58 research outputs found

    Road Surface Detection

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o metodě detekce povrchu vozovky v obraze a je inspirovaná prací S. Thruna a H. Dahlkampa. Metoda pracuje s barevnými modely vozovky, které bývají přizpůsobeny měnícímu se prostředí. Tyto modely jsou využity ke klasifikaci obrazu, jejímž výstupem je detekovaná vozovka v obraze. Metoda je podrobně popsaná, implementovaná a důkladně testovaná. Výsledky testů jsou diskutovány a jsou navrhnuty způsoby zlepšení metody.This bachelor`s thesis deals with a method for road surface detection in picture and is inspired by work of S. Thrun and H. Dahlkamp. The method works with color models of road, which are adjusted to changing environment. Then these models are used to classify the picture. Output of this is the detected road. The method is thoroughly analyzed, implemented and tested. Test results are discussed and proposals for improvements are presented.

    Composites Based on Alternative Raw Materials at High Temperature Conditions

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    This paper presents newly developed polymer-cement composites.The primary binder (cement) was partially substituted byuse of blast-furnace slag and high-temperature fly ash. A lightweightaggregate – agloporite (grain size in range 1–2 mm) wasused among other components. This porous aggregate is producedfrom energy by-products (fly ash). Attention was focusedon the behavior of the composites when exposed to elevatedtemperatures (400 °C–1,000°C). The influence of several differentmethods of temperature decrease was assessed – slow(in furnace 1°C/min) and rapid (laboratory ambient 22°C andwater bath 18°C). Specific dimensional changes were determined,including strength characteristics and bulk density.Structural deterioration and microstructural changes of selectedspecimens were investigated by analytical techniques (SEM andCT). Compressive and bending tensile strength changed variouslydepending on temperature changes, including severalcooling conditions. Deterioration reactions (especially cracks)which were formed in investigated composite structures correspondedwith results of physico-mechanical testing. That wasconfirmed by using the CT and SEM.The fact that the agloporite has a positive effect on thermalresistance of developed polymer-cement composites wasproved. Almost no cracks or other failures were identified (byusing CT and SEM) in interfacial transition zones of agloporiteafter thermal stress. This indicates very good bond adhesionbetween the matrix and the porous aggregates during extremetemperature conditions (in case of different cooling methods)

    Research and Development of Lightweight Repair Mortars with Focus on Their Resistance to High Temperatures

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    In this article our research focused on study of basic physical and mechanical parameters of polymer-cement repair materials is presented. Namely the influence of applied aggregates in combination with active admixture is specially considered. New formulas which were exposed in ambient with temperature even to 1000°C were suggested. Subsequently densities and strength characteristics including their changes were evaluated. Selected samples were analyzed using electron microscope. The positive influence of porous aggregates based on sintered ash was definitely demonstrated. Further it was found than in terms of thermal resistance the effective micro silica amount represents 5% to 7.5% of cement weight


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    There is a special occurrence of Upper Devonian rocks within the Proterozoic granodiorites of the Brno Massif in the surroundings of Adamov (about 1 km NNE of Adamov). The outcrops consist of basal clastics and limestones. The rocks are strongly ductile or brittle-ductile strained. The dip direction and dip of foliation vary from 316/88 in the basal clastics to 256/50 in the limestones. The trend and plunge of axis of the cylindricity is 220/38 and corresponds to the average lineation 215/29. The setting of the Devonian rocks in Proterozoic granodiorites is interpreted as a tectonic slice along a fault plane. According to asymmetric structures, the western block was thrusted over the eastern block to the NE. The deformation passed through several steps: 1. Upper block was thrusted over the lower one (D1); 2. This tectonic zone was strained by younger dextral thrust (D2); 3. The final structure was modified by neotectonics faulting and rotation

    Strukturně geologické a litologické zhodnocení pozice a charakteru jurských vápenců v lokalitě Skalička (Západní Karpaty)

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    A small quarry close to the Skalička village near the Hranice city exposes a thin sequence of Jurrasic limestones. The limestones are mostly massive but occasionally well stratified with alternating fine-grained thin-bedded white limestone and grayish limestone with bioclasts. In the eastern part of the quarry, overturned geopetal structures and normal grading (defined by bioclasts of arenite to rudite size in a fine-grained matrix) occur. Fractures are common in the limestones. Some of them in the western part of quarry are filled with green calcareous sediments, probably of Cretaceous age. Beds are steeply inclined to the North in the western part of the quarry while in the eastern part they are slightly inclined to the NNE and overturned. The fold axis is plunging to the East


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    Based on structural analysis of thin sections from V501-V503, V505, V506 and LV60 borehole cores, mylonitised limestones were identified. Different strain indicators were used to distinguishing tectonic limestones facies, which include weakly recrystalized protoliths, protoblastomylonites and blastomylonites. Mylonites are forming shear zones, which were localized in boreholes as well as in geological maps. Stratigraphic sequences are usually duplicated in association with the shear zones. Alpine-style structure model of Hranice Paleozoic area is the result of the ductile Variscan thrust tectonics

    Application of texture x-ray diffraction analysis in tectonic – an example of calcite preferred orientation quantifi cation in carbonate rocks

