15 research outputs found

    Regulation of protein synthesis in mammary glands of lactating dairy cows by starch and amino acids

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate local molecular adaptations proposed to regulate protein synthesis in the mammary glands. It was hypothesized that AA and energy-yielding substrates independently regulate AA metabolism and protein synthesis in mammary glands by a combination of systemic and local mechanisms. Six primiparous mid-lactation Holstein cows with ruminal cannulas were randomly assigned to 4 treatment sequences in a replicated incomplete 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment. Treatments were abomasal infusions of casein and starch in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. All animals received the same basal diet (17.6% crude protein and 6.61 MJ of net energy for lactation/kg of DM) throughout the study. Cows were restricted to 70% of ad libitum intake and abomasally infused for 36 h with water, casein (0.86 kg/d), starch (2 kg/d), or a combination (2 kg/d starch + 0.86 kg/d casein) using peristaltic pumps. Milk yields and composition were assessed throughout the study. Arterial and venous plasma samples were collected every 20 min during the last 8 h of infusion to assess mammary uptake. Mammary biopsy samples were collected at the end of each infusion and assessed for the phosphorylation state of selected intracellular signaling molecules that regulate protein synthesis. Animals infused with casein had increased arterial concentrations of AA, increased mammary extraction of AA from plasma, either no change or a trend for reduced mammary AA clearance rates, and no change in milk protein yield. Animals infused with starch had increased milk and milk protein yields, increased mammary plasma flow, reduced arterial concentrations of AA, and increased mammary clearance rates and net uptake of some AA. Infusions of starch increased plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor-I. Starch infusions increased phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 and endothelial nitric oxide synthase, consistent with changes in milk protein yields and plasma flow, respectively. Phosphorylation of the mammalian target of rapamycin was increased in response to starch only when casein was also infused. Thus, cell signaling molecules involved in the regulation of protein synthesis differentially responded to these nutritional stimuli. The hypothesized independent effects of casein and starch on animal metabolism and cell signaling were not observed, presumably because of the lack of a milk protein response to infused casein

    Ethanol reversal of tolerance to the respiratory depressant effects of morphine

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    Opioids are the most common drugs associated with unintentional drug overdose. Death results from respiratory depression. Prolonged use of opioids results in the development of tolerance but the degree of tolerance is thought to vary between different effects of the drugs. Many opioid addicts regularly consume alcohol (ethanol), and post-mortem analyses of opioid overdose deaths have revealed an inverse correlation between blood morphine and ethanol levels. In the present study, we determined whether ethanol reduced tolerance to the respiratory depressant effects of opioids. Mice were treated with opioids (morphine, methadone, or buprenorphine) for up to 6 days. Respiration was measured in freely moving animals breathing 5% CO(2) in air in plethysmograph chambers. Antinociception (analgesia) was measured as the latency to remove the tail from a thermal stimulus. Opioid tolerance was assessed by measuring the response to a challenge dose of morphine (10 mg/kg i.p.). Tolerance developed to the respiratory depressant effect of morphine but at a slower rate than tolerance to its antinociceptive effect. A low dose of ethanol (0.3 mg/kg) alone did not depress respiration but in prolonged morphine-treated animals respiratory depression was observed when ethanol was co-administered with the morphine challenge. Ethanol did not alter the brain levels of morphine. In contrast, in methadone- or buprenorphine-treated animals no respiratory depression was observed when ethanol was co-administered along with the morphine challenge. As heroin is converted to morphine in man, selective reversal of morphine tolerance by ethanol may be a contributory factor in heroin overdose deaths

    Predicting Ad Libitum Dry Matter Intake and Yield of Holstein Cows

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    Two data files, one from New Hampshire (n = 3308) and one from Georgia (n = 678), containing 4-wk or weekly means, respectively, of ad libitum dry matter intakes (DMI) and related variables were used to predict DMI and yields of 4% fat-corrected milk and milk protein in lactating Holstein cows. The DMI ranged from 5.9 to 30.4 kg/d, and milk yield ranged from 5.8 to 64.3 kg/d. Because of the lack of data frommilk, prediction was not possible for the first 2 wk of lactation. Factors considered for inclusion in the DMI prediction model were parity number (1 or ≥2), treatment with bovine somatotropin (bST), day of year, days in milk, minimum (nighttime) temperature-humidity index, body weight, 4% fat-corrected milk yield, milk protein yield, and corn silage and total silage percentages in forage dry matter. In separate models, the silage predictors were replaced with more specific descriptors of ration dry matter, including percentages of crude protein, fat (ether extract plus soaps of fatty acids), concentrate, acid detergent fiber or neutral detergent fiber, and forage acid detergent fiber or neutral detergent fiber. The square and sometimes natural logarithm of predictors were included in models, which then were subjected to a stepwise backward elimination option of a multiple regression procedure. Several useful equations were developed to predict ad libitum DMI; the best models accounted for about 80% of the variability in DMI, and standard deviations wer

    Predicting Ad Libitum Dry Matter Intake and Yields of Jersey Cows

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    Two data files were used that contained weekly mean values for ad libitum DMI of lactating Jersey cows along with appropriate cow, ration, and environmental traits for predicting DMI. One data file (n = 666) was used to develop prediction equations for DMI because that file represented a number of separate experiments and contained more diversity in potential predictors, especially those related to ration, such as forage type. The other data file (n = 1613) was used primarily to verify these equations. Milk protein yield displaced 4% FCM output as a prediction variable and improved the R2 by several units but was not used in the final equations, however, for the sake of simplicity. All equations contained adjustments for the effects of heat stress, parity (1 vs. \u3e1), DIM \u3e15, BW, use of recombinant bST, and other significant independent variables. Equations were developed to predict DMI of cows fed individually or in groups and to predict daily yields of 4% FCM and milk protein; equations accounted for 0.69, 0.74, 0.81, and 0.76 of the variation in the dependent variables with standard deviations of 1.7, 1.6, 2.7, and 0.084 kg/d, respectively. These equations should be applied to the development of software for computerized dairy ration balancing

    Effect of Prepartum Dietary Energy on Condition Score, Postpartum Energy, Nitrogen Partitions, and Lactation Production Responses

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    Objectives were to examine the effects of feeding to alter body condition at calving on subsequent full lactation production performance and feed intake, on BW and periparturient blood traits, and on complete energy and N balances and ration digestibility during wk 6, 10, and 14 postpartum. Thirty pluriparous Holstein cows were assigned randomly to two energy intakes from wk 33 of previous lactation through the dry period to create either normal (7.2) or thin (5.8) mean body condition scores at calving (9 = fat, 1 = thin). The thin group was fed 0 kg hominy feed daily; the normal group was fed 2.7 kg daily to supplement forage DM available ad libitum during this period. When compared with the normal group, cows in the thin condition group exhibited less negative body fat balance (–206 vs. –507 g/d); similar milk yield, DM intake, N partitions, and nutrient digestibilities; and lower fat test (3.2 vs. 4.1%) during the balance measurements. Whole blood and serum traits were within normal physiological ranges. Full lactation measurements were similar between treatments except that milk fat percentage was lower and DM intake (as percentage of BW), was higher in the thin condition group. Although mean BW at calving was more (651 vs. 599 kg) for normal condition cows, condition scores and BW were not significantly different at 14 wk postpartum; BW curves indicated similar rates of recovery of weight thereafter. Cows considered underconditioned at parturition mobilized less body fat after calving, resulting in reduced milk fat concentration without significant effects on milk yield, protein, SNF, DM intake, or nutrient utilization

    Knowledge about cancer screening programmes in Sardinia

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    Background. High level of attendance by population is considered a proof of the efficacy in the screening programmes. Public health aims to increase people's attendance to cancer screening. The study aimed at assessing the level of knowledge and awareness about screening of citizens in Cagliari, from June to July 2016. Methods. Recruitment took place near the atrium of the two main shopping centres of the city. The sample included 270 adults (138 men), 18-75 years old (mean age 46 years old). The information gathered from interviews were categorized by dichotomizing answers according to the knowledge and understanding of the discussed topics. Descriptive analysis was performed. The Chi-square test was used to assess gender and educational differences. Results. Results show that population's knowledge of screening is limited. Although the word "screening" is known, only half of the people who declared to have heard of this word know about the aim of screening. Colorectal cancer screening is the least known. Men and people with lower education are less informed than women and those with high education level. Conclusion. In order to raise knowledge and awareness about cancer screening, special attention should be paid to communication and to the use of plain language. Future action should highlight the benefit of the screening procedure and thus contributing to spread the cancer prevention culture. Gender and socioeconomic inequalities must be taken into account when planning screening communication campaigns. General practitioner are highly trusted by people. They could play a decisive role to promote screening attendance