaluated at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center and one of two regional lung transplant centers. Their median age was 41.5 years pre-transplant. Three of six patients died without receiving a lung transplant. One of these was referred with end-stage pulmonary fibrosis and died before a donor organ became available, and donor organs were not identified for two other patients sensitized from prior blood product transfusions. Three of six patients received bilateral lung transplants; they did not have a history of excessive bleeding. One patient received peri-operative desmopressin, one was transfused with intra-operative platelets, and one received extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and intra-operative prothrombin complex concentrate, platelet transfusion, and desmopressin. One transplant recipient experienced acute rejection that responded to pulsed steroids. No evidence of chronic lung allograft dysfunction or recurrence of HPS pulmonary fibrosis was detected up to 6 years post-transplant in these three lung transplant recipients. In conclusion, lung transplantation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation are viable options for patients with HPS pulmonary fibrosis. Alloimmunization in HPS patients is an important and potentially preventable barrier to lung transplantation; interventions to limit alloimmunization should be implemented in HPS patients at risk of pulmonary fibrosis to optimize their candidacy for future lung transplants.</p></div
Electron micrograph of platelets and chest computed tomography scans in patients with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome.
<p>Representative whole-mount electron micrographs of platelets from a patient with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (A) and normal platelets (B) are shown (bar = 1 micrometer). Normal platelets contain delta granules (arrows), and platelets from patients with HPS are devoid of delta granules. Representative computed tomography scan of the chest from one patient with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome pulmonary fibrosis showing diffuse bilateral parenchymal fibrosis with honeycombing and loss of lung volume (C) and from another patient with cystic lung destruction and upper lobe predominance of disease (D).</p