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    The goal of this work was to apply texture x-ray diffraction analysis to study naturally strained rocks, in which the quantification of main preferred orientation cannot be conducted by the optical methods. This method has mainly been developed for metallography and its application in geology has been very limited so far. Samples of the fine-grained limestone have been collected from an outcrop, in which the direction of tectonic movement has been known. Thus, the tectonic situation could be correlated with the data obtained by XRD texture analysis. Analyses have been done by two devices with different geometry of experiment. The first experiment (Schulz reflection geometry) needed correction for the gain data, because of tilting of the sample, which led to the misalignment of the sample from the x-ray beam direction. The second one (in-plane geometry) has been measured, when the sample has been fixed and rotated, thus the correction was not needed. The results in a form of pole figures reflect the mechanism of deformation. The orientation of cleavage planes of calcite parallel to foliation indicates a cataclastic flow. Thus, the method could be used to study deformation mechanisms. The asymmetry of the results can show sense of shear, but it could also reflect inhomogenities of the samples. The goal of this work was to apply texture x-ray diffraction analysis to study naturally strained rocks, in which the quantification of main preferred orientation cannot be conducted by the optical methods. This method has mainly been developed for metallography and its application in geology has been very limited so far. Samples of the fine-grained limestone have been collected from an outcrop, in which the direction of tectonic movement has been known. Thus, the tectonic situation could be correlated with the data obtained by XRD texture analysis. Analyses have been done by two devices with different geometry of experiment. The first experiment (Schulz reflection geometry) needed correction for the gain data, because of tilting of the sample, which led to the misalignment of the sample from the x-ray beam direction. The second one (in-plane geometry) has been measured, when the sample has been fixed and rotated, thus the correction was not needed. The results in a form of pole figures reflect the mechanism of deformation. The orientation of cleavage planes of calcite parallel to foliation indicates a cataclastic flow. Thus, the method could be used to study deformation mechanisms. The asymmetry of the results can show sense of shear, but it could also reflect inhomogenities of the samples


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    The calcite mylonites in the Brunovistulian sedimentary cover developed in frontal thrust area of Moravian nappe units were examined. The inhomogeneous composition of sedimentary protoliths allowed the analysis of the contrasting behavior of matrix and clasts and the interpretation of microfabric evolution during deformation under low temperature conditions. Several tectonofacies with microfabric characteristic for a given position within the progressive/retrogressive deformation path are distinguished. Generally, the progressive phase of mylonitization is characterized by grain growth in the matrix and the grain size reduction of the clasts leading to a stress-determined equillibration of grain size. With rising temperature during deformation, grain growth predominated after grain size homogenization was finished. Large-scale thrusting within the Brunovistulian basement is evidenced by the juxtaposition of calcite and quartz mylonites with contrasting microstructures. In terms of deformational styles of calcite and quartz the lower unit of the Svratka tectonic window differs distinctively from both the lower unit of the Thaya tectonic window and the western margin of the Brno Batholith. Although these differences include such pronounced contrast as the fully brittle vs. fully plastic deformation of quartz, paleothermometric data which are available to date, suggest that the variation in microstructures is not accompanied by major changes in paleotemperatures. This can be explained by an abrupt change of deformation mechanisms in both calcite and quartz at temperatures around 300°C


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    In the second half of the 20th century a lot of paleostress estimation methods based on calcite twinning has been developed. Even though one can get required data on an Universal stage, Orientation Imaging Microscopy (OIM) using Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) provides much precise data. A new computer program has been developed for stress analysis of calcite twin lamellae, including most of the methods common in the literature, and processing Ustage and EBSD data as well. Combination of precise calcite lattice orientation measurements (EBSD) and numerical methods of paleostress analysis make calcite a very useful tool for evaluating deformation pathways in sedimentary complexes

    Application of texture x-ray diffraction analysis in tectonic – an example of calcite preferred orientation quantifi cation in carbonate rocks

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    The goal of this work was to apply texture x-ray diffraction analysis to study naturally strained rocks, in which the quantification of main preferred orientation cannot be conducted by the optical methods. This method has mainly been developed for metallography and its application in geology has been very limited so far. Samples of the fine-grained limestone have been collected from an outcrop, in which the direction of tectonic movement has been known. Thus, the tectonic situation could be correlated with the data obtained by XRD texture analysis. Analyses have been done by two devices with different geometry of experiment. The first experiment (Schulz reflection geometry) needed correction for the gain data, because of tilting of the sample, which led to the misalignment of the sample from the x-ray beam direction. The second one (in-plane geometry) has been measured, when the sample has been fixed and rotated, thus the correction was not needed. The results in a form of pole figures reflect the mechanism of deformation. The orientation of cleavage planes of calcite parallel to foliation indicates a cataclastic flow. Thus, the method could be used to study deformation mechanisms. The asymmetry of the results can show sense of shear, but it could also reflect inhomogenities of the samples. The goal of this work was to apply texture x-ray diffraction analysis to study naturally strained rocks, in which the quantification of main preferred orientation cannot be conducted by the optical methods. This method has mainly been developed for metallography and its application in geology has been very limited so far. Samples of the fine-grained limestone have been collected from an outcrop, in which the direction of tectonic movement has been known. Thus, the tectonic situation could be correlated with the data obtained by XRD texture analysis. Analyses have been done by two devices with different geometry of experiment. The first experiment (Schulz reflection geometry) needed correction for the gain data, because of tilting of the sample, which led to the misalignment of the sample from the x-ray beam direction. The second one (in-plane geometry) has been measured, when the sample has been fixed and rotated, thus the correction was not needed. The results in a form of pole figures reflect the mechanism of deformation. The orientation of cleavage planes of calcite parallel to foliation indicates a cataclastic flow. Thus, the method could be used to study deformation mechanisms. The asymmetry of the results can show sense of shear, but it could also reflect inhomogenities of the samples