7,207 research outputs found

    Impacts of pear thrips on a Pennsylvania sugarbush: Third year results

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    Pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), were first positively identified as causing damage to sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) in forest environments in the United States in 1980. Damage in Pennsylvania from this insect has occurred consistently since 1980, with the most extensive impact in 1988 (0.5 mfllon ha). Sap characteristics and crown condition were monitored for three years following a 1989 thrips attack in a Pennsylvania sugarbush on 56 trees representing a range of thrips damage. Heavy damage in 1989 was associated with increased crown transparency for two summers following the attack. Calculated syrup production was greatest in all years for trees with light damage and lowest for trees with heavy damage. Reduced syrup production in trees with heavy damage resulted from lower sap volume in all years and lower sap sugar concentration in 1990 and 1992 compared to trees with light damage. The results indicate that pear thrips damage in 1989 had a detrimental impact on sugar maple health and syrup production for three years following the attack

    Stability of Filters for the Navier-Stokes Equation

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    Data assimilation methodologies are designed to incorporate noisy observations of a physical system into an underlying model in order to infer the properties of the state of the system. Filters refer to a class of data assimilation algorithms designed to update the estimation of the state in a on-line fashion, as data is acquired sequentially. For linear problems subject to Gaussian noise filtering can be performed exactly using the Kalman filter. For nonlinear systems it can be approximated in a systematic way by particle filters. However in high dimensions these particle filtering methods can break down. Hence, for the large nonlinear systems arising in applications such as weather forecasting, various ad hoc filters are used, mostly based on making Gaussian approximations. The purpose of this work is to study the properties of these ad hoc filters, working in the context of the 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. By working in this infinite dimensional setting we provide an analysis which is useful for understanding high dimensional filtering, and is robust to mesh-refinement. We describe theoretical results showing that, in the small observational noise limit, the filters can be tuned to accurately track the signal itself (filter stability), provided the system is observed in a sufficiently large low dimensional space; roughly speaking this space should be large enough to contain the unstable modes of the linearized dynamics. Numerical results are given which illustrate the theory. In a simplified scenario we also derive, and study numerically, a stochastic PDE which determines filter stability in the limit of frequent observations, subject to large observational noise. The positive results herein concerning filter stability complement recent numerical studies which demonstrate that the ad hoc filters perform poorly in reproducing statistical variation about the true signal

    Navigation of a manned satellite supply vehicle back to earth

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1959.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 128-132).by James E. McCormick, John H. Axley, Forrest R. Hanvey.M.S

    An investigation into the effects of solvent content on the image quality and stability of ink jet digital prints under varied storage conditions

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    Increasing numbers of galleries, museums and archives are including ink jet printed materials into their collections, and therefore displays. There is evidence that the instability of these prints is such that images can suffer deterioration in print quality or in extreme cases, a loss of information over an extended period of time. This is shorter than the period typically required for perceptible deterioration to occur in many other paper-based artworks. The image stability of prints is affected by a number of factors some of which have already been studied. However the role played by the ink solvent in the loss of image quality has yet to be explored. This paper will outline research being undertaken to investigate the effects of solvent content which may increase/promote the loss in image quality of the hard copy prints when stored or displayed under a range of temperature and humidity conditions

    Bayesian Hyperbolic Multidimensional Scaling

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    Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a widely used approach to representing high-dimensional, dependent data. MDS works by assigning each observation a location on a low-dimensional geometric manifold, with distance on the manifold representing similarity. We propose a Bayesian approach to multidimensional scaling when the low-dimensional manifold is hyperbolic. Using hyperbolic space facilitates representing tree-like structures common in many settings (e.g. text or genetic data with hierarchical structure). A Bayesian approach provides regularization that minimizes the impact of measurement error in the observed data and assesses uncertainty. We also propose a case-control likelihood approximation that allows for efficient sampling from the posterior distribution in larger data settings, reducing computational complexity from approximately O(n2)O(n^2) to O(n)O(n). We evaluate the proposed method against state-of-the-art alternatives using simulations, canonical reference datasets, Indian village network data, and human gene expression data

    Relative influence of environmental factors on the timing and occurrence of multi-species coral reef fish aggregations

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    Reef configuration and hydrodynamics were identified as the principle physical drivers behind coral reef fish aggregations on a mid-shelf patch reef in the northern section of the Great Barrier Reef (-16.845°, 146.23°). The study was carried out over a six-year period at a large reef pass on the oceanic margin of the northern Great Barrier Reef. Over this period (February 2006 –December 2012) tidal state, moon phase and surface seawater temperature were monitored. The timing of sampling was organised to assess variation in physical environment at daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time scales. Over these time scales, temporal patterns of occurrence of 10 species of coral reef fish from 5 families representing 5 defined trophic groups were monitored. The study incorporated 1,357 underwater visual census counts involving 402,370 fish and these estimates were collated with data on tidal state, water temperature, lunar and seasonal periodicity. Aggregated boosted regression trees analysed the univariate responses of fish abundance and species richness to the variation in the physical environment of the reef pass. Flood tides or when water flows from open water through the pass and into the Moore Reef lagoon had 2.3 times as many fish and 1.75 times as many species compared to counts made on ebb tides. Fish abundance was highest in late winter and spring months (Austral calendar), but notably when water temperatures were below the long-term mean of 27°C. Multivariate regression trees and Dufrêne-Legendre indicator predicted 4 out of 10 times the occurrence of all 10 species at any temporal scale ranging from hours to years. Flood tides were the principle driver underlying the occurrence of all 10 species regardless of their trophic classification and produced distinct seasonal assemblages, indicative of fishes aggregating to forage and reproduce

    Effect of impurities and processing on silicon solar cells. Volume 1: Characterization methods for impurities in silicon and impurity effects data base

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    Two major topics are treated: methods to measure and evaluate impurity effects in silicon and comprehensive tabulations of data derived during the study. Discussions of deep level spectroscopy, detailed dark I-V measurements, recombination lifetime determination, scanned laser photo-response, conventional solar cell I-V techniques, and descriptions of silicon chemical analysis are presented and discussed. The tabulated data include lists of impurity segregation coefficients, ingot impurity analyses and estimated concentrations, typical deep level impurity spectra, photoconductive and open circuit decay lifetimes for individual metal-doped ingots, and a complete tabulation of the cell I-V characteristics of nearly 200 ingots

    1968 Ohio Farm Income

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    Dynamic Drilling Displays

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    Gas and oilwell drilling is a hazardous business which relies on human vigilance to detect a sudden influx of gas from the formation into the well bore, and human control activity to manage the migration of this gas bubble to the surface. The result of human error in either case can result in a blowout which can cause considerable damage to people, equipment and the environment.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline