746 research outputs found


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    O texto a ser publicado refere-se à investigação da educação escolar entre os Krahô, grupo indígena do Tocantins. Especificamente, foi investigada a situação de duas aldeias com escola secundária, localizadas nas maiores comunidades daquele povo e denominadas Pedra Branca e Manoel Alves. A meta é entender a influência da escola modificando a identidade krahô, o cotidiano das aldeias e a cultura krahô. Ficou claro através da pesquisa de campo a existência da relação entre a educação escolar e o status político alcançado pelos jovens graduados na escola secundária

    Study of the experimental modal analysis techniques applied to structural dynamics

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    The main goal of the present work is to analyze the experimental techniques used in modal analysis, and then apply those techniques to a structural car component in order to evaluate the parameters of the modal test. For this propose the experimental procedure and the equipment are analyzed, specifically the experimental equipment used in the vibration tests, shakers, accelerometers, impact hammers, force transducers, and the support of the structural component. This study will allow a better test performance which will lead to a better interpretation of the analysis results and of the most influent parameters. The experimental modal analysis resorts to the LMS spectral equipment and SCADA-PC associated software: Test Xpress e Test Lab; in manner to obtain the dynamic response of the structure and identify its dynamic characteristics. At the same time is determined the dynamic behavior of the structure using the finite element method through the commercial program ANSYS. The experimental results are extracted by line-fit modal analysis and are used as reference for comparison with the numerical models developed.(undefined

    Geological raw materials from a mesolithic archaeological site in NW Portugal

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    This is an author’s version (C. Alves) and not the final published text. The final published text can be found in: Proceedings 2019, 24(1), 10; https://doi.org/10.3390/IECG2019-06222The present work concerns the study of geological raw materials obtained from an excavation site located in Serra da Cabreira (NW Portugal). The majority of the artifacts are made in quartz varieties (with minor occurrences of flint). Milky quartz is dominant, being similar to diverse occurrences of quartz veins in the immediate neighborhood. There are diverse other quartz varieties, indicating the possibility of locations farther away from the shelter. The study of geological raw materials can be seen as an important source of archaeological information, illustrating the evolution of past relationships between humans and geological resources, and also providing relevant information for the present and future, considering namely the extremely low environmental impact of the processing of raw materialsThe first author (Pedro Xavier) would like to thank the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology) for the Ph.D. scholarship, reference (SFRH/BD/120806/2016). The Lab2PT—Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory—AUR/04509 is supported by the Portuguese “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (Portuguese funds and where applicable the FEDER co-financing, in the aim of the new partnership agreement PT2020 and COMPETE2020—POCI 010145 FEDER 007528)

    Living in the mountains. Late Mesolithic/early Neolithic settlement in northwest Portugal: Rock Shelter 1 of Vale de Cerdeira (Vieira do Minho)

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    In the 1990s, a research project was developed to identify, in the mountainous areas of the Northwest (NW) of Portugal, the existence of an occupation model associated with the last hunter–gatherer prehistoric communities in the region. Therefore, a set of consistent and detailed field surveys took place in the mountains of NW Portugal, leading to the discovery of the archaeological site named “Rock Shelter 1 of Cerdeira Valley,” a granite rock shelter situated in Cabreira mountain. The campaigns of excavations undertaken permitted the identification of two combustion structures, from which charcoal samples provided two C-14 dates, as well as a significant stone tool assemblage (around 30,000 pieces), that established the prehistoric occupation of “Rock Shelter 1 of Cerdeira Valley” between the Late Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic. This archaeological site and its body of evidences are being analysed within the context of an ongoing PhD project developed by one of the authors (P. Xavier), through two mutually related lines of research. The first one relates to the complete technological and typological study of the lithic assembly, identifying the objectives of the stone tool production, i.e. lithic production systems and related châines opératoires; and the second concerns itself with the classification and characterisation of different raw materials exploited by the prehistoric communities and, wherever possible, to make some additional considerations about raw material procurement. The goals of this article are the presentation of the methodologies adopted in the study of raw materials and the results obtained from the techno-typological studyThe work was financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology): Ph.D. scholarship (P. Xavier), reference SFRH/BD/120806/2016

    Perceção dos atributos do serviço antes e após o reposicionamento: estudo de caso de um clube de fitness

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    A presente investigação tem como objetivo perceber se existem diferenças na perceção dos sócios de um clube de fitness, antes e após o seu processo de reposicionamento estratégico. Foram recolhidos dados no respetivo Clube de fitness em 2009, amostra com 154 sócios, e recolhidos novamente, depois do reposicionamento estar estável em 2014, com uma nova amostra de 151 sócios. O instrumento utilizado foi parte de um questionário, já validado para o mercado do fitness em Portugal (Gonçalves, 2012), sobre a perceção dos serviços de fitness. A análise de dados foi realizada com o software SPSS Statistics efetuando-se análise descritiva (através de medidas de localização, medidas de dispersão, medidas de forma, tabelas de frequências e diagramas de barras). Utilizou-se ainda o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para analisar a consistência interna geral do questionário e por dimensão. Os resultados indicam que a identificação do clube não foi alterada com o reposicionamento, pois os sócios continuam a reconhecer o seu clube como familiar e diversificado. A perceção geral sobre o clube, ou seja a diferenciação, melhorou após o seu reposicionamento estratégico, contudo, nem todos os atributos das suas dimensões têm o mesmo valor para o sócio. No presente estudo é a dimensão Imagem que contém os itens melhor percecionados pelos sócios, em ambas as recolhas, embora esta perceção tenha sido melhor, em 2014, após a alteração de posicionamento. As dimensões Recursos e Serviços, seguem-se à Imagem, evidenciando-se igualmente uma melhoria na perceção após o reposicionamento. Assim, o presente estudo reforça a importância da contínua investigação da perceção dos atributos do serviço para cada contexto para se perceber quais os atributos que devem ser mantidos, melhorados ou mesmo alterados, bem como, demonstra a importância da constante adaptação das organizações de fitness às exigências do mercado

