16 research outputs found
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to investigate the efficacy of herring roe oil for treatment of psoriasis
The effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements in patients with psoriasis vulgaris has previously been investigated, but interventions varied in source, composition, dose, administration route and duration of treatment. The observed beneficial effects in patients with psoriasis vulgaris using herring roe oil as a dietary supplement prompted this investigation. This randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled study was designed and performed to explore the efficacy and safety of herring roe oil supplementation in 64 patients with plaque psoriasis (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03359577). The primary end-point was comparing the change in mean Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) scores in the herring roe oil treatment group and the placebo group from baseline to week 26. In the intention-to-treat population, a statistically significant improvement in the mean PASI score was observed with herring roe oil compared to placebo at 26 weeks. In the recruited patient group, the measured improvement was greatest in patients with a PASI score from 5.5–9.9 at baseline.publishedVersio
Probiotic With or Without Fiber Controls Body Fat Mass, Associated With Serum Zonulin, in Overweight and Obese Adults—Randomized Controlled Trial
Abstract The gut microbiota is interlinked with obesity, but direct evidence of effects of its modulation on body fat mass is still scarce. We investigated the possible effects of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 (B420) and the dietary fiber Litesse® Ultra polydextrose (LU) on body fat mass and other obesity-related parameters. 225 healthy volunteers (healthy, BMI 28–34.9) were randomized into four groups (1:1:1:1), using a computer-generated sequence, for 6months of double-blind, parallel treatment: 1) Placebo, microcrystalline cellulose, 12g/d; 2) LU, 12g/d; 3) B420, 1010CFU/d in microcrystalline cellulose, 12g/d; 4) LU+B420, 12g+1010CFU/d. Body composition was monitored with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and the primary outcome was relative change in body fat mass, comparing treatment groups to Placebo. Other outcomes included anthropometric measurements, food intake and blood and fecal biomarkers. The study was registered in Clinicaltrials.gov (NCT01978691). There were marked differences in the results of the Intention-To-Treat (ITT; n=209) and Per Protocol (PP; n=134) study populations. The PP analysis included only those participants who completed the intervention with >80% product compliance and no antibiotic use. In addition, three participants were excluded from DXA analyses for PP due to a long delay between the end of intervention and the last DXA measurement. There were no significant differences between groups in body fat mass in the ITT population. However, LU+B420 and B420 seemed to improve weight management in the PP population. For relative change in body fat mass, LU+B420 showed a−4.5% (−1.4kg, P=0.02, N=37) difference to the Placebo group, whereas LU (+0.3%, P=1.00, N=35) and B420 (−3.0%, P=0.28, N=24) alone had no effect (overall ANOVA P=0.095, Placebo N=35). A post-hoc factorial analysis was significant for B420 (−4.0%, P=0.002 vs. Placebo). Changes in fat mass were most pronounced in the abdominal region, and were reflected by similar changes in waist circumference. B420 and LU+B420 also significantly reduced energy intake compared to Placebo. Changes in blood zonulin levels and hsCRP were associated with corresponding changes in trunk fat mass in the LU+B420 group and in the overall population. There were no differences between groups in the incidence of adverse events. This clinical trial demonstrates that a probiotic product with or without dietary fiber controls body fat mass. B420 and LU+B420 also reduced waist circumference and food intake, whereas LU alone had no effect on the measured outcomes.Peer reviewe
Infiltration of W-Cu composites - developing a high-density material suitable for dampening systems
Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å diskutere om det infiltrerte W-Cu produktet er en levedyktig erstatning for en dempermassekomponent for bruk i dempesystemer. De mekaniske egenskapene ble testet ved bruk av strekkprøving og var sammen med forskjellige mikroskopiteknikker brukt for å gi en oversikt over komposittens ytelse sammenlignet med materialspesifikasjoner gitt for applikasjonen.
Sandvik Teeness utvikler og produserer vibrasjonsdempende verktøy som brukes til drei- og fres operasjoner. Disse verktøyene er spesialiserte for prosesser der det er nødvendig å maskinere over lange overheng. I disse tilfellene oppstår vibrasjonsproblemer. Dempesystemet i disse verktøyene absorberer vibrasjonene, for å sikre at bearbeidingsprosessene gir fine overflater.
Komponenter som brukes i dempesystemer er laget av et materiale med høy tetthet. Materialer basert på bly må byttes ut på grunn av miljøhensyn. En erstatning som for tiden er i bruk, er basert på en wolframlegering laget ved en sintringsprosess. Prosessen gir produkter av høy kvalitet, men er dyre å produsere. Derfor foreslås et alternativt materiale.
Tre forskjellige prøver, hvor to av prøvene var W-Cu-Sn-kompositter, mens den siste prøven er en W-Cu-Ni-kompositt, ble undersøkt i denne masteroppgaven. Prøvene ble testet og sammenlignet med materialspesifikasjonene for applikasjonen. W-Cu-Ni-prøven viste den største elastisitetsmodulen med 98,12 GPa, en stor flytespenning på 309,83 MPa og den største totale forlengelsen med 2,61% av prøvene. Elastisitetsmodul og den totale forlengelsen på prøvene nådde ikke de gitte kriteriene, mens flytespenningskriteriet ble oppnådd av alle tre.
