29 research outputs found

    Reaching the next 50 million nanostores

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    Distribution to nanostores in Indian megacities

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    Distribution to nanostores in Indian megacities

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    Distribution to nanostores in Indian megacities

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    Planeación de escenarios:Un caso de estudio en una empresa de consultoría logística en Colombia

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    Uncertainty about market trends and the business environment in which companies operate is one of the main challenges managers currently face. A company that analyzes its environment and tries to predict possible future scenarios will not be surprised by changes thereof and can establish action plans in advance to ensure it will be effective regardless of which scenario ultimately prevails. This article is a case study about scenario planning in a company that offers logistics consulting services in Colombia. The scenario planning process led to the identification of key challenges, trends and market opportunities for the company in questio

    Reaching the next 50 million nanostores

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    Tax privacy concerns hamper digitization of the Nanostore Channel

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    Various entities, such as startups, suppliers and governments, face substantial difficulties in convincing nanostore shopkeepers to adopt digital technologies. Given the informal status of nanostores, we posit that shopkeepers experience Tax Privacy Concerns from their operational records potentially becoming transparent to the tax authorities, which hampers their inclination to digitize. Through the application of a survey and vignette experiments in the field with hundreds of shopkeepers across three cities in Latin America, we find consistent evidence for the negative role of Tax Privacy Concerns, above and beyond shopkeepers' willingness to share data with various entities, trust in the government and other entities, and general privacy concerns. Further, we show that having entities that shopkeepers trust and are willing to share data with offer technological solutions does not mitigate shopkeepers' Tax Privacy Concerns and boosts digitization. In contrast, positive word of mouth that data are unlikely to be shared with the tax authorities does mitigate Tax Privacy Concerns. Overall, our findings provide novel evidence for the existence and influence of privacy concerns for operational data among microentrepreneurs, which answers calls in the extant literature to explore privacy concerns.beyond the consumer context