16 research outputs found
Factors affecting puberty gingivitis in Polish girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Objectives: Age at menarche and hormonal disturbances have been linked to the occurrence and severity of adolescentidiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Concomitantly, an increase in the production of sex hormones during puberty may result in steroidhormones-related gingivitis. Thus, the study aimed to assess the prevalence and factors affecting puberty gingivitis,including menarcheal status, in female patients with AIS and control subjects.Material and methods: The study group was comprised of 59 girls aged 12–16 years with AIS and 50 healthy controls. Dentalexamination included the assessment of oral hygiene, gingivitis, and dental caries intensity. Data were statistically analyzedwith a significance taken as p < 0.05.Results: There wasn’t any statistically significant difference in the age at menarche and menarcheal status of both groups. Duringregression analysis, three predictors significantly affected gingival status of girls: oral hygiene, orthopedic condition,and laterality of the curve. Scoliosis and left convex of the curve significantly increased the index of gingival inflammation.Conclusions: The results indicate that gingivitis is frequent among female adolescents with AIS, due to poor oral hygieneand higher susceptibility to inflammation. It emphasizes a need for a development of preventive strategy for scoliotic patients,since incipient periodontal problems in children may turn into irreversible advanced periodontal diseases in adults
The effect of the presence of malocclusions, orthodontic treatment and occlusion disorders on temporomandibular joints dysfunctions – a literature review
Temporomandibular disorders represent a significant percentage of craniofacial disorders. Mainly they can be caused by abnormal occlusion, which has a important impact on the whole stomatognathic system. This is a difficult issue both in terms of diagnosis and treatment, which is an impulse to discussion of many researchers and clinicians. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the presence of malocclusions, orthodontic treatment and occlusion disorders on temporomandibular joints dysfunctions based on the literature of the past 20 years. It is not possible to determine which malocclusions have a direct impact on the temporomandibular joint disorder, because results of examinations carried out so far, are ambiguous. It is also difficult to assess the impact of the orthodontic and orthognathic treatment on the temporomandibular joints. The problem described is noteworthy due to the complex etiology of these diseases and requires an interdisciplinary approach and the cooperation of many specialists
Objawy otologiczne u pacjentów z zaburzeniami czynnościowymi układu stomatognatycznego
Introduction. The symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are not located only in the masticatory organ. The association of TMJ disorders with otologic symptoms is a well-established clinical observation.
Aim of the study. To determinate the prevalence of signs otologic symptoms among patients with TMD.
Material and methods. 92 patients (55 W, 37 M) aged 19–53, the stomatologic clinical examination and audiological questionnaire.
Results. The prevalence of otologic symptoms was 31,2%. The most common otologic symptoms were fullness sensation in the ear (42,86%), hyperacusis and tinnitus.
Conclusions. The multispecialist diagnosis and treatment have been confirmed in the patients in whom TMD and otologic symptoms are existed.Wstęp. Wzrasta liczba pacjentów z zaburzeniami czynnościowymi układu stomatognatycznego (US). Opisywane są objawy zlokalizowane w obrębie zębów, układu mięśniowego i stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych. Dolegliwości kliniczne cechuje jednak duże zróżnicowanie lokalizacji i występowanie poza jamą ustną, na przykład w narządzie słuchu.
Cel pracy. Ocena objawów usznych u pacjentów z zaburzeniami czynnościowymi US.
Materiał i metody. Grupa pacjentów w liczbie 92 osoby (55 kobiet, 37 mężczyzn) w wieku 19–53 lata; ankietowe badanie podmiotowe, badanie stomatologiczne, czynnościowe badanie struktur US, ankieta audiologiczna.
Wyniki. Częstość występowania objawów usznych u badanych wyniosła 31,2%. Najczęściej odnotowanym objawem było uczucie pełności w uszach (42,86%), nadwrażliwość na dźwięki i szumy uszne.
Wnioski. Zaleca się współpracę interdyscyplinarną podczas procesu diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego dysfunkcji US
Assessment of the symptoms of bruxism in young people in the last high-school grades
Background . Parafunctions are involuntary habits harmful to the chewing system. Tooth contact parafunctions are developed mostly under high emotional tension associated with stress. One of them is bruxism, i.e. teeth clenching and/or grinding. Young people in the last high-school grades are a group particularly predisposed to developing parafunctions due to high mental tension and long-lasting stress associated with the matura examination.
Objectives . Assessment of the symptoms of bruxism in young people in the last high-school grades 30 days before the matura examination.
Material and methods. 109 students (58 girls, 51 boys; aged 18.07 ± 0.26 years) examined 30 days before the matura examination. Every subject had a medical interview in the form of a survey containing questions about parafunctions and symptoms of dysfunction of the stomatognathic system, a medical interview, and a dental examination, including the symptoms of bruxism (vertical cracks within the enamel of the incisors and canines, teeth impressions on the side of the tongue body, palpation tenderness of the muscles of the chewing system).
Results . The incidence of bruxism symptoms in the investigated group was 76.1% (83 students). Only 38.5% (42) students were aware of the problem of bruxism and reported it in at least one survey response. Higher incidence of the parafunction was observed in girls (teeth clenching under stress p = 0.0001; morning pain of the facial muscles p = 0.0393). The most common symptoms of bruxism were: increased tenderness of the muscles of mastication (71.5%) and teeth abrasion (50.5%).
Conclusions . 1. The symptoms of bruxism are present in most of the investigated young people, along with a poor awareness of the presence of this parafunction 2. The most common symptom of bruxism was palpation tenderness of the muscles of mastication
Bilateral dentoalveolar asymmetries in female patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
The aim of this cross-sectional research was to quantify left–right dentoalveolar fluctuating (FA) and directional asymmetries (DA) in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and to assess the relationship between these asymmetries and the side, location, and severity of scoliosis. Materials and methods: The study group comprised of 60 females aged 12–16 years, with idiopathic scoliosis, and 54 healthy controls. Measurements were made with the use of digital caliper on full-mouth dental casts. The following variables were measured from each subject: a shift of the incisor midline, left and right incisor overjet, deviation of canine and buccal segment relation as well as maxillary and mandibular arch chords. The data were statistically analyzed with significance taken as p < 0.05. Results: Statistically significant differences in the mean shift of the incisor midline, buccal segment relation on the left and canine deviation on the left between the control group and the study group were detected ( p = 0.0419, p = 0.0.458 and p = 0.0204, respectively). FA of the midline deviation and canine deviation were statistically significantly higher for subjects with IS, compared to healthy controls ( p = 0.0315 and p = 0.0415, respectively). Neither direction of the curve nor apical vertebra’s location or apical translation significantly affected the magnitude of dentoalveolar asymmetries. Conclusions: Our results confirmed that bilateral asymmetries are a common feature of the young females’ occlusion. Individuals with IS show higher tendency to Angle Class II malocclusion, as well as higher FA of incisor midline discrepancy and canine deviation, compared to the controls
Ocena programu profilaktycznego zdrowia jamy ustnej u pacjentów niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie
Celem badań była ocena skuteczności zastosowanego profilaktycznego programu zdrowia jamy ustnej
oparta na badaniach stomatologicznych z zastosowaniem epidemiologicznych wskaźników próchnicy
DMFT (wskaźnik intensywności próchnicy określający zapadalność na próchnicę – decayed, missing and
filled teeth; polski skrót: PUWZ) i chorób przyzębia CPITN (wskaźnik periodontologicznych potrzeb leczniczych
– community periodontal index of treatment needs). Ponadto założono porównanie retencji materiałów
uszczelniających in vivo. Materiał i metoda: Zastosowano program profilaktyczny składający się z nadzorowanego
szczotkowania zębów 2 razy dziennie, 10-krotnego w ciągu roku szczotkowania uzębienia
pastą Duraphat (stężenie fluoru 5000 ppm) oraz uszczelnienia bruzd zdrowych zębów tylnych. Do uszczelnienia
zastosowano 2 rodzaje materiałów: oparty na żywicy Helioseal F i cement szkłojonomerowy Fuji VII
metodą split-mouth, które założono w 87 zębach. Programem zostało objętych 15 osób płci żeńskiej w wieku
od 16 do 25 lat. Badanie stanu jamy ustnej przeprowadzono przed wdrożeniem programu, a podczas jego
trwania badano biorących udział w 6-miesięcznych odstępach. Badanie końcowe przeprowadzono po okresie
dwóch lat od wdrożenia działań profilaktycznych. Wyniki: Badanie wstępne wykazało wysoką wartość
PUWZ (8,24) oraz wysoki odsetek kwadrantów z krwawieniem (52,08%) i obecnością kamienia nazębnego
(22,02%). W ostatnim badaniu po okresie 2 lat nie stwierdzono w żadnym z uszczelnianych zębów wystą-
pienia zmian próchnicowych, a utrzymanie się materiału uszczelniającego wynosiło 90,7% w przypadku
Fuji VII i 83% w zębach uszczelnionych Helioseal F. Zmniejszyło się krwawienie z dziąseł (42,8%) oraz
występowanie kamienia nazębnego (20,8%). Wnioski: Zastosowany program profilaktyczny oraz laki szczelinowe
skutecznie zapobiegają próchnicy u osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną
Assessment of the symptoms of bruxism in young people in the last high-school grades
Background . Parafunctions are involuntary habits harmful to the chewing system. Tooth contact parafunctions are developed mostly under high emotional tension associated with stress. One of them is bruxism, i.e. teeth clenching and/or grinding. Young people in the last high-school grades are a group particularly predisposed to developing parafunctions due to high mental tension and long-lasting stress associated with the matura examination.
