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    One Man\u27s Meat

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    Born in Dun Laoghaire, outside Dublin, I have lived all my life here in Ireland. Since 1993, I have run Firstcom, a communications company based in Dublin, Ireland. When I am not working, I like to cook for my family and friends. I am also a keen photographer. My eldest daughter Lucy (who is a blogger herself talked me into starting this blog as a way of getting more out of my combined writing, photography and food interests. Lucy went on to stick a pen in my back by entering the food blogging space with her Decidedly Deliciousblog. So far, she has restricted her activities to the sweeter end of things. However, I am a bit concerned she may start blunting my knives and pilfering my pots. Ladles at dawn, I think… I hope you like what you see here. If you do, comment, tell your friends and come back. If you don’t, come back when you are in a better mood. Tell your friends anyway

    Determination of the Optimal Sterilization Regime of Canned Quail Meat with Hydrocoloids Application

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    The use of hydrocolloids in the modern meat industry is the one of prospective directions for improving functional and technological characteristics of meat and meat products, including poultry at long storage terms. A series of concrete requirements to functional-technological, physical-chemical and organoleptic parameters is offered for canned poultry in correspondence with minimal specifications for the quality of products of an animal origin.There is presented the study of the optimization of the process of meat products sterilization using meat of chicken-broilers, quails and hydrocolloids depending on physical-chemical and organoleptic properties. The parameters of quail meat use in recipes of canned poultry meat with hydrocolloids were considered. The influence of the sterilization process on characteristics of chicken-broiler and quail meat was established.There was revealed the essential difference in the influence on functional and technological parameters of canned quail meat using hydrocolloid mixtures comparing with canned chicken-broiler meat, manifested in changes of MKC (moisture keeping capacity), plasticity and salt content in jelly. At changing sterilization regimes, there takes place the change of physical and chemical characteristics of gels that correlates with organoleptic characteristics. For providing high quality parameters of canned poultry meat and industrial sterility, sterilization regimes for canned chicken-broiler meat must be realized for containers with the volume 500 with sterilization time no more than 90 minutes. For canned quail meat the sterilization process duration must be increased to 120 min at the temperature 115 ° С

    Social rank overrides environmental and community fluctuations in determining meat access by female chimpanzees in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire

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    Meat, long hypothesized as an important food source in human evolution, is still a substantial component of the modern human diet, with some humans relying entirely on meat during certain times of the year. Understanding the socio-ecological context leading to the successful acquisition and consumption of meat by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), our closest living relative, can provide insight into the emergence of this trait because humans and chimpanzees are unusual among primates in that they both (i) hunt mammalian prey, (ii) share meat with community members, and (iii) form long-term relationships and complex social hierarchies within their communities. However, females in both human hunter-gatherer societies as well as chimpanzee groups rarely hunt, instead typically accessing meat via males that share meat with group members. In general, female chimpanzee dominance rank affects feeding competition, but so far, the effect of female dominance rank on meat access found different results within and across studied chimpanzee groups. Here we contribute to the debate on how female rank influences meat access while controlling for several socio-ecological variables. Multivariate analyses of 773 separate meat-eating events collected over more than 25 years from two chimpanzee communities located in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire, were used to test the importance of female dominance rank for being present at, and for acquiring meat, during meat-eating events. We found that high-ranking females were more likely to be present during a meat-eating event and, in addition, were more likely to eat meat compared to the subordinates. These findings were robust to both large demographic changes (decrease of community size) and seasonal ecological changes (fruit abundance dynamics). In addition to social rank, we found that other female properties had a positive influence on presence to meat-eating events and access to meat given presence, including oestrus status, nursing of a small infant, and age. Similar to findings in other chimpanzee populations, our results suggest that females reliably acquire meat over their lifetime despite rarely being active hunters. The implication of this study supports the hypothesis that dominance rank is an important female chimpanzee property conferring benefits for the high-ranking females

    Red meat and colon cancer : should we become vegetarians, or can we make meat safer ?

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    The effect of meat consumption on cancer risk is a controversial issue. However, recent meta-analyses show that high consumers of cured meats and red meat are at increased risk of colorectal cancer. This increase is significant but modest (20-30%). Current WCRF-AICR recommendations are to eat no more than 500g per week of red meat, and to avoid processed meat. Moreover, our studies show that beef meat and cured pork meat promote colon carcinogenesis in rats. The major promoter in meat is heme iron, via N-nitrosation or fat peroxidation. Dietary additives can suppress the toxic effects of heme iron. For instance, promotion of colon carcinogenesis in rats by cooked, nitrite-treated and oxidized high-heme cured meat was suppressed by dietary calcium and by α-tocopherol, and a study in volunteers supported these protective effects in humans. These additives, and others still under study, could provide an acceptable way to prevent colorectal cancer

    Processed Meat and Colorectal Cancer: A Review of Epidemiologic and Experimental Evidence

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    Processed meat intake may be involved in the etiology of colorectal cancer, a major cause of death in affluent countries. The epidemiologic studies published to date conclude that the excess risk in the highest category of processed meat-eaters is comprised between 20 and 50% compared with non-eaters. In addition, the excess risk per gram of intake is clearly higher than that of fresh red meat. Several hypotheses, which are mainly based on studies carried out on red meat, may explain why processed meat intake is linked to cancer risk. Those that have been tested experimentally are (i) that high-fat diets could promote carcinogenesis via insulin resistance or fecal bile acids; (ii) that cooking meat at a high temperature forms carcinogenic heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; (iii) that carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds are formed in meat and endogenously; (iv) that heme iron in red meat can promote carcinogenesis because it increases cell proliferation in the mucosa, through lipoperoxidation and/or cytotoxicity of fecal water. Nitrosation might increase the toxicity of heme in cured products. Solving this puzzle is a challenge that would permit to reduce cancer load by changing the processes rather than by banning processed meat

    Meat processing and colon carcinogenesis: Cooked, nitrite-treated and oxidized high-heme cured meat promotes mucin depleted foci in rats

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    Processed meat intake is associated with colorectal cancer risk, but no experimental study supports the epidemiologic evidence. To study the effect of meat processing on carcinogenesis promotion, we first did a 14-day study with 16 models of cured meat. Studied factors, in a 2 Ă— 2 Ă— 2 Ă— 2 design, were muscle color (a proxy for heme level), processing temperature, added nitrite, and packaging. Fischer 344 rats were fed these 16 diets, and we evaluated fecal and urinary fat oxidation and cytotoxicity, three biomarkers of heme-induced carcinogenesis promotion. A principal component analysis allowed for selection of four cured meats for inclusion into a promotion study. These selected diets were given for 100 days to rats pretreated with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. Colons were scored for preneoplastic lesions: aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and mucin-depleted foci (MDF). Cured meat diets significantly increased the number of ACF/colon compared with a no-meat control diet (P = 0.002). Only the cooked nitrite-treated and oxidized high heme meat significantly increased the fecal level of apparent total N-nitroso compounds (ATNC) and the number of MDF per colon compared with the no-meat control diet (P < 0.05). This nitrite-treated and oxidized cured meat specifically increased the MDF number compared with similar non nitrite-treated meat (P = 0.03) and with similar non oxidized meat (P = 0.004). Thus, a model cured meat, similar to ham stored aerobically, increased the number of preneoplastic lesions, which suggests colon carcinogenesis promotion. Nitrite treatment and oxidation increased this promoting effect, which was linked with increased fecal ATNC level. This study could lead to process modifications to make non promoting processed meat

    Meat color recognition using machine vision

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    New technologies are being developed to give an ease to the human in a variety of different field each and every day. Food industry is the key of development that led to the rise of human civilization. The development of food industry dealt with the husbandry of domesticated animal and plants creating food surpluses that enabled the development of more densely populated and stratified societies. The study of food is very important that improves the quality of human's life. When it comes to classify and grade a meat, the color of fresh meat is a sensory indicator of which affects the consumers behavior, especially the consistency of meat color and musculature. Other factors that influence consumers purchasing include security, nutrition and taste. There has been no report that grades the meat freshness in the process of meat delivery. Most of the meat freshness is grading manually by using the human eyesight at the meat's color and quantity of fats. A parameter to show the freshness of meat has only been analyzed manually using a human's eyes. This is some kind of difficult method when making a right decision whether the meat is fresh or not. In order to overcome this problem, meat grading method has been studied to show the mathematical calculation on the change of color hue, saturation, and intensity (HSI) values. This study focuses on grading system design that helps to characterize the meat freshness according to its color. Using a MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) program, it can analyzes the color of the meat that being inspected. The theory of this program includes the calculation of the mean values and histograms, and the final result. This system is capable of classifying meat freshness
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