45 research outputs found

    Experimental evidence for polybaric differentiation of primitive arc basalt beneath St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles

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    Equilibrium crystallization experiments have been performed on a primitive high-MgO basalt (HMB) from Soufrière, St. Vincent, with three initial H2O contents (0·6, 2·3 and 4·5 wt %), at pressures of 0·4, 0·7, 1·0 and 1·3 GPa and temperatures from 1350 to 950°C. Redox conditions, as determined by µXANES analysis of Fe3+ in experimental glasses, were 1–4 log units above the nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) buffer. The aim of the study was to explore the differentiation conditions that gave rise to the observed geochemical variation in lavas and plutonic (cumulate) xenoliths from St. Vincent. An experiment with 4·5 wt % initial H2O is multiply saturated close to its liquidus (1180°C and 1·3 GPa) with a spinel lherzolite assemblage, which is consistent with a primary origin for HMB in the mantle wedge. Multiple saturation of HMB with 2·3 wt % H2O was not observed, but is inferred to occur at pressures >1·3 GPa. The experimental results show that initial H2O content has significant influence on differentiation paths of primary HMB magma, with different lava varieties generated under discrete, well-constrained P–T–H2O conditions. Low-magnesian basalts (LMB) can be generated from HMB with 2·3–4·5 wt % H2O at pressures of 1·0–1·3 GPa, corresponding to Moho depths beneath St. Vincent. The CaO contents of LMB are sensitive to differentiation pressure: high-CaO LMB are produced at pressures >0·5 GPa. Basaltic andesites (BA) can be generated at 0·7–1·0 GPa from HMB with 0·6–2·3 wt % H2O. High-alumina basalts (HAB) are produced at mid- to upper-crustal conditions (≤0·4 GPa) by differentiation of HMB with high initial H2O (≥4 wt %) through delay of plagioclase crystallization and dominant fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene and spinel. St. Vincent andesites could be produced from relatively dry (≤0·6 wt % H2O) HMB only at lower-crustal conditions. This is suggestive of a partial melting origin from precursor HMB that had solidified at depth to produce gabbros with ∼30% hornblende (i.e. ∼0·6 wt % structurally bound H2O). The experimentally determined differentiation conditions are consistent with polybaric differentiation within a hot zone that extends from the Moho and uppermost mantle to the mid- or upper crust. Within the hot zone differentiation occurs by a combination of crystallization of HMB with 2–5 wt % H2O and partial melting of ancestral HMB gabbros. Although the experimental melts provide an excellent match to erupted lava compositions, experimental crystal compositions do not match either phenocrysts or cumulate crystals, as preserved in xenoliths. The failure to reproduce natural crystal compositions suggests that these are formed as differentiated magmas ascend and attain their H2O-saturated liquidi at shallower pressures. Thus there is a disconnect between the high-pressure phase compositions and assemblages that generate liquid compositional diversity and the low-pressure composition and assemblages that occur as phenocrysts and in cumulate xenoliths. This finding lends support to the idea of cryptic fractionation in the generation of arc magmas

    Petrological and experimental evidence for differentiation of water-rich magmas beneath St. Kitts, Lesser Antilles

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    St. Kitts lies in the northern Lesser Antilles, a subduction-related intraoceanic volcanic arc known for its magmatic diversity and unusually abundant cognate xenoliths. We combine the geochemistry of xenoliths, melt inclusions and lavas with high pressure–temperature experiments to explore magma differentiation processes beneath St. Kitts. Lavas range from basalt to rhyolite, with predominant andesites and basaltic andesites. Xenoliths, dominated by calcic plagioclase and amphibole, typically in reaction relationship with pyroxenes and olivine, can be divided into plutonic and cumulate varieties based on mineral textures and compositions. Cumulate varieties, formed primarily by the accumulation of liquidus phases, comprise ensembles that represent instantaneous solid compositions from one or more magma batches; plutonic varieties have mineralogy and textures consistent with protracted solidification of magmatic mush. Mineral chemistry in lavas and xenoliths is subtly different. For example, plagioclase with unusually high anorthite content (An≤100) occurs in some plutonic xenoliths, whereas the most calcic plagioclase in cumulate xenoliths and lavas are An97 and An95, respectively. Fluid-saturated, equilibrium crystallisation experiments were performed on a St. Kitts basaltic andesite, with three different fluid compositions (XH2O = 1.0, 0.66 and 0.33) at 2.4 kbar, 950–1025 °C, and fO2 = NNO − 0.6 to NNO + 1.2 log units. Experiments reproduce lava liquid lines of descent and many xenolith assemblages, but fail to match xenolith and lava phenocryst mineral compositions, notably the very An-rich plagioclase. The strong positive correlation between experimentally determined plagioclase-melt KdCa–Na and dissolved H2O in the melt, together with the occurrence of Al-rich mafic lavas, suggests that parental magmas were water-rich (> 9 wt% H2O) basaltic andesites that crystallised over a wide pressure range (1.5–6 kbar). Comparison of experimental and natural (lava, xenolith) mafic mineral composition reveals that whereas olivine in lavas is predominantly primocrysts precipitated at low-pressure, pyroxenes and spinel are predominantly xenocrysts formed by disaggregation of plutonic mushes. Overall, St. Kitts xenoliths and lavas testify to mid-crustal differentiation of low-MgO basalt and basaltic andesite magmas within a trans-crustal, magmatic mush system. Lower crustal ultramafic cumulates that relate parental low-MgO basalts to primary, mantle -derived melts are absent on St. Kitts.This research was supported by grants from ERC (“CRITMAG”) and NERC (NE/N001966/1). JB acknowledges a Wolfson Research Merit Award from the Royal Society

    The stability of hydrous silicates in Earth's lower mantle:Experimental constraints from the systems MgO-SiO<sub>2</sub>-H<sub>2</sub>O and MgO-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-SiO<sub>2</sub>-H<sub>2</sub>O

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    AbstractWe performed laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments on bulk compositions in the systems MgO–SiO2–H2O (MSH) and MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (MASH) that constrain the stability of hydrous phases in Earth's lower mantle. Phase identification by synchrotron powder diffraction reveals a consistent set of stability relations for the high-pressure, dense hydrous silicate phases D and H. In the MSH system phase D is stable to ~50GPa, independent of temperature from ~1300 to 1700K. Phase H becomes stable between 35 and 40GPa, and the phase H out reaction occurs at ~55GPa at 1600K with a negative dT/dP slope of ~−75K/GPa. Between ~30 and 50GPa dehydration melting occurs at ~1800K with a flat dT/dP slope. A cusp along the solidus at ~50GPa corresponds with the intersection of the subsolidus phase H out reaction, and the dT/dP melting slope steepens to ~15K/GPa up to ~85GPa.In the MASH system phase H is stable in experiments between ~45 and 115GPa in all bulk compositions studied, and we expect aluminous phase H to be stable throughout the lower mantle depth range beneath ~1200km in both peridotitic and basaltic lithologies. In the subsolidus, aluminous phase D is stable to ~55GPa, whereas at higher pressures aluminous phase H is the stable hydrous phase. The presence of hydrogen may sharpen the bridgmanite to post-perovskite transition. The ambient unit cell volume of bridgmanite increases systematically with pressure above ~55GPa, possibly representing an increase in alumina content, and potentially hydrogen content, with depth. Bridgmanite in equilibrium with phases D and H has a relatively low alumina content, and alumina partitions preferentially into the hydrous phases. The melting curves of MASH compositions are shallower than in the MSH system, with dT/dP of ~6K/GPa. Phase D and H solid solutions are stable in cold, hydrated subducting slabs and can deliver water to the deepest lower mantle. However, hydrated lithologies in the lower mantle are likely to be partially molten at all depths along an ambient mantle geotherm

    Crustal-scale degassing due to magma system destabilization and magma-gas decoupling at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat

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    Activity since 1995 at Soufrière Hills Volcano (SHV), Montserrat has alternated between andesite lava extrusion and quiescence, which are well correlated with seismicity and ground deformation cycles. Large variations in SO₂ flux do not correlate with these alternations, but high and low HCl/SO₂ characterize lava dome extrusion and quiescent periods respectively. Since lava extrusion ceased (February 2010) steady SO₂ emissions have continued at an average rate of 374 tonnes/day (± 140 t/d), and incandescent fumaroles (temperatures up to 610°C) on the dome have not changed position or cooled. Occasional short bursts (over several hours) of higher (∼ 10x) SO₂ flux have been accompanied by swarms of volcano-tectonic earthquakes. Strain data from these bursts indicate activation of the magma system to depths up to 10 km. SO₂ emissions since 1995 greatly exceed the amounts that could be derived from 1.1 km³ of erupted andesite, and indicating extensive partitioning of sulfur into a vapour phase, as well as efficient decoupling and outgassing of sulfur-rich gases from the magma. These observations are consistent with a vertically extensive, crustal magmatic mush beneath SHV. Three states of the magmatic system are postulated to control degassing. During dormant periods (10³ to 10⁴ years) magmatic vapour and melts separate as layers from the mush and decouple from each other. In periods of unrest (years) without eruption, melt and fluid layers become unstable, ascend and can amalgamate. Major destabilization of the mush system leads to eruption, characterized by magma mixing and release of volatiles with different ages, compositions and sources.RSJS acknowledges an ERC advanced grant (VOLDIES). JDB acknowledges ERC advanced grant CRITMAG and a Wolfson Research Merit Award.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015GC00579

    Effect of gasketing and assembly design: A novel 10/3.5 mm multi-anvil assembly reaching perovskite pressures

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    A new design of multi-anvil assembly and modified gasket characteristics with octahedron and truncation edge lengths of 10 and 3.5 mm is presented for reaching pressures and temperatures over 24 GPa and 2000 °C, respectively. Partially dehydroxylated pyrophyllite half-gaskets with a tapered design fully nesting the octahedron have been employed to prevent excessive octahedron extrusion between the cubes. The assembly utilizes an axially placed thermocouple through the octahedral center, allowing two samples to be present at identical high P-T conditions on either side of the thermocouple during a run. A third sample can be used as a packing around the thermocouple, so long as that sample is inert with respect to the thermocouple and surrounding material. The temperature gradient within the sample locations has been well characterized using two-pyroxene thermometry in the CaO-MgO-SiO 2 system and numerical modeling calculations. The results indicate a good agreement in gradient shape, although the numerical model appears to under-estimate the magnitude of temperature change. The assembly maintains stable temperatures and provides low failure rates