81 research outputs found

    Informal network, spatial mobility and overeducation in the Italian labour market

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    The paper investigates the consequence of the use of the informal recruitment channel on the phenomenon of overeducation and on the internal migration in the Italian labour market

    Overeducation and overskill in the Italian labour market: the role of fields of study

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    This paper investigates the role of skill heterogeneity in affecting differences in occupational mismatch across fields of study. By relying on measures of overeducation and overskill collected in the 2014 ISFOL survey, we test to which extent the two phenomena differ across fields of study and the role played by merit and non-cognitive skills. We find that having an excellent graduate curriculum significantly decreases over-education and over-skill, while non-cognitive skills do not matter

    The contribution of Business services to the export performances of manufacturing industries. An empirical study on 5 European countries

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    This paper investigates the contribution provided by the Business service sector (BS) to the international competitiveness of manufacturing industries that acquire and use intangible intermediate inputs (in particular those provided by two main BS sub-sectors: “Communication and computer related services” and “Other business activities”). The main valued added of this paper consists of having assessed the role played by BS on the export performances of manufacturing sectors integrating – for a selected number of EU countries - different industry level data sources, namely the OECD Input-Output Tables, the OECD Structural Analysis Database and data provided by the Community Innovation Survey. The results of the empirical analysis show that BS do exert a positive impact on the international competitiveness of manufacturing industries even though these effects vary according to the type of intermediate intangible input acquired and type of user sector

    Knowledge based capital and value creation in global supply chains

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    This paper investigates the role of knowledge-based capital for participation and value appropriation in global value chains (GVC) for a sample of European countries over 1995\u20132011. We distinguish between different forms of participation in GVC entailing a different degree of capability to create value added domestically and examine how different intangible assets contribute to countries' engagement and value appropriation in GVC. We find that knowledge-based capital is positively correlated with participation and value appropriation along the value chain. This finding is robust to introducing separately R&D and non-R&D intangibles. In particular, training and organizational capital have the largest positive effect on value appropriation [JEL Classification: F23, O30]

    Fast growing and key enabling technologies and their impact on regional growth in Europe

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    This paper studies the specialisation of EU regions in key enabling (KETs) and fast growing (FGTs) technologies and assesses whether being specialized in these technological areas has an effect on regional growth. The evidence presented shows that only a small share of KETs are also FGTs, although the degree of overlapping between KETs and FGTs varies substantially across different KETs fields. While there is evidence of some regional convergence in KETs and, to a less extent, in FGTs, spatial correlation increases over time, showing that diffusion often occurs across contiguous regions. Finally, the results of the estimations of the effects of KETs and FGTs on GDP per capita growth show that only specialisation in KETs affects regional economic growth, while no significant effects are found for FGTs. Overall, these results confirm the pervasive nature and enabling role of KETs pointing to the importance for European regions to target these technologies as part of their smart specialization strategies

    Technical change, patterns of specialisation and uneven growth in OECD countries

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