36 research outputs found

    The Features оf Cobalt Fluoride States

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    It was established by numerical solution that the change of magnetic subsystem phase from antiferromagnetic to angular occurs generally in restricted interval of magnetic fields, which is significantly less than the threshold field. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3600

    Результати дослідження змін якості життя при вродженій патології органа зору у дітей раннього віку

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    Aim: the study of changes of life quality components in children of the first three years of life with the congenital pathology of the visual analyzer as an instrument of formation of their social adaptation in future.Materials and methods: forms of the sociological study by the adapted version of the standardized Children’s Visual Function Questionnaire (CVFQ) Felius et al. (2004) – 498 forms, among them 398 – from the main group and 100 – from the control one were the initial material. The scientific base of the study was ambulatory-polyclinic departments of health protection institutions of the city Kyiv that give medical care to children of the first three years of life, especially with the congenital pathology of the visual analyzer. To achieve the aim, it was necessary to use the complex of research methods, based on the system approach, namely: medical-statistical and sociological methods (form questionnaire with the interim report about the aim and tasks of the study for respondents, previous oral voluntary consent for the participation in the anonymous questionnaire).Results: It was elucidated, that most respondents from the main group, as opposite to patients from the control one, had disorders of life quality components by the scale “general vision” and “influence on a family”. Parents of children from the control group estimated the general vision of their children totally in 89,75 ± 1,33 points against 60,25 ± 1,96 by the total estimation of parents of children from the main group (difference was 32,87 %, at р<0,001). In general, the total number of points in the main group was 64,89 ± 1,01 in the main group against 84,67 ± 0,92, by total estimations of the life quality of children of the early age by parents with the difference in 23,4 % (р<0,001).The results of the realized study prove changes of the children’s life quality at vision disorders in the early age that substantiates the expedience of intensifying arrangements on timely revelation and treatment of vision function disorders in children, according to existent medical-technological documents.Conclusions: the studies proved that children with the congenital pathology  of the vision analyzer suffer from the loss of life quality components from the early age that motivates the interaction between a family doctor, child ophthalmologist within their competences in giving medical help at vision analyzer function disorders from the first days of child’s life, for realizing the effective supervision of a family, preventing the development of the medical-social maladjustment of both a child itself and its familyВивченні зміни компонентів якості життя у дітей раннього віку з вродженою патологією зорового аналізатора, що обґрунтовує доцільність посилення заходів з їх своєчасного виявлення та лікування із залученням сімейного лікаря та дитячого офтальмолога в межах своїх компетенцій до наданні медичної допомоги, що сприятиме попередженню медико-соціальної дезадаптації дитини та її родин

    Primary Mediastinal (Thymic) Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Primary mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) is one of the primary extranodal tumors and originates from thymic medulla B cells. The disease is more common in young women and declares itself by mainly locally advanced growth within the anterior upper mediastinum with frequent involvement of chest organs. PMBCL has specific morphological, immunological, and genetic characteristics that permit to differentiate it from other similar diseases: diffuse large В-cell lymphoma, nodular sclerosis Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and mediastinal gray zone lymphoma. Immunochemotherapy with subsequent irradiation of the residual mediastinal tumor is the standard treatment of PMBCL. No benefits of one drug therapy over another have been demonstrated to date in controlled studies. Application of new imaging techniques (PET/CT) may result in withdrawal of the radiotherapy in some PMBCL patients without impairment of delayed survival rates

    Responsibility development as academic integrity tool for translation and public administration students

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    This paper deals with the development of students’ responsibility as a tool of academic integrity and it aims to develop the way of improvement of students’ responsibility of dealing with information and consider the results of its implementation. The study involved theoretical analysis and experimental activity. The research data were collected using the special questionnaire for study responsibility in dealing with information. The authors suggest the development of a module covering ethics of dealing with information to be included in the courses within students’ curriculum. The experimental activity of such courses implementation resulted in the improvement of levels of students’ responsibility. The experimental data obtained during the implementation of two module topics into the courses of English for Specific Purposes and Practice of Translation from the First Foreign Language enabled the authors to admit their efficiency for the development of responsibility and academic integrity

    First-Line Therapy for Patients with Advanced Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Efficacy and Toxicity of Intensive ЕАСОРР-14 Program (NN Blokhin National Medical Cancer Research Center Data)

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    Aim. To assess the efficacy and toxicity of intensive 6 courses EACOPP-14 treatment with or without radiotherapy (RT) for advanced stages of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL). Materials & Methods. From November 2009 to February 2015, 95 patients with advanced stages of HL (IIX–IIE, III–IV) aged between 17 and 50 years (median 29 years) were selected for the participation in the protocol ЛХМосква1-3. The study population consisted of 46.3 % men and 53.7 % women. The results of the treatment were assessed in 91 patients who have received more than 2 courses of EACOPP-14. The follow up period was at least 3 months after the receiving the therapy. Consolidation RT with a total dose of 30 Gy for residual tumor lesions and/or initially large tumors was performed after the chemotherapy. Results. Complete remission was achieved in 82 (90.1 %) patients, partial remission in 2 (2.2 %), and the progression was observed in 7 (7.7 %) patients. The overall 4-year survival rate was 90.8 %, the progression-free survival was 88.2 %. The toxicity of the ЕАСОРР-14 program was slightly lower than that of 8 courses of ВЕАСОРРesc, and was comparable to the toxicity of other modifications of intensified ВЕАСОРР scheme. Hematological toxicity grade 3 and 4 was most commonly observed: leukopenia was observed after 64.9 % of courses, anemia — after 24 % of courses, thrombocytopenia — after 3.8 % of courses. The rate of infections did not singificantly differ and accounted for 24 %. The most frequent non-infectious complications were mucositis (21.1 %) and polyneuropathy (11.7 %). Complications resulted in the change of treatment in only 3 (3.01 %) of patients. The exclusion of bleomycine from the ЕАСОРР-14 program reduced the frequency of RT complications. Grade 3 pulmonitis developed in 4.5 % of cases, while radiation-induce pulmonary fibrosis verified by CT developed in 15.2 % of cases. The ЕАСОРР-14 6 courses program showed its high efficacy both with and without RT, high tolerance and the possibility of full administration for the majority of patients with the various stages of HL. Conclusion. Current research showed the efficacy of treatment without RT for patients with advanced stages of HL with negative PET results and small (< 2.5 cm) residual tumors after intensive ЕАСОРР-14 program. This approach allowed to avoid a number of late treatment complications

    Relevance of Positron-Emission Therapy for Optimization of Treatment of Advanced Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Using Intensive ЕАСОРР-14 Program

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    Aim. To evaluate the relevance of the positron-emission therapy (PET) for optimization of the therapy of advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) using the intensive EACOPP-14 program. Materials & Methods. 91 patients with advanced HL (IIX–IIE, III–IV) received the treatment according to the “ЛХМосква1-3” protocol over the period from November 2009 to February 2015, and then the treatment was analyzed. The median age was 29 years (range: 17–50); there were 42 men (46.3 %) and 49 (53.7 %) women. The treatment included 6 cycles of polychemotherapy according to the regimen ЕА(50)СОРР-14 ± radiation therapy. The radiation therapy was performed in 66 patients (72.5 %) after the completion of the chemotherapy. The cumulative focal dose was 30 Gy onto the areas of residual lesions and/or initially large tumor masses. Results. PET performed during the initial HL diagnosing permited to identify new areas of neoplastic lesions without changes in staging and treatment scheme, as well as specify areas and field size of planned radiation consolidation. The paper confirms the prognostic value of the intermediate PET in patients with advanced HL during the intensive first-line chemotherapy. The intensive therapy at the beginning of the treatment program is associated with higher chances for survival for patients with extremely unfavorable prognosis. After completion of the drug therapy, negative PET findings had a higher prognostic value, than the positive ones. The analysis of the relevance of residual tumor dimensions in the PET negative group demonstrated that the relapses were more common, if the residual tumor was more than 4.5 cm (according to CT findings). Conclusion. This study confirmed that it reasonable to discuss the discontinuation of the radiation therapy in patients with advanced HL, negative PET findings and small (< 2.5 cm) residual tumor after the intensive ЕАСОРР-14 program. This tactics permits avoiding a number of delayed complications


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    Objective: to study the prognostic significance of the expression of cancer-testis (CT) genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and their influence on overall survival and relapse rate. To determine their effect on suсh clinical parameters as levels of lactate dehydrogenase, leucocytes, hemoglobin, calcium, albumen, creatinine, beta-2-microglobulin.Materials and methods. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed on complementary DNA obtained from bone marrow of 77 patients with MM. The statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 10.0 software package. To estimate prognostic values of the CT gene expression data were analyzed by the Kaplan – Meier method.Results. The study was conducted to determine the level of expression of CT genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 in a group of patients with MM. The group included primary and receiving cancer treatment in MM patients. According to the log-rank criterion expression of any of the CT genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 exerts a significant influence on overall survival and progression-free survival/relapse. It was also determined that providing expression of some CT genes, the levels of creatinine, calcium, beta-2-microglobulin were much higher to compare with patients without expression.Цель исследования – изучить прогностическое значение экспрессии раково-тестикулярных генов (РТГ) PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 у больных множественной миеломой (ММ) и их влияние на показатели общей выживаемости и скорость возникновения рецидивов, определить их влияние на такие клинические показатели, как уровни лактатдегидрогеназы, лейкоцитов, гемоглобина, кальция, альбумина, креатинина и бета-2-микроглобулина.Материалы и методы. Количественную полимеразную цепную реакцию в реальном времени проводили на комплементарной ДНК, полученной из образцов костного мозга 77 больных с установленным диагнозом ММ. Статистический анализ выполняли с помощью программного пакета Statistica 10.0. Для построения кривых общей выживаемости использовали метод Каплана–Майера.Результаты. Проведено исследование для определения уровня экспрессии РТГ PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 в группе больных ММ. В группу вошли как первичные пациенты, так и получающие лекарственную противоопухолевую терапию при ММ. Согласно log-rank-тесту существенное влияние на показатели общей выживаемости и выживаемости без прогрессирования/рецидива заболевания оказывает экспрессия любого из РТГ NY-ESO1, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX11, PASD1. Также определено, что при экспрессии некоторых РТГ уровни креатинина, кальция и бета-2-микроглобулина были на порядок выше, чем у больных без экспрессии

    Ukrainian Education Market in Conditions of Knowledge Economy Украинский рынок образовательных услуг в условиях формирования экономики знаний

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    The article analyzes the functioning of the Ukrainian education market in conditions of knowledge economy. Basic functions of the education market in Ukraine, as well as features of its development are determined.В статье приведен анализ функционирования украинского рынка образовательных услуг в условиях формирования экономики знаний. Определены основные функции рынка образовательных услуг в Украине, а также особенности его развития