Objectives . Assessment of the symptoms of bruxism in young people in the last high-school grades 30 days before the matura examination.
Material and methods. 109 students (58 girls, 51 boys; aged 18.07 ± 0.26 years) examined 30 days before the matura examination. Every subject had a medical interview in the form of a survey containing questions about parafunctions and symptoms of dysfunction of the stomatognathic system, a medical interview, and a dental examination, including the symptoms of bruxism (vertical cracks within the enamel of the incisors and canines, teeth impressions on the side of the tongue body, palpation tenderness of the muscles of the chewing system).
Results . The incidence of bruxism symptoms in the investigated group was 76.1% (83 students). Only 38.5% (42) students were aware of the problem of bruxism and reported it in at least one survey response. Higher incidence of the parafunction was observed in girls (teeth clenching under stress p = 0.0001; morning pain of the facial muscles p = 0.0393). The most common symptoms of bruxism were: increased tenderness of the muscles of mastication (71.5%) and teeth abrasion (50.5%).
Conclusions . 1. The symptoms of bruxism are present in most of the investigated young people, along with a poor awareness of the presence of this parafunction 2. The most common symptom of bruxism was palpation tenderness of the muscles of mastication
Assessment of preventive oral health program in patients with mental retardation
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of the program by assessing the caries prevalence DMFT (decayed, missing and filled teeth) and periodontal status CPITN (community periodontal index of treatment needs) indices. Fissure sealant retention was also assessed in vivo. Material and method: Preventive program consisted of supervised tooth brushing twice a day, tooth brushing with Duraphat paste (Colgate-Palmolive, Poland Sp. z o.o.; concentration of fluoride 5000 ppm), on 10 occasions over a year and sealant application to sound posterior teeth. For fissure sealing two different materials: Fuji VII and Helioseal F, were used by means of a split-mouth model. Altogether 87 teeth were sealed in 15 female patients age 16 to 25. A full oral examination was carried out before initiating the program and after two years of its application. Results: The preliminary examination showed a high (8.24) mean DMFT, a high (52.08%) percentage of bleeding quadrants and 22.2% calculus presence. After this 2 year preventive program no caries was detected in the fissure sealed teeth and material was present in 90.7% of those sealed with Fuji VII and 83% with Helioseal F. Bleeding and calculus presence decreased to 42.8% and 20.8% respectively. Conclusions: A combination of topical fluoridation and fissure sealing appears to be an effective method of caries prevention in people with mental retardation.Celem badań była ocena skuteczności zastosowanego profilaktycznego programu zdrowia jamy ustnej oparta na badaniach stomatologicznych z zastosowaniem epidemiologicznych wskaźników próchnicy DMFT (wskaźnik intensywności próchnicy określający zapadalność na próchnicę – decayed, missing and filled teeth; polski skrót: PUWZ) i chorób przyzębia CPITN (wskaźnik periodontologicznych potrzeb leczniczych – community periodontal index of treatment needs). Ponadto założono porównanie retencji materiałów uszczelniających in vivo. Materiał i metoda: Zastosowano program profilaktyczny składający się z nadzorowanego szczotkowania zębów 2 razy dziennie, 10-krotnego w ciągu roku szczotkowania uzębienia pastą Duraphat (stężenie fluoru 5000 ppm) oraz uszczelnienia bruzd zdrowych zębów tylnych. Do uszczelnienia zastosowano 2 rodzaje materiałów: oparty na żywicy Helioseal F i cement szkłojonomerowy Fuji VII metodą split-mouth, które założono w 87 zębach. Programem zostało objętych 15 osób płci żeńskiej w wieku od 16 do 25 lat. Badanie stanu jamy ustnej przeprowadzono przed wdrożeniem programu, a podczas jego trwania badano biorących udział w 6-miesięcznych odstępach. Badanie końcowe przeprowadzono po okresie dwóch lat od wdrożenia działań profilaktycznych. Wyniki: Badanie wstępne wykazało wysoką wartość PUWZ (8,24) oraz wysoki odsetek kwadrantów z krwawieniem (52,08%) i obecnością kamienia nazębnego (22,02%). W ostatnim badaniu po okresie 2 lat nie stwierdzono w żadnym z uszczelnianych zębów wystąpienia zmian próchnicowych, a utrzymanie się materiału uszczelniającego wynosiło 90,7% w przypadku Fuji VII i 83% w zębach uszczelnionych Helioseal F. Zmniejszyło się krwawienie z dziąseł (42,8%) oraz występowanie kamienia nazębnego (20,8%). Wnioski: Zastosowany program profilaktyczny oraz laki szczelinowe skutecznie zapobiegają próchnicy u osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną