306 research outputs found

    Nuclear actin-related proteins at the core of epigenetic control

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    Nuclear Actin-Related Proteins (ARPs) and actin combine as heterodimers to bind a large helicase subunit and form a core complex essential to the assembly and function of most chromatin remodeling and modifying machines. They are the most common shared subunits of these large and diverse assemblies in eukaryotes. We recently argued that most nuclear ARPs evolved directly from actin prior to the divergence of the eukaryotic kingdoms and did not evolve from pre-existing ARPs.2 Arabidopsis plants defective in nuclear ARP4, ARP5, ARP6 or ARP7 have extreme developmental phenotypes. Our recent publication demonstrates that ARP5-defective plants are not only dwarfed and have aberrant cell sizes, but are also hypersensitive to mutagenic agents that cause double strand DNA breaks.5 In Smith et al.6 we show that ARP6-defective plants, in addition to their extreme developmental phenotypes like small organs and early flowering, present an apparent Phosphate Starvation Response with strong morphological and molecular phenotypes. Herein, we interpret our latest data in the light of a hypothesis stating that in addition to their roles in overcoming DNA compaction that affects basal gene expression and silencing, nuclear ARP-containing chromatin complexes exert primary epigenetic control over high-level regulatory factors. © 2010 Landes Bioscience

    Hijacking membrane transporters for arsenic phytoextraction

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    Arsenic is a toxic metalloid and recognized carcinogen. Arsenate and arsenite are the most common arsenic species available for uptake by plants. As an inorganic phosphate (Pi) analog, arsenate is acquired by plant roots through endogenous Pi transport systems. Inside the cell, arsenate is reduced to the thiol-reactive form arsenite. Glutathione (GSH)-conjugates of arsenite may be extruded from the cell or sequestered in vacuoles by members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of transporters. In the present study we sought to enhance both plant arsenic uptake through Pi transporter overexpression, and plant arsenic tolerance through ABC transporter overexpression. We demonstrate that Arabidopsis thaliana plants overexpressing the high-affinity Pi transporter family members, AtPht1;1 or AtPht1;7, are hypersensitive to arsenate due to increased arsenate uptake. These plants do not exhibit increased sensitivity to arsenite. Co-overexpression of the yeast ABC transporter YCF1 in combination with AtPht1;1 or AtPht1;7 suppresses the arsenate-sensitive phenotype while further enhancing arsenic uptake. Taken together, our results support an arsenic transport mechanism in which arsenate uptake is increased through Pi transporter overexpression, and arsenic tolerance is enhanced through YCF1-mediated vacuolar sequestration. This work substantiates the viability of coupling enhanced uptake and vacuolar sequestration as a means for developing a prototypical engineered arsenic hyperaccumulator. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Arabidopsis actin-related protein ARP5 in multicellular development and DNA repair

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    Actin-related protein 5 (ARP5) is a conserved subunit of the INO80 chromatin-remodeling complex in yeast and mammals. We have characterized the expression and subcellular distribution of Arabidopsis thaliana ARP5 and explored its role in the epigenetic control of multicellular development and DNA repair. ARP5-specific monoclonal antibodies localized ARP5 protein to the nucleoplasm of interphase cells in Arabidopsis and Nicotiana tabacum. ARP5 promoter-reporter fusions and the ARP5 protein are ubiquitously expressed. A null mutant and a severe knockdown allele produced moderately dwarfed plants with all organs smaller than the wild type. The small and slightly deformed organs such as leaves and hypocotyls were composed of small-sized cells. The ratio of leaf stomata to epidermal cells was high in the mutant, which also exhibited a delayed stomatal development compared with the wild type. Mutant plants were hypersensitive to DNA-damaging reagents including hydroxyurea, methylmethane sulfonate, and bleocin, demonstrating a role for ARP5 in DNA repair. Interestingly, the hypersensitivity phenotype of ARP5 null allele arp5-1 is stronger than the severe knockdown allele arp5-2. Moreover, a wild-type transgene fully complemented all developmental and DNA repair mutant phenotypes. Despite the common participation of both ARP4 and ARP5 in the INO80 complex, ARP4- and ARP5-deficient plants displayed only a small subset of common phenotypes and each displayed novel phenotypes, suggesting that in Arabidopsis they have both shared and unique functions. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
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