15 research outputs found

    Human articular chondrocytes express ChemR23 and chemerin; ChemR23 promotes inflammatory signalling upon binding the ligand chemerin21-157

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    Chemerin is a chemotactic peptide which directs leukocytes expressing the chemokine-like receptor ChemR23 towards sites of inflammation. ChemR23 is a G protein-coupled receptor which binds several different ligands, and it is also expressed by other cell types such as adipocytes. In addition to chemotaxis, recent reports suggest that ChemR23 is capable of mediating either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects, depending on the type of ligand it binds. In the present study, we aimed to clarify whether human chondrocytes express ChemR23 and chemerin, and whether chemerin/ChemR23 signalling could affect secretion of inflammatory mediators. Tissue sections were taken from human knee joints and labelled with antibodies towards chemerin and ChemR23. Chondrocytes from cartilage tissue were isolated, cultured and assessed for chemerin and ChemR23 expression by PCR and immunolabelling. Receptor activation and intracellular signalling were studied by assessment of phosphorylated mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and phosphorylated Akt after stimulating cells with recombinant chemerin21-157. Biological effects of chemerin21-157 were investigated by measuring secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and metalloproteases in cell supernatants. Both serially cultured human articular chondrocytes and resident cells in native cartilage expressed chemerin and ChemR23. Stimulating cells with chemerin21-157 resulted in phosphorylation of p44/p42 MAPKs (ERK 1/2) and Akt (Ser 473). Also, significantly enhanced levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), and the matrix metalloproteases MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8 and MMP-13 were detected. These results demonstrate that human chondrocytes express both the receptor ChemR23 and the ligand chemerin. Chemerin21-157 stimulation engaged signal-transduction pathways that further promoted inflammatory signalling in chondrocytes, as judged by an enhanced secretion of cytokines and metalloproteases. Taken together, the previously reported chemotaxis and the present findings suggest that the receptor and its ligand may play pivotal roles in joint inflammation

    Retro-trochanteric sciatica-like pain: current concept

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    The aim of this manuscript is to review the current knowledge in terms of retro-trochanteric pain syndrome, make recommendations for diagnosis and differential diagnosis and offer suggestions for treatment options. The terminology in the literature is confusing and these symptoms can be referred to as ‘greater trochanteric pain syndrome’, ‘trochanteric bursitis’ and ‘trochanteritis’, among other denominations. The authors focus on a special type of sciatica, i.e. retro-trochanteric pain radiating down to the lower extremity. The impact of different radiographic assessments is discussed. The authors recommend excluding pathology in the spine and pelvic area before following their suggested treatment algorithm for sciatica-like retro-trochanteric pain. Level of evidence II

    Retro-trochanteric sciatica-like pain : in-depth analyses of clinical symptoms, treatment options, histological and ultra structural findings in tendon biopsies

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    I vår praksis ved sykehuset møtte vi stadig pasienter med uforklarlige smerter i hofte og lår, og utstråling til legg. Siden en muskel (piriformis) tidligere hadde vært beskrevet å klemme mot ischiasnerven, ville vi gjøre mer systematiske studier av dette tidligere beskrevne syndromet. Ved operasjon fant vi at en annen muskel (obturatorius internus) klemte over ischiasnerven. Oppfølgningsstudier har vært å se på resultatet av de opererte og kontrollgruppen på lang sikt, samt å få mer forståelse av endringene som måtte foreligge i senene bedømt mikroskopisk. To grupper pasienter med smerter i hofte med utstråling ble behandlet med bare avventning eller operasjon. Nøye observasjon av anatomiske forhold og forholdet mellom ulike strukturer i hofta under operasjonen; registrering av smerteintensitet, arbeidsevne, resultat av ulike undersøkelser har vært gjort på kort og lang sikt. I separate studier er prøver av senen som vi fant kan skape problemer, blitt analysert strukturelt. Vårt arbeid har påvist at en muskel, obturatorius internus, klemte over ischiasnerven. Ved å oppheve dette trykket under operasjonen ble pasientene bedre både på kort og lang sikt. Strukturelt var det store forandringer i den aktuelle senen hos artrosepasienter og ikke hos pasienter uten artrose men med brudd i hofta. Våre studier har vist at et ukjent syndrom som vi har kalt obturatorius internus syndrom gir symptomer som ligner tradisjonell ischias. Dette syndromet kan bidra ved ischias, og kanskje ved artrosesmerter og andre lidelser i området. Videre studier om dette er absolutt indisert

    Radiofrequency Microtenotomy or Physical Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Background: Achilles tendinopathy is a painful disorder, and various treatment options are available. Bipolar radiofrequency microtenotomy (RFM) has shown promising results in treating tendinosis. Purpose/Hypothesis: The purpose was to compare the results between treatment with bipolar RFM and physical therapy (PT) for patients with midportion Achilles tendinopathy. It was hypothesized that RFM would be equivalent or superior to PT. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 1. Methods: A total of 38 patients with midportion Achilles tendinopathy were evaluated for 2 years. The patients were randomized to receive either RFM or PT. There were 20 patients in the RFM group and 18 patients in the PT group. Clinical outcomes were assessed using the visual analog scale (VAS) for pain and the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS). The degree of tendinosis was evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the affected ankle performed before intervention and 2 years after intervention. Results: In both groups, the VAS scores at the 2-year follow-up were significantly improved compared with preintervention: from 7.2 ± 1.5 to 1.0 ± 1.4 for the RFM group and from 5.9 ± 1.3 to 3.1 ± 1.8 for the PT group (P Conclusion: In this randomized study, the clinical assessments revealed significant improvements in the VAS, FAOS, and tendinosis score as seen on MRI 2 years after intervention with either RFM or PT in patients with midportion Achilles tendinopathy. The improvement was significantly better in the RFM group with regard to VAS and FAOS, but not in the MRI appearance

    Medium-Term Results After Treatment of Recalcitrant Lateral Epicondylitis A Prospective, Randomized Study Comparing Open Release and Radiofrequency Microtenotomy

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    Background: Recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis (elbow extensor–origin tendinosis) is a common cause of elbow pain with many treatment options. In the present study, the medium-term results after open release and radiofrequency microtenotomy are reported. Hypothesis: Microtenotomy would provide long-term pain relief that was as good as the open release method. Study Design: Prospective, randomized trial. Methods: Twenty-four patients randomized to either open release or microtenotomy were assessed after 5 to 7 years. Clinical examination and dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT) of both elbows were performed preoperatively and at the medium-term follow-up. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of both elbows was performed at the medium-term follow-up. Results: Significant pain reduction was found using a visual analog scale (VAS) at the medium-term follow-up in both groups compared with the preoperative assessment (P < .005). The Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) increased significantly in both groups (P < .01). The improvement in grip strength was not significant in either group. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of VAS, strength, and the MEPS. On the DIRT examinations, there were significantly fewer hot spots at the medium-term follow-up than preoperatively (P ¼ .0067, both study groups together). The MRI examinations revealed grade II changes in the operated elbow in 1 patient in each group at the medium-term follow-up, while all the other MRI examinations revealed a normal tendon. Conclusion: In this prospective, randomized trial with a medium-term follow-up, the results were similar after surgical release and microtenotomy in patients with recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis. The hypothesis was thus verified. Keywords: tendinosis; epicondylitis; microtenotomy; infrared thermograph

    A novel combination of peripheral nerve blocks for arthroscopic shoulder surgery

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    Background - Interscalene brachial plexus block is currently the gold standard for intra‐ and post‐operative pain management for patients undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery. However, it is associated with block related complications, of which effect on the phrenic nerve have been of most interest. Side effects caused by general anesthesia, when this is required, are also a concern. We hypothesized that the combination of superficial cervical plexus block, suprascapular nerve block, and infraclavicular brachial plexus block would provide a good alternative to interscalene block and general anesthesia. Methods - Twenty adult patients scheduled for arthroscopic shoulder surgery received a combination of superficial cervical plexus block (5 ml ropivacaine 0.5%), suprascapular nerve block (4 ml ropivacaine 0.5%), and lateral sagittal infraclavicular block (31 ml ropivacaine 0.75%). The primary aim was to find the proportion of patients who could be operated under light propofol sedation, without the need for opioids or artificial airway. Secondary aims were patients' satisfaction and surgeons' judgment of the operating conditions. Results - Nineteen of twenty patients (95% CI: 85–100) underwent arthroscopic shoulder surgery with light propofol sedation, but without opioids or artificial airway. The excluded patient was not comfortable in the beach chair position and therefore received general anesthesia. All patients were satisfied with the treatment on follow‐up interviews. The surgeons rated the operating conditions as good for all patients. Conclusion - The novel combination of a superficial cervical plexus block, a suprascapular nerve block, and an infraclavicular nerve block provides an alternative anesthetic modality for arthroscopic shoulder surgery

    Histological and ultrastructural degenerative findings in the gluteus medius tendon after hip arthroplasty

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    Background - Despite gluteus medius (GMED) tendinosis being relatively common, its presence in association with hip osteoarthritis (OA) or total hip arthroplasty (THA) is not well studied. It was hypothesized that more tendon degeneration would be found in patients with OA of the hip and in those that had undergone THA than that in a control group. Methods - One hundred patients were included between 2016 and 2019 and were included into 4 groups; the patients were undergoing revision surgery in two groups and primary THA in the other two groups; 22 patients had previously undergone primary THA through a direct lateral approach (involving sectioning of the GMED tendon), 24 patients had previously undergone primary THA through a posterior approach (leaving the GMED tendon intact), 29 patients had primary hip OA, and 25 patients who suffered a femoral neck fracture served as controls. Biopsies from the GMED tendon were obtained at the time of the primary THA or the hip revision surgery. The tendon biopsies were examined ultrastructurally and histologically. Results - Ultrastructurally, the direct lateral and posterior revision groups had statistically significantly more collagen fibrils with smaller diameters compared with the fracture and primary THA groups. Moreover, the direct lateral revision group had more collagen fibrils with smaller diameters compared with the posterior revision group. Histologically, the direct lateral revision group had a higher total degeneration score (TDS) compared with the primary hip OA group. Conclusions - The GMED tendon shows more ultrastructural degeneration in patients who undergo hip revision arthroplasty than in patients with primary OA of the hip and control patients, who had suffered a femoral neck fracture. Furthermore, patients who had previously undergone primary THA through a direct lateral approach revealed more histological GMED tendon degeneration than patients who suffer primary hip OA