Konklusjonen er at W-Cu kompositter viser et godt potensial til bruk som materialet for den gitte komponenten for dempesystemer. Noen endringer i sammensetning er nødvendig for å oppfylle alle kravene i tillegg til forbedring tilknyttet infiltrasjonsprosessen, men prosjektet er på rett vei mot å oppnå målsetningen. Materialet oppfyller miljøhensynene og har potensial til å være en levedyktig erstatning for materialet brukt til dempermasse i dempesystemer
Evaluating the alginate oligosaccharide (OligoG) as a therapy for Burkholderia cepacia complex cystic fibrosis lung infection
OligoG has previously shown potentiation of aztreonam against Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) through biofilm disruption. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over design was used to evaluate safety and efficacy of inhaled OligoG as a therapy for Bcc-infected CF patients taking aztreonam. Subjects received OligoG (1050 mg daily) or matching placebo for 28-days. Of 14 subjects completing the study, 8 showed a mean decrease in total bacterial CFU's (0.82 log10) after OligoG treatment. There was a reduction in mean Bcc CFU's (2.19 log10) after OligoG treatment but this was not statistically significant. Rheology analysis showed improvements in phase-angle after OligoG, but there was no statistically significant improvement in lung function parameters. Six out of 12 QoL summary scores showed relative improvement after OligoG treatment compared to placebo. There was a favourable safety profile for OligoG. Potential for reducing Bcc warrants further investigation of OligoG for the treatment of infection in CF
Correction: Comparing Effects of Biologic Agents in Treating Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Multiple Treatment Comparison Regression Analysis
<p>Correction: Comparing Effects of Biologic Agents in Treating Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Multiple Treatment Comparison Regression Analysis</p
Comparing Effects of Biologic Agents in Treating Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Multiple Treatment Comparison Regression Analysis
<div><p>Rheumatoid arthritis patients have been treated with disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and the newer biologic drugs. We sought to compare and rank the biologics with respect to efficacy. We performed a literature search identifying 54 publications encompassing 9 biologics. We conducted a multiple treatment comparison regression analysis letting the number experiencing a 50% improvement on the ACR score be dependent upon dose level and disease duration for assessing the comparable relative effect between biologics and placebo or DMARD. The analysis embraced all treatment and comparator arms over all publications. Hence, all measured effects of any biologic agent contributed to the comparison of all biologic agents relative to each other either given alone or combined with DMARD. We found the drug effect to be dependent on dose level, but not on disease duration, and the impact of a high versus low dose level was the same for all drugs (higher doses indicated a higher frequency of ACR50 scores). The ranking of the drugs when given without DMARD was certolizumab (ranked highest), etanercept, tocilizumab/ abatacept and adalimumab. The ranking of the drugs when given with DMARD was certolizumab (ranked highest), tocilizumab, anakinra, rituximab, golimumab/ infliximab/ abatacept, adalimumab/ etanercept. Still, all drugs were effective. All biologic agents were effective compared to placebo, with certolizumab the most effective and adalimumab (without DMARD treatment) and adalimumab/ etanercept (combined with DMARD treatment) the least effective. The drugs were in general more effective, except for etanercept, when given together with DMARDs.</p></div
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to investigate the efficacy of herring roe oil for treatment of psoriasis
The effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements in patients with psoriasis vulgaris has previously been investigated, but interventions varied in source, composition, dose, administration route and duration of treatment. The observed beneficial effects in patients with psoriasis vulgaris using herring roe oil as a dietary supplement prompted this investigation. This randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled study was designed and performed to explore the efficacy and safety of herring roe oil supplementation in 64 patients with plaque psoriasis (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03359577). The primary end-point was comparing the change in mean Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) scores in the herring roe oil treatment group and the placebo group from baseline to week 26. In the intention-to-treat population, a statistically significant improvement in the mean PASI score was observed with herring roe oil compared to placebo at 26 weeks. In the recruited patient group, the measured improvement was greatest in patients with a PASI score from 5.5–9.9 at baseline
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to investigate the efficacy of herring roe oil for treatment of psoriasis
The effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements in patients with psoriasis vulgaris has previously been investigated, but interventions varied in source, composition, dose, administration route and duration of treatment. The observed beneficial effects in patients with psoriasis vulgaris using herring roe oil as a dietary supplement prompted this investigation. This randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled study was designed and performed to explore the efficacy and safety of herring roe oil supplementation in 64 patients with plaque psoriasis (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03359577). The primary end-point was comparing the change in mean Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) scores in the herring roe oil treatment group and the placebo group from baseline to week 26. In the intention-to-treat population, a statistically significant improvement in the mean PASI score was observed with herring roe oil compared to placebo at 26 weeks. In the recruited patient group, the measured improvement was greatest in patients with a PASI score from 5.5–9.9 at baseline.
The effect of herring roe oil capsules was tested in patients with psoriasis. This study demonstrates a positive effect on psoriasis. Disease severity is important when determining the appropriate treatment of psoriasis patients. In recent years, several new drugs have become available for the treatment of severe psoriasis whereas there have been few treatment advances for patients with milder psoriasis. This study demonstrates promise for herring roe oil as a safe treatment option in patients with non-severe psoriasis
The publications and the different treatment arms.
<p>*P. placebo, DM: DMARD, ADA: adalimumab, CER: certolizumab, ETA: etanercept, GOL: golimumab, INF: infliximab, ANA: anakinra, ABA: abatacept, RIT: rituximab, TOC: tocilizumab.</p><p>The publications and the different treatment arms.</p
Histograms and ranking I.
<p>ACR50 effects as the response ratio versus placebo, drugs given alone.</p