339 research outputs found

    Social stress increases the susceptibility to infection in the ant Harpegnathos saltator

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    Aggressive interactions between members of a social group represent an important source of social stress with all its negative follow-ups. We used the ponerine ant Harpegnathos saltator to study the effects of frequent aggressive interactions on the resistance to different stressors. In these ants, removal or death of reproducing animals results in a period of social instability within the colony that is characterized by frequent ritualized aggressive interactions leading to the establishment of a new dominance structure. Animals are more susceptible to infections during this period, whereas their resistance against other stressors remained unchanged. This is associated with a shift from glutathione-S-transferase activities towards glutathione peroxidase activities, which increases the antioxidative capacity at the expense of their immune competence

    Mammalian kinetochores count attached microtubules in a sensitive and switch-like manner.

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    The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) prevents anaphase until all kinetochores attach to the spindle. Each mammalian kinetochore binds many microtubules, but how many attached microtubules are required to turn off the checkpoint, and how the kinetochore monitors microtubule numbers, are not known and are central to understanding SAC mechanisms and function. To address these questions, here we systematically tune and fix the fraction of Hec1 molecules capable of microtubule binding. We show that Hec1 molecules independently bind microtubules within single kinetochores, but that the kinetochore does not independently process attachment information from different molecules. Few attached microtubules (20% occupancy) can trigger complete Mad1 loss, and Mad1 loss is slower in this case. Finally, we show using laser ablation that individual kinetochores detect changes in microtubule binding, not in spindle forces that accompany attachment. Thus, the mammalian kinetochore responds specifically to the binding of each microtubule and counts microtubules as a single unit in a sensitive and switch-like manner. This may allow kinetochores to rapidly react to early attachments and maintain a robust SAC response despite dynamic microtubule numbers

    Lymphocyte subsets and the role of Th1/Th2 balance in stressed chronic pain patients

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    Background: The complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and fibromyalgia (FM) are chronic pain syndromes occurring in highly stressed individuals. Despite the known connection between the nervous system and immune cells, information on distribution of lymphocyte subsets under stress and pain conditions is limited. Methods: We performed a comparative study in 15 patients with CRPS type I, 22 patients with FM and 37 age- and sex-matched healthy controls and investigated the influence of pain and stress on lymphocyte number, subpopulations and the Th1/Th2 cytokine ratio in T lymphocytes. Results: Lymphocyte numbers did not differ between groups. Quantitative analyses of lymphocyte subpopulations showed a significant reduction of cytotoxic CD8+ lymphocytes in both CRPS (p < 0.01) and FM (p < 0.05) patients as compared with healthy controls. Additionally, CRPS patients were characterized by a lower percentage of IL-2-producing T cell subpopulations reflecting a diminished Th1 response in contrast to no changes in the Th2 cytokine profile. Conclusions: Future studies are warranted to answer whether such immunological changes play a pathogenetic role in CRPS and FM or merely reflect the consequences of a pain-induced neurohumoral stress response, and whether they contribute to immunosuppression in stressed chronic pain patients. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Sensitization and Interoception as Key Neurological Concepts in Osteopathy and Other Manual Medicines

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    Historically, approaches used in manual medicine to explain patient reported symptoms have been focused on the so-called exteroceptive paradigm. Arguably, this mindset lacks an appropriate "reading system" able to interpret musculoskeletal disorders from a different perspective, where the properties of the nervous system are embraced into a more holistic and functional-related context. Interestingly, if the underpinning mechanisms of a given treatment scenario/effect are taking into account, the majority of research outcomes focuses on a proprioceptive/exteroceptive explanation, leaving ting aside the additional or even central role of interoception. Currently, to date, the application of theoretical knowledge acquired on the relatively recent neuroscientific concepts and evidence concerning of interoception, sensitization, touch, autonomic functions, inflammation, and pain into a clinical/research manual medicine scenario is lacking, even if theoretically, the impact on the possible etiological mechanisms and treatment effects seems to be important. Here, we propose the conceptual foundations for a new way of interpreting and reading patients' clinical reported outcomes scenario based on interoception and sensitization. We argue that this will provide a foundation to create the ground for future research focusing on the hypotheses that manual therapies, specifically osteopathy, can intercede with sensitization states, at all levels, using interoceptive pathways

    Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer: demonstrating advanced exoplanet characterization techniques for future extremely large telescopes (Conference Presentation)

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    The Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC) is an upgrade to the Keck II adaptive optics system enabling high contrast imaging and high-resolution spectroscopic characterization of giant exoplanets in the mid-infrared (2-5 microns). The KPIC instrument will be developed in phases. Phase I entails the installation of an infrared pyramid wavefront sensor (PyWFS) based on a fast, low-noise SAPHIRA IR-APD array. The ultra-sensitive infrared PyWFS will enable high contrast studies of infant exoplanets around cool, red, and/or obscured targets in star forming regions. In addition, the light downstream of the PyWFS will be coupled into an array of single-mode fibers with the aid of an active fiber injection unit (FIU). In turn, these fibers route light to Keck's high-resolution infrared spectrograph NIRSPEC, so that high dispersion coronagraphy (HDC) can be implemented for the first time. HDC optimally pairs high contrast imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy allowing detailed characterization of exoplanet atmospheres, including molecular composition, spin measurements, and Doppler imaging. We will provide an overview of the instrument, its science scope, and report on recent results from on-sky commissioning of Phase I. We will discuss plans for optimizing the instrument to seed designs for similar modes on extremely large telescopes

