252 research outputs found

    Nanoporous molecular crystals

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    Nanoporous Molecular Crystals (NMCs) are nanoporous materials composed of discrete molecules between which there are only non-covalent interactions—i.e. they do not possess an extended framework composed of covalent or coordination bonds. They are formed from removing guest molecules from inclusion compounds (ICs) a process that for most ICs usually results in the collapse of the open structure of the crystals but in the case of NMCs the packing of the host molecules is retained and nanoporosity obtained. In recent years a number of NMCs have been confirmed by the technique of gas adsorption and these materials are surveyed in this feature article. In addition, the reasons for stability of these crystals are discussed. It is the author's belief that many more ICs, the structures of which are readily obtainable from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), may act as precursors to NMCs

    Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity in the Design of Electrochemical Multi-Component and Multi-Phase Interfaces

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    Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (or PIMs) provide porous materials due to their highly contorted and rigid macromolecu-lar structures, which prevent space-efficient packing. PIMs are readily dissolved in solvents and can be cast into robust mi-croporous coatings and membranes. With a typical micropore size range of around 1 nm and a typical surface area of 700-1000 m2g-1, PIMs offer channels for ion/molecular transport and pores for gaseous species, solids, and liquids to coexist. Electrode surfaces are readily modified with coatings or composite films to provide interfaces for solid|solid|liquid or sol-id|liquid|liquid or solid|liquid|gas multiphase electrode processes

    Polymers of intrinsic microporosity

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    This paper focuses on polymers that demonstrate microporosity without possessing a network of covalent bonds—the so-called polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIM). PIMs combine solution processability and microporosity with structural diversity and have proven utility for making membranes and sensors. After a historical account of the development of PIMs, their synthesis is described along with a comprehensive review of the PIMs that have been prepared to date. The important methods of characterising intrinsic microporosity, such as gas absorption, are outlined and structure-property relationships explained. Finally, the applications of PIMs as sensors and membranes for gas and vapour separations, organic nanofiltration, and pervaporation are described

    Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity in the Design of Electrochemical Multicomponent and Multiphase Interfaces

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    Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (or PIMs) provide porous materials due to their highly contorted and rigid macromolecu-lar structures, which prevent space-efficient packing. PIMs are readily dissolved in solvents and can be cast into robust mi-croporous coatings and membranes. With a typical micropore size range of around 1 nm and a typical surface area of 700-1000 m2g-1, PIMs offer channels for ion/molecular transport and pores for gaseous species, solids, and liquids to coexist. Electrode surfaces are readily modified with coatings or composite films to provide interfaces for solid|solid|liquid or sol-id|liquid|liquid or solid|liquid|gas multiphase electrode processes

    Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs) in Triphasic Electrochemistry::Perspectives

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    Polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) as molecularly rigid polymers have emerged as a new class of gas permeable glassy materials. They offer excellent processability and a range of potential applications also in electrochemical processes. Particularly interesting is the ability of some PIM films to remain gas-permeable/binding even in the presence of (aqueous) liquid electrolyte to give triphasic interfacial reactivity. Gaseous reagents or products (such as hydrogen or oxygen) are bound probably into hydrophobic regions in the wet PIM film to avoid macroscopic bubble formation and to enhance both the surface reactivity and the apparent activity of the gas solute close to the electrode/catalyst surface. The photoelectrochemical formation of hydrogen gas close to a platinum electrode is enhanced by PIM1, which is presented as an example of energy harvesting via molecular H2 “energy carrier” transport
