1,218 research outputs found

    Digital social media: An interactive technology incorporated as a competitive advantage for business

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    In a more transparent and dynamic world, in which consumers trust other consumers more for advice and recommendations on products and services, the continuity of organizations appears to be associated with socialization, the sharing of interests and the interaction with the audience. This is associated with the incorporation of digital technologies to business, specifically the use of social media. Consequently, it is timely and interesting to explore the phenomenon of virtual socialization, although it is a littlestudied field and what is needed is an innovative and theoretical approach based upon theories of marketing and communication. Expertise in these areas is present in all organizations and their performance is important for appropriate development of them. This work is a qualitative analysis about the behavior, reactions and attitudes of individuals to organizations, in order to understand the social factors that contribute to sustainable competitive advantages of organizations which can support strategic and future actions. We conclude that relevant factors associated with the tacit knowledge of the organization, specifically to learning and social interaction of the organization and their knowledge of virtual communities. The higher the coexistence of factors, the more difficult is the replication and greater will be the hypothesis of sustainable competitive advantage

    Repercusiones posturales con los estiramientos en flexión de tronco y las pruebas de distancia dedos-planta y distancia dedos-suelo

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    La postura corporal no es un concepto estrictamente estático, siendo preciso analizar aquellos movimientos y ejercicios que se realizan con gran frecuencia en la actividad física y que repercuten de forma directa en diversas estructuras del aparato locomotor, fundamentalmente en el raquis. En el presente artículo de revisión se ofrece un estudio de dos ejercicios ampliamente utilizados en el ámbito clínico y de la actividad física, como son los estiramiento en flexión de tronco y los tests de flexibilidad de Distancia Dedos-Planta y Distancia Dedos-Suelo, que frecuentemente se efectúan con dudosa corrección. Podremos comprobar cómo su ejecución incorrecta influye negativamente sobre la estabilidad del raquis y estableceremos estrategias para su realización de forma correcta

    Growth geometries in the Bajo Segura Fault Zone (Eastern Betic Cordillera)

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    En este trabajo presentamos el análisis de una serie de secuencias de crecimiento asociadas a los pliegues de propagación de la Zona de Falla del Bajo Segura (Cordillera Bética oriental). Los nuevos datos de campo aportados permiten estimar la edad de inicio de la deformación durante el Mioceno superior (~ 6,5 Ma) en el frente meridional de pliegues; mientras que en el frente septentrional comenzó durante el Plioceno basal (~ 5,3 Ma). De acuerdo con estos nuevos datos, proponemos una tasa de desplazamiento del frente septentrional de 0,09 mm/año, algo más baja que las propuestas con anterioridad. También se discuten las implicaciones que tienen estos datos en las hipótesis de evolución estructural de la Zona de Falla del Bajo SeguraWe present here the analysis of growth geometries related to the fault propagation folds of the Bajo Segura Fault Zone, in the Eastern Betic Cordillera (Spain). New detailed field data permit us to establish the beginning of the deformation in the southern front of the folds during the Upper Miocene (~ 6.5 Ma) and in the northern front during the lowermost Pliocene (~ 5.3 Ma). According to these new data, we propose a slip rate for the north front of folds of 0.09 mm/year, i.e. slightly lower than previously proposed. Moreover, we discuss the implications for the structural evolution hypothesis proposed for the Bajo Segura Fault Zon

    Quantitative non-invasive method for damage evaluation in frescoes: Ariadne's House (Pompeii, Italy)

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    The preventive conservation is based on acting on the causes of deterioration of cultural heritage to minimise damage, extending its lifetime and minimising the costs of restoration. In this paper, a quantitative method of recording and assessment of damage in frescoes is presented. Damage mapping has been performed with a colour scale of six values for two fresco paintings of two walls at Ariadne's House (Pompeii, Italy); subsequently, this information has been transferred to a data matrix which and statistical analysis of Variance (ANOVA) has been applied. ANOVA results show significant differences for the vertical and the horizontal axis depending on the different stages of damage. These differences also depend on the wall, which may be due to intrinsic differences such as materials of different restorations, the orientation of the wall, etc. or extrinsic differences and variations in temperature, relative humidity, etc. This methodology may be used in the future to quantify the influence of different variables on the extent of the deterioration of the paint layer, as for example determine and monitor its correlation to salts analytics in a determined facing.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) under projects HAR2013-47895-C2-1-P and HAR2013-47895-C2-2-P. This publication is part of the programme of valorisation and combined resources of the I + D + i of VLC/CAMPUS and has been partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports as part of the programme of international excellence campus (PAID 06-14).Merello Giménez, P.; Beltrán Medina, P.; García Diego, FJ. (2016). Quantitative non-invasive method for damage evaluation in frescoes: Ariadne's House (Pompeii, Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences. 75(2). doi:10.1007/s12665-015-5066-3S752Arnold A, Zehnder K (1996) Monitoring wall paintings affected by soluble salts. In: Cather S (ed) The conservation of wall paintings, 2nd edn. Courtauld Institute of Art and the Getty Conservation Institute, London, pp 103–136Goudie AS, Viles HA (1997) Salt weathering hazards. Wiley, LondonGuarneri M, Danielis A, Francucci M, De Collibus MF, Fornetti G, Mencattini A (2014) 3D remote colorimetry and watershed segmentation techniques for fresco and artwork decay monitoring and preservation. J Archaeol Sci 46(1):182–190. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.02.020Hamamcioglu-Turan M, Akbaylar I (2011) Documentation of historic structures for the assessment of heritage characteristics. J Archit Plan Res 28(2):129Merello P, García-Diego FJ, Zarzo M (2012) Microclimate monitoring of Ariadne’s House (Pompeii, Italy) for preventive conservation of fresco paintings. Chem Cent J 6:145. doi: 10.1186/1752-153X-6-145Merello P, García-Diego FJ, Zarzo M (2013) Evaluation of corrective measures implemented for the preventive conservation of fresco paintings in Ariadne’s House (Pompeii, Italy). Chem Cent J 7(1):87. doi: 10.1186/1752-153X-7-87Myra J, Giesena A, Ungb P, Warkec A, Christgenb B, Mazela AD, Grahamb DW (2014) Condition assessment and preservation of open-air rock art panels during environmental change. J Cult Herit 15:49–56. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2013.01.013Nevin A, Melia JL, Osticioli I, Gautier G, Colombini MP (2008) The identification of copper oxalates in a 16th century Cypriot exterior wall painting using micro FTIR, micro Raman spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. J Cult Herit. 9:154–161. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.10.002O’Brien P (1990) An experimental study of the effects of salt erosion on pottery. J Archaeol Sci 17(4):393–401. doi: 10.1016/0305-4403(90)90004-OPérez MC, Garcia-Diego FJ, Merello P, D’Antoni P, Fernández Navajas A, Ribera i Lacomba A, Ferrazza L, Pérez-Miralles J, Baró JL, Merce P, D’Antoni H, Curiel J (2013) Ariadne´s house (Pompeii, Italy) wall paintings: a multidisciplinary study of its present state focused on a future restoration and preventive conservation. Mater Construcc 63(311):449–467. doi: 10.3989/mc.2012.00812Pesando F (1997) Domus: edilizia privata e società pompeiana fra III e I secolo a.C., “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, RomePesando F (2007) La Casa de Ariadna de Pompeya: redescubrimiento de una domus. In: Ribera A, Olcina M, Ballester C (eds) Pompeya bajo Pompeya, Las excavaciones en la Casa de Ariadna. Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante (MARQ), Valencia, pp 21–23Rodriguez-Navarro C, Doehne E (1999) Salt weathering: influence of evaporation rate, supersaturation and crystallization pattern. Earth Surf Process Landf 24:191–209. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9837(199903)24:33.0.CO;2-GRuiz-agudo E, Lubelli B, Sawdy A, Van Hees R, Price C, Rodriguez-Navarro C (2011) An integrated methodology for salt damage assessment and remediation: the case of San Jerónimo Monastery (Granada, Spain). Environ Earth Sci 63(7):1475–1486. doi: 10.1007/s12665-010-0661-9Statgraphics Software 5.1. Available online. http://www.statgraphics.net/ . Accessed 18 March 2015Warke PA, Curran JM, Turkington AV, Smith BJ (2003) Condition assessment for building stone conservation: a staging system approach. Build Environ 38:1113–1123. doi: 10.1016/S0360-1323(03)00085-4Weritz F, Kruschwitz S, Maierhofer C, Wendrich A (2009) Assessment of moisture and salt contents in brick masonry with microwave transmission, spectral-induced polarization, and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Int J Archit Herit 3(2):126–144. doi: 10.1080/15583050802278992Winkler EM (1994) Stone in architecture. Springer, Berlin HeidelbergWüst R, Schlüchter C (2000) The origin of soluble salts in rocks of the Thebes mountains, Egypt: the damage potential to ancient Egyptian wall art. J Archaeol Sci 27(12):1161–1172. doi: 10.1006/jasc.1999.055

