9 research outputs found
Retention of auditory information presented during anaesthesia.
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effects of Ice and Recovery Time on Maximal Involuntary Isometric Torque Production Using Electrical Stimulation
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ankle Cryotherapy Facilitates Soleus Function
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Bereavement: Theoretical perspectives and adaptation: Canberra, Australia
- Author
- Anne McGown
- Barbara Miller
- Bowlby J
- Bowlby J
- Brown GW
- Cerney MS
- Cleiren M
- Courtenay B
- Farberew NL
- Fenichel O
- Fish WC
- Fish WC
- Freud S
- Gorer GD
- Howowitz MJ
- Janosik EH
- Kleber RJ
- Kubler-Ross E
- Kushner HS
- Lazarus RS
- Lazarus RS
- Lopata HZ
- Maddison D
- Norris FH
- Osserta MS
- Parkes CM
- Parkes CM
- Pollock GN
- Raphael B
- Sanders CM
- Sanders CM
- Sarafino EP
- Stephenson J
- Sullivan HL
- Thompson KE
- Wrobleski A
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effects of cryotherapy on quadriceps electromyographic activity and isometric strength in patient in the early phases following knee surgery
- Author
- Akima H
- Beutler AI
- Beynnon BD
- Bohannon RW
- De Luca CJ
- Delitto A
- Draper V
- Dunn JC
- Grood ES
- Gryzlo SM
- Hanten WP
- Hatzel BM
- Hopkins JT
- Hopkins JT
- Hopkins JT
- Hopkins JT
- Hurley MV
- Kinugasa R
- Kinugasa R
- Knight KL
- Konrad P
- Lessard LA
- Lieber RL
- Maattacola CG
- McGown HL
- McHugh MP
- Morrissey MC
- Oliver RA
- Portney LG
- Raynor MC
- Ruiz DH
- Sanya AO
- Schulthies SS
- Shakespeare DT
- Shaw T
- Shelbourne KD
- Snyder-Mackler L
- Snyder-Mackler L
- Soderberg GL
- Soderberg GL
- Spencer JD
- Stokes M
- Stratford P
- Tho KS
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effect of Statin Use on Outcomes of Adults with Candidemia
- Author
- Adriana Manzur
- AJ Ullmann
- AnalĂa Mykietiuk
- AP Liappis
- AR Khan
- B Almirante
- C Garcia-Vidal
- C Garcia-Vidal
- C Westermeyer
- Carlota Gudiol
- Carolina Garcia-Vidal
- CC McGown
- D Pittet
- D Viasus
- David R. Andes
- Diego Viasus
- DL Horn
- F Gao
- Francesc Puchades
- GM Bearman
- GN Forrest
- Guillermo Cuervo
- HL Nace
- J Morgan
- J Pemán
- J Subramani
- Javier Pemán
- JC Kwong
- JD Nash
- JJ Brugts
- JK Liao
- Jordi CarratalĂ
- Josefina Ayats
- M Alvarez de Sotomayor
- M Terblanche
- Marcio Nucci
- Mario Fernández-Ruiz
- ML Welch
- ND Friedman
- O Gudlaugsson
- OA Cornely
- PG Pappas
- PG Pappas
- RW Thomsen
- U FlĂĽckiger
- V Novack
- WJ Wiersinga
- Y Almog
- Y Ma
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Review of Physiological Effects of Cryotherapy
- Author
- Abraham WM
- Abramson Dl S
- Barnes L
- Basset SW.
- Bierman W
- Bing JH
- Boes MC
- Borken N.
- Chambers R
- Clarke DH
- Clarke RSJ
- Clarke RSJ
- Clarke RSJ
- Clendenin MA
- Cobbold AF
- Downey JA
- Edwards RHT
- Farry PJ.
- Glaser EM
- Grant AE
- Greenfield ADM
- Grose JE
- Hayden C
- Henriksen JD
- Horvath SM
- Johnson DJ
- Keatinge WR
- Kelley M
- King PG
- Knight KL
- Knight KL.
- Knott M
- Knutsson E
- Knutsson E
- Kramer JF
- Lane LE
- Lee JM.
- Lehmann JF
- Lewis T
- Lind AR.
- Lippold OCJ
- Lorenze EJ
- Lowdon BJ
- McGown HL
- McMaster WC
- Mennel JM
- Michael Andrew Kowal
- Michalski WJ
- Miglietta 0
- Miglietta 0
- Murphy AJ
- Newton MJ
- Nielson AJ
- Oliver RA
- Oliver RA
- Rocks JA
- Travell J
- Travell J
- Urbscheit N.
