1,611 research outputs found

    Community detection in temporal multilayer networks, with an application to correlation networks

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    Networks are a convenient way to represent complex systems of interacting entities. Many networks contain "communities" of nodes that are more densely connected to each other than to nodes in the rest of the network. In this paper, we investigate the detection of communities in temporal networks represented as multilayer networks. As a focal example, we study time-dependent financial-asset correlation networks. We first argue that the use of the "modularity" quality function---which is defined by comparing edge weights in an observed network to expected edge weights in a "null network"---is application-dependent. We differentiate between "null networks" and "null models" in our discussion of modularity maximization, and we highlight that the same null network can correspond to different null models. We then investigate a multilayer modularity-maximization problem to identify communities in temporal networks. Our multilayer analysis only depends on the form of the maximization problem and not on the specific quality function that one chooses. We introduce a diagnostic to measure \emph{persistence} of community structure in a multilayer network partition. We prove several results that describe how the multilayer maximization problem measures a trade-off between static community structure within layers and larger values of persistence across layers. We also discuss some computational issues that the popular "Louvain" heuristic faces with temporal multilayer networks and suggest ways to mitigate them.Comment: 42 pages, many figures, final accepted version before typesettin

    Shaping AAM Educational Methods: A Comparison of Traditional and Compressed Class Schedules in UAS Classes.

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    Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a paradigm shift in the versatility of the aviation industry. The obvious benefits of this platform will revolutionize a variety of aspects of the industry. One of the aspects in which the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recommended research is the effectiveness of the traditional educational methods. Spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, online teaching methodologies have become widely accepted in aviation. In addition, the format of traditional, instructor-led courses have also changed. Compressed schedules (accelerated courses) have become an additional option in some programs. To better understand if there are statistically significant differences in testing results among these three methods (traditional semester, compressed semester, or online format), a comparison study of the small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Remote Pilot Course was conducted. The study examined Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Unmanned Aircraft – General (UAG) test results of two traditional face-to-face sUAS Remote Pilot Certificate classes, two sUAS Remote Pilot Certificate asynchronous online classes, and two compressed scheduled sUAS Remote Pilot Certificate classes. While there were subtle differences in the assessments and grading criteria in all three courses, the content remained the same. All students were required to take and pass the FAA UAG initial knowledge test to successfully pass the course. Preliminary results from this comparison study will be presented

    Species abundance information improves sequence taxonomy classification accuracy.

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    Popular naive Bayes taxonomic classifiers for amplicon sequences assume that all species in the reference database are equally likely to be observed. We demonstrate that classification accuracy degrades linearly with the degree to which that assumption is violated, and in practice it is always violated. By incorporating environment-specific taxonomic abundance information, we demonstrate a significant increase in the species-level classification accuracy across common sample types. At the species level, overall average error rates decline from 25% to 14%, which is favourably comparable to the error rates that existing classifiers achieve at the genus level (16%). Our findings indicate that for most practical purposes, the assumption that reference species are equally likely to be observed is untenable. q2-clawback provides a straightforward alternative for samples from common environments

    The Mirage of Triangular Arbitrage in the Spot Foreign Exchange Market

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    We investigate triangular arbitrage within the spot foreign exchange market using high-frequency executable prices. We show that triangular arbitrage opportunities do exist, but that most have short durations and small magnitudes. We find intra-day variations in the number and length of arbitrage opportunities, with larger numbers of opportunities with shorter mean durations occurring during more liquid hours. We demonstrate further that the number of arbitrage opportunities has decreased in recent years, implying a corresponding increase in pricing efficiency. Using trading simulations, we show that a trader would need to beat other market participants to an unfeasibly large proportion of arbitrage prices to profit from triangular arbitrage over a prolonged period of time. Our results suggest that the foreign exchange market is internally self-consistent and provide a limited verification of market efficiency

    Dark energy and curvature from a future baryonic acoustic oscillation survey using the Lyman-alpha forest

