16 research outputs found

    Udfordringer og perspektiver for dansk vejtransportforskning

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    Indlægget vil se på udfordringer og perspektiver for vejtransportforskningen i Danmark, på baggrund af det stigende behov for effektivt at kunne tilvejebringe og implementere ny viden om såvel planlægning, anlæg og drift af veje. Indlægget præsenterer de nuværende forskningsbehov på vejområdet Vejtransportforskningen Danmar

    Den fremtidige organisering af vejsektoren

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    De relativt store ændringer i vejsektorens organisering der kommer med kommunalreformen i 2007, vil indebære en ny fordeling af vejsektoropgaverne som betyder en bevægelse mod såvel færre og større administrative enheder som opgaver der går fra det amtslige niveau til det (ny og større) kommunale niveau.. Dette vil få betydning for varetagelsen af vej- og trafikopgaverne i de nye vejbestyrelser. Med udgangspunkt i de strukturelle ændringer der vil følge af kommunalreformen, vil indlægget give et bud på, hvorledes en fremtidig organisering af vejsektoren kunne fremstå, herunder i hvilket omfang de nuværende samarbejdsfora i vejsektoren ændrer fokus og karakter, når amterne som faglig og finansiel bidragsyder falder væ

    Skatteministeriets kørselsafgifter for lastbiler

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    Special Session ‐ Skatteministeriets kørselsafgifter for lastbile

    An indicator framework for assessing ecosystem services in support of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020

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    In the EU, the mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services, abbreviated to MAES, is seen as a key action for the advancement of biodiversity objectives, and also to inform the development and implementation of related policies on water, climate, agriculture, forest, marine and regional planning. In this study, we present the development of an analytical framework which ensures that consistent approaches are used throughout the EU. It is framed by a broad set of key policy questions and structured around a conceptual framework that links human societies and their well-being with the environment. Next, this framework is tested through four thematic pilot studies, including stakeholders and experts working at different scales and governance levels, which contributed indicators to assess the state of ecosystem services. Indicators were scored according to different criteria and assorted per ecosystem type and ecosystem services using the common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES) as typology. We concluded that there is potential to develop a first EU wide ecosystem assessment on the basis of existing data if they are combined in a creative way. However, substantial data gaps remain to be filled before a fully integrated and complete ecosystem assessment can be carried out.ISSN:2212-041

    On the mechanism of accumulation of cholestanol in the brain of mice with a disruption of sterol 27-hydroxylase

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    The rare disease cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX) is due to a lack of sterol 27-hydroxylase (CYP27A1) and is characterized by cholestanol-containing xanthomas in brain and tendons. Mice with the same defect do not develop xanthomas. The driving force in the development of the xanthomas is likely to be conversion of a bile acid precursor into cholestanol. The mechanism behind the xanthomas in the brain has not been clarified. We demonstrate here that female cyp27a1−/− mice have an increase of cholestanol of about 2.5- fold in plasma, 6-fold in tendons, and 12-fold in brain. Treatment of cyp27a1−/− mice with 0.05% cholic acid normalized the cholestanol levels in tendons and plasma and reduced the content in the brain. The above changes occurred in parallel with changes in plasma levels of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one, a precursor both to bile acids and cholestanol. Injection of a cyp27a1−/− mouse with 2H7-labeled 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one resulted in a significant incorporation of 2H7-cholestanol in the brain. The results are consistent with a concentration-dependent flux of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one across the blood-brain barrier in cyp27a1−/− mice and subsequent formation of cholestanol. It is suggested that the same mechanism is responsible for accumulation of cholestanol in the brain of patients with CTX

    An indicator framework for assessing ecosystem services in support of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020

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    In the EU, the mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services, abbreviated to MAES, is seen as a key action for the advancement of biodiversity objectives, and also to inform the development and implementation of related policies on water, climate, agriculture, forest, marine and regional planning. In this study, we present the development of an analytical framework which ensures that consistent approaches are used throughout the EU. It is framed by a broad set of key policy questions and structured around a conceptual framework that links human societies and their well-being with the environment. Next, this framework is tested through four thematic pilot studies, including stakeholders and experts working at different scales and governance levels, which contributed indicators to assess the state of ecosystem services. Indicators were scored according to different criteria and assorted per ecosystem type and ecosystem services using the common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES) as typology. We concluded that there is potential to develop a first EU wide ecosystem assessment on the basis of existing data if they are combined in a creative way. However, substantial data gaps remain to be filled before a fully integrated and complete ecosystem assessment can be carried out.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen