5,427 research outputs found
Efecto de extracto de orégano sobre características fisicoquímicas y estructurales de un gel cárnico a base de calamar gigante durante su vida útil
Tesis de Maestría en Ciencias QuímicasEl calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas) es un molusco de importancia económica en México, el 80% de esta especie se considera comestible, a pesar de que es una especie con alto contenido proteico (~18%) y bajo contenido de colesterol, la alta actividad enzimática que posee (enzimas endógenas y microbianas) genera una degradación proteica y por consecuencia, un descenso en las propiedades funcionales desde el punto de vista estructural. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el desarrollo de un gel cárnico a base de esta especie y evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de un extracto acuoso de orégano durante el almacenamiento en refrigeración. Se evaluaron 4 métodos de extracción proteica; el proceso denominado B presentó las características apropiadas para el desarrollo del gel. Se adicionó el extracto de orégano (obtenido empleando una relación orégano-agua 1:15 y un tiempo de agitación de 15 min a 20°C) en un 5% v/v respecto a la disolución proteica a gelificar. La adición del extracto disminuyó la producción de bases volátiles y trimetilamina durante el almacenamiento. En cuanto al desarrollo microbiológico, existe una diferencia de 0.4 unidades logarítmicas en cuanto al conteo de mesófilos aerobios y de 2.7 unidades logarítmicas en el conteo de coliformes totales, ambas a favor de la muestra con extracto. Respecto a las características estructurales, no existe diferencia significativa entre las muestras, con y sin extracto, en el parámetro de dureza al final del almacenamiento. La adición de extracto acuoso de orégano permitió mantener las características fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas del gel durante el periodo de almacenamiento.Conacy
El impacto de la formación en línea en la transferencia de comportamiento y en el desempeño laboral en una gran organización
Este estudio analiza la efectividad de la formación en línea en una gran organización. Se ha probado la influencia de diferentes procesos de la formación, como las estrategias de aprendizaje, las reacciones, el apoyo a la transferencia y las barreras, en la transferencia del comportamiento y el desempeño laboral. Los participantes fueron 3,600 empleados de un banco público brasileño que participaron en una formación en línea en el trabajo. Seis meses después, sus supervisores evaluaron las influencias de la formación en el comportamiento laboral de sus subordinados. Los hallazgos indicaron que en la autoevaluación la transferencia del comportamiento se predijo mediante estrategias de aprendizaje de elaboración/aplicación práctica, reacciones a la formación, apoyo organizacional y de pares; las estrategias de control de la motivación, cognitivas/búsqueda de ayuda y elaboración/aplicación práctica, junto con las reacciones a la formación, se relacionaron significativamente con el desempeño laboral. En la heteroevaluación, el apoyo del supervisor contribuyó a explicar la transferencia del comportamiento y las estrategias cognitivas/búsqueda de ayuda explicaron el desempeño laboral. Se identificó el papel mediador de las reacciones a la formación y el apoyo a la transferencia mostró efectos moderadores marginales.This study analyzes the effectiveness of online training in a large organization. We tested the influence of different training processes, such as learning strategies, reactions, support of transfer, and barriers, on behavioral transfer and job performance. The participants were 3,600 employees of a Brazilian public bank after taking part in online training at work. Six months later, their supervisors evaluated the influences of the training on their subordinates’ work behaviors. Findings indicated that in self-evaluation behavioral transfer was predicted by elaboration/practical application learning strategies, trainees’ reactions to training, organizational, and peer support; motivation control, cognitive/help-seeking, and elaboration/practical application learning strategies, along with trainees’ reactions to training, were significantly related to job performance. In hetero-evaluation, supervisor support contributed to explaining behavioral transfer, and cognitive/help-seeking strategies explained job performance. The mediating role of reactions to training was identified, and support of transfer showed marginal moderating effects.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PSI2015-64894-
Learning strategies scale: adaptation to Portuguese and factor structure
Since learning strategies seem to be an important set of variables to explain the effectiveness of training and e-learning in organizations is here to stay, this paper aimed to analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of a Learning Strategies Scale (LSS) and its relationship with the training transfer in an e-learning corporate context. A total of 3600 employees of a Brazilian bank participated in this study by responding to the LSS after taking part in an online course. We measured training transfer with self-evaluation and hetero-evaluation scales. Internal consistency, confirmatory factor analysis, and multiple regressions were conducted. A four-factor structure and an acceptable level of fit for the model were found. All types of learning strategies were related to training transfer in self-evaluation, and the cognitive and help-seeking strategies contributed to explain training transfer in hetero-evaluation. As a reliable and valid measure that predicts the effectiveness of training and job performance, participants should be advised about the learning strategies that produce better performance results at the workplace. Future research should use it in different contexts and samples, analyzing its relationships with other workplace variables.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior” (CAPES/Brazil
The irony of choice in recruitment: when similarity turns recruiters to other candidates
