11 research outputs found

    Plural-wavelength flame detector that discriminates between direct and reflected radiation

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    A flame detector employs a plurality of wavelength selective radiation detectors and a digital signal processor programmed to analyze each of the detector signals, and determine whether radiation is received directly from a small flame source that warrants generation of an alarm. The processor's algorithm employs a normalized cross-correlation analysis of the detector signals to discriminate between radiation received directly from a flame and radiation received from a reflection of a flame to insure that reflections will not trigger an alarm. In addition, the algorithm employs a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) frequency spectrum analysis of one of the detector signals to discriminate between flames of different sizes. In a specific application, the detector incorporates two infrared (IR) detectors and one ultraviolet (UV) detector for discriminating between a directly sensed small hydrogen flame, and reflections from a large hydrogen flame. The signals generated by each of the detectors are sampled and digitized for analysis by the digital signal processor, preferably 250 times a second. A sliding time window of approximately 30 seconds of detector data is created using FIFO memories

    Lightning Effects in the Payload Changeout Room

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    Analytical and empirical studies have been performed to provide better understanding of the electromagnetic environment inside the Payload Changeout Room and Orbiter payload bay resulting from lightning strikes to the launch pad lightning protection system. The analytical studies consisted of physical and mathematical modeling of the pad structure and the Payload Changeout Room. Empirical testing was performed using a lightning simulator to simulate controlled (8 kA) lightning strikes to the catenary wire lightning protection system. In addition to the analyses and testing listed above, an analysis of the configuration with the vehicle present was conducted, in lieu of testing, by the Finite Difference, Time Domain method

    Dicranum scoparium

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    Dicranum scoparium

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    Study Of Design Parameters In Hydrogen Microsensors Integrated With Metal Semiconductor Nanoparticles

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    We investigated the effect of electrode design parameters on the performance of hydrogen microsensors. The sensors with varying electrode parameters were fabricated integrating micromachined interdigitated electrodes with indium oxide (In2O3) doped polycrystalline tin dioxide (SnO2) nanoparticles and tested in a controlled gas environment. It was observed that the sensitivity was closely related to the gap between, and a ratio of the gap to the width in interdigitated electrodes (IDE)

    Study Of Design Parameters In Hydrogen Microsensors Integrated With Metal Semiconductor Nanoparticles

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    We investigated the effect of electrode design parameters on the performance of hydrogen microsensors. The sensors with varying electrode parameters were fabricated integrating micromachined interdigitated electrodes with indium oxide (In2O3) doped polycrystalline tin dioxide (SnO2) nanoparticles and tested in a controlled gas environment. It was observed that the sensitivity was closely related to the gap between, and a ratio of the gap to the width in interdigitated electrodes (IDE). Copyright © 2007 by ASME

    Gestão de odores: fundamentos do Nariz Eletrônico Odor management: fundamentals of Electronic Nose

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    Narizes Eletrônicos têm sido desenvolvidos para detecção automática e classificação de odores, vapores e gases. São instrumentos capazes de medir a concentração ou intensidade odorante de modo similar a um olfatômetro, mas sem as limitações inerentes ao uso de painéis humanos, o que é altamente desejável. Um Nariz Eletrônico é geralmente composto por um sistema de sensores químicos e um sistema eletrônico associado à inteligência artificial para reconhecimento. Têm sido aplicados em muitas áreas, tais como análise de alimentos, controles ambientais e diagnósticos médicos. Do ponto de vista ambiental, sistemas de Narizes Eletrônicos vêm sendo usados para monitorar a qualidade do ar, detectar fontes e quantificar emissões odorantes. Este artigo pretende apresentar os fundamentos dos Narizes Eletrônicos.<br>Electronic noses have been developed for automatic detection and classification of odors, vapors and gases. They are instruments capable to identify odors as the human nose does, and measure the odor concentration or intensity according to similar metrics as an olfactometer, but without the inherent limitations of human panels. An Electronic Nose is generally composed of a matrix of chemical sensors and computer based system for odor recognition and classification. It has been applied in many areas, such as food quality analysis, explosives detection, environmental monitoring and medical diagnosis. In the ambient environment, systems of Electronic Noses have been used to monitor the quality of air and to detect and quantify odor sources and emissions. This article intends to present the fundamentals and main characteristics of Electronic Noses