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    We explore the requirements for a Lyman-alpha forest (LyaF) survey designed to measure the angular diameter distance and Hubble parameter at 2~<z~<4 using the standard ruler provided by baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO). The goal would be to obtain a high enough density of sources to probe the three-dimensional density field on the scale of the BAO feature. A percent-level measurement in this redshift range can almost double the Dark Energy Task Force Figure of Merit, relative to the case with only a similar precision measurement at z~1, if the Universe is not assumed to be flat. This improvement is greater than the one obtained by doubling the size of the z~1 survey, with Planck and a weak SDSS-like z=0.3 BAO measurement assumed in each case. Galaxy BAO surveys at z~1 may be able to make an effective LyaF measurement simultaneously at minimal added cost, because the required number density of quasars is relatively small. We discuss the constraining power as a function of area, magnitude limit (density of quasars), resolution, and signal-to-noise of the spectra. For example, a survey covering 2000 sq. deg. and achieving S/N=1.8 per Ang. at g=23 (~40 quasars per sq. deg.) with an R~>250 spectrograph is sufficient to measure both the radial and transverse oscillation scales to 1.4% from the LyaF (or better, if fainter magnitudes and possibly Lyman-break galaxies can be used). At fixed integration time and in the sky-noise-dominated limit, a wider, noisier survey is generally more efficient; the only fundamental upper limit on noise being the need to identify a quasar and find a redshift. Because the LyaF is much closer to linear and generally better understood than galaxies, systematic errors are even less likely to be a problem.Comment: 18 pages including 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Activating and inhibiting connections in biological network dynamics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many studies of biochemical networks have analyzed network topology. Such work has suggested that specific types of network wiring may increase network robustness and therefore confer a selective advantage. However, knowledge of network topology does not allow one to predict network dynamical behavior – for example, whether deleting a protein from a signaling network would maintain the network's dynamical behavior, or induce oscillations or chaos.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report that the balance between activating and inhibiting connections is important in determining whether network dynamics reach steady state or oscillate. We use a simple dynamical model of a network of interacting genes or proteins. Using the model, we study random networks, networks selected for robust dynamics, and examples of biological network topologies. The fraction of activating connections influences whether the network dynamics reach steady state or oscillate.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The activating fraction may predispose a network to oscillate or reach steady state, and neutral evolution or selection of this parameter may affect the behavior of biological networks. This principle may unify the dynamics of a wide range of cellular networks.</p> <p>Reviewers</p> <p>Reviewed by Sergei Maslov, Eugene Koonin, and Yu (Brandon) Xia (nominated by Mark Gerstein). For the full reviews, please go to the Reviewers' comments section.</p

    80MHz to 120 MHz Phase Locked Loop

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    Dynamic communities in multichannel data: An application to the foreign exchange market during the 2007--2008 credit crisis

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    We study the cluster dynamics of multichannel (multivariate) time series by representing their correlations as time-dependent networks and investigating the evolution of network communities. We employ a node-centric approach that allows us to track the effects of the community evolution on the functional roles of individual nodes without having to track entire communities. As an example, we consider a foreign exchange market network in which each node represents an exchange rate and each edge represents a time-dependent correlation between the rates. We study the period 2005-2008, which includes the recent credit and liquidity crisis. Using dynamical community detection, we find that exchange rates that are strongly attached to their community are persistently grouped with the same set of rates, whereas exchange rates that are important for the transfer of information tend to be positioned on the edges of communities. Our analysis successfully uncovers major trading changes that occurred in the market during the credit crisis.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Chao

    Designing Shared Decision-Making Interventions for Dissemination and Sustainment: Can Implementation Science Help Translate Shared Decision Making Into Routine Practice

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    Shared decision making (SDM) is not widely practiced in routine care due to a variety of organizational, provider, patient, and contextual factors. This article explores how implementation science-which encourages attention to the multilevel contextual factors that influence the adoption, implementation, and sustainment of health care practices-can provide useful insights for increasing SDM use in routine practice. We engaged with stakeholders representing different organizations and geographic locations over three phases: 1) multidisciplinary workgroup meeting comprising researchers and clinicians (n = 11); 2) survey among a purposive sample of 47 patient advocates, clinicians, health care system leaders, funders, policymakers, and researchers; and 3) working session among diverse stakeholders (n = 30). The workgroup meeting identified priorities for action and research, which included targeting multiple audiences and levels, shifting culture toward valuing and supporting SDM, and considering contextual factors influencing SDM implementation. Survey respondents provided recommendations for increasing adoption, implementation, and maintenance of SDM in practice including providing tools to support SDM, obtaining stakeholders\u27 involvement, and raising awareness of the importance of SDM. Stakeholders in the working session provided recommendations on the design of a guide for implementation of SDM in clinical settings, strategies to disseminate educational curricula on SDM, and strategies to influence policies to increase SDM use. These specific recommendations serve as a call to action to pursuing specific promising strategies aimed at increasing SDM use in practice and enhance understanding of the perspectives of diverse stakeholders at multiple levels from an implementation science perspective that appear fruitful for further study and application
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