    Region-specific control of microglia by adenosine A2A receptors: uncoupling anxiety and associated cognitive deficits in female rats

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    Epidemiologic studies have provided compelling evidence that prenatal stress, through excessive maternal glucocorticoids exposure, is associated with psychiatric disorders later in life. We have recently reported that anxiety associated with prenatal exposure to dexamethasone (DEX, a synthetic glucocorticoid) correlates with a gender-specific remodeling of microglia in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a core brain region in anxiety-related disorders. Gender differences in microglia morphology, the higher prevalence of anxiety in women and the negative impact of anxiety in cognition, led us to specifically evaluate cognitive behavior and associated circuits (namely mPFC-dorsal hippocampus, dHIP), as well as microglia morphology in female rats prenatally exposed to dexamethasone (in utero DEX, iuDEX). We report that iuDEX impaired recognition memory and deteriorated neuronal synchronization between mPFC and dHIP. These functional deficits are paralleled by microglia hyper-ramification in the dHIP and decreased ramification in the mPFC, showing a heterogeneous remodeling of microglia morphology, both postnatally and at adulthood in different brain regions, that differently affect mood and cognition. The chronic blockade of adenosine A2A receptors (A2A R), which are core regulators of microglia morphology and physiology, ameliorated the cognitive deficits, but not the anxiety-like behavior. Notably, A2A R blockade rectified both microglia morphology in the dHIP and the lack of mPFC-dHIP synchronization, further heralding their role in cognitive function.Santa Casa da Misericórdia, Prémio Maratona da Saúde, and Centro 2020 Regional Operational Programme (CENTRO‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐000008: BrainHealth 2020) and through FCT and through FCT and COMPETE (Strategic project: UID/NEU/04539/2013 and Project POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007440 and PTDC/NEU‐NMC/4154/2014). Rita Gaspar are supported by fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Tecnhology (PD/BD/114116/2015)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of immune supplementation and immune challenge on oxidative status and physiology in a model bird:implications for ecologists

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    One route to gain insight into the causes and consequences of ecological differentiation is to understand the underlying physiological mechanisms. We explored the relationships between immunological and oxidative status and investigated how birds cope physiologically with the effects of immune-derived oxidative damage. We successively implemented two experimental manipulations to alter physiological status in a model bird species: the homing pigeon (Columba livia). The first manipulation, an immune supplementation, was achieved by oral administration of lysozyme, a naturally occurring and non-specific antimicrobial enzyme. The second manipulation, an immune challenge, took the form of an injection with lipopolysaccharide, a bacterial endotoxin. Between groups of lysozyme-treated and control birds, we compared lipopolysaccharide-induced changes in reactive oxygen metabolites, total antioxidant capacity, haptoglobin, oxygen consumption, body mass and cloacal temperature. Lysozyme supplementation intensified the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response and generated short-term oxidative and metabolic costs. We identified significant interactions between immune supplementation and immune challenge in terms of reactive oxygen metabolites, haptoglobin and oxygen consumption. Our study provides alternative interpretations of differences in oxidative and immunological indices and demonstrates that these indices can also fluctuate and interact across very short time scales, reflecting something akin to current ‘health status’ or ‘physiological condition’. These ephemeral effects highlight the need to broadly consider current physiological condition when drawing conclusions that relate physiology to ecology and evolution

    Impact of chronic stress protocols in learning and memory in rodents: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The idea that maladaptive stress impairs cognitive function has been a cornerstone of decades in basic and clinical research. However, disparate findings have reinforced the need to aggregate results from multiple sources in order to confirm the validity of such statement. In this work, a systematic review and meta-analyses were performed to aggregate results from rodent studies investigating the impact of chronic stress on learning and memory. Results obtained from the included studies revealed a significant effect of stress on global cognitive performance. In addition, stressed rodents presented worse consolidation of learned memories, although no significantly differences between groups at the acquisition phase were found. Despite the methodological heterogeneity across studies, these effects were independent of the type of stress, animals' strains or age. However, our findings suggest that stress yields a more detrimental effect on spatial navigation tests' performance. Surprisingly, the vast majority of the selected studies in this field did not report appropriate statistics and were excluded from the quantitative analysis. We have therefore purposed a set of guidelines termed PROBE (Preferred Reporting Orientations for Behavioral Experiments) to promote an adequate reporting of behavioral experiments.This work was funded by the European Commission (FP7) "SwitchBox" (Contract HEALTH-F2-2010-259772) project and co-financed by the Portuguese North Regional Operational Program (ON.2 - O Novo Norte) under the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), and by Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian (Portugal) (Contract grant number: P-139977; project "Better mental health during ageing based on temporal prediction of individual brain ageing trajectories (TEMPO)"). PSM is supported by an FCT fellowship grant, from the PhD-iHES program, with the reference PDE/BDE/113601/2015.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio