3,628 research outputs found

    Towards building a team of intelligent robots

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    Topics addressed include: collision-free motion planning of multiple robot arms; two-dimensional object recognition; and pictorial databases (storage and sharing of the representations of three-dimensional objects)

    China’s monetary policy and the exchange rate

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    The paper models monetary policy in China using a hybrid McCallum-Taylor empirical reaction function. The feedback rule allows for reactions to inflation and output gaps, and to developments in a trade-weighted exchange rate gap measure. The investigation finds that monetary policy in China has, on average, accommodated inflationary developments. But exchange rate shocks do not significantly affect monetary policy behavior, and there is no evidence of a structural break in the estimated reaction function at the end of the strict dollar peg in July 2005. The paper also runs an exercise incorporating survey-based inflation expectations into the policy reaction function and meets with some success.exchange rate; hybrid McCallum-Taylor monetary policy reaction function; SVAR; survey-based inflation expectations; China

    Forecasting Inflation in China

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    This paper forecasts inflation in China over a 12-month horizon. The analysis runs 15 alternative models and finds that only those considering many predictors via a principal component display a better relative forecasting performance than the univariate benchmark.inflation forecasting; data-rich environment; principal components; China

    Chemistry of metal β-diketonates

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    The chemistry of metal β-diketonates broadly follows the pattern in 1887. Three types of metal β-diketonate complexes : (i) oxygen bonded, (ii) carbonbonded and (iii) both oxygen and carbon bonded have been synthesised by a variety of routes. Out of these, the reactions of various β-diketones and β-ketoesters with simple and bimetallic alkoxides in different stoichiometric ratios in benzene medium have been exploited for synthesizing novel derivatives of the first type and also for throwing light on their structural features. A brief mention has been made of a new class of metalla-derivatives of β-diketones

    Collision-free motion of two robot arms in a common workspace

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    Collision-free motion of two robot arms in a common workspace is investigated. A collision-free motion is obtained by detecting collisions along the preplanned trajectories using a sphere model for the wrist of each robot and then modifying the paths and/or trajectories of one or both robots to avoid the collision. Detecting and avoiding collisions are based on the premise that: preplanned trajectories of the robots follow a straight line; collisions are restricted to between the wrists of the two robots (which corresponds to the upper three links of PUMA manipulators); and collisions never occur between the beginning points or end points on the straight line paths. The collision detection algorithm is described and some approaches to collision avoidance are discussed

    Tris(trimethyl-stannyl,-germyl, -sijyl)borates

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    Organic compounds of gallium. III. Reactions of gallium alkoxides with acetylacetone, ethyl acetoacetate, methyl acetoacetate, and methyl salicylate

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    Derivatives of gallium of the type: Ga(i-C3H7O)3-xligx (x = 1, 2, or 3; and H lig = acetylacetone, methyl and ethyl acetoacetate, or methyl salicylate) have been synthesized by reacting gallium alkoxides with ligands in various molar ratios. The compounds are soluble in organic solvents and could be volatilized under reduced pressure. Their molecular weights have been determined ebullioscopically. The infrared spectra of some of the compounds have been studied

    Radiation Resistance of Skew-Wire Radio Frequency Transmission Lines

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    All equation has been developed for calculating the radiation resistance of skew-wire high frequency transmission lines, by the method of ‘induced e.m.f.' It has been shown that the general formula derived can be applied for any orientation of the transmission lines with respect to each other, In view of the practical layout design of transmission lines, six special cases of orientation of the lines have been considered, for which the expressions for radiation resistance have been deduced mathematically and verified by independent process. Finally, for practical verification of the expressions obtained, the variation of radiation resistance of skew-wire transmission lines without taper when the angle of elevation of one of the wires is increased, has been experimentally determined

    Studies on Particle Suspension in Air-agitated Pachuca tanks

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    The paper presents the findings of an investigation involving extensive experiments on three laboratory scale Pachuca tanks to examine the effect of design and oper-ating parameters, as well as scale up on particle suspension. Some important results, crucial to the design and scale up have emerged. Full center column (FCC) Pachucas with a draft tube to tank diameter ratio (Dd/Dt) on the order of 0.1 are found to be energetically more efficient in suspending particles than Free-Air.Lift (FAL) and Stub Column (SC) Pachuca tanks. It has been established that the energy required for generating suspension from settled particles is more than that is required for maintaining the particles already in suspension. The magn-itude of hysterisis in FCC Pachuca tanks is of the order of 20%. Effect of novel split air injection technique on critical velocity for particle suspension has been rigorously investigated. Split air injection, with 30% air injected into the annulus from top and 70% air injected from the bottom into the draft tube lowers the critical air velocity for particle suspension by about 37% with respect to bottom blown Pachuca tanks. Mechanisms for particle suspension in bottom blow Pachucas as well as those with split air injection are proposed