620 research outputs found

    Perinatal Gene Transfer to the Liver

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    The liver acts as a host to many functions hence raising the possibility that any one may be compromised by a single gene defect. Inherited or de novo mutations in these genes may result in relatively mild diseases or be so devastating that death within the first weeks or months of life is inevitable. Some diseases can be managed using conventional medicines whereas others are, as yet, untreatable. In this review we consider the application of early intervention gene therapy in neonatal and fetal preclinical studies. We appraise the tools of this technology, including lentivirus, adenovirus and adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based vectors. We highlight the application of these for a range of diseases including hemophilia, urea cycle disorders such as ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, organic acidemias, lysosomal storage diseases including mucopolysaccharidoses, glycogen storage diseases and bile metabolism. We conclude by assessing the advantages and disadvantages associated with fetal and neonatal liver gene transfer

    Chapter 10 - Pleistocene Antarctic climate variability: ice sheet – ocean – climate interactions

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    During the Pleistocene, Earth experienced high-amplitude fluctuations in global temperature, atmospheric composition, ice sheet extent, and sea level that were forced by orbital variations in the seasonal distribution of solar energy across the planet. Subtle cyclical variations in forcing were greatly amplified by internal feedbacks in the Earth system, with processes in the polar regions influential for pole-to-equator temperature gradients and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Exploring the behaviour of the polar ice sheets and the Southern Ocean during this interval is crucial for understanding how the climate system operates and for constraining its sensitivity to future changes. Southern Ocean processes, including wind-driven upwelling, sea-ice formation, deep water production, and biological productivity, were instrumental in regulating Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide levels through Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles. On millennial timescales, rapid changes in ocean and atmospheric circulation were influenced by meltwater input from unstable ice sheet margins in both hemispheres, leading to highly variable regional and interhemispheric climate responses. This chapter provides an overview of the tools used in marine sediment and ice core archives to reconstruct Pleistocene changes in the Earth system. We discuss the mechanisms that controlled Earth’s climate over different timescales, and review the latest evidence that is revealing how the Antarctic Ice Sheet has both influenced and responded to Pleistocene climate change, including during intervals when Earth’s climate was similar to near-future projections. Despite experiencing ice volume changes that were modest in comparison to the advance and retreat of large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, Antarctica has been a very active player in the ice sheet-ocean-climate system of the past 2.6 million years, and evidence increasingly suggests that it could respond dramatically to anthropogenic warming

    Cellular models of Batten disease

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    © 2019 The Author(s) The Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCL), otherwise known as Batten disease, are a group of neurodegenerative diseases caused by mutations in 13 known genes. All except one NCL is autosomal recessive in inheritance, with similar aetiology and characterised by the accumulation of autofluorescent storage material in the lysosomes of cells. Age of onset and the rate of progression vary between the NCLs. They are collectively one of the most common lysosomal storage diseases, but the enigma remains of how genetically distinct diseases result in such remarkably similar pathogenesis. Much has been learnt from cellular studies about the function of the proteins encoded by the affected genes. Such research has utilised primitive unicellular models such as yeast and amoeba containing gene orthologues, cells derived from naturally occurring (sheep) and genetically engineered (mouse) animal models or patient-derived cells. Most recently, patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines have been differentiated into neural cell-types to study molecular pathogenesis in the cells most profoundly affected by disease. Here, we review how cell models have informed much of the biochemical understanding of the NCLs and how more complex models are being used to further this understanding and potentially act as platforms for therapeutic efficacy studies in the future

    Continual Conscious Bioluminescent Imaging in Freely Moving Mice

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    In vivo bioluminescent imaging allows the detection of reporter gene expression in rodents in real time. Here we describe a novel technology whereby we can generate somatotransgenic rodents with the use of a viral vector carrying a luciferase transgene. We are able to achieve long term luciferase expression by a single injection of lentiviral or adeno-associated virus vectors to newborn mice. Further, we describe whole body bioluminescence imaging of conscious mice in a noninvasive manner, thus enforcing the 3R’s (replacement, reduction, and refinement) of biomedical animal research

    NF-κB Activity Initiates Human ESC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cell Differentiation by Inducing a Metabolic Maturation Program.

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    Human neural development begins at embryonic day 19 and marks the beginning of organogenesis. Neural stem cells in the neural tube undergo profound functional, morphological, and metabolic changes during neural specification, coordinated by a combination of exogenous and endogenous cues. The temporal cell signaling activities that mediate this process, during development and in the postnatal brain, are incompletely understood. We have applied gene expression studies and transcription factor-activated reporter lentiviruses during in vitro neural specification of human pluripotent stem cells. We show that nuclear factor κB orchestrates a multi-faceted metabolic program necessary for the maturation of neural progenitor cells during neurogenesis

    Can HRCT be used as a marker of airway remodelling in children with difficult asthma?

