1,585 research outputs found

    Importancia de la coordinación monetaria en los procesos de integración

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    El proceso de integración del Mercosur, ha iniciado desde el año 1998 una fase de estancamiento debido, entre otros factores, a la elevada volatilidad cambiaria registrada en los últimos años tras la adopción de sistemas cambiarios flexibles en los Estados miembros. En este estudio se analizan las posibilidades para la construcción de una Unión Monetaria entre las economías integrantes del bloque, como medida para eliminar la inestabilidad cambiaria e incrementar la probabilidad de éxito del proceso. Con este objetivo se examina si el grado de sincronía entre las economías de los socios es suficiente como para compensar los costes derivados de la adopción de una moneda única

    Managing Social Media for Making Cancer Hospitals’ Brands More Human: A Proposal Model based on a Literature Review

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    Managing social media constitutes a challenge for cancer hospitals: internal processes, quality information, and the role of employees. These organizations resort to social media to enhance their relations with stakeholders and promote their brands at the same time. This paper analyzes how cancer hospitals could use social media to associate their brands with human values (patients’ rights, honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion), and become more credible institutions. To do that, we conducted a literature review on cancer hospitals’ communication initiatives on social media: we considered three databases, four keywords, and six inclusion/exclusion criteria to gather papers published on this topic between 2011 and 2020. We identified 114 papers. Based on that, we developed the PET Branding Model, an online communication model that these hospitals can implement to associate their brands with human values. We concluded that cancer hospitals need to implement a Social Media Unit that employs people from different professional backgrounds and work according to protocols; prioritize a public health approach focused on satisfying stakeholders’ needs in terms of information; and train the hospital’s employees on how to use social media professionally

    The Role of Smart Technologies in French Hospitals’ Branding Strategies

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    Hospitals resort to different initiatives to build their brands, including media relations, events, and marketing campaigns. However, they face several challenges related to legal frameworks, patients’ new demands, and hospitals’ digital transformation. This paper analyzes how the best hospitals in France manage smart technologies to enhance their relationships with stakeholders and reinforce their brands. We resorted to the World’s Best Hospitals 2023 to identify the 150 best hospitals in this country. Then, we defined 34 branding indicators to evaluate how each hospital managed smart technologies for branding purposes. We adapted these criteria to different platforms and targets: homepage (patients), online newsroom (media companies), About Us section (suppliers, shareholders, and public authorities), and artificial intelligence department (employees). When analyzing these criteria, we resorted to a binary system and only considered hospitals’ official websites. Our results proved that 98% of hospitals had a website, but not all respected the criteria related to the homepage (4.54 of 11), online newsroom (2.52 of 11), or About Us section (1.56 of 6). The best hospitals in France, according to the number of criteria respected, were Institut Curie-Oncology (20), Institut Gustave Roussy–Oncology (19), and Hôpital Paris Saint-Joseph (19). We concluded that French hospitals should implement collective branding processes that include all stakeholders, not just patients: media companies, public authorities, suppliers, shareholders, and employees. Moreover, these organizations should implement an in-house artificial intelligence department that leads a digital transformation from a medical, branding, and communication perspective. Finally, French hospitals’ branding efforts on smart platforms should focus more on content about the brand so that stakeholders understand the uniqueness of these organizations

    Branding cancer research institutions through social media platforms

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    Cancer research institutions resort to social media platforms to reinforce their relations with stakeholders and promote their brand. Nevertheless, they face several challenges: strict legal frameworks, patients’ new demands, and the development health technology. This paper aims to analyze how cancer research institutions manage social media platforms, as well as their corporate websites, for branding purposes. To do that, we conducted a literature review about cancer hospitals’ corporate communication strategies on these platforms; and then, we resorted to 48 indicators to evaluate how the top 100 cancer research institutions in the world managed their corporate websites, as well as their corporate profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, for promoting their brand. We concluded that these organizations should use social media platforms to explain their brand architecture, develop a corporate website based on a public health approach, and describe their social engagements in a clearer way. Finally, we recommended three managerial initiatives for these organizations: creating an in-house communication department employing experts in communication and public health, conducting an intellectual reflection about the company’s brand genealogy, and integrating oncologists and nurses in the company’s corporate communication initiatives carried out on social media platforms

    La participacion de los stakeholders en las iniciativas de branding del hospital en las redes sociales: una propuesta de modelo para construir marcas colectivas

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    Introduction: All health organizations face many managerial and economic challenges such as the consolidation of private and international hospitals, the increasingly interest of society for health education issues or the development of telemedicine. In this framework, many organizations prioritize social media as the main corporate communication tool for building a reputed brand in a collective way along with stakeholders. Objectives: This paper aims to identify a communication model allowing hospitals to efficiently apply branding initiatives on social media in order to build a brand in a collective way with stakeholders. Methodology: We carried out a literature review about corporate communication, health communication, branding and social media; and, then, we proposed the PET Model for Branding Hospitals on Social Media. Results and Conclusion: We conclude that hospitals should create a multidisciplinar corporate communication department, implement management initiatives for allowing health professionals have more time for using social media and integrate health education and patient’s empowerment in every communication initiative.Introducción: Las organizaciones sanitarias hacen frente a muchos desafíos económicos y de gestión, como son la consolidación de los hospitales privados e internacionales, el creciente interés de la gente por la educación sanitaria o el desarrollo de la telemedicina. En este contexto, muchas organizaciones priorizan las redes sociales como principal herramienta de comunicación corporativa para construir una marca reputada de manera colectiva junto con los stakeholders (accionistas). Objetivos: Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar un modelo de comunicación que permita a los hospitales aplicar de manera eficiente las iniciativas branding (entiquetar) en las redes sociales para construir así una marca colectiva junto con los stakeholders. Metodología: Llevamos a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sobre comunicación corporativa, comunicación de salud, branding y redes sociales; y, posteriormente, proponemos el Modelo PET para la promoción de la marca hospitalaria en redes sociales. Resultados y Conclusión: Los hospitales deben crear un departamento de comunicación corporativa multidisciplinar, implementar iniciativas de gestión para permitir que los profesionales de la salud tengan más tiempo para usar las redes sociales e integrar la educación sanitaria y el empoderamiento del paciente en cada iniciativa de comunicación

    Promoting Health Education through Mobile Apps: A Quantitative Analysis of American Hospitals

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    Using mobile apps as a corporate communication tool helps hospitals to improve their health education initiatives. This paper aims to analyze how these organizations can use mobile apps to implement health education initiatives addressed to patients. To achieve this, we conducted a literature review (health education, mobile apps, role of doctors and patients), and we resorted to using 38 quantitative indicators to evaluate how the 100 best hospitals in the United States manage mobile apps for implementing health education initiatives addressed to patients. Our results prove that 95% of hospitals displayed general mobile apps for patients, but just some of these organizations proposed mobile apps for patients suffering from non-communicable diseases, including: heart diseases (9.47%), cancer (7.37%), chronic respiratory diseases (3.26%), and diabetes (3.16%). We concluded that hospitals should create a department specializing in designing mobile apps that are adapted to patients’ medical and social needs, and that are also consistent with public health priorities

    Promoting Health Brands through Social Media. A Quantitative Analysis about the World’s Best Cancer Hospitals

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    Cancer hospitals enforce different initiatives to accelerate digital transformation, such as mobile health or artificial intelligence. Nevertheless, some health professionals are not willing to adopt these technologies. In order to change some employees’ perspectives, these hospitals resort to social media platforms. This paper aims to evaluate how the worlds’ best cancer hospitals manage social media platforms, as well as their corporate website, with the aim of disseminating brand-related content and reinforce their reputation. Therefore, we reviewed literature on cancer hospitals’ corporate communication strategies, brand, social media platforms and online patient communities. We then resorted to 48 quantitative indicators to analyze how the 200 best cancer hospitals in the world managed Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as their corporate website, for branding purposes. In order to identify the 200 best hospitals, we explored the World’s Best Specialized Hospitals 2021, an annual ranking published by Newsweek and Statista. The 48 indicators covered different elements concerning the hospitals’ identity and communication activities, as well as patient engagement on social media platforms. Our quantitative analysis proved that most cancer hospitals had a corporate website (70.5%) as well as a profile on Facebook (74%), Twitter (74.5%) and YouTube (67.5%). Nevertheless, most of them did not respect the 48 key performance indicators. Finally, we proposed three main conclusions: a) cancer hospitals should establish a Corporate Communication Department employing different experts in communication, health and big data; b) they should promote an integrated corporate communication approach; and c) they should implement brand ambassador programmes

    La promoción de la reputación de marca hospitalaria a través de las mobile apps. Un análisis cuantitativo sobre los mejores hospitales de España

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    This paper aims to evaluate how hospitals manage mobile applications to reinforce their relations with patients and promote their brands. To do that, we conducted a literature review about hospitals’ corporate communication, their branding initiatives, and their use of mobile apps for this purpose; then, we defined 36 indicators to quantitively analyze how the 150 best hospitals in Spain managed mobile apps to promote their brands: online integration, global app for patients, mobile apps for other targets, and mobile apps for patients facing non communicable diseases. We concluded that hospitals should follow a public health and branding logic to develop mobile apps that contribute to establish a new communication paradigm among these organizations and their patients.Este artículo evalúa cómo los hospitales gestionan las aplicaciones móviles para reforzar sus relaciones con el paciente y así promover sus marcas. Para ello, realizamos una revisión de literatura sobre la comunicación corporativa de estas organizaciones, sus iniciativas de marca y sus uso de las aplicaciones móviles en esta área; posteriormente, definimos 36 indicadores para analizar de un modo cuantitativo cómo los 150 mejores hospitales de España utilizan las aplicaciones móviles para promocionar sus marcas: integración online, app general para pacientes, apps para otros públicos, y apps para pacientes que sufren enfermedades no transmisibles. Concluimos que los hospitales deberían seguir una lógica de salud pública y de marca para desarrollar aplicaciones móviles que contribuyan a implementar un nuevo paradigma comunicativo entre dichas organizaciones y sus pacientes

    Online reputation management by cancer hospitals: A systematic literature review in the USA and Spain

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    Cancer hospitals manage social media platforms in a professional way to improve their relationships with internal and external stakeholders and reinforce their corporate brand. To do so, they need their health professionals to be involved: these professionals become brand ambassadors able to influence society. Nevertheless, they face different challenges: legal issues, new patients’ demands, privacy-related matters, or the difficulty of disseminating scientific content. This literature review paper analyzes how cancer hospitals manage their social media platforms to improve their reputation. To do this, we carry out a systematic literature review focused on papers published in the USA and Spain, based on the Salsa framework proposed by Grant and Booth (2009). We then define an online corporate communication model allowing cancer hospitals to improve their reputation through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (MedPac Model for Building Cancer Hospital Brands). The paper concludes that this model is useful for cancer hospitals because it prioritizes persons (brand ambassadors) rather than companies, focuses on scientific and emotional content rather than business information, and is based on human values.This paper is a result of the “Interactive storytelling and digital visibility in the digital documentary and structured journalism” research project funded by Feder and the Spanish Ministry of Sciences, Innovation, and Universities (RTI2018-095714-B-C21)

    El impacto de las redes sociales en las iniciativas de marca de los hospitales: análisis sobre los mejores hospitales del mundo

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    Hospitals face a constantly changing context that leads them to accelerate their digital transformation: cyberhealth, new business models, global competition, etc. In this framework, social media platforms have become a useful tool for transforming hospitals and enhancing their public image. Objectives: This paper aims to analyze how the world’s best hospitals manage social media platforms to disseminate brand related content and this way reinforce their reputation. Methodology: To do that, we carried out a literature review about health communication, social media and brands; then, we analyzed how the world’s 100 best hospitals managed their social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) as well as their own corporate websites for promoting their brand; and finally, we proposed different managerial implications. Results: Most hospitals resort to their corporate websites (76%) and corporate profiles on Facebook (78%), Twitter (73%) and Youtube (78%) for branding initiatives. Conclusions: Hospitals should prioritize a corporate communication approach, focus on useful content for each stakeholder, and promote learning sessions for helping employees become brand ambassadors.Los hospitales hacen frente a un contexto cambiante que les obliga a acelerar su transformación digital: cibersalud, nuevos modelos de negocio, competencia global, etc. En este contexto, las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta útil para transformar dichos hospitales y mejorar su imagen pública. Objetivo: Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar cómo los mejores hospitales del mundo gestionan las redes sociales para difundir contenido relacionado con la marca y de este modo reforzar su reputación. Metodología: Para ello, realizamos una revisión bibliográfica sobre comunicación en salud, redes sociales y marcas; posteriormente, analizamos cómo los 100 mejores hospitales del mundo gestionan sus redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube), así como sus propios sitios web corporativos para promover su marca; y finalmente, proponemos diferentes implicaciones de gestión. Resultados: La mayor parte de los hospitales recurren a su página web (76%) y sus perfiles corporativos en Facebook (78%), Twitter (73%) y Youtube (78%) para promocionar su marca. Conclusiones: Los hospitales deben priorizar un enfoque de comunicación corporativa, centrarse en contenido útil para cada stakeholder y promover sesiones de formación para ayudar a los empleados a convertirse en embajadores de marca