    A High-Efficiency Isolated Wide Voltage Range DC-DC Converter Using WBG Devices

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    The recent release of the standard USB-PD 3.1 speci es variable output voltages from 5 V to 48 V featuring a step forward towards a universal adaptor but rising new challenges for the converter topologies used up to now. In such applications, a rst AC-DC stage is followed by a DC-DC stage. In this paper, emerging WBG technologies are applied to the asymmetrical half-bridge yback topology, demonstrating the potential of such combination as a wide voltage range DC-DC stage. Its suitability for high-density and high-ef ciency USB-PD Extended Power Range (EPR) and battery charger applications is discussed. The impact of different switching technologies, silicon and wide band gap, is analyzed. A general method to dimension the converter is presented and an iterative process is used to evaluate the theoretical ef ciency under different conditions and switching devices. Finally, the advantages of the presented converter using Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices are demonstrated in a 240 W DC-DC prototype. It achieves a full load ef ciency of 98%, and it is able to deliver an output voltage from 5 V to 48 V with input voltage range from 120 V to 420 V, as well an outstanding power density of 112 W/inch3 uncased.Infineon Technologies AG through the Spanish Regional Project P20_00265 BRNM-680-UGR20Spanish Ministry of Science MCIN/AEI PID2020-117344RB-I0

    High Frequency Data Acquisition System for Modelling the Impact of Visitors on the Thermo-Hygrometric Conditions of Archaeological Sites: A Casa di Diana (Ostia Antica, Italy) Case Study

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    [EN] The characterization of the microclimatic conditions is fundamental for the preventive conservation of archaeological sites. In this context, the identification of the factors that influence the thermo-hygrometric equilibrium is key to determine the causes of cultural heritage deterioration. In this work, a characterization of the thermo-hygrometric conditions of Casa di Diana (Ostia Antica, Italy) is carried out analyzing the data of temperature and relative humidity recorded by a system of sensors with high monitoring frequency. Sensors are installed in parallel, calibrated and synchronized with a microcontroller. A data set of 793,620 data, arranged in a matrix with 66,135 rows and 12 columns, was used. Furthermore, the influence of human impact (visitors) is evaluated through a multiple linear regression model and a logistic regression model. The visitors do not affect the environmental humidity as it is very high and constant all the year. The results show a significant influence of the visitors in the upset of the thermal balance. When a tourist guide takes place, the probability that the hourly temperature variation reaches values higher than its monthly average is 10.64 times higher than it remains equal or less to its monthly average. The analysis of the regression residuals shows the influence of outdoor climatic variables in the thermal balance, such as solar radiation or ventilation.The authors would like to thank the staff of the archaeological area of Ostia Antica for the permission to work in this house. This work is partially supported by the projects HAR2013-47895-C2-1-P and HAR2013-47895-C2-2-P from MINECO.Merello Giménez, P.; García Diego, FJ.; Beltrán Medina, P.; Scatigno, C. (2018). High Frequency Data Acquisition System for Modelling the Impact of Visitors on the Thermo-Hygrometric Conditions of Archaeological Sites: A Casa di Diana (Ostia Antica, Italy) Case Study. Sensors. 18(2):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18020348S11518

    3D geometry and architecture of a normal fault zone in poorly lithified sediments: A trench study on a strand of the Baza Fault, central Betic Cordillera, south Spain

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    Successive excavation of 13 trenches of different orientations reveals the complexity of a normal fault zone in Pliocene-Pleistocene unconsolidated sediments on a strand of the Baza Fault, central Betic Cordillera, south Spain. These trenches and the excavation floor are interpreted and integrated to reconstruct the 3D geometry and internal architecture of the fault zone. The structure consists of two main fault strands: an eastern one with a few hundred metres throw and a western one with at least 15 m throw. These strands interact and gradually merge to the south, bounding a main deformation zone narrowing from ∼7 to 1 m along strike. Fault-bounded rock bodies, clay and sand smears, and clay injections define the structure. These features are highly variable in 3D. In the northern part of the outcrop, deformation is localized around the main strands, brittle in the west and more ductile to the east. As the strands and their fault zones increasingly interact, fault throw, rock deformation and maturity of the structure increase. Mechanical stratigraphy also controls the style of deformation. A realistic representation of this 4D picture of fault deformation is critical for modelling fluid flow in shallow to possibly deep, faulted sedimentary reservoirs.This research was founded by research group VIGROB053 (University of Alicante)

    Physical intervention programs in older women trough the Pilates method: A systematic review

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    La proporción de personas mayores de 60 años, ha aumentado más rápidamente que cualquier otro grupo de edad. Este hecho influye directamente sobre la salud y la capacidad funcional, siendo el género un determinante transversal del envejecimiento activo que refleja enormes desventajas sobre las mujeres mayores. El propósito de esta revisión fue conocer los programas de intervención mediante el método Pilates en mujeres mayores de 60 años, y analizar los efectos sobre las capacidades físicas y la calidad de vida. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus, a partir de los descriptores «Pilates, adultos mayores, mujeres, calidad de vida y prevención». El proceso de selección y análisis de los artículos se realizó por parejas, de 2014 a 2019. De los 100 resultados obtenidos inicialmente, 41 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y fueron seleccionados para la revisión. Los estudios analizados se centran principalmente en la aplicación de programas de Pilates para la mejora de la composición corporal, la fuerza muscular, la flexibilidad, el equilibrio, la prevención de caídas, la funcionalidad y la calidad de vida en mujeres mayores de 60 años. Tras el análisis, encontramos hallazgos coincidentes con la literatura nacional e internacional respecto a los beneficios de la práctica de Pilates en mujeres adultas mayores. En conclusión, el método Pilates favorece la funcionalidad de estas personas y por ende aporta una mayor calidad de vida relacionada con la salud.The proportion of people over 60 has increased more rapidly than any other age group. This fact directly influences health and functional capacity, = gender being a transversal determinant of active aging that reflects enormous disadvantages in older women. The purpose of this review was to know the intervention programs using the Pilates method in women over 60 years of age, and to analyze the effects on physical abilities and quality of life. The search was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, based on the descriptors «Pilates, older adults, women, quality of life, and prevention». The selection and analysis of the articles was carried out in pairs, from 2014 to 2019. Of the 100 results initially obtained, 41 met the inclusion criteria and were selected for review. The analyzed studies mainly focus on the application of Pilates programs for the improvement of body composition, muscle strength, flexibility, balance, prevention of falls, functionality, and quality of life in women over 60 years of age. After the analysis, we found findings that coincide with national and international literature regarding the benefits of practicing Pilates in older women. In conclusion, the Pilates method favors the functionality of these people and therefore provides a better quality of life related to health

    Geometry and kinematics of the Baza Fault (central Betic Cordillera, South Spain): insights into its seismic potential

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    The geometry and kinematics of active faults have a significant impact on their seismic potential. In this work, a structural characterization of the active Baza Fault (central Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) combining surface and subsurface data is presented. Two sectors are defined based on their surface geometry: a northern sector striking N–S to NNW–SSE with a narrow damage zone and a southern sector striking NW–SE with a wide damage zone. A kinematic analysis shows pure normal fault kinematics along most of the fault. Geometric differences between the northern and southern sectors are caused by i) a heterogeneous basement controlling the fault geometry at depth and in the cover; ii) different orientations of the Baza Fault in the basement with respect to the regional extension direction and iii) interaction with other active faults. We use this structural characterization to analyse the segmentation of the Baza Fault. According to segmentation criteria, the entire Baza Fault should be considered a single fault seismogenic segment. Consequently, the seismic potential of the fault is defined for a complete rupture. Magnitude for the Mmax event is calculated using several scale relationships, obtaining values ranging between Mw 6.6 and Mw 7.1. Recurrence times range between approximately 2,000 and 2,200 years for Mmax events and between 5,300 and 5,400 years for palaeo-events. A geodetic scenario modelled for an Mmax event of Mw 6.7 shows permanent vertical displacements of more than 0.40m and an overall WSW–ENE extension during entire ruptures of the Baza Fault.This work was funded by the research project TASCUB (RTI2018-100737-B-I00) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the research group VIGROB053 (University of Alicante), the research project AICO/2019/040 of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencia regional government), and the research group RNM-325 of the Junta de Andalucía (Andalucia regional government). Iván Medina Cascales was funded by Ph.D. contract FPU16/00202 of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Research partially funded by the Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020-call made by the University of Jaén 2018

    Efecto de las vibraciones mecánicas en el entrenamiento de fuerza

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    El trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudio del comportamiento del salto en mujeres no entrenadas ante un entrenamiento en plataforma de vibración mecánica con fines de propiocepción inicial y de fuerza posteriormente. Se estudiaron 14 mujeres no entrenadas. Se utilizó una plataforma vibratoria Zeptor® con dos plataformas oscilatorias.  El entrenamiento se realizó en 2 fases durante 4 semanas (5 días/sem): Fase 1: Entreno de propiocepción (frec. theta: 3,5-7,5 Hz). Fase 2: Entreno de fuerza (frec. alfa: 7,5-12,5 Hz). Se utilizó el test de salto vertical de Lewis que evalúa la potencia anaeróbica aláctica. El test se realizó los días 1, 14 y 28 del periodo de estudio. Se utilizó programa SPSS 11.5 con estadística descriptiva y analítica, con prueba t de Student entre variables de datos pareados. Diferencias estadísticamente significativas para p ≤ 0,05. Se ha observado un aumento significativo (p = 0,049) del salto de la primera (31,52 ± 5,38) a la segunda determinación (33,33 ± 5,47) y un aumento significativo (p = 0,022) del salto de la primera (31,52 ± 5,38) a la tercera determinación (33,59 ± 5,36). El entrenamiento mediante ejercicio en la plataforma de vibración mecánica provoca un aumento del salto por el incremento de la fuerza de los músculos extensores de la rodilla