276 research outputs found

    The Cambrian Platform in Northwestern Vermont

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    Guidebook for field trips in Vermont: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 79th annual meeting, October 16, 17 and 18, 1987: Trips B-

    On the calibration of neural networks for histological slide-level classification

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    Deep Neural Networks have shown promising classification performance when predicting certain biomarkers from Whole Slide Images in digital pathology. However, the calibration of the networks' output probabilities is often not evaluated. Communicating uncertainty by providing reliable confidence scores is of high relevance in the medical context. In this work, we compare three neural network architectures that combine feature representations on patch-level to a slide-level prediction with respect to their classification performance and evaluate their calibration. As slide-level classification task, we choose the prediction of Microsatellite Instability from Colorectal Cancer tissue sections. We observe that Transformers lead to good results in terms of classification performance and calibration. When evaluating the classification performance on a separate dataset, we observe that Transformers generalize best. The investigation of reliability diagrams provides additional insights to the Expected Calibration Error metric and we observe that especially Transformers push the output probabilities to extreme values, which results in overconfident predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Searching for galaxy clusters in the VST-KiDS Survey

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    We present the methods and first results of the search for galaxy clusters in the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS). The adopted algorithm and the criterium for selecting the member galaxies are illustrated. Here we report the preliminary results obtained over a small area (7 sq. degrees), and the comparison of our cluster candidates with those found in the RedMapper and SZ Planck catalogues; the analysis to a larger area (148 sq. degrees) is currently in progress. By the KiDS cluster search, we expect to increase the completeness of the clusters catalogue to z = 0.6-0.7 compared to RedMapper.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the Conference "The Universe of Digital Sky Surveys", Naples, November 25-28 201

    The XMM Cluster Survey: The Stellar Mass Assembly of Fossil Galaxies

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    This paper presents both the result of a search for fossil systems (FSs) within the XMM Cluster Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the results of a study of the stellar mass assembly and stellar populations of their fossil galaxies. In total, 17 groups and clusters are identified at z < 0.25 with large magnitude gaps between the first and fourth brightest galaxies. All the information necessary to classify these systems as fossils is provided. For both groups and clusters, the total and fractional luminosity of the brightest galaxy is positively correlated with the magnitude gap. The brightest galaxies in FSs (called fossil galaxies) have stellar populations and star formation histories which are similar to normal brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). However, at fixed group/cluster mass, the stellar masses of the fossil galaxies are larger compared to normal BCGs, a fact that holds true over a wide range of group/cluster masses. Moreover, the fossil galaxies are found to contain a significant fraction of the total optical luminosity of the group/cluster within 0.5R200, as much as 85%, compared to the non-fossils, which can have as little as 10%. Our results suggest that FSs formed early and in the highest density regions of the universe and that fossil galaxies represent the end products of galaxy mergers in groups and clusters. The online FS catalog can be found at http://www.astro.ljmu.ac.uk/~xcs/Harrison2012/XCSFSCat.html.Comment: 30 pages, 50 figures. ApJ published version, online FS catalog added: http://www.astro.ljmu.ac.uk/~xcs/Harrison2012/XCSFSCat.htm

    The XMM Cluster Survey: Evidence for energy injection at high redshift from evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation

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    We measure the evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature (L_X-T) relation since z~1.5 using a sample of 211 serendipitously detected galaxy clusters with spectroscopic redshifts drawn from the XMM Cluster Survey first data release (XCS-DR1). This is the first study spanning this redshift range using a single, large, homogeneous cluster sample. Using an orthogonal regression technique, we find no evidence for evolution in the slope or intrinsic scatter of the relation since z~1.5, finding both to be consistent with previous measurements at z~0.1. However, the normalisation is seen to evolve negatively with respect to the self-similar expectation: we find E(z)^{-1} L_X = 10^{44.67 +/- 0.09} (T/5)^{3.04 +/- 0.16} (1+z)^{-1.5 +/- 0.5}, which is within 2 sigma of the zero evolution case. We see milder, but still negative, evolution with respect to self-similar when using a bisector regression technique. We compare our results to numerical simulations, where we fit simulated cluster samples using the same methods used on the XCS data. Our data favour models in which the majority of the excess entropy required to explain the slope of the L_X-T relation is injected at high redshift. Simulations in which AGN feedback is implemented using prescriptions from current semi-analytic galaxy formation models predict positive evolution of the normalisation, and differ from our data at more than 5 sigma. This suggests that more efficient feedback at high redshift may be needed in these models.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 12 pages, 6 figures; added references to match published versio

    A model to assess the technological level of small businesses

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    none2In this paper we present a three-dimensional framework (named Cu- be of Corporate Technological Level – CCTL) to evaluate the technological po- sition of small enterprises from different points of view. This framework has been developed from existing tools with similar goals, already proposed by oth- er authors. Compared to existing ones, this framework differs primarily for the inclusion of a collaborative perspective. It reflects the distinctive features of the latest interactive and web 2.0 tools (chat, blogs, forums, ...), that allow compa- nies to manage their relationships with the external stakeholders of the supply chain. The proposed framework has been applied to a sample of small business- es to test its validity. Some business cases with different positions in the Cube are described.This paper is the joint effort of the authors. Francesca Maria Cesaroni developed sections 1, 2 and 5 and Domenico Consoli sections 3 and 4.openF.M.Cesaroni; D.ConsoliCesaroni, FRANCESCA MARIA; D., Consol

    The XMM Cluster Survey: X-ray analysis methodology

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    The XMM Cluster Survey (XCS) is a serendipitous search for galaxy clusters using all publicly available data in the XMM-Newton Science Archive. Its main aims are to measure cosmological parameters and trace the evolution of X-ray scaling relations. In this paper we describe the data processing methodology applied to the 5,776 XMM observations used to construct the current XCS source catalogue. A total of 3,675 > 4-sigma cluster candidates with > 50 background-subtracted X-ray counts are extracted from a total non-overlapping area suitable for cluster searching of 410 deg^2. Of these, 993 candidates are detected with > 300 background-subtracted X-ray photon counts, and we demonstrate that robust temperature measurements can be obtained down to this count limit. We describe in detail the automated pipelines used to perform the spectral and surface brightness fitting for these candidates, as well as to estimate redshifts from the X-ray data alone. A total of 587 (122) X-ray temperatures to a typical accuracy of < 40 (< 10) per cent have been measured to date. We also present the methodology adopted for determining the selection function of the survey, and show that the extended source detection algorithm is robust to a range of cluster morphologies by inserting mock clusters derived from hydrodynamical simulations into real XMM images. These tests show that the simple isothermal beta-profiles is sufficient to capture the essential details of the cluster population detected in the archival XMM observations. The redshift follow-up of the XCS cluster sample is presented in a companion paper, together with a first data release of 503 optically-confirmed clusters.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 45 pages, 38 figures. Our companion paper describing our optical analysis methodology and presenting a first set of confirmed clusters has now been submitted to MNRA

    The XMM Cluster Survey: Active Galactic Nuclei and Starburst Galaxies in XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 at z=1.46

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    We use Chandra X-ray and Spitzer infrared observations to explore the AGN and starburst populations of XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 at z=1.46, one of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed galaxy clusters known. The high resolution X-ray imaging reveals that the cluster emission is contaminated by point sources that were not resolved in XMM observations of the system, and have the effect of hardening the spectrum, leading to the previously reported temperature for this system being overestimated. From a joint spectroscopic analysis of the Chandra and XMM data, the cluster is found to have temperature T=4.1_-0.9^+0.6 keV and luminosity L_X=(2.92_-0.35^+0.24)x10^44 erg/s extrapolated to a radius of 2 Mpc. As a result of this revised analysis, the cluster is found to lie on the sigma_v-T relation, but the cluster remains less luminous than would be expected from self-similar evolution of the local L_X-T relation. Two of the newly discovered X-ray AGN are cluster members, while a third object, which is also a prominent 24 micron source, is found to have properties consistent with it being a high redshift, highly obscured object in the background. We find a total of eight >5 sigma 24 micron sources associated with cluster members (four spectroscopically confirmed, and four selected using photometric redshifts), and one additional 24 micron source with two possible optical/near-IR counterparts that may be associated with the cluster. Examining the IRAC colors of these sources, we find one object is likely to be an AGN. Assuming that the other 24 micron sources are powered by star formation, their infrared luminosities imply star formation rates ~100 M_sun/yr. We find that three of these sources are located at projected distances of <250 kpc from the cluster center, suggesting that a large amount of star formation may be taking place in the cluster core, in contrast to clusters at low redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 16 pages, 10 figure

    The XMM Cluster Survey: The interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy and the intra-cluster medium via AGN feedback

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    Using a sample of 123 X-ray clusters and groups drawn from the XMM-Cluster Survey first data release, we investigate the interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), its black hole, and the intra-cluster/group medium (ICM). It appears that for groups and clusters with a BCG likely to host significant AGN feedback, gas cooling dominates in those with Tx > 2 keV while AGN feedback dominates below. This may be understood through the sub-unity exponent found in the scaling relation we derive between the BCG mass and cluster mass over the halo mass range 10^13 < M500 < 10^15Msol and the lack of correlation between radio luminosity and cluster mass, such that BCG AGN in groups can have relatively more energetic influence on the ICM. The Lx - Tx relation for systems with the most massive BCGs, or those with BCGs co-located with the peak of the ICM emission, is steeper than that for those with the least massive and most offset, which instead follows self-similarity. This is evidence that a combination of central gas cooling and powerful, well fuelled AGN causes the departure of the ICM from pure gravitational heating, with the steepened relation crossing self-similarity at Tx = 2 keV. Importantly, regardless of their black hole mass, BCGs are more likely to host radio-loud AGN if they are in a massive cluster (Tx > 2 keV) and again co-located with an effective fuel supply of dense, cooling gas. This demonstrates that the most massive black holes appear to know more about their host cluster than they do about their host galaxy. The results lead us to propose a physically motivated, empirical definition of 'cluster' and 'group', delineated at 2 keV.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS - replaced to match corrected proo
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