Across two experimental studies, we examine the influence of similarity perceptions on recruiters’ job fit perceptions of job applicants. In addition, a robustness study extends the effect of similarity by introducing work-related sources of similarity and tests the relationship between workrelated similarities on similarity perceptions. Moreover, we explore the emotional and cognitive mechanisms behind the effects of similarity perceptions on job fit. We also propose and test a boundary condition, such that, when job desirability is low, the effect of demographic similarity on perceived similarity is reversed. The sample for the three studies consist of specialized master’s students with work experience in human resources management who acted as recruiters in a resume screening situation. The results show that the effects of similarity are not always positive for job fit perceptions. The studies provide evidence that when recruiters perceive applicants as similar to themselves, biased evaluations occur. Finally, we provide results that show the effects of mediation and moderation analysis whereby liking mediates the relationship between similarity perceptions and job fit perceptions through emotional, cognitive and motivational sequential mediators. Additionally, job desirability moderates the relationship between demographic similarity and similarity perceptions so that when job desirability is low, the effect of demographic similarity on perceived similarity is reversed
Doctor of Philosophy
dissertationAs in all flotation separations, the separation efficiency for the flotation of pyrite from auriferous pyrite ores depends on the flotation conditions and the particle properties of the feed ore. Liberation and texture are particle properties that refer to release of valuable minerals from gangue waste minerals during size reduction and the arrangement of these mineral phases within the particles. Separation efficiency may be impacted significantly by variation in liberation and the texture of locked particles, even with locked particles having the same overall composition. Not all locked particles of the same composition will have the same flotation response. Their flotation response will also depend on their texture. Now, analysis of liberation and texture is possible using High Resolution X-ray Microtomography (HRXMT). This analytical technique can provide quantitative information on liberation and exposure (texture) for each particle in a given particle population. Products from the flotation of two types of auriferous pyrite ores, both batch scale experiments and plant operations, were analyzed by HRXMT. In this way, the degree of liberation of the pyrite grains was determined. The liberation-limited grade/recovery curves were calculated for each ore. The liberation-limited grade/recovery curves are used to determine the limits of the separation efficiency. Also, the characteristic texture of particles in each flotation product was determined and the effect of these textural features on the flotation separation efficiency discussed. It was found that the separation efficiency of auriferous pyrite was controlled principally by factors other than liberation. In general the texture analysis revealed that the pyrite-containing particles with a high exposure of pyrite grains at the particle surface have a better possibility of being recovered in the concentrate during flotation
Change and development in the Spanish wine industry, 1950-2009
In recent years the European winegrowing regions have been carrying out deep changes in response to increasing international competition, outstanding the case of Spain. This study analyses the main sequences of changes the Spanish wine industry has undergone: the evolution of consumption; the role of exports; the spread of marketing and business organization; the factors that have been involved in the modernization of the wineries. An initial valuation leads us to conclude that it has been an authentic wine revolution in reference to the transformations that have occurred in a period of farming changes and technological modernization for the businessesWine industry revolution, technological modernization, enological change, Spain, twentieth century.
Sujetos por su resistencia : análisis sociológico de una experiencia de trabajo bajo el sistema de producción por micromovimientos
En este artículo presentamos el análisis de una experiencia de trabajo bajo el sistema de producción por micromovimientos (MTM). Este análisis puede ayudarnos a arrojar algo de luz sobre el enigma de cómo y por qué sostenemos con nuestra acción, en determinados contextos, relaciones de sometimiento que experimentamos como hirientes y a las que no reconocemos legitimidad. Defenderemos la tesis de que la especial combinación de compromiso y resistencia ante la producción que desarrollan los trabajadores les constituye como «sujetos» del vínculo productivo, en la medida en que en esa combinación desarrollan y expresan su sentido de la autonomía y de la propia dignidad y respeto. Pero, al mismo tiempo, veremos cómo esa resistencia los sujeta al sometimiento, ya que hace posible y eficiente el orden productivo. Al menos en este caso, si los trabajadores sostienen un vínculo hiriente es porque sus acciones tienen lugar en una auténtica jaula de hierro en la que su dignidad se ha convertido en uno de los pilares básicos de su sometimiento.In this paper we present the analysis of a work experience under the Methods Time Measurement (MTM). This analysis can help us shed some light on the enigma of how and why, in certain contexts, we sustain with our action relations of subjection that we experience as injurious and which we cannot accept as being legitimate.We shall defend the thesis that the special combination of commitment and resistance that is present in the production carried out by workers establishes them as subjets of the production bond, to the extent that they develop and express in that combination their sense of autonomy and their own dignity and self-respect. At the same time, however, we shall see how that resistance binds them to subjection, as it makes the production order possible and efficient. At least in this case, if the workers sustain an injurious bond it is because their actions take place in a veritable iron cage where their dignity has turned into one of the basic pillars of their subjection
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