126 research outputs found

    Importance and Risk Prediction of ABO Blood Group and Rh Factor in Papillary Thyroid Cancer

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    Objective: There are limited data in the literature regarding the potentialrelationship between thyroid cancer and ABO blood types and Rh factor.The aim of our study was to investigate whether papillary thyroid cancer(PTC) is associated with blood type.Materials and Methods: The present study included patients who presented to Dicle University Faculty of Medicine between June 2009 andDecember 2020 and were diagnosed with PTC as a result of postoperative(thyroidectomy) histopathological analysis. The control group consisted ofindividuals whose blood type was analyzed at a random blood center.Results: Of the 223 patients diagnosed with PTC, 163 (73.1%) were females and 60 (26.9%) were males. In the comparison of patients based onABO blood types and Rh factor, A Rh positive blood type was found 31%less frequently in the PTC group compared with the control group, and thusit was associated with a lower risk of PTC (OR:0.69; 95% Confidence Interval: 0.50–0.96, p=0.029).Conclusions: In our study, we found A Rh positive blood type to be significantly less frequent among patients with PTC. A Rh positive blood type canbe considered as a protective factor indicating a reduced risk of PTC

    Pre-treatment of the beta3-adrenergic receptor agonist BRL37344 reduces in vivo myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury by improving AMPK and SIRT1 activity and by suppressing mTOR and p70S6K signaling pathways

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    This study aimed to investigate the role and signaling pathways of β3-AR in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, which is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. 47 male rats were randomly divided into two main groups to evaluate infarct size and molecular parameters. Rats in both groups were randomly divided into 4 groups. Control (sham), I/R (30 min ischemia/120 min reperfusion), BRL37344 (BRL) (A) (5 µg/kg single-dose pre-treatment (preT) before I/R) and BRL (B) (5 µg/kg/day preT for 10 days before I/R). Infarct size was determined with triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining and analyzed with ImageJ program. The levels of AMPK, SIRT1, mTOR, and p70SK6 responsible for cellular energy and autophagy were evaluated by western blot. Infarct size increased in the I/R group (44.84 ± 1.47%) and reduced in the single-dose and 10-day BRL-treated groups (32.22 ± 1.57%, 29.65 ± 0.55%; respectively). AMPK and SIRT1 levels were decreased by I/R but improved in the treatment groups. While mTOR and p70S6K levels increased in the I/R group, they decreased with BRL preT. BRL preT protects the heart against I/R injury. These beneficial effects are mediated in part by activation of AMPK and SIRT1, inhibition of mTOR and p70S6K, and consequently protected autophagy.

    Alternative methods for the diagnosis of macroprolactinemia: urine prolactin level and serum / urine prolactin ratio

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the urine prolactin and serum/urine prolactin ratio for accuracy diagnosis of macroprolactinemia. Methods: In the retrospective cross-sectional analysis, prolactin levels (high or normal) in the reproductive period of men and women were included in the study. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation method was used for the detection of macroprolactinemia. Then, patients were divided into three groups as macroprolactinemia, prolactinoma and healthy control group. In patients, prolactin values in spot urine with simultaneous serum prolactin values were calculated. The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the groups. The receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve was determined to evaluate the predictive power of serum/urine prolactin ratio. Results: A total of 41 patients were included in the study. Female/male:36 (87.8%)/ 5 (12.2%). Urinary prolactin median(minimum-maximum) values were macroprolactinemia, prolactinoma and control group, respectively; 0.06(0.05-0.10), 0.11(0.02-0.95), 0.08(0.05-0.25) ng/ml. Serum/urine ratio median (minium-maximum) values were macroprolactinemia, prolactinoma, and control group, respectively; 633(51-1032), 990(104-9635), 395.5(138-953). When the groups were compared, the patients with prolactinoma had higher urinary prolactin levels(p <0.01). Serum/urine prolactin ratio was found to be the highest in prolactinoma patients and the lowest in the control group and a significant difference was observed in groups (p <0.01). ROC analysis(control-macroprolactin) for serum/urine prolactin ratio (Sensitivity 84.6 specificity 93.7 cut off >549,5 AUC=0.83) p<0.01 Conclusion: Urinary prolactin level and serum/urine prolactin ratio may be used in diagnosis of macroprolactinemia

    The effects of L-Carnitinine on oxidative stress and glucose transporters in running rats

