392 research outputs found

    Compatibility studies of Olanzapine pre-formulated with excipients by thermal analysis: preliminary study

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    Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate drug-excipient interactions and, in consequence, their compatibility. For this purpose, binary mixtures of olanzapine drug substance and the excipients croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose, were prepared and analysed. By the analysis of the binary mixtures DSC and TG curves it were observed changes on the temperature and enthalpy values of the drug melting and decomposition peak, with the likely formation of intermediate substances.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Serologic Survey of Hantavirus Infection, Brazilian Amazon

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    Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís, MA, Brazil.Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís, MA, Brazil.Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís, MA, Brazil.Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís, MA, Brazil.Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís, MA, Brazil.Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís, MA, Brazil.State Department of Health. São Luís, MA, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil

    Compatibility studies of Olanzapine pre-formulated with excipients by thermal analysis: preliminary study

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    Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate drug-excipient interactions and, in consequence, their compatibility. For this purpose, binary mixtures of olanzapine drug substance and the excipients croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose, were prepared and analysed. By the analysis of the binary mixtures DSC and TG curves it were observed changes on the temperature and enthalpy values of the drug melting and decomposition peak, with the likely formation of intermediate substances.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    In vitro and in vivo antitumor effects of the flavonol glycosides isolated of Herissantia crispa (L.) Brizicky

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    This paper describes the cytotoxic and antitumoral activities of kaempferol 3-O-(6”-O-E-pcoumaroyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside (tiliroside), kaempferol 3,7-di-O-α-L-rhamnoside (dhiramnoside) and of the mixture of sitosteryl-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and stigmasteryl-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (GM) isolated of the Herissantia crispa. The compounds did not present cytotoxic activity against NCI-H292, HEp-2 and KB cells. In vivo, dhiramnoside did not present significant inhibitory activity of the growth of sarcoma 180 when compared with the control group; however, tiliroside and GM-treated animals showed a high inhibition rate in the growth of the tumor. Tiliroside inhibits significantly the growth of the carcinoma of Ehrlich. In conclusion, tiliroside exhibited promising antitumor effects without an expressive toxicity.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire