428 research outputs found

    Measurement-device-independent QKD with Modified Coherent State

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    The measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) protocol has been proposed for the purpose of removing the detector side channel attacks. Due to the multi-photon events of coherent states sources, real-life implementations of MDI-QKD protocol must employ decoy states to beat the photon-number-splitting attack. Decoy states for MDI-QKD based on the weak coherent states have been studied recently. In this paper, we propose to perform MDI-QKD protocol with modified coherent states (MCS) sources. We simulate the performance of MDI-QKD with the decoy states based on MCS sources. And our simulation indicates that both the secure-key rate and transmission distance can be improved evidently with MCS sources.The physics behind this improvement is that the probability of multi-photon events of the MCS is lower than that of weak coherent states while at the same time the probability of single-photon is higher

    Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with uncharacterized qubit sources

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    Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDIQKD) is proposed to be secure against any possible detection attacks. The security of the original proposal relies on the assumption that the legitimate users can fully characterize the encoding systems including sources. Here, we propose a MDIQKD protocol where we allow uncharacterized encoding systems as long as qubit sources are used. A security proof of the MDIQKD protocol is presented that does not need the knowledge of the encoding states. Simulation results show that the scheme is practical

    Mismatched-basis statistics enable quantum key distribution with uncharacterized qubit sources

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    In the postprocessing of quantum key distribution, the raw key bits from the mismatched-basis measurements, where two parties use different bases, are normally discarded. Here, we propose a postprocessing method that exploits measurement statistics from mismatched-basis cases, and prove that incorporating these statistics enables uncharacterized qubit sources to be used in the measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution protocol and the Bennett-Brassard 1984 protocol, a case which is otherwise impossible.Comment: Part of this article contains a significant improvement over arXiv:1309.381

    (Z)-Methyl 3-(2,4-dichloro­phen­yl)-3-hy­droxy­acrylate

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    The mol­ecular structure of the title compound, C10H8Cl2O3, exists in a cis-enol form, which is stabilized by a strong intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond. In the crystal, C—H⋯O inter­actions generate zigzag chains along the c axis which are, in turn, linked by further C—H⋯O inter­actions into sheets parallel to (100)

    Performance of various correlation measures in quantum renormalization-group method: A case study of quantum phase transition

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    We have investigated quantum phase transition employing the quantum renormalization group (QRG) method while in most previous literature barely entanglement (concurrence) has been demonstrated. However, it is now well known that entanglement is not the only signature of quantum correlations and a variety of computable measures have been developed to characterize quantum correlations in the composite systems. As an illustration, two cases are elaborated: one dimensional anisotropic (i) XXZ model and (ii) XY model, with various measures of quantum correlations, including quantum discord (QD), geometric discord (GD), measure-induced disturbance (MID), measure-induced nonlocality (MIN) and violation of Bell inequalities (eg. CHSH inequality). We have proved that all these correlation measures can effectively detect the quantum critical points associated with quantum phase transitions (QPT) after several iterations of the renormalization in both cases. Nonetheless, it is shown that some of their dynamical behaviors are not totally similar with entanglement and even when concurrence vanishes there still exists some kind of quantum correlations which is not captured by entanglement. Intriguingly, CHSH inequality can never be violated in the whole iteration procedure, which indicates block-block entanglement can not revealed by the CHSH inequality. Moreover, the nonanalytic and scaling behaviors of Bell violation have also been discussed in detail. As a byproduct, we verify that measure-induced disturbance is exactly equal to the quantum discord measured by \sigma_z for general X-structured states.Comment: Published version. 10 pages, 8 figure

    Surgical techniques in radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients

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    Background Radiation induced brain injury ranges from acute reversible edema to late, irreversible radiation necrosis. Radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis is associated with permanent neurological deficits and occasionally progresses to death. Objective We present our experience with surgery on radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis (RTLN) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients with special consideration of clinical presentation, surgical technique, and outcomes. Method This retrospective study includes 12 patients with RTLN treated by the senior author between January 2010 and December 2014. Patients initially sought medical treatment due to headache; other symptoms were hearing loss, visual deterioration, seizure, hemiparesis, vertigo, memory loss and agnosia. A temporal approach through a linear incision was performed for all cases. RTLN was found in one side in 7 patients, and bilaterally in 5. 4 patients underwent resection of necrotic tissue bilaterally and 8 patients on one side. Results No death occurred in this series of cases. There were no post-operative complications, except 1 patient who developed aseptic meningitis. All 12 patients were free from headache. No seizure occurred in patients with preoperative epilepsy. Other symptoms such as hemiparesis and vertigo improved in all patients. Memory loss, agnosia and hearing loss did not change post-operatively in all cases. The follow-up MR images demonstrated no recurrence of necrotic lesions in all 12 patients. Conclusion Neurosurgical intervention through a temporal approach with linear incision is warranted in patients with radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis with significant symptoms and signs of increased intracranial pressure, minimum space occupying effect on imaging, or neurological deterioration despite conservative management

    The Physiology Constant Database of Teen-Agers in Beijing

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    Physiology constants of adolescents are important to understand growing living systems and are a useful reference in clinical and epidemiological research. Until recently, physiology constants were not available in China and therefore most physiologists, physicians, and nutritionists had to use data from abroad for reference. However, the very difference between the Eastern and Western races casts doubt on the usefulness of overseas data. We have therefore created a database system to provide a repository for the storage of physiology constants of teen-agers in Beijing. The several thousands of pieces of data are now divided into hematological biochemistry, lung function, and cardiac function with all data manually checked before being transferred into the database. The database was accomplished through the development of a web interface, scripts, and a relational database. The physiology data were integrated into the relational database system to provide flexible facilities by using combinations of various terms and parameters. A web browser interface was designed for the users to facilitate their searching. The database is available on the web. The statistical table, scatter diagram, and histogram of the data are available for both anonym and user according to queries, while only the user can achieve detail, including download data and advanced search