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    OBJECTIVE: In the present study, the effect of L-Carnitine supplementation on the level of oxidative stress, glucose transport, and serum biochemical parameters were investigated in exercised rats. METHODS: Six groups (Control, L-Carnitine, Exercise, Exercise + L-Carnitine, Acute Exercise and Acute Exercise + L-Carnitine) 7 including a total of 42 8-week-old male Wistar albino rats have been used. Rats were initially started to run 10 m / min. At the end of 2-weeks run period, 30 m / min, 0% grade, 30 minutes of jogging protocol has been applied with a controlled rise. After using L-Carnitine dietary, rats were subjected to a 5 days per week for 6 weeks of exercise and the last day of exercise protocol (rats running in the treadmill until exhaustion) was applied. Data was assessed using ANOVA procedure on the package of IBM SPSS (version 22). Comparisons between groups were analyzed by the Tukey post hoc test. Data group average and standard error of mean (SEM) were calculated. For statistical significance, the probability values have been identified as significant for values that are less than 0.05. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: L-Carnitine did not effect on liver and kidney functions, glucose which is on cardio metabolic biochemical parameters but it has been shown to decrease the cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Acute exercise increases oxidative stress, and however, chronic exercise and L-Carnitin reduced the level of lipid peroxidation. It also showed the effects of PPAR-γ and by regulating the glucose transporters. In addition, PPAR-γ carnitine consumption in rats showed the effect of increasing the level of GLUT-2 and GLUT-4. Meanwhile chronic exercise and carnitine showed a synergistic effect has been found to reduce oxidative stress

    Effects of biotin and chromium hystidine glucose metabolism on PPAR- Γ, IRS-1 VE NF-KB expression on the rats which are implemented exercise

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is that the effects of biotin and chromium hystidine glucose metabolism on PPAR- γ, IRS-1 ve NF-kB expression on the rats which are implemented exercise throughout 8 weeks. METHODS: Initially, the rats run a speed of 10m/min, and they reach a speed of 30m/min (speed can be changed) with controlled increase at the end of two weekly adaptation period. (Treadmill, MAY-TME 0804, Commat Limited, Ankara) After implementing chromium hystidine and biotin with diet to rats, they are subjected to treadmill in 5 days throughout 6 weeks, and exhaustion exercise is implemented for acute exercise in the last day. The slope of treadmill can be arranged between 0° and 15°. Treadmill test is done between 1pm and 4pm. ( For ruling out basic glucocorticoid activity ) RESULTS: As a conclusion, chronic exercise + chromium hystidine + biotin supplement decreases to triglyceride level significantly. Also, chronic exercise + chromium hystidine + biotin supplement decreases to glucose level significantly. The exercise is not affect significant on ALT and AST level in term of statistical. In addition to this, biotin supplement is shown difference by decreasing HDL level. Also, the CrHis consumption of rats which are in the control group increased PPAR-γ, IRS-1, decreased NfkB. In the exercise group, KE+CrHis+Biotin supplement increased PPAR-γ, IRS-1 level and decreased NFkB level. Biotin and chromium hystidine supplement with exercise implementation has effective on blood fats and glucose level. Data are evaluated through IBM SPSS (version 22) packaged software by using ANOVA procedure. CONCLUSIONS: With the obtained current data and results of the exercise implementation, we think that biotin and chromium hystidine supplement give an important role on the human’s health. Thus, the implementation of exercise + chromium hystidine and biotin supplement for athletes can be an implementation of performance improving and sanitation

    Curcumin prevents muscle damage by regulating NF-kB and Nrf2 pathways and improves performance: an in vivo model

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    Purpose Exercise (Ex) increases reactive oxygen species and impairs antioxidant defense systems. Recent data suggest that curcumin (CW) possesses peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma activity and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the effects of CW supplementation on Ex performance, endurance, and changes in serum and muscle proteins in rats after exhaustive Ex. Materials and methods Twenty-eight (28) male Wistar rats (age: 8 weeks and body weight: 180±20 g) were divided into four treatment groups: 1) control (C; no Ex), 2) C + CW (no Ex + CW), 3) C + Ex, and 4) C + Ex + CW (Ex + CW). CW was administered as 100 mg/kg CurcuWin®, providing 20 mg of curcuminoids daily for 6 weeks. A motor-driven rodent treadmill was used to carry out the Ex protocols. During a 5-day period, animals in chronic Ex groups were put through different regimens: day 1, 10 m/min for 10 minutes; day 2, 20 m/min for 10 minutes; day 3, 25 m/min for 10 minutes; day 4, 25 m/min for 20 minutes; and day 5, 25 m/min for 30 minutes. Animals were exercised at 25 m/min for 45 min/d for 5 d/wk for 6 weeks. Blood and muscle samples were analyzed for muscle markers, oxidative stress, and antioxidant markers. Results Lactate and muscle malondialdehyde levels decreased in the CW-treated groups (P<0.0001). However, activities of antioxidant enzyme levels increased in the CW-treated groups. Run to exhaustion (minutes) improved in the CW-treated groups. Muscle nuclear factor-κB (P<0.05) and heat shock protein 70 (P<0.05) levels were much lowered in the CW treated group followed by Ex group. In addition, muscle inhibitors of kappa B, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha, thioredoxin-1, sirtuin 1, nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2, and glucose transporter 4 protein levels in the Ex + CW group were higher than those in the control and Ex groups (P<0.05). Conclusion This study suggests that novel CW has the potential to help prevent muscle damage by regulating the nuclear factor-κB and nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 pathways and improve the performance and nutritional values of CW

