24 research outputs found

    Bending forces plastically deform growing bacterial cell walls

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    Cell walls define a cell shape in bacteria. They are rigid to resist large internal pressures, but remarkably plastic to adapt to a wide range of external forces and geometric constraints. Currently, it is unknown how bacteria maintain their shape. In this work, we develop experimental and theoretical approaches and show that mechanical stresses regulate bacterial cell-wall growth. By applying a precisely controllable hydrodynamic force to growing rod-shaped Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis cells, we demonstrate that the cells can exhibit two fundamentally different modes of deformation. The cells behave like elastic rods when subjected to transient forces, but deform plastically when significant cell wall synthesis occurs while the force is applied. The deformed cells always recover their shape. The experimental results are in quantitative agreement with the predictions of the theory of dislocation-mediated growth. In particular, we find that a single dimensionless parameter, which depends on a combination of independently measured physical properties of the cell, can describe the cell's responses under various experimental conditions. These findings provide insight into how living cells robustly maintain their shape under varying physical environments

    Single-stranded nucleic acid elasticity arises from internal electrostatic tension

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    Charged, flexible polymers, such as single-stranded nucleic acids (ssNAs), are ubiquitous in biology and technology. Quantitative description of their solution conformation has remained elusive due to the competing effects of polymer configurational freedom and salt-screened electrostatic repulsion between monomers. We investigate this by measuring the elastic response of single ssNA molecules over a range of salt concentrations. The data are well described by a model, inspired by a mean-field approach, in which intrapolymer electrostatic repulsion creates a salt-dependent internal tension whose interplay with the external force determines the elasticity. The internal tension can be related to the polymer’s charge spacing; thus, our results show how mesoscopic polymer conformation emerges from microscopic structure

    Sequence-Dependent Elasticity and Electrostatics of Single-Stranded DNA: Signatures of Base-Stacking

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    Base-stacking is a key factor in the energetics that determines nucleic acid structure. We measure the tensile response of single-stranded DNA as a function of sequence and monovalent salt concentration to examine the effects of base-stacking on the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of single-stranded DNA. By comparing the elastic response of highly stacked poly(dA) and that of a polypyrimidine sequence with minimal stacking, we find that base-stacking in poly(dA) significantly enhances the polymer's rigidity. The unstacking transition of poly(dA) at high force reveals that the intrinsic electrostatic tension on the molecule varies significantly more weakly on salt concentration than mean-field predictions. Further, we provide a model-independent estimate of the free energy difference between stacked poly(dA) and unstacked polypyrimidine, finding it to be ∼-0.25 kBT/base and nearly constant over three orders of magnitude in salt concentration