9 research outputs found

    Enhanced diagnostic immunofluorescence using biopsies transported in saline

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    BACKGROUND: The demonstration of tissue-bound immunoreactants by direct immunofluorescence microscopy (DIF) is a valuable parameter in the diagnosis of various autoimmune and immunecomplex-mediated skin diseases. For preservation of tissue-bound immunoreactants, biopsies are usually fresh-frozen in liquid nitrogen or transported in Michel's fixative. But even optimally preserved tissue specimens are no guarantee for the correct diagnosis by DIF, especially when weak to moderate IgG fluorescence of the epidermal basement membrane zone is involved. In such cases false negative results are easily obtained due to the relatively high dermal "background" fluorescence produced by polyclonal anti-human IgG fluorescein conjugates. METHODS: In the present study we have compared the use of normal saline (0.9% NaCl) with liquid nitrogen and Michel's fixative as transport medium for skin biopsies. From 25 patients with an autoimmune skin disease (pemphigus, pemphigoid, lupus erythematosus and vasculitis) four matched skin biopsies were obtained and transported in either saline for 24 and 48 hours, liquid nitrogen, or Michel's fixative for 48 hours. RESULTS: Direct IF microscopy showed significant reduction of background fluorescence (p < 0.01) and relatively enhanced desired specific (IgG, IgA) staining in biopsies transported in saline. A conclusive or tentative IF diagnosis was reached in 92% after 24 h saline, 83% after 48 h saline, 68% after freezing in liquid nitrogen, and 62% after 48 h Michel's medium (n = 25). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that transporting biopsies without freezing in normal saline for 24 hours is an adequate and attractive method for routine IF diagnosis in autoimmune and immune complex-mediated dermatoses. The superior results with saline incubation are explained by washing away of IgG background in dermis and epidermis


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    Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) is a chronic, autoimmune condition involving the skin and mucous membranes. Symptomatic mucosal involvement is rare, but can impact on quality of life, due to esophageal strictures and dysphagia. We report a case involving a 60-year-old male presenting with bullous skin lesions on areas of friction on his hands, feet and mouth. Milia were visible on some healed areas. Biopsy showed a subepidermal vesicle. Direct immunofluorescence showed intense linear junctional IgG and C3 at the dermo-epidermal junction. Serological tests also supported the diagnosis of EBA. Screening tests for underlying malignancies were negative. Despite treatment with systemic steroids, the patient developed increasing dysphagia, requiring further investigation with esophagoscopy and a barium swallow. Confirmation of extensive esophageal stricturing prompted adjustment of medications including an increase in systemic steroids and addition of azathioprine. Currently, the patient's disease remains under control, with improvement in all his symptoms and return of anti-basement membrane antibody levels to normal, whilst he remains on azathioprine 150 mg daily and prednisolone 5 mg daily. This case highlights the fact that the treatment of a given patient with EBA depends on severity of disease and co-morbid symptoms. Newer immunoglobulin and biological therapies have shown promise in treatment resistant disease. Considering that long-term immunosuppressants or biologicals will be required, potential side effects of the drugs should be considered. If further deterioration occurs in this patient, cyclosporin A or intravenous immunoglobulin (IV Ig) will be considered. Vigilance for associated co-morbidities, especially malignancies, should always be maintained

    Meta-analysis of the clinical and immunopathological characteristics and treatment outcomes in epidermolysis bullosa acquisita patients

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    Background: Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) is an orphan autoimmune disease. Several clinical phenotypes have been described, but subepidermal blistering is characteristic of all variants. Limited data on clinical and immunopathological characteristics and treatment outcomes in EBA are available. To fill this gap, we collected this information from EBA cases, meeting current diagnostic criteria, published between 1971 and 2016. Results: We identified 1159 EBA cases. This number must be, however, interpreted with caution, as it is not possible to check for multiple reporting. The analysis of all cases indicated that EBA affects all age groups (median: 50 years, range: 1 to 94 years) at an equal gender distribution. Non-mechanobullous (non-MB) forms of EBA were observed in 55% of patients, whereas the mechanobullous variant (MB-EBA) or a combination of both variants was described in 38 or 7% of patients, respectively. Type VII collagen (COL7)-specific autoantibodies were primarily of the IgG isotype, but anti-COL7 IgA, IgM and IgE were also documented. Comparison of the 2 clinical EBA types showed a higher frequency of IgA deposits in non-MB EBA as opposed to MB EBA. Mucous membrane involvement was observed in 23% of patients, and 4.4% of cases were associated with other chronic inflammatory diseases. Of note, IgA deposits were more frequently observed in cases with mucous membrane involvement. Our analysis indicated that EBA is difficult to treat and that the choice of treatment varies widely. Chi square was applied to identify medications associated with complete remission (CR). Considering all EBA cases, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG, p = 0.0047) and rituximab (p = 0.0114) were associated with CR. Subgroup analysis demonstrated that no treatment was associated with CR for non-MB EBA, while IVIG (p = 0.003) was associated with CR in MB EBA. Conclusions: Within the limitations of the study, we here document the clinical and immunopathological characteristics and treatment outcomes in a large cohort of EBA patients. The observed associations of single drugs with treatment outcome may serve as a guide to develop clinical trials