2,219 research outputs found

    Scholarly Communication and the Internet

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    Information technologies of the 20th century have affected the process of scholarly communication. They have not only changed the way in which two scholars interact with each other but also the nature of contributions of others like publishers, booksellers and research libraries. Internet offers a variety of services, which can help achieve communication in an efficient and effective manner. This paper tries to trace the evolution of Internet from the perspective of scholarly communication

    Secondary and Tertiary "Electronic" Souces of Information

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    A key to finding the primary sources of information is the secondary and tertiary sources of information. These sources in the electronic form started with the online information retrieval systems. They have since evolved from magnetic tapes to the microforms and then to the CD ROMs. Now these are also available as DVDs and on the Internet. These sources have become an inevitable part of a scholar or a researcher's or even a student's pursuit of information. This paper is an attempt to give an overall view of some of the "electronic" secondary and tertiary sources of information

    Is Knowledge Management Same as Information Resource Management?

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    Organizational knowledge has become a strategic corporate asset that needs to be retained, updated, disseminated and applied to future organizational problems. Knowledge repositories have to be created. The stored knowledge has to be continuously updated. This has given birth to a new activity known as Knowledge Management (KM). This paper tries to briefly understand what Knowledge management is and whether it is same as Information Resource Management

    Ontogeny of Solasodine-containing Mucilage Layer in Solanum Viarum Dunal, Ploidy Types

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    Berries of steroid-bearingSolanum viarum Dunal are exploited commercially in India as raw material by steroid industries for solasodine, a glycoalkaloid, present in the mucilaginous exotesta of the seed. Comparative ontogeny of exotesta studied through histochemical studies in diploid, autotetraploid and trisomic plants indicated similarity in the histochemical changes occurring during ontogeny of the outermost seed coat layer which culminated in the transformation of this layer into the mucilage layer. The increased cell size in this layer in the autotetraploid plants probably accounts for the higher steroid content reported. Corroborative evidences for histochemical changes observed in the mucilage layer were obtained from studies of ultrastructure using transmission electron microscopy

    Ontogeny of solasodine-containing mucilage layer inSolanum viarum Dunal, ploidy types

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    Berries of steroid-bearingSolanum viarum Dunal are exploited commercially in India as raw material by steroid industries for solasodine, a glycoalkaloid, present in the mucilaginous exotesta of the seed. Comparative ontogeny of exotesta studied through histochemical studies in diploid, autotetraploid and trisomic plants indicated similarity in the histochemical changes occurring during ontogeny of the outermost seed coat layer which culminated in the transformation of this layer into the mucilage layer. The increased cell size in this layer in the autotetraploid plants probably accounts for the higher steroid content reported. Corroborative evidences for histochemical changes observed in the mucilage layer were obtained from studies of ultrastructure using transmission electron microscopy

    Influence of Vermiwash, Panchagavya and Weed Extract on Growth, Yield and Seed Quality Parameters of Cluster Bean (Cyamopsistetragonoloba (L).)

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    Cluster bean (Cyamopsistetragonoloba L.) popularly known as guar is a drought tolerant, deep-rooted, annual legume is grown for Vegetable, Food, Fodder, Green manure, Gum and as a seed. The fortification of seeds for better Growth and Yield has become important and emphasized. The study was conducted to determine the ― Effect of Vermiwash, Panchagavya and Weed Extract on Growth, Yield and Seed Quality Parameters of Cluster bean (Cyamopsistetragonoloba (L).).The experiment was carried out at Field Experimentation Centre of the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences. Prayagraj (UP) during Kharif-2019. The experiment was laid out in Randomised Blocked Design and comprised of 13 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were T0 (Control),T1 – vermiwash 5% @ 12hrs, T2 - vermin wash 10% @ 12hrs, T3 - vermiwash 15% @ 12hrs, T4 -  vermiwash 20% @ 12hrs, T5 – panchagavya 5% @ 12hrs, T6 - panchagavya 10% @ 12hrs, T7 - panchagavya 15% @ 12hrs, T8 -  panchagavya 20% @ 12hrs, T9 – weed seed extract 5% @ 12 hrs, T10 - weed seed extract 10% @ 12 hrs, T11 – weed seed extract 15% @ 12 hrs, T12 - weed seed extract 20% @ 12 hrs. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i10.00

    Alterations in Platelet Secretion Differentially Affect Thrombosis and Hemostasis

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    We genetically manipulated the major platelet vesicle-associated membrane proteins (VAMP2, VAMP3, and VAMP8) to create mice with varying degrees of disrupted platelet secretion. As previously shown, loss of VAMP8 reduced granule secretion, and this defect was exacerbated by further deletion of VAMP2 and VAMP3. VAMP2Δ3Δ8−/− platelets also had reduced VAMP7. Loss of VAMP2 and VAMP3 (VAMP2Δ3Δ) had a minimal impact on secretion when VAMP7 and VAMP8 were present. Integrin αIIbβ3 activation and aggregation were not affected, although spreading was reduced in VAMP2Δ3Δ8−/− platelets. Using these mice as tools, we asked how much secretion is needed for proper thrombosis and hemostasis in vivo. VAMP2Δ3Δ mice showed no deficiency, whereas VAMP8−/− mice had attenuated formation of occlusive thrombi upon FeCl3-induced arterial injury but no excessive bleeding upon tail transection. VAMP2Δ3Δ8−/− mice bled profusely and failed to form occlusive thrombi. Plasma-coagulation factors were normal in all of the strains, but phosphatidylserine exposure was reduced in VAMP2Δ3Δ and VAMP2Δ3Δ8−/− platelets. From our data, an ∼40% to 50% reduction in platelet secretion in vitro (dense and α granule) correlated with reduced occlusive thrombosis but no compromise in hemostasis. At a \u3e 50% reduction, thrombosis and hemostasis were defective in vivo. Our studies are the first systematic manipulation of platelet exocytic machinery to demonstrate a quantitative linkage between in vitro platelet secretion and hemostasis and thrombosis in vivo. The animals described will be invaluable tools for future investigations into how platelet secretion affects other vascular processes

    Differential Leukocyte and Platelet Profiles in Distinct Models of Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects over 3 million individuals every year in the U.S. There is growing appreciation that TBI can produce systemic modifications, which are in part propagated through blood–brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction and blood–brain cell interactions. As such, platelets and leukocytes contribute to mechanisms of thromboinflammation after TBI. While these mechanisms have been investigated in experimental models of contusion brain injury, less is known regarding acute alterations following mild closed head injury. To investigate the role of platelet dynamics and bioenergetics after TBI, we employed two distinct, well-established models of TBI in mice: the controlled cortical impact (CCI) model of contusion brain injury and the closed head injury (CHI) model of mild diffuse brain injury. Hematology parameters, platelet-neutrophil aggregation, and platelet respirometry were assessed acutely after injury. CCI resulted in an early drop in blood leukocyte counts, while CHI increased blood leukocyte counts early after injury. Platelet-neutrophil aggregation was altered acutely after CCI compared to sham. Furthermore, platelet bioenergetic coupling efficiency was transiently reduced at 6 h and increased at 24 h post-CCI. After CHI, oxidative phosphorylation in intact platelets was reduced at 6 h and increased at 24 h compared to sham. Taken together, these data demonstrate that brain trauma initiates alterations in platelet-leukocyte dynamics and platelet metabolism, which may be time- and injury-dependent, providing evidence that platelets carry a peripheral signature of brain injury. The unique trend of platelet bioenergetics after two distinct types of TBI suggests the potential for utilization in prognosis
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