3,416 research outputs found

    Development of Sorbitan Monostearate organogels for controlled delivery systems.

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    The study describes the development of sorbitan monostearate (Span 60) based organogels with mustard oil as the solvent. Different compositions of organogels were prepared by varying the concentrations of span 60. During the preparation of organogels, their microstructures were studied under compound light microscope. The formulated organogels were characterized by light microscopy, gel-to-sol transition temperature, long-term stability, pH, opacity measurements and hemocompatibilty studies. Metronidazole was incorporated within the organogels and its release behaviour was determined. The anti-microbial action of the drug-loaded organogels on E. coli was studied. The microscopy of the organogels suggests that a three-dimensional network of rod-like tubular aggregates of gelator is responsible for immobilising the solvent. Clusters of span 60 are visualised as dispersed in the liquid phase. The rate of formation of organogels and the release rate of metronidazole from the organogels was found to depend on span 60 proportions in the formulated organogels. The pH of the samples was found to be in the range of 6.4-7.1. The organogels were found to be hemocompatible in nature indicating their probable use as controlled delivery vehicles


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    We proposed a new technology with which real world object can be prevented from illegal photographing. In optical illumination watermarking we have used Db10 wavelet to make the watermark pattern invisible to human eye and also to have 100% accuracy forreading out embedded data. Various different images have been used for generating watermark pattern of various pixel size viz. 2x2, 4x4, 8x8, 16x16. The result revealed that Db10 is effective technique to be used in optical illumination watermarking

    Predicting Outcomes of Horse Racing using Machine Learning

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    Machine learning with its vast framework is making its way into every aspect of modern society. The segment of betting sports particularly horse racing calls for the attention from a large spectrum of research community owing to its value to the stakeholders and the amount of money involved. Horse racing prediction is a complex problem as there are a large number of influencing variables. The present study aims to contribute in this domain by training machine learning algorithms for predicting horse racing results or outcomes. For this, data for a whole racing season from 2017 to 2019 of races conducted by Turf Club of India was considered which amounts to over 14,700 races.  Six algorithms namely Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and k-Nearest Neighbors) k-NN were used to predict the winning horse for each race. Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) technique was applied to the imbalanced horse racing data set and the attributes of the horse race repository were analyzed. The results were compared with other sampling methods to evaluate the relative effectiveness of this method. The proposed framework is able to give an accuracy of 97.6% which is substantially higher when compared to other similar studies. The research can be beneficial to the stakeholders as well as researchers in the same area to do further analysis and experiments

    A Qualitative Study on Project Failure in Agile Teams Using Socio- technical Systems Theory

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    Companies are adopting agile methodology in response to fulfill a growing demand for agility. Specifically, the scrum method gained popularity, despite having no guarantee of success. This study employs socio-technical systems interaction as a framework to study the reasons for agile project failure. It reflects on misalignments as an outcome of socio- technical systems interaction. In this study, we identify the events that are most commonly responsible for imbalance by using socio-technical systems theory as a diagnostic tool. We conducted a qualitative interpretive study interviewing twenty-seven individuals in agile information systems delivery (ISD) team settings. Our findings reveal how an individual's lack of belief about being agile, doing agile, and both result in events of failure in IT projects. This study provides a nuanced understanding of the challenges and reasons for failure in agile teams

    Determinants of Nutritional Status of Urban Slum Girls up to Two Years

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    Background: The prevalence of malnutrition is a significant area of concern in many developing countries, where it is a major public health problem.Objective: To estimate the prevalence of malnutrition and to find out association of malnutrition with some common variables amongst up to two years girls children.Material and Methods: Nutritional assessment was done using anthropometry and clinical examination. Children were weighed and measured as per the WHO guidelines on Anthropometry. Epi. Info 2002 software package was used to calculate the Z scores and for statistical analysis.Results: The study findings revealed that out of total 126 girls, more than half (53.2%) of the children studied were normal. Peak prevalence of malnutrition was observed in 1-2 years of age. Majority of the mothers of malnourished girls were illiterate (52.5%) and lower class (84.7%). More than half (52.2%) of the children were found normal who were on exclusive breastfed up to 6 months.Conclusions: The study found that malnourishment is linked with breast feeding practices, complementary feeding, literacy, socio-economic status, immunization status, looks (hygiene) and knowledge of mother about childhood illnesses, their treatment and family planning practices

    Superconductivity in Nanoscale Systems

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    Histomorphometry of human vermiform appendix

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    Background: Acute Appendicitis is one of the most common acute abdominal conditions. Advances in modern radiographic imaging have improved diagnostic accuracy, however the diagnosis of appendicitis remains essentially an enigmatic challenege. Though much work has been done on morphometry but there is less work done on variation of histomorphometric features of appendix. Hence the study was carried out by keeping the following objectives in mind. Aim was to study the general histomorphology and measure the histomorphometric parameters of human vermiform appendix. And also, to study diagnostic significance of histomorphology and histomorphometric parameters in causing appendicitis.Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy. Specimens of appendix were obtained from embalmed cadavers. Serial sections were taken at different levels and slides were prepared. The slides were then examined using Nikon Trinocular Research microscope under magnification power of 40x for various parameters, after staining with H&E.Results: The mean luminal diameter varied from 1.32±0.65mm at base to 1.22±0.72mm from base. Diffuse lymphatic tissue was seen in both mucosa and sub-mucosa.Conclusions: Definitely there is a relationship between lymphoid follicle diameter and mucosal-serosal thickness on one hand and that between the luminal diameter and lymphoid follicle diameter on the other hand. Since our study was restricted to geriatric age group so studies need to be done in different age groups to highlight any further relationship

    Navigating Online Learning: A Comprehensive Review of Secondary School Teachers' Pedagogical and Technological Skills

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    The objective of this research paper is to assess the technological and pedagogical competencies of secondary school teachers in teaching online and to investigate any challenges they encounter in managing students' learning and technological issues within the online learning environment. The results reveal that the main pedagogical challenges faced by teachers in online teaching encompass classroom management difficulties, motivating and engaging students, and assessing students’ performance online. Preparing and delivering online content, managing online tools, ensuring online safety and digital citizenship, technical troubleshooting and management are also crucial for teachers. For this, comprehensive capacity building of teachers is recommended

    Evaluation of functional outcome of arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by modified AMP technique

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    Background: In anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, transtibial (TT) drilling of the femoral tunnel has been criticized for its vertical and less anatomical tunnel, which accompanied rotational instability of knee. Antero medial portal (AMP) drilling technique creates more oblique and anatomic femoral tunnel. However, recent researches show that oblique tunnel is related to risks of too short femoral tunnel, blowout of back wall, and posterolateral structures injury. Modified AMP technique creates vertical tunnel with anatomical FSP (femoral starting point).Methods: In our study we have functionally evaluated 30 patients of ACL tear who underwent reconstruction by modified AMP technique. Modified AMP technique creates vertical tunnel with anatomical FSP.Results: Mean postoperative Lysholm score is 94.4±1.22 and mean postoperative subjective IKDC score is 93.308. All the cases of ACL tear reported their knees as normal or near normal according to objective IKDC score after reconstruction. Mean coronal angle is 51.112±6.3 and mean femoral tunnel length is 41.8±3.55 mm while posterior wall blowout of lateral femoral condyle and postero lateral structure injury has not been observed.Conclusions: The modified AMP technique provides an anatomic and safe mode with vertical tunnel and oblique graft, by reduces the risks involved in the AMP technique