    Consumer behavior in a fitness gym and Health Club: study of frequency, satisfaction and retention

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    This study aims to understand the relationship between the frequency of use, satisfaction, and retention of members in fitness, in a Health Club located in Oporto. In the fitness market it is indispensable to understand the characteristics of faithful members, in order to act appropriately with each segment. Accordingly, the frequency which a member goes to the gym (Ferrand, Robinson & Valette, 2010), their satisfaction (Gonçalves, 2012) and retention of members in fitness - if the members remain subscribed for a long time and influence other people to become members (Alexandris, Zahariadis, Tsorbatzoudis & Grouios, 2004) - are key variables to understand them. Data was collected in 2014, with a sample of 146 members of the studied fitness club. The instrument was constituted by the sample characterization and another part containing questions to understand the behavior of fitness consumers: frequency of use, satisfaction and retention. Subsequently it was conducted a pretest with 30 members and based on these results the final version of the instrument was prepared. The statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software: descriptive and comparative analyses were performed. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the internal consistency of the satisfaction and retention items. In this study the percentage of those going three or more times to the gym is significant (64%; n=96). These results are consistent with satisfaction in the gym since most members are very satisfied with their gym, intend to remain (92.5%; n=138) and would recommend the gym to others (84.2%; n=123). The results indicate that the health club managers must act to keep those who are less likely to remain, those with less frequent use, and have a lower satisfaction and consequently lower retention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Problemas e perspectivas do Quaternário do litoral minhoto a norte do rio Lima

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    E apresentado um primeiro balanço dos estudos levados a cabo sobre as formações quaternárias do litoral do Minho (Portugal), compreendidas entre a foz do rio Minho e a foz do rio Lima. Duas formações marinhas situadas respectivamente a 3-5 m e a 11-15 m foram identificadas. Depósitos coluvionares e eólicos revelando a existência de condições climatéricas rigorosas (gelifração, geliturbação e eolização) foram igualmente detectados sobre aqueles mesmos níveis. No caso particular da jazida de S. Domingos, as características sedimentológicas dos depósitos sugerem a possibilidade da existência de uma formação paleo-lagunar. Um primeiro estudo tecnico-tipológico incidindo sobre materiais líticos acheulenses e de tipo “asturiense” é igualmente efectuado.L'auter présente un premier bilan des recherches effectuées sur les dépôts quaternaires du litoral du Minho (Portugal), entre l'embochure du fleuve Minho et celle du fleuve Lima. Deux dépôts marins, étagés respectivement à 3-5 m et 11-I5 m ont été reconues. Des formations colluvialles et éolliennes révélant des conditions climatiques froides (gélifraction, éolisation et cryoturbation) ont été identifiées sur ces mêmes niveaux. Dans le sites de S. Domingos. Les caractéristiques sédimentologiques des dépôts suggèrent la possibilité de l'existence des dépôts paleo-lagunaires. Un premiér étude techno-typologique portant sur des industries acheuléennes et de type «asturien» est également présentée.The author presents the first results concerning new researches on the Quaternary of the littoral of Minho (Portugal). Two high sea-level deposits, localized at 3-5 m and 11-15 m have been identified. Colluvial and eolion deposits, contemporaneous with cold climatic conditions (cryoclastism, cryoturbation and wind facetted pebbles) are superimposed on the two sea terraces. At the site of S. Domingos, sedimentary characteristics of the deposits suggest the existence of a paleo-lagoonar formation. A first technical-typological study made on acheulian and “asturiam” type artifacts is also presented

    Bem-estar na vida vs bem-estar no ginásio: relação com a retenção de sócios

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    This research aims to understand if the well-being in life (WBL) and well-being at the fitness club (WBC) is related to the fitness members’ retention. Several investigations mention the relationship between physical exercice (PE) and well-being (WB). Although wellness is influenced by multiple factors, it can also be maintained through participation in physical activities (Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006). Conscious fitness consumers towards performance also better perceive their WB (IDEA, 2000). In this regard, both consumers and the interaction between PE and wellness require a better understanding. Barros and Gonçalves (2009) add that the happier the consumer is, the happier he will feel and, consequently, longer will be retained (Gonçalves, Biscaia, Correia, & Diniz, 2014). Data were collected from a health club with a sample of 151 members. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: sample characterization; WBL and WBC (Diener, Suh, & Oishi, 1997) and 5 items for retention (Ferrand, Robinson, & Valette, 2011; Gonçalves et al., 2014). A pilot study was conducted with 30 members, elaborating the final version of the instrument. The analysis was performed with SPSS software, version 22, using descriptive and inferential analyses, multiple linear regressions and Cronbach's alpha was used to analyze the internal consistency of WBL (α=0.907), WBC (α=0.870) and retention (α=0.866).This model demonstrates good adjustment (F=121.233 (p<0.001); R2 0.629), has no multicollinearity issues and exhibits good percentage of explained variation (62.9%). The WBC shows a statistically positive contribution to predict retention (p<0.00). Although WBL has a positive regression coefficient, it is not statistically significant to explain retention (p<0.294). The analysis of the consumers’ WBC is important so the potential dropout risks can be detected. Also, BEV analysis is fundamental to understand the potential fitness consumer and the relation of PE with happiness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio