22 research outputs found

    Optimum operation of single cavity photonic switches

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    In this work, an optimum frequency is found for the operation of single cavity photonic switches. At this optimum point, the transmission contrast of ON and OFF states takes its highest value, while keeping the device power threshold relatively low and the device speed acceptably high. Then, the dynamic behavior of a typical single cavity all optical switch is investigated in the optimum operation point through temporal Coupled Mode Theory. Switching speed and power are discussed, and the device is shown to be applicable for telecommunication and data processing applications. The analysis is quite general, and can be used for resonant structures, such as photonic crystals and microring resonators, in both side coupled and direct coupled configurations

    Mapping Dispersion Fluctuations along Optical Fibers Using Brillouin Probing and a Fast Analytic Calculation

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    A simple analytic formula is derived to extract tiny dispersion fluctuations along highly nonlinear fibers from distributed measurements of parametric gain. A refined BOTDA scheme, suitable to track Kerr processes, enables low noise measurements

    Distributed Measurement of Signal Power Evolution in a Phase Sensitive Parametric Amplifier

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    A method to measure the signal power evolution along phase-sensitive parametric amplifiers is proposed using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis. Different evolutions along the fiber are reported by varying input wave phases, including amplification and de-amplification

    Power evolution along phase-sensitive parametric amplifiers: an experimental survey

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    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a method based on Brillouin optical time-domain analysis to measure the longitudinal signal power distribution along phase-sensitive fiber-optical parametric amplifiers (PS-FOPAs). Experimental results show that the amplification of a PS-FOPA could go through different longitudinal profiles and yet finish with the same overall gain. This behavior is in sheer contrast with theoretical expectations, according to which longitudinal gain distribution should follow certain profiles determined by the initial relative phase difference but can never end up in the same overall gain. The gap between theory and experiment only becomes evident when the pump wavelength is within the fluctuation range of the zero dispersion wavelength (ZDW) of the PS-FOPA