- Viel E
- Wakim KG
- Warren CG
- Waylonis GW
- Wolf SL
- Wolf SL
- Zankel H
- Publication venue
- 'Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effect of Intracanal Cryotherapy and Negative Irrigation Technique on Postendodontic Pain
- Author
- Albashaireh ZS Alnegrish AS.
- Alves Vd O.
- Bashetty K Hegde J.
- Bystrom A Sundqvist G.
- Daniel JG.
- Desai P Himel V.
- George GK Sanjeev K, Sekar M.
- Gondim E Jr Setzer FC, dos Carmo CB, Kim S.
- Gondim E Setzer FC, Dos Carmo CB, Kim S.
- Gotler M Bar-Gil B, Ashkenazi M.
- Haapasalo M Shen Y, Qian W, Gao Y.
- Harrison JW Baumgartner JC, Svec TA.
- Hochberg J.
- Huskisson EC.
- Imura N Zuolo ML.
- Kullenberg B Ylipaa S, Soderlund K, Resch S.
- Laureano Filho Jr de Oliveira e Silva ED, Batista CI, Gouveia FM.
- Levin L Amit A, Ashkenazi M.
- Mancini M Cerroni L, Iorio L, Armellin E, Conte G, Cianconi L.
- McGown HL.
- Merrick MA Rankin JM, Andres FA, Hinman CL.
- Mitchell RP Yang SE, Baumgartner JC.
- Rubinstein R Wong R, Kim S, Hsu Y, Carr GB.
- Saini D.
- Salmassy DA Pogrel MA.
- Schoeffel JG.
- Siqueira JF Jr.
- Siqueira JF Barnett F.
- Vera J Ochoa-Rivera J, Vazquez-Carcaño M, Romero M, Arias A, Sleiman P.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Aberrant Regulation of DNA Methylation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A New Target of Disease Mechanisms
- Author
- A Al-Chalabi
- A Bird
- A Echaniz-Laguna
- A Eisen
- A McGown
- A Narayan
- A Nebbioso
- AE Renton
- AG Coffey
- AK Maunakea
- AL Mazin
- AP Wolffe
- B Brueckner
- B Labonte
- BA Chestnut
- BH Lee
- BJ Turner
- C Brenner
- C Figueroa-Romero
- C Ladd-Acosta
- CA Harwood
- CA Miller
- CJ Klein
- D Globisch
- D Jia
- DR Rosen
- E Li
- ED Nelson
- F Matrisciano
- G Fan
- H Kimura
- H Wu
- HL Li
- HP Easwaran
- HR Morris
- IA Qureshi
- J Espada
- J Feng
- J Feng
- J Winkelman
- JC Schymick
- JM Levenson
- JM Morahan
- JM Morahan
- K Baar
- K Goto
- K Inano
- K Martinowich
- KD Robertson
- KE Varley
- L Dupuis
- L Tolosa
- Lee J. Martin
- LJ Martin
- LJ Martin
- LJ Martin
- LJ Martin
- LJ Martin
- LJ Martin
- LJ Martin
- LK Hutnick
- LP Rowland
- LS Shock
- M Curradi
- M DeJesus-Hernandez
- M Endres
- M Fatemi
- M Fraga
- M Gardiner-Garden
- M Nishioka
- M Okano
- M Schaefer
- M Szyf
- M Tahiliani
- M Wong
- Margaret Wong
- MJ Donoghue
- MJ Ziller
- MR Rountree
- MR Turner
- MW Luczak
- N Oates
- O Mortusewicz
- P-F Pradat
- PA Jones
- PA Jones
- PA Jones
- PJ Brooks
- PL McGeer
- PR Heath
- Q Chang
- Q Chang
- Q LaPlant
- R Barres
- R Barrès
- R Jaenisch
- R Metivier
- R Ribel-Madsen
- RJ Shmookler Reis
- RL Redler
- RS Hansen
- S Boillee
- S Hadano
- S Kangaspeska
- S Kriaucionis
- S Nguyen
- S Pradhan
- S Santourlidis
- S Vielhaber
- S Xie
- S Zoccolella
- S-G Jin
- SC Wu
- SD Ginsberg
- TH Bestor
- X Cheng
- X Yang
- Y Pollack
- Y Yang
- Y Yang
- Z Xi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study