    Effects of coenzyme Q10 on the oxidative stress and heat shock proteins in exercise rats

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    OBJECTIVE: In this reserach,it has been tried to observe the effects of coenzym Q10 on oxcidative stress, heat shock proteins and biochemistry serum parameters in rats applied exercise. METHODS: It has been used totally 42, aged eight weeks, Wistar Albino Rats which is grouped of 6 (control,coenzym Q10,exercise,exercise+coenzym Q10,acute exercise ve acute exercise+coenzym Q10) each of them contains 7 rats. In the begining, the rats are made to run 10 m/min and at the end of two weeks, the thirty minutes running process being %0 slope and 30 m/min was implemented in a controlled increase. The rats have been tested to run 5 days a week along six weeks after applying coenzym Q10 on a diet and on the last day, acute exercise process (running on the band untill tired) has been applied. Datas have been evaluated by using ANOVA process in the IBM SPSS (version 22) packaged software.The comparison among groups have been analized with the help of Turkey Post Hoc Test.The datas have been given as group avarage and standart error of mean (SEM). Statistical significance has been defined as meaningfull for the ones whose probablity values are under the point of 0.05. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Finally, it’s been seen that there is no effect of coenzym Q10 on the functions of liver or kidney and coenzym Q10 doesn’t effect glucose on cardiometabolic biochemical parameters.In adddition to these, it decreases cholesterol and triglyceride.While acute exercise increases oxcidative stress,chronic exercise decreases oxcidative stress by reducing the level of lipid peroxydation. It has shown this effect by means of regulating heat shock proteins.Also, it has shown the effect of consumption of coenzym Q10 by reducing heat shock protein.Moreover, it has been observed that chronic exercise and coenzym Q10 decreases oxcidative stress by working synergisticallly

    Coenzyme Q10 supplementation modulates NFκB and Nrf2 pathways in exer-cise training

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    This study reports the effects of Q10, coenzyme Q10 or ubiqui-none, a component of the electron transport chain in mitochon-dria, on nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NFκB), inhibitors of kappa B (IκB), nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) and hemeoxygenase 1 (HO-1) in rats after chronic exercise training for 6 weeks. 8-week old male Wistar rats were assigned randomly to one of four treat-ments planned in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of two condition (sedentary vs. exercise training), and two coenzyme Q10 levels (0 and 300 mg/kg per day for 6 weeks). The expression levels of the target proteins were determined in the heart, liver and mus-cle, and biochemical parameters including creatinine, urea, glucose and lipid profile were investigated in plasma. When compared with sedentary group, significant decreases in heart, liver and muscle NFκB levels by 45%, 26% and 44% were observed in Q10 supplemented rats after exercise training, re-spectively, while the inhibitory protein IκB increased by 179%, 111% and 127% in heart, liver and muscle tissues. Q10 supple-mentation caused an increase in Nrf2 (167%, 165% and 90%) and HO-1 (107%, 156% and 114%) after exercise training in heart, liver and muscle tissues (p < 0.05). No significant change was observed in any of the parameters associated with protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, except that exercise caused a decrease in plasma triglyceride, which was further decreased by Q10. In conclusion, these results suggest that Q10 modulates the expression of NFκB, IκB, Nrf2 and HO-1 in exercise training, indicating an anti-inflammatory effect of Q10 and emphasizes its role in antioxidant defense

    Laparoscopic adrenalectomy: Our clinical experiences with the first 10 patients

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to present the resultsof our first ten laparoscopic adrenalectomy cases whichwere performed in our clinic.Materials and methods: Between December 2010 andSeptember 2012 the standard transperitoneal laparoscopicadrenalectomy was performed on 10 patients.Data of patients such as age, weight, height, operationtime, hospitalization time, complications, size of adrenalmass and pathological diagnosis were retrospectively reviewedand recorded from the hospital records.Results: Three of ten patients were male and seven ofthem were female. The mean age of the patients was42.12±11.4 (21-55) years. Mean operation time was recordedas 136±23.6 (100-190) min. Mean tumor size was7.1±2.7 (5-12) cm. None of the patients required bloodtransfusion. Mean hospital stay was 2.3±1.2 (2-6) days.Pathological diagnoses of masses were pheocromacytomain two patients, adrenal adenoma in six, myelolipomain one and pseudocist in one.Conclusions: According to our experience with the limitednumber of the first ten cases, transperitoneal laparoscopicadrenalectomy is a safe and effective treatmentmodality, associated with minimal morbidity. To obtainmore reliable information larger series with long-term resultsof laparoscopic adrenalectomy is needed.Key words: Laparoscopy, adrenalectomy, experience,transperitonea