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    BACKGROUND: Whole airway wall thickening on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is reported to parallel thickening of the bronchial epithelial reticular basement membrane (RBM) in adult asthmatics. A similar relationship in children with difficult asthma (DA), in whom RBM thickening is a known feature, may allow the use of HRCT as a non-invasive marker of airway remodelling. We evaluated this relationship in children with DA. METHODS: 27 children (median age 10.5 [range 4.1-16.7] years) with DA, underwent endobronchial biopsy from the right lower lobe and HRCT less than 4 months apart. HRCTs were assessed for bronchial wall thickening (BWT) of the right lower lobe using semi-quantitative and quantitative scoring techniques. The semi-quantitative score (grade 0-4) was an overall assessment of BWT of all clearly identifiable airways in HRCT scans. The quantitative score (BWT %; defined as [airway outer diameter - airway lumen diameter]/airway outer diameter x100) was the average score of all airways visible and calculated using electronic endpoint callipers. RBM thickness in endobronchial biopsies was measured using image analysis. 23/27 subjects performed spirometry and the relationships between RBM thickness and BWT with airflow obstruction evaluated. RESULTS: Median RBM thickness in endobronchial biopsies was 6.7(range 4.6-10.0) microm. Median qualitative score for BWT of the right lower lobe was 1(range 0-1.5) and quantitative score was 54.3 (range 48.2-65.6)%. There was no relationship between RBM thickness and BWT in the right lower lobe using either scoring technique. No relationship was found between FEV1 and BWT or RBM thickness. CONCLUSION: Although a relationship between RBM thickness and BWT on HRCT has been found in adults with asthma, this relationship does not appear to hold true in children with D

    Safe and stable generation of induced pluripotent stem cells using doggybone DNA vectors

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    The application of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in advanced therapies is increasing at pace, but concerns remain over their clinical safety profile. We report the first-ever application of doggybone DNA (dbDNA) vectors to generate human iPSCs. dbDNA vectors are closed-capped linear double-stranded DNA gene expression cassettes that contain no bacterial DNA and are amplified by a chemically defined, current good manufacturing practice (cGMP)-compliant methodology. We achieved comparable iPSC reprogramming efficiencies using transiently expressing dbDNA vectors with the same iPSC reprogramming coding sequences as the state-of-the-art OriP/EBNA1 episomal vectors but, crucially, in the absence of p53 shRNA repression. Moreover, persistent expression of EBNA1 from bacterially derived episomes resulted in stimulation of the interferon response, elevated DNA damage, and increased spontaneous differentiation. These cellular activities were diminished or absent in dbDNA-iPSCs, resulting in lines with a greater stability and safety potential for cell therapy

    Perforated Meckel diverticulum

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    Perforation of a Meckel diverticulum (MD) is a rare complication that can often mimic appendicitis. This case report identifies a child who presented to our Emergency Department (ED) with right lower quadrant abdominal pain, free fluid and air in the abdomen and pelvis, and inflammatory changes visualized on Ultrasonography (US) and computer tomography (CT) scan. In our patient, ruptured appendicitis was suspected, and the diagnosis of ruptured MD was ultimately made by laparoscopy. This case demonstrates that a healthy degree of suspicion for complicated MD should be present when dealing with a questionable diagnosis of appendicitis, particularly in the pediatric population

    Evidence for Contribution of CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells in Maintaining Immune Tolerance to Human Factor IX following Perinatal Adenovirus Vector Delivery

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    Following fetal or neonatal gene transfer in mice and other species immune tolerance of the transgenic protein is frequently observed; however the underlying mechanisms remain largely undefined. In this study fetal and neonatal BALB/c mice received adenovirus vector to deliver human factor IX (hFIX) cDNA. The long-term tolerance of hFIX was robust in the face of immune challenge with hFIX protein and adjuvant but was eliminated by simultaneous administration of anti-CD25+ antibody. Naive irradiated BALB/c mice which had received lymphocytes from donors immunised with hFIX developed anti-hFIX antibodies upon immune challenge. Cotransplantation with CD4+CD25+ cells isolated from neonatally tolerized donors decreased the antibody response. In contrast, cotransplantation with CD4+CD25− cells isolated from the same donors increased the antibody response. These data provide evidence that immune tolerance following perinatal gene transfer is maintained by a CD